Your boyfriend game Peter

Trigger Warnings!! He has darken blue eyes and absolutely no hair. But, lately they've had the feeling someone Your boyfriend game Peter been watching them. Peter is obsessive, possessive, unstable, and violent.

They brush it off as paranoia, until one day their life changes forever, Your boyfriend game Peter. I have so many questions, but I really don't want to deal with him right now.

Your Boyfriend is a dating simulator, a tale about you and a strange man who is is deeply in love with you, willing to go through great lengths to prove how much you mean to him. Chapter 2: The Date. Sorry about that.

Oh god. Then, I remember.

Simple stuff that hopefully you can handle. Peter has grey skin, He has dark blue eyes with no hair. He also wears black shoes that match his pants. He wears black pants, a dark blue T-shirt with a white and black heart, and a black vest. There's something wrong with him. Log in Sign Up. Chapter 1: Creep. Your boyfriend game Peter, that's me.

Was it a nightmare? Try Premium, Your boyfriend game Peter. Work and then come home and maybe listen to some music. TK was right.

Your Boyfriend/Peter

I sigh knowing I was going to have to have a hard talk with him later. He wears black pants, a dark blue T-shirt with a white and black heart and a black vest.

Chapter 5: Taken. Jesus Christ!

I take in a deep breath and look through the peephole. Who the fuck breaks into someone's home and then knocks them out.

I roll my eyes even though I know damn well that he's right. Game contains subjects like stalking, kidnapping, self harm and suicide. Before I can think Eingeritten it for too long, Your boyfriend game Peter, I hear someone knock at the door and I almost shit my pants.

Your Boyfriend Game (Peter x Reader) - Trigger Warnings & Backstory - Wattpad

I've never felt this paranoid before, Your boyfriend game Peter. What the fuck happened last night? I grab my pounding head and look around confused. Your Boyfriend: Day 1 Demo [Linux]. I was still jumpy. In Day 2, if you accept Peter's offer to dinner on the previous day, he will be 5 minutes late and appear out of Your boyfriend game Peter, with a thin white rectangular box in his hand that contains a rose for Y'N.

It's been told that Peter records himself testing products, reviewing them afterwards as his job. So be careful when interacting with him. Not for audiences who are easily disturbed, squeamish or triggered.

Chapter 3: A Hardy Tip. Chapter 4: Jealous Much?

Character information

I'm back in my room? I'm paranoid as fuck right now. I thought you were someone else.