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Does every girl bleed the first time they have sex?

Popular Hospitals. Sex Transm Infect. Describes how important sexual performance was to her as a teenager. Open in new tab.

Talk with your partner beforehand and say that condoms are necessary, not optional, even if you also use another form of birth control. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. For instance, can having sex for the first time lead to pregnancy? If you are going to have sex, condoms are the best way to prevent pregnancy and STDs.

Can First-Time Sex Lead to Pregnancy?

KaestleChristine E. Correspondence to Christine E. Oxford Young girl frist time sex. ViewsMore metrics information. Advance article alerts. Sign In or Create an Account. Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. But because it is the first time, it may feel unfamiliar.

So it is a learning experience like anything else? Explains how media depiction of sex makes you think that it has to be amazing every time you do… Age at interview 20 Gender Female View profile. Value-added benefits. Highlight Posts.

Could I Get Pregnant the First Time I Have Sex? (for Teens) - Nemours KidsHealth

TABLE 2. Can I get pregnant after having sex for the first time or can I get pregnant if I only have sex once? Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. J Public Health Policy. J Sch Health.

Favorite Tools, Young girl frist time sex. The truth is that when a girl has sex without any safe method of contraception, there is a possibility of pregnancy whether a a couple is having sex for the first time or has had many previous encounters. J Infect Dis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. View transcript The accompanying video and audio clips are played by an actor I think girls feel like they have to have sex and do it well.

Fam Plann Perspect. J Adolesc Health. Humana Healthy Horizons in Ohio.

Am J Prev Med. Issue Section:. Find a doctor. Search Menu. Emerg Infect Dis. Sex Transm Dis. J Sex Res. Am J Sociol. Citing articles via Web of Science Use condoms.

Indicates that teenage boys and girls experience anxieties and concerns about performance and… Age at interview 21 Gender Female View profile. Age at interview 25 Gender Female View profile. But this is not accurate. Find your communities.

J Adolesc Health ; 31 : — Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Adolescent sexual behavior, drug use, and violence: increased reporting with computer survey technology.

Could I Get Pregnant the First Time I Have Sex? (for Teens) - Humana - Ohio

Advanced Search. Total ViewsEmail alerts Article activity alert. Carolyn T. William Young girl frist time sex. Carol A. Cite Cite Christine E.

Select Format Select format. Article Navigation. Join Us or Log In to join the discussion. Science ; : — An assessment of the effect of data collection setting on the prevalence of health risk behaviors among adolescents.

Abstract The authors examined the relation between age at first vaginal intercourse and a positive nucleic acid amplification test for sexually transmitted infection STI. TABLE 1. View transcript I was very scared. Find a doctor, hospital or pharmacy. Permissions Young girl frist time sex Permissions. Google Scholar. And even more worries and concerns. New issue alert. Volume Article Contents Abstract. Be the first to let Hello Doctor know your thoughts! Journal Article.

Explains that boys feel more under pressure to perform well. There are many potential risks if you do not know how to protect yourself.

Explains that her and her friends concerns and anxieties had to do with body image rather than… Age at interview 25 Gender Female View profile. Open in new tab Download slide, Young girl frist time sex.