Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon

Sagiri also decides to leave to watch over Gabimaru. Yuzuriha attacks Mu Dan with her ninjutsu but is unable to leave any lasting damage as he quickly regenerates. After finish questioning her, Gabimaru to an alliance with Yuzuriha, much to her delight to hear.

Yuzuriha then sees Gabimaru standing back up after injecting himself with Flower Tao from one of Mu Dan's plant stingers he had on hand, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. What was I expecting? Gore Anime Recommendations. Of course, all those people criticizing Jigokuraku are not necessarily wrong - the anime is neither the next Shawshank Redemption nor one of Christopher Nolan's mind-bending Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. A stinger from Mu Dan's corpse then targets Yuzuriha but the kunoichi is pushed out of the way by Senta.

Gabimaru helps lift Yuzuriha up in the air to avoid the spikes. Write review, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. She then comes by his side and helps him relieve his pain during his final moments. Gabimaru then points his weapon at Mei to see if she has regenerative abilities as well but is scolded by Yuzuriha and Sagiri. Mu Dan directs his attacks towards Yuzuriha to try to have her free him, however, refusing to give up, Yuzuriha pulls him down.

They've taken on so much that they have become a popular name amongst anime fans. Yuzuriha believed that there was nothing else she wanted and stated that she only came because she was feeling irritated rather than vengeful. She later falls asleep with Nurugai. Yuzuriha doesn't trust the tree monster but it persuades her by mentioning the bath in the village. Thank you for reading. Though he is disappointed, Ran says that the Rite of Just Consumption will have to continue, which is to capture all Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon the humans and serve them as sacrifices for the grandmaster.

Overall, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, Jigokuraku is not just a great anime, but I also believe it sets a standard for what other anime in the genre should aspire to be. Yuzuriha suggests that they use the same method Sagiri used to heal Gabimaru, however, Mei says that it won't work since she has very little Tao circulating in her. Jigokuraku 2nd Season.

Ran defends himself by forming spikes from the ground before Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon gets close to him. She manages to survive, which causes Mu Dan to notice that she can perceive Tao, though Yuzuriha didn't know what he was referring to since she knew it as "ki".

She then looks towards the giant golden heads in the area and wonders if the superiors will accept them instead of the elixir, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Edit Related Anime Adaptation:. Gabimaru states that in order to be with his wife he needed the full protection given by the pardon and survival wasn't enough.

The group becomes shocked to hear the Step dad fuck full movie eating pussy monster speak, asking them to not harm the girl. Shion explains the story fully and reveals that Shugen not only executed the yakuza group but also their families as well since they were connected to criminals. Hanamori, Yumiri Japanese. However, Gabimaru warns her to stop as Ran is about to enter his Kishikai state.

She manages to Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon Ran and comes in to finish him off. Yuzuriha and Senta then notices that Mu Dan's cut from Sagiri was not healing. Gabimaru asks for the kunoichi's support but is turned down after Yuzuriha reminds him of the deal to their partnership, which is that she provides him with information while he handles fighting their battles, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

He then offers to tell them about the elixir and guide them to the village. After getting a good idea of the situation, Yuzuriha is told by Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon that it was time to start their strategy, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Obviously, the convicts fight amongst each other, as only one can have this elixir to evade death. Yuzuriha informs Sagiri that Mu Dan is trying to avoid only her attacks, believing that her type of Tao is his weakness and thinks that it is possible to kill him.

Help improve our database by adding background information here. After All png local porn koap Mei confess that she wishes to see Jofuku and Rien before leaving, Gabimaru promises to have her see the two again. Not Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon after, Yuzuriha approaches Gabimaru after he runs into some trouble with the monsters of Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon island.

After Sagiri had woken up, Yuzuriha and the others hear Gabimaru's report on how he did not find anything in the forest that resembles the Elixir of Life as depicted in the illustration that was given for their mission. She also manages to charm his Asaemon monitor, Yamada Asaemon Genjiin to traveling with her and provide protection. He also explains his strategy of using their Tao attributes to hinder and defeat each member of Lord Tensen.

By the end, Yuzuriha becomes one of the ten criminals to survive and departed to the island with Yamada Asaemon Senta as her assigned monitor, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Once they gathered together, Yuzuriha draws everyone's attention towards Gabimaru's bad condition and suggest that Orgasms shaking orgasms treat him.

The group then moves on to hear Shion's plan of divide everyone into two teams, one finding Tan and the other finding an escape route off the island. After accepting the invitation, Yuzuriha was taken to Edo where she becomes grouped up with the other death row criminals who were also willing to take part in the expedition.

After confirming that Gabimaru has regained his memories and reviewing his experience with fighting Lord TensenYuzuriha thinks it would be a good idea to escape the island and try reasoning with the shogun. Yuzuriha refuses since she thinks it would be best to escape the island since the elixir does not exist. Gabimaru tells them that he knows that Yui is real based on his senses and goes further after Yuzuriha doubts him, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, causing her to find it odd that a ninja like him can talk about their weaknesses.

By the time the battle was over, Gabimaru and Sagiri meet up Yuzuriha and Senta as they are left in shocked to have come across a village in ruin, hinting to them that it is the place where the legendary Sennin reside. While the men and Nurugai help Gabimaru with his training at another location, Yuzuriha and Sagiri look after Mei who is feeling ill.

Yuzuriha jumps out of the way and has Senta receive the attack, thanking him in gratitude, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

More reviews by 3, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. The very first episode is already dumb, when the MCs changes his character abruptly by something he should have obviously known before, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, as you see Gabimaru started completely willing to die but no one could kill them because their methods were obviously bad, suddenly Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon the girl Sagiri talks a little to him he remembers that he Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon a wife and now wants to live.

The two then watch as Senta starts to bloom flowers from the top of his head and see Mu Dan transforming into a monster, causing Yuzuriha to look towards Sagiri in horror. After the Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon were over, Yuzuriha is placed in the Elixir Retrieval Team along with Sagiri and Gabimaru but complains.

Shion then pulls Yuzuriha Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon Gabimaru over to have them instruct the group in terms of espionage using Tao. Yuzuriha teaches her lesson on how mask one's presence through Tao while Gabimaru teaches Feral frwnzy group on how Tao is use physical. After waking up and showing signs that he was not himself, Sagiri reveals that Gabimaru has lost his memories because of losing to much Tao.

The group then watches as Sagiri restores Gabimaru's Tao by force. Gabimaru notices someone is watching them and chases after them, discovering that it was a little girl. After substituting her body with an Arborified tree, Yuzuriha attacks Mu Dan and presumably Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon him. Gabimaru Main. Sagiri suggests going after him, however, Yuzuriha refuses. Senta assists her but are unable to land a blow as he effortlessly dodges their attacks blinded.

However, Yuzuriha was offered by Yamada Asaemon Senta of the Yamada clan a chance to be pardon from her crimes if she were to complete a mission that required her to venture to an island that is said to possess the Elixir of Life and return back with it for the shogun to consume. The characters may initially appear as one-dimensional, but quickly undergo a captivating transformation, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, gaining depth and 6 yera boy sex as the story unfolds.

With that thought in mind, Yuzuriha also talks about the possibility of Gabimaru's wife not existing, which causes Sagiri to become frighten at the thought as Yuzuriha goes on to explain her theory.

Yuzuriha doesn't think it would be possible for him to know anything from her due Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon Mei's limited vocabulary, but is informed by Fuchi that he is able to translate her words.

After Senta and Sagiri present their analyses of the statues and monsters, the group decide to investigate further on the monsters after deducing that they may give clues to the existence Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon the Elixir of Life, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Read more. Yamada Asaemon, Shion Supporting. She then steps out into the open and releases a few of her mucus strings to try to pin him down. Yuzuriha and Gabimaru become overwhelmed by Ran's immense strength and are badly injured, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

Shion takes Yuzuriha's suggestion into consideration and gives everyone the option of either going their own way or follow him into the cave discuss their next plan together.

Furthermore, people died before we could even really have a chance to know them, and adding a sad backstory to Pad teens odia sex and make us feel emotions just felt like such a weak way for characterizing them, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Having favored this option, Yuzuriha agreed to participate. She explains that her body is imperfect and needs help healing.

Probably a series that is 50 yers milf to watch, sadly Jigokuraku is as uninteresting as they come, it is just another ugly edgy schlock that MAPPA vomited out just like Chainsaw Man was and just like the next season of Jujutsu Kaisen will surely be.

After Senta explains that teamwork would be the effective way of fighting the Tensen, Mu Dan seemingly vanishes and attempts to attack Sagiri. It was clearly the product of rushed production, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, as most episodes were outsourced to between ten and twenty different anime studios and animation directors, which signalled how poor the production schedule was. However, Ran deflects the weapon with his body, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, explaining that his body is covered in a strong Tao cloak.

He explains that Lord Tensen are seven immortal beings and also tells them about the Arborified humans. Poll: Jigokuraku Episode 3 Discussion 1 2 3 4 Add Detailed Info. Hearing this, Yuzuriha believes they won't stand a chance and that Gabimaru and Mei are already dead. While Sagiri and Nurugai decide to help Shion, Yuzuriha makes the decision to sit and rest, seeing as how she has little strength.

I mean, I guess the body horror where people are turned into flowers is not so commonly seen? Shion and Fuchi believes that it is Shugen and the other Asaemon who were sent as reinforcements by Eizen, along with another group of criminals.

He grabs Yuzuriha by the leg and swings her towards Senta, explaining that through Tao he can sense whatever is around him. He commands the Kyoshi to attack her but is protected by Senta.

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Ran tells him that with her deep wound she was not willing to sacrifice her remaining life with a Tao-enhanced attack. She then proceeded to use her ninjutsu to bring herself up to the roof of the castle where she could have full view of the fireworks being displayed at the castle town. I highly recommend it to anyone who seeks an enjoyable and unique viewing experience.

However, Sagiri tells Yuzuriha that she believes that they are still alive. Yuzuriha hears Sagiri talk about her experience with Tao and believes that she is also able to use it as well. She then jumps down with enough momentum and destroys Ran's tanden, killing the Tensen once and for all. He avoids Sagiri's attacks but Yuzuriha and Senta immobilizes him by cutting his right leg, causing him to receive multiple attacks from each of them.

She Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon sees Mei fall back exhausted and her turned into a branch. Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon the criminals was the infamous Gabimaru the Hollow who Yuzuriha is placed next to and recognizes right away, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

Yuzuriha agrees but also says that she cannot allow him to live and came to fulfill the task she was given. She then walks towards Sagiri to thank her for trying to protect her earlier and tells her that even though the elixir doesn't exist they should focus on staying alive and run. Knowing that their plan to avoid Lord Tensen has failed, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, the group moves on to their second plan of fighting against them, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

MAPPA, you just got to chill with the amount of projects you got. However, Yuzuriha refuses seeing as how Senta has no chance at recovering. After hearing his reason, Yuzuriha explains her earlier theory of his wife being an illusion. She then expresses her disappointment to Gabimaru on how a big shot shinobi like him got captured. Mei answers that they are possibly following the will of their creator, Jofuku. Nurugai tries to restore both Yuzuriha and Sagiri's strength by hugging Big ass mom in sleep, however, she still refuses to join the fight but helps coat them with her fluid to prevent them from being infected by the stingers.

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Yuzuriha tells her that she found Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon that Gabimaru was at the front gate and agrees to travel back. However, Yuzuriha sees through his technique and restrains him with her mucus strings. Gantetsusai suggests Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon they should have Mei depart alone without having to wait for the Elixir Team since she wishes to leave the island. Since she has the elemental advantage, Yuzuriha is told by Gabimaru to fight alongside him while Sagiri and Mei search for the elixir, much to her annoyance.

During this moment, Yuzuriha closed her eyes with a smile on her face as she thought about Saya's words to her to envision something beautiful, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Knowing that his Kishikai can only last for about half an hour, Gabimaru first throws a burst of fire towards Ran as to overstimulate him, robbing his sense of judgment and timing.

Ran's Kishikai mode finally comes to an end and gives them an opening to attack. Yamada Asaemon, Sagiri Main. More recommendations. While Gabimaru fights Ran, Yuzuriha sees an opening to attack and throws her Tao imbued Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. View All. More discussions. She determines that a certain amount of Tao is needed to defeat Mu Dan but wonders why his wound wasn't healing. However, Mei refuses and explains that she came to Daddy danks and baby goodbye.

Unanimously, everyone decides to follow Shion into the cave and work together. Wanting to escape enemy territory, the group relocates to a cave, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Hearing this, Yuzuriha and Sagiri become shock to hear that the elixir truly exists. Yuzuriha Supporting. And when the time comes where a little group of selected characters survive the dumb killings from the first part, they discover the way to fight the unkillable enemies they were facing because they just bullshited their way to their new powers unlocking Tao, and lacks a basic consistent power system that most action shonen series have.

Gabimaru uses his strategy of redirecting Ran's Tao and gives Yuzuriha an opening to attack. Yuzuriha gives her opinion on the matter and suggests finding a way off the island and go into hiding. The four then reunite with the others to discuss their next plan Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon action, however, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, Mei senses strong Tao that has landed on the island and was either coming from one person or from a group.

Takahashi, Rie Japanese. The monster attacks the two with stingers but are Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon by Yamada Asaemon Shion accompanied by Nurugai and takes their place in fighting the monster, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

He then uses his mouth tear out his hand from her grasp and sends out a Tao projectile towards her. There is this energy called Tao that some Eliannah yebeni within the island aled Tensen can use t and that makes them extremely powerful and unkillable and these unkillable person that can use it, they are what you can call the main villains, due to their Taos they are stronger than everyone and no one can Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon them in a battle, except Gabimaru, of course.

The story builds up tension steadily and effectively, with each plot shift either living up to or exceeding the viewers' expectations, and the bizarre setting and world-building brought to life by MAPPA's exceptional work only contribute to the whole magical experience that is Jigokuraku.

Therefore, if you are one of those pseudo-intellectuals who only enjoys watching galaxy-brain-teaser shows whose depth is solely based on conveying simple concepts and premises in an unnecessarily complicated way that makes Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon feel like a genius once you finally understand it, then you should probably skip this anime, for it will not cure your chronic insecurity or make The story is fast-paced, captivating, and most importantly unpredictable.

However, Sagiri sees that Yuzuriha's true intentions is to use the Asaemon as her alibi when she returns to the shogun. Gabimaru holds off Ran from recovering his lost Tao and gives Yuzuriha the opportunity to destroy his tanden, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. It more or less just felt like MAPPA gathering up all their buddies to finish their homework just as the teacher was coming to collect it every week, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Yanagihara pleaded for Yuzuriha to spare Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon life and promised to grant her anything in return.

After being given the rundown of the mission, Yuzuriha and the other criminals are ordered to start a massacre until only a remaining few were available to leave for Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon island. All reviews Damn, I did not think I would ever give another anime a score of 10, but here we are.

Overall, there is decent entertainment value to be seen here, but it could have been so much better with more time spent on production, and more showing instead of telling. Mixed Feelings.

Gabimaru Render

There is no need to spoon-feed the viewers every single narrative detail about what is going on, people can figure things out. The characters felt Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon at first, but slowly also devolved into being rather gimmicky or generic. After mourning Saya's death at her tombstone she placed next to their parents', Yuzuriha made a commitment to honor her late sister's wish to do as she pleased with her life. After burying his body, Yuzuriha listens to Sagiri's resolve to have both criminals and executioners return home.

After Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon battle ends, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, Yuzuriha sits down fully exhausted and warns Gabimaru about the Arborification eventually taking over his body.

Mu Dan escapes from the range of their attacks by using the Tao in the air to float and forms large Tao projectiles to have them rain down on the three. Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon then asks why Lord Tensen is trying to go far with the elixir if their prototype is working well.

Later, Yuzuriha single-handedly invaded Sagiwa Castle and clashed with the Kai chief. She becomes shocked as Gabimaru was willing to lose his humanity if it meant returning back to someone who may or may not Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. The show also touches on various far-eastern religious and philosophical concepts without wasting time with unnecessary details or trying too hard to impress the viewer by presenting things in an overcomplicated way, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

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The next day, Sagiri suggests going outside the gate and check to see of Gabimaru and others have arrived. After the fight, Yuzuriha hears Sagiri becoming upset that the Elixir of Pinay sex in the park doesn't exist and comments that they should move on and try to find another way to complete the mission.

Yuzuriha and Nurugai judges Gantetsusai after underestimating the strength of Lord Tensen and tells their experience with fighting one of them. Seeing as how she had potential, Mu Dan tells Yuzuriha that he will help teach her how to wield Tao properly in their fight. The three then watch in amazement by Shion handling himself well with Mu Dan but are shocked after witnessing flowers emerges from his wounds. After landing on the island, Yuzuriha makes a pact with one of the criminals Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon is competing with, Moro Makiyaand tricks him into being used as bait for the human-faced insects on the island in order to learn about their behavior, which ultimately leads to his death.

She then hears his report about the bloomed samurai he found in the forest and becomes disgusted with Gabimaru after he feed them kikatsugan that he made using what he could find on the island, only to be reassured that he did not use those plants specifically. The compositing was awful at some points, and characters went off model a lot.

The two then buy enough time for his Kishikai to end by attacking him with various ninjutsu techniques. Sagiri goes to Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon Senta and asks for Yuzuriha to provide more medicine. Feeling threaten, Gabimaru and Yuzuriha point their weapons towards him but assures them that he was only warning them.

Show less. This suffers the same syndrome these edgy series have always suffered, it kills character left and right without giving me a reason to care about them, this series killed so many of its characters in so many dumb ways and so quickly that I cannot remember their names. Historical Anime Recommendations, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. He then dodges an attack coming from a tree monster and leaves the rest to them while continuing his pursuit towards the girl, causing Yuzuriha to become annoyed.

Sagiri states that Shugen is a kind-hearted person and will provide help for them, however, Yuzuriha refers back to a story that made him infamous, which was the execution of the Silver Serpent yakuza group. The anime also does not make the same mistakes as other big shows like Game of Thrones or Attack on Titan by overhyping people through unnecessary foreshadowing and suspense that are bound to end in disappointment later on. During her final moments, Saya informed Yuzuriha that she was aware of her dangerous job to support her and Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon that she live her life freely now that she will no longer be around.

Shortly after, she warns the two about Mu Dan's corpse blooming. More reviews by Ionliosite2 Real estate lesbians Anime Recommendations. She then tries to persuade him into teaming up with her, explaining that the best strategy to finding the elixir is to gather allies and use one another until the end, given that only one Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon them can be rewarded with the elixir.

Gabimaru catches his attack but is unable to hold back the force behind it, causing his left shoulder to be split down and is thrown aside. Mu Dan regenerates Brit ney amber hand job his wounds and becomes impressed with her skills. More importantly, Jigokuraku features one of the best and most respectable female protagonists I have seen Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon anime so far, despite the fact that it takes place during the Edo period in a heavily patriarchal and androcentric society.

Gabimaru is the typical protagonist who starts out cold but ends up warming up to people and becomes more kind. Yuzuriha meets back with Gabimaru and Sagiri who have captured the little girl.

Shion comments that these feelings give prove that Gabimaru's wife may exist since his Tao was starting to grow from emotions.

Yuzuriha Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon Nurugai uses the time to happily change into some new clothes while Shion reviews what they know about Tao. Once the Elixir of Life was brought up, Yuzuriha tells them that according to Mu Dan, the elixir they were looking for would be of no use. He also reveals that the Elixir of Life doesn't exist and orders them to surrender seeing as how their سکس مامان پسرش has ended.

She then listens to Senta's observations of the religious attributes of the island and how the island's creator is planning something. However, he warns them of Lord Tensenimmortal beings that will not allow them to leave the island. Ran tries to convince Mei to return back to their side, revealing that they have finally completed the Elixir of Life. At some point after the invasion, Yuzuriha became caught by the authorities and was sentenced to death, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon.

This island looked very interesting and colourful, with some scary creatures around them, all around a very intriguing, perhaps a unique setting.

The two then join them on discussing the island and the elixir, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. However, she is caught by the man who is revealed to be one of Lord Tensen.

Nice 0, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. Yuzuriha senses that he was dangerous and attempts to flee. This Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon proof that Shugen will not think about providing help to the group since he despises criminals. After the group plans out their strategy, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, the Elixir Retrieval Team infiltrates the palace and Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon the Escape Route Securing Team that it was safe to enter.

Gabimaru explains his reasons and convinces Yuzuriha to fight alongside him despite her severe injury. Seeing as how Ran has them overpowered, Yuzuriha grabs Gabimaru tries to retreat, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, however, Ran instantly catches up to them from behind and attacks with a downward chop.

Gabimaru asks her whether she wanted that decision which Yuzuriha thought that he was directing the question towards herself. Fuchi steps in and agrees to make her medicine but demands that she tells him everything about Lord Tensen and herself. More reviews by Mcsuper Not Recommended. Kobayashi, Chiaki Japanese. Senta comes in to hold Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon down and have Sagiri cut straight through his abdomen, killing Mu Dan.

Yuzuriha then rejoices in their victory. After a few days passed, Yuzuriha sat by Saya bedside as she was slowly dying from her illness. Sagiri tries to convince her that she plans on having everyone, including her, return home safely and then questions whether Gabimaru managed to reach the gate before them.

While on its own this would be a cool concept, the fact that all the female characters were so sexualized, and somehow getting saved via princess carry, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, defying all logic of physics by the men just felt a bit hypocritical to the potential message the show was trying to convey, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon. The group then decides to take shelter after Gabimaru's Asaemon monitor, Yamada Asaemon SagiriYuzuriha jigokuraku icon unconscious.

Not wanting Senta to see her abilities, Yuzuriha knocks over his glasses and decides to test out her ninjutsu on the monster.

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Yuzuriha then becomes suspicious of Gabimaru and questions if he knew anything about the elixir. Sagiri then mentions Gabimaru's village chief as prove that the elixir does exist, Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon, but Yuzuriha talks about the possibility that the chief used an illusion, known as genjutsu, to fool everyone he knew into thinking that he was immortal.

There are two edgy brothers, one more edgy than the other and when more edgy they have less character. After they arrive Yuzuriha jigokuraku icon the village, Yuzuriha takes a bath with Sagiri who keeps watch while Senta is with Gabimaru.

Vidio for football hearing Gabimaru answering that he does not know anything beyond the drawing, Yuzuriha remains in doubt to this.