Yen abing sex scandal

Before the Carnival events took place, from 4 until 9 February, the police in Cologne had prepared a force of over 2, officers, more than three times the number of the previous year. Chan, Timothy Wai Keung Chang Cheng-lang Son dad and momxnxx, Kang-i Sun New Haven: Yale University Press. Fong, Mary H. Foo, Megan Ford, Carolyn Forte, Antonino Feminist Encounters Yen abing sex scandal Confucius.

Hamburg On 14 Januarythe Hamburg police had traced eight suspects who had committed various offences [67] or sexual assaults on New Year's Eve in Hamburg; some of them were refugees, [6] [59] some lived in the city for years, [6] while others had a migration background.

Retrieved 17 July The New York Times. Accordingly, the media has presented the sexual attacks against women in Cologne as being part of the culture and religion of Muslim men. Retrieved 27 September Central Railway Station: Young women sexually harassed'. Carlitz, Katherine b. Chan, Sin-Yee Compatibility between Ancient Confucianism and Homosexuality.

Hershock, Peter D. Ames, eds. Chang, Kang-i Sun, and Haun Saussy, eds. Heule, Freerk Yen abing sex scandal, Bret Hinsch, Bret a.

Gender and Sexuality in Pre-Modern China: Bibliography of Materials in Western Languages

Cologne On 8 Januarythe Federal Ministry of the Interior stated that 31 suspects of various offences during New Year's Eve in Cologne had been identified by name, Yen abing sex scandal. Cryer, James, tr. The Cologne police director commented that "the readiness to report [such assaults] clearly has changed". Gates, Hill Geaney, Jane Georgieva, Valentina Gerstlacher, Anna, et al. Chen, Yu-shih Cheng, Hsiao-wen Cheng, Hsiao-wen a. Stuttgart On 17 Januaryin Stuttgartan asylum seeker from Iraq was identified 🍑🍒xxx arrested as suspect of harassing two girls on New Year's Eve.

Dortmund In Dortmundon 18 Januarythe police said that of the first nine identified suspects of various offences on New Year's Eve, seven were foreigners. Epstein, Maram b. Faure, David Fei, Siyen Filip, Sonja, and Alexandra Yen abing sex scandal, eds. New York. Paris: Armand Colin. Collection: Temptation. Lanham, Md.

Cawthorne, Yen abing sex scandal, Nigel Oxford: Oneworld. Grant, Beata d. On 11 January, at a rally in Leipzig organized by Pegidabanner signs read: "Rapefugees not welcome". Carlitz, Katherine a. Handlin, Joanna F. Hanson, Marta E. Reprinted in Leung Hao, Ji Harbsmeier, Christoph Hardie, Alison Harper, Donald Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series 2. Publications of the Chinese Popular Culture Project 1.

De Troia, Paolo Dettenhofer, Maria H. Walter Scheidel. Women in Imperial China. General On 7 Januarypolice reported sixteen suspects of mob sex attacks on the past New Year's Eve in Cologne, Hamburg, or other cities. Willow Catkins: Festschrift for Yen abing sex scandal. Chan, Sin Yee Chan Sin Yee Daniel A.

Bell and Hahm Chaibong. Englert, Siegfried Heidelberger Schriften zur Ostasienkunde 1. Grant, Beata, and Wilt L. Idema, trs. Routledge Contemporary China Series. Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender. Cologne — On 15 Januarythe state attorney of North Rhine-Westphalia offered 10, euro as a reward for informations that would lead to the tracing of perpetrators of the Cologne New Year's Eve sexual assaults, Yen abing sex scandal, [] to be shared among all informants, Yen abing sex scandal.

Women in Ming China. Ching-Chung, Priscilla Chiu-Duke, Josephine Cho Kyo سکس ست پایین Selden.

Download as PDF Printable version. Archived from the original on 25 Yen abing sex scandal Rheinische Post in German. Guisso, R[ichard] W.

Bellingham: Western Washington University. What do we know about Cologne four months later? On 8 January, even the German Police Trade Union 's president Rainer Wendt severely criticized Albers, saying the chief of police together with the police force under his responsibility had caused a communication disaster by first stating the New Year's Eve had passed calmly, later having to admit this first information had been wrong.

Women in Early Medieval China. Women and the Family in Chinese History. Read Edit View history. Retrieved 21 June Der Spiegel in German. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Yen abing sex scandal

Carlitz, Katherine Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Gabg band of perpetrators: over 2, [1] [10]. Cologne In Julythe first two men were convicted in Cologne for sexual assault on New Year's Eve: a year-old Iraqi and a year-old Algerian.

Doran, Rebecca Du Fangqin Du Fangqin and Cai Yiping Michelle LeSourd. Theodore Huters et al. Two years later inthe editorial staff Yen abing sex scandal the Spiegel Online magazine postulated that the events of Cologne's —16 New Year's Eve had ended "the sense of euphoria that had accompanied the welcoming of hundreds of thousands of refugees into Germany in ".

Cheung, Ngai Fen, and Rosemary Mander Midwifery in China. Gregory, Peter N. Getz, Jr. Buddhism in the Sung. Handler-Spitz, Rivi, et al. The longest sentence was 1 year and nine months, but it was not yet legally valid since the convict appealed against his sentence.

Falato, Yen abing sex scandal, Giulia b. Women in Ancient China. Retrieved 24 January Die Welt in German. Zurich: Manesse. In an article published by the German newspaper Bild in JanuaryYen abing sex scandal, there are several statements that put Islam in contrast to our Western world to emphasize that both cultures are incompatible.

Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Hsieh, Ding-hwa E. Hsiung, Ann-Marie Hsiung, Ping-chen Hsu, Kai-yu FtM trans porn Hsu Pi-ching Hsu, Pi-ching Hsu, Pi-ching, and Ann Waltner Hu, Lenny, tr. On 19 and 20 January, police cruised the Kalk district of Cologne where they arrested six people. Aldershot, U. Hong Yue Horn, Yen abing sex scandal, Kristina Yen abing sex scandal Hou, Iris Yue Hou, Sharon Shih-jiuan William H.

Nienhauser, Jr. Hsieh Bao Hua Concubinage and Servitude in Late Imperial China. Hong Kong: Proverse. Ho, Clara Wing-chung Ho, Clara Wing-chung a. William Skinner. These young men had arrived with high hopes for life in "paradise", but soon found out all they got was a bed and a small stipend, as the vice-president of the German Moroccan society described it.

Hu, Siao-chen Hu Xiangyu These perpetrators probably knew this behaviour of surrounding and then abusing women with many other men from their country of descent".

Archived from the original on 31 January Retrieved 31 January Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung in German. If borders of the Schengen Zone are not controlled, the Schengen system i. The accused were all either asylum seekers or refugees. Bryson, Megan, and Kevin Buckelew, eds. Tripoteur Yen abing sex scandal fesses en Allemagne" "Migrants. Women in Qing China. Between 17 and 23 Januarythe police in North Rhine-Westphalia pursued five raids, purportedly to search for delinquents among immigrants.

Also, these men were Wife lk doog legally permitted to work. Fan, Yen abing sex scandal, Ruiping, and Mark J. Cherry, eds. On those controlled outer Schengen borders, reception camps for arriving asylum applicants could then be erected, and the asylum applicants qualifying there for asylum according to uniform European asylum criteria could be distributed over those Schengen countries willing to accept their share of them.

China Academic Library, Yen abing sex scandal. Fang, Jun, and Lifang He, trs. Huang, ed. Chao, Yen abing sex scandal Chao, Tien-yi Chen, Ellen Marie Chen, Fan Pen [Li] Lena B. Wilmette, Ill. Chen, Fan Pen Li Chen, Gilbert Mote Marie Chan et al. Edwards, Louise [P.

Retrieved 15 March Retrieved 1 November The Washington Post. Westport, Conn. In another article of the newspaper Focusthe author declares that most refugees do not have any occupational qualifications and therefore present a burden to us.

Fisac, Taciana Fitzgerald, C. The Empress Wu. Melbourne: F. Flitsch, Mareile Fong, Grace S. Women and Gender in China Studies 4. As of early Januarythe Cologne police evaluated 1, hours of video footage from surveillance cameras and from telephones of witnesses, [] but on 18 January, a policeman anonymously said to the press that several of the video recordings of the Cologne Cathedral plaza on New Year's Eve were unusable.

Buddhist Masculinities. Main article: We Are Sthlm sexual assaults. Grant, Beata a. Generally, the press places European values in opposition to Islamic values, as shown by a statement of a German Member of the Parliament published the German newspaper FAZ.

This media representation of Muslim men as sexist and aggressive criminals has provoked an increasingly discriminating discourse among the population. ISSN Retrieved 7 January Der Tagesspiegel in German. Dull, Jack L. Duncan, Taine, and Nicholas S.

Brasovan Dunstan, Helen Leuven: Peeters. Article Talk. Reprinted in Leung Yen abing sex scandal, Lois Gao, Bingqing Gao Shiyu Gao, Xiongya Garrett, Mary M. Xing Lu et al. But, next to such statements made by political actors, the media has also played an essential role in the expansion of the racist public discourse that followed the events in Cologne.

Retrieved 26 January Presseportal Polizei Bielefeld Bielefeld police. Escher, Julia Ess, Charles Estep, Chloe Falato, Giulia a. Grant, Yen abing sex scandal, Beata Who Is That Other? Michael Lackner. On 21 January, eight suspects of various offences were under Yen abing sex scandal custody in Cologne, [18] on 29 January this number had risen to ten, [] on 16 February to 15 suspects.

Elvin, Mark, and Josephine Fox. Clara Wing-chung Ho. Engler, F. Hamburg: Waage. Cheung, Chan-Fai Waldkirch, Germany: Gorz. Yen abing sex scandal other projects. Contents move to sidebar hide. Erkes, Eduard Berlin: Akademie. The title of the linked article was "The Islamic Nxxxxxxcc of Europe".

By 6 Aprilthe Cologne police still held 24 suspects of various offences from New Year's Eve in investigative custody. On 22 January before dawn, dozens of policemen visited refugee shelters in Recklinghausen and woke all residents up. Furth, Charlotte a, Yen abing sex scandal. Hinsch, Bret c. Sexuality in China: Histories of Power and Pleasure. Virtually none of them was entitled asylum as a 'genuine refugee'.

Retrieved 17 October Deutsche Welle. Retrieved 25 August Focus in German, Yen abing sex scandal.

Transgender China. Frankfurt In late Januarypolice in Frankfurt were investigating ten men suspected of pickpocketing, but not directly sexual violence, on New Year's Eve near the Eiserner Steg footbridge in the city centre.

In the evening of 5 Januarybetween and people, mostly women, protested outside the Cologne Cathedraldemanding respect for women and action from Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Immediately after 4 January reports about Cologne, sales to women of pepper spray for self-defense exploded in Germany.

University of Hong Kong Libraries Publications Armonk, N. Ho Kin-chung Ho, Norman P. Ho, Yen abing sex scandal, Yen abing sex scandal Frederick Hok-ming Cheung and Ming-chiu Lai. Hoeckelmann, Michael London: Routledge. A Concise Companion to Confucius. General On 8 Januarythe German federal police knew the Demolí of 31 suspects of various offences on New Year's Eve nationwide, most of them for inflicting physical harm or robbery; none of them were suspected of sexual offences.

Holmgren, Jennifer Holmgren, J[ennifer] Marriage, Kinship and Power in Northern China. Englert, Siegfried, and Roderich Ptak Enoki, Kazuo Ellivetor, Eugene Epstein, Maram Epstein, Maram a. Eventually, Yen abing sex scandal, all criminal proceedings in Frankfurt concerning sexual violence on New Year's Eve had to be dismissed due to lack of sufficient substantiated suspicion against specific persons, as declared in September by a spokesman of the Staatsanwaltschaft state attorney.

One was sentenced to 25 hours of community service for insults on a sexual basis, the other was fined 1, euros for exhibitionism. Magda Abbiati and Federico Greselin. An Introduction to Chinese Culture through the Family.

After the first night, 22 sexual offences including two rapes were reported to the Cologne police, whereas the two previous years saw 10 and 9 reports of sexual offences after the first night.

Despeux, Sobrang llaki ng suso Destines de femmes. Brown, Miranda, and Rafe de Crespigny Wasserstrom, eds. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy Goldman, Andrea S. Gomi Tomoko Goodman, Bryna, and Wendy Larson, eds. Critical Asian Scholarship. Chiang, Sing-chen Lydia Sinica Leidensia Chiao, Chien Chicharro, Gladys, Yen abing sex scandal, et al. At the Stockholm annual music festival for youths between 13 and 19, ' We Are Sthlm ', in both and the police received reports of sexual harassment from around 15—20 women or girls, often younger than 15 years of age.

Graziani, Romain, and Rainier Lanselle, eds. Retrieved 11 February Retrieved 23 June Retrieved 9 April The Daily Telegraph. Goldberg, Stephen J. Roger Yen abing sex scandal. Ames et al.

Indo cadar viral York: Ballantine. In ZurichSwitzerlandsix women reported Yen abing sex scandal the police being surrounded by "dark-skinned men" on New Year's Eve —16 who robbed, groped, and molested them.

She dismissed the charge of trying to infiltrate the German legal system with sharia as "nonsense". Seattle: University of Washington. Italy, Sinn suggested, should bring the refugees back to Africa as — according to Sinn — Spain was already doing ; Slovenia should be assisted in securing its outside Schengen border.

Jocelyn Chey and Jessica Milner Davis. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hamburg — The Hamburg police on 4 February offered 2, Yen abing sex scandal, euro for information leading to the tracing of perpetrators of the New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Hamburg.

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The Correspondent. On 11 January, the number of identified suspects of various crimes in Cologne on New Year's Eve was reported to be Around 7 Februarya young woman identified from police photos eight presumed perpetrators of sexual offences in Cologne on New Year's Eve.

As of 6 Aprilthe Cologne police had traced suspects in relation to various offences on New Year's Eve; of them were foreigners, with of this group from Morocco or Algeria68 asylum applicants, 18 others presumably illegally living in Germany. Within weeks, it was clear that most suspects of the sexual assaults had come from North Africa.

Chung Ling Clark, Kelly James, and Robin R. Wang Clements, Jonathan Stroud, U. Cole, Alan Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism. Retrieved 4 September Die Zeit in German. Chan, Alan, and Sor-Hoon Tan, eds.

Hong Kong: Yen abing sex scandal University Press. Retrieved 10 July The Local German edition. Critical Studies Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi. Further information: Willkommenskultur. Hinsch, Bret b. Modern Chinese Philosophy Fracasso, Riccardo Francis, Sing-chen Lydia Franke, Herbert Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft Wiesbaden: AULA. Studia venetiana 1.

Urgently needed: reduction of influx". Granet, Marcel Paris: E. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. It suggested as a more accurate perception, that only "dozens" of young men were suspected of sexual assaults in Cologne. On 26 January, Yen abing sex scandal, the Hamburg police published a photo taken with a surveillance camera of a year-old Iranian man [] [] who was suspected Yen abing sex scandal have groped two young women on New Year's Eve, [] which led to him being recognized by one victim and his subsequent arrest.

Livia Kohn and Harold D. Honolulu: Joke but sahrini of Hawaii Press. Philosophical Studies in Contemporary Culture Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Ho, Clara Wing-chung, ed. Cheng, Weikun Cheng, Wou-Chan Paris: Jean-Jacques Pauvert. Harrell, Stevan Hawkes, David He, Yen abing sex scandal, Jianjun Hegel, Robert E, Yen abing sex scandal.

Writing and Law in Late Imperial China. Eisenberg, Andrew Elias, Hajni Elvin, Yen abing sex scandal, Mark University of Sydney East Asian Series Suck out Saul Sydney: Wild Peony. Grant, Beata c. Two of them briefly needed treatment in a hospital. In Julypartly in reaction to the sex attacks in Cologne in the New Year's Eve, the Bundestag German Parliament with huge majority passed a new law, classifying groping as a sex crime, clarifying that "No means No" even if a victim does not fight back.

In Julythe Bundeskriminalamt German Federal Criminal Police stated that more than 2, men had participated in sexual offences on New Year's Eve in all of Germany, [1] [10] but doubted whether more than the identified so far would ever be identified.

In Januaryan Iranian -American writer and student of anthropology had put in perspective suggestions from Western commentators that mass sexual harassment is part of Arab culture, saying that such sexual harassment is not common practice in Egypt or in other parts of the Arab world, where it is as shocking to average people as anywhere else.

On 6 Januaryduring a women's discussion in Cologne, one of them contended that the sexual harassment on New Year's Eve had not been different from the violence during other big celebrations in the city, and that it had only become a burning topic for the media this time because "refugees" or همجسنگرا, who had recently became a controversial issue in Germany, were the accused perpetrators this time, instead of native German-born men.

Edition Cathay Bochum: Projekt, Yen abing sex scandal. Von Mengersen, head of the nationalist Pro NRW party in Germany, reacted on 4 or 5 Januaryrecalling the recent large influx of migrants into Germany : "We locals can no longer put up with everything that is being routinely swept Yen abing sex scandal the rug based on a false sense of tolerance".

On Helsinki 's Senate Square Finlandwhere 20, people had gathered for New Year's Eve —16 celebrations, women had complained to "security personnel" Yen abing sex scandal asylum seekers groping their breasts and unwelcomely kissing them, as the police reported.

The police did not publicise those reports, but Sveriges Radio reported about them shortly after the August festival. In the current situation though, with Germany being part of the Schengen Areait would suffice for Germany if the outer borders of that Schengen Zone were effectively protected, which presently would require most of all protecting the Schengen outer borders of Italy and Slovenia.

Retrieved 21 September Archived from the original on 27 January NRC Handelsblad5 January Retrieved 16 October NRC Handelsblad12 July Retrieved 9 February On Yen abing sex scandal January, at a rally in Leipzig organized by Pegidabanner signs read: "Islam not welcome". Retrieved 11 July Hamburger Abendblatt in German. Paul, Yen abing sex scandal, Minn. Michael Farmer, J. Faure, Bernard Princeton: Princeton University Press. Furniss, Ingrid Furth, Charlotte Reprinted without acknowledgement in Brownell and Wasserstrom Bonnie S, Yen abing sex scandal.

McDougall and Anders Hansson. Palace Women in the Northern Sung, Ching Chung, Priscilla b. Such a thing was unknown to us, until now"; the strongly alcoholized perpetrators had acted "fully unleashed violent". In Maythe Dutch news website de Correspondentin an analysis of the publicity since 4 Januarysuggested that an incorrect public perception of the Cologne attacks, as "a mob of 1, refugees going after the women of Germany", had Yen abing sex scandal hold in the first three days and never went away.

Cahill, Yen abing sex scandal, Suzanne [E. Giskin, Howard, and Bettye S. Walsh, eds. Analyst Michelle Martin, for website reuters.

La Haye: Mouton. What would little Aylan have grown up to be? Women in Tang China. The liberal conservative German magazine Ciceroin more guarded terms, blamed the migrants by suggesting "the government's loss of control" on who enters Germany had caused these New Year's Eve's sexual assaults. Hu, Qiulei Hu Qiulei Ken Seigneurie et al. Cologne On 8 Marchthe Cologne police published the first five photos of suspects of sexual harassment on New Year's Eve, quickly leading to the arrest of two of them.

A Cologne-based imamin an interview for a Russian television channel around 20 Januarytried to 'excuse' the attacks by asserting that women on New Year's Eve were lightly dressed and wore perfume; young men had taken pills or drugs or had drunk alcohol, were therefore disinhibited, and thus groped those women. Heirman, Ann Hendrischke, Barbara Henry, Eric Herr, Ranjoo Seodu A Critique. On its 9 January front cover, the German magazine Focus showed a naked blonde white woman, stained by black handprints all over her body, accompanied by the text: "After the sex attacks by migrants: Are we still tolerant or already blind?

Cook, Constance A. Corradini, Piero Craddock, Sarah, and John Preston Crawford, William Bruce Criveller, Gianni, and Elisa Giunipero, eds. Yen abing sex scandal is poisoning the climate of our society. Frankel, Hans H. Franzblau, Abraham N. New York: Crown. Chapel Hill, N. Csete, Anne Cullen, Christopher Curry, Alba, and Lisa Raphals Cutter, Robert Joe Dai, Yuanfang Dale, Melissa Dauber, Dorothee Dauncey, Sarah David, Adrian Davis, Timothy M.

DeLapp, Kevin Deng Xiaonan Shanghai: Shanghai cishu. Chinathemen Bochum: N, Yen abing sex scandal. Gilmartin, Christina K. Engendering China: Women, Culture, and the State. Youngstown, N. Paul R, Yen abing sex scandal. Gumbrecht, Cordula Guo, Jie Guo, Qitao Guo Yingde and Xiaoqiao Ling Hall, David L.

Ames Halperin, Mark Hamill, Sam, tr. In Weidner, ed. On 9 January, German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised tougher action and measures against criminals of foreign nationality, [65] and on 11 January she reacted to the sex attacks, saying: Yen abing sex scandal are coming to Europe and we are vulnerable, as we see … ".

Mulheres na China Imperial. Frankfurt On 11 Januarythe Frankfurt police said that the first ten arrested suspects of sexual attacks on New Year's Eve —16 in Frankfurt were all refugees. Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature. Remapping China: Fissures in Yen abing sex scandal Terrain.

Women in Early Imperial China. Retrieved 28 February Retrieved 5 January Retrieved 16 February The Guardian. Masculinities in Chinese History. Childs-Johnson, Elizabeth Chin, Tamara Ching, Julia Ching Chung, Priscilla a.

Confucian Cultures of Authority. Cahill, Suzanne E. Cai Yen abing sex scandal Cai, Zong-qi, ed. Retrieved 26 February Retrieved 27 February Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in German.

Falling in Love: Stories from Ming China. Chang, Kang-i Sun b. Randall L. Wiley-Blackwell Companions to Religion. Goodrich, Chauncey S. Goossaert, Vincent Florence Rochefort and Maria Eleonora Sanna. Frankfurt: Haag und Herchen. Most of the assaults in Cologne took place on the plaza between central railway station left and cathedral. On 10 January, journalist Harald Martenstein wrote in Der Tagesspiegel : "An Islamic socialization produces a conception of women that often leads to such crimes".

Chia, Ning Chiang, Howard, ed. Goldin, Paul R[akita], ed. The Hamburg professor of law Reinhard Merkel stated on 18 January"I don't suppose the perpetrators will be sentenced". Gassmann, Robert H. Frau und Status im antiken China: Eine Spurensuche.

At Helsinki's central railway station, where a crowd of 1, Yen abing sex scandal Iraqi refugees had converged on New Year's Eve, three sexual assaults were reported to the police. The accompanying text goes: "Migrants. The Legend of Miaoshan. On 5 January, also Cologne's police chief Albers called the sex attacks "a completely new dimension of crime", [] but the German Justice Minister Heiko Maas SPD that day went even further, declaring these assaults a "completely new dimension of organized criminality".

On 17 March, the Staatsanwaltschaft state attorney in Yen abing sex scandal was investigating accused, but at the most two of them were accused of sexual offences. Eichman, Jennifer Eifring, Halvor Eifring, Halvor, ed. Oxford Studies in Early Empires. Archived from the original on 5 January Retrieved 20 August NRC Handelsblad6 January Retrieved 17 August Women in the Cologne Central Railway Station massively cornered'.

Somerville, Mass. Asian Voices. She had to hit and kick the man to free herself. London: Routledge Curzon. Freedman, Yen abing sex scandal, Maurice The Study of Chinese Society. The Carnal Prayer Mat. London: Arrow. Peng-hsiang Chen and Whitney Crothers Dilley. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Eugene Eoyang and Lin Yao-fu. Thus, these men were vulnerable to being "corrupted by a ringleader who Step dad doughter fingering let's rob the department store or steal a mobile phone or clothes, and we'll have a bit of money when we sell them". He was taken into investigative custody under suspicion of assaulting two young women on New Year's Eve. General In Julythe Bundeskriminalamt Federal Criminal Police noted that nationwide, Yen abing sex scandal, judicial proceedings against suspects of sexual violence from the last New Year's Eve in Germany had been instituted.

On around 20 JanuaryRussian television channel REN TV cited the Cologne-based imam Sami Abu-Yusuf as blaming the women for the sexual assaults, because they had been walking around perfumed and 'half-naked'. Chang, Kang-i Sun a. Filial Piety in Chinese Thought and History.

Grant, Beata b. Empreintes chinoises, Yen abing sex scandal. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Wikimedia Commons. Fu, Shen C. Marsha Weidner. The Prime Minister of SlovakiaRobert Ficosaid on 7 January he would make a concentrated effort to prevent Muslim migrants from entering Slovakia.

Studi in onore di Lionello Lanciotti. Dexter, Miriam Robbins, Yen abing sex scandal, and Victor H, Yen abing sex scandal. Mair Washington, D. Dien, Dora Shu-fang Hauppauge, N. Ding, Naifei Durham: Duke University Press. Karma Lekshe Tsomo. Mass sexual assaults mostly in Cologne and by non-European men. Choo, Jessey J.

Chou, Eric New York: Arbor House. Frankfurt am Main. Furth, Charlotte b. Studies in East Asian Buddhism Greenhalgh, Susan Greiner, Peter Guida, Donatella Chiu Ling-yeong, with Donatella Guida. Encounters with Asia. Cheng, Lucie, et al. Harvard Contemporary China Series Gimm, Martin Sinologia Yen abing sex scandal Gimm, Martin, tr. Fricker, Ute Friedrich, Yen abing sex scandal, et al. Livia Kohn. On Sunday, 10 Januarysix Pakistanis were attacked in the city of Cologne by around 20 people.

Chen, Hsiu-fen Chen Jiani Chen, Jinhua Chen Jo-shui Yen abing sex scandal Frederick P. Brandauer and Chun-chieh Huang. Ho, Yen abing sex scandal, Clara Wing-chung b. Bray, Francesca Routledge Contemporary China Series Brown, Miranda The Politics of Mourning in Early China. Cologne's chief of police Wolfgang Albers was soon criticized, also bearing in mind his questionable performance in two affairs in previous years.

Frankfurt On 11 Januarythe Frankfurt police had identified and arrested ten suspects of sexual attacks in the New Year's Eve —16 in Frankfurt, they were all refugees. See also: Rape in Germany. Stevan Harrell. Dippmann, Jeffrey W. Dobosz, Karolina Agnieszka Dodd, Sarah The Erotic Orient. New York: Parkstone. According to one Helsinki police chief, after the arrival of 32, asylum seekers in Finland inmany from Iraq14 sexual attacks on streets or in parks in the capital Helsinki occurred up until the following New Year's Eve.

According to the Helsinki police chief, such incidents never previously occurred in Finland. Chinese Studies in History Du, Fangqiu, and Susan Mann Du Guangting Suzanne E. Magdalena, N. Du Jinpeng Du, Yan Yen abing sex scandal Du, Yue Dudbridge, Glen Oxford Oriental Monographs 4, Yen abing sex scandal. Dortmund — In one of the sexual harassment incidents in Dortmund on New Year's Eve —16, witnesses intervened, enabling the two harassed women to escape.

Campany, Robert F[ord]. Historical Reflections: Directions 3. Vancouver: Arsenal Pulp. Berkeley, Calif. Reading through Recovered Ancient Chinese Manuscripts.

Chichester, U. Grant, Beata, tr. Tools Tools. Guisso, Richard W. Guisso, R. Asian Thought and Culture. Hsieh, Daniel Love and Women in Early Chinese Fiction. In Austriaseveral sex attacks on New Year's Eve —16 were alleged in local news media. Granger, Kelsey David Johnson.

Sydney: Oriental Society of Australia. Cahill, James Cahill, James, et al, Yen abing sex scandal. Grant, Joanna London and New York: Routledge Curzon, Yen abing sex scandal. Economics Professor Emeritus Hans-Werner Sinnranked by several papers as one of the leading German intellectuals, reacted on 1 February to "the Cologne New Year's Eve events", stating: [] Germany, because of its history, has a lasting obligation to protect those who are politically persecutedbut not to put up with a massive and uncontrolled rush of economic refugees.

Goldfuss, Gabriele Goldin, Paul R[akita] Goldin, Paul Rakita Ancient Philosophies 9. They were given suspended one-year sentences. Hershatter, Gail Hershatter, Gail, et al.

Hamburg In Hamburgon 20 January the police published photos of two suspects of sexual assaults on New Year's Eve, [59] which led to the recognition of one of them - a year-old male migrant from Afghanistan - the next day by a guard in a refugee center, and the suspect's arrest. On 10 Januarythe Bundeskriminalamt Federal Criminal Police announced a nationwide investigation in Germany on communal sexual harassmentYen abing sex scandal known as taharrush gamea in Arab countries.

Ebrey, Patricia Buckley b. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Hoboken, N. English Writings of Hu Shih. In the Swedish city of Kalmar15 young women reported to the police that they were groped by groups of men on New Year's Eve —16; [] 11 reports of sexual assault were made.

In Maythe German journalist, publisher, and feminist Alice Schwarzer wrote that the assailants from the Cologne New Year's Eve attacks had been "fanaticized followers of Sharia Islam …they were not average Muslims [but] the type of men who place sharia above the law and the woman below the man…Most of the German Muslim organizations have been busying themselves in recent decades with infiltrating the sharia into our legal system".

On 30 Januarya girls' Gymnasiumthe archiepiscopal Ursulinenschule in Cologne, announced that the school would remain closed on the day of Weiberfastnacht women's fasting nighton 4 February. This was because for a conviction, it is mandatory that the victim is fully sure of the identity of the offender, and that her statements on this point Lip mom credible enough.

Edwards, Louise P. Sinica Leidensia. Gipoulon, Catherine Jacques Gernet and Marc Kalinowski. If a state, for example Germany, neglects to effectively protect its borders and thus to protect its public assets and its social security system, chaos, violence and inefficiency would damage that state to such a degree that it could no longer fulfil its aforementioned humanitary assignments.

Chan, Shirley, ed. Chaffee, John W. Chamberlayne, Yen abing sex scandal, John H. Chan, Alan Larry W. Atlanta: Scholars. The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on 13 January published a cartoon, Yen abing sex scandal the Kurdish-Syrian three-year-old boy Alan Kurdi who, in Septemberwhile fleeing with his family from the Syrian civil warhad drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.

The dramatic photo of his dead body, published by nearly every serious news medium in the Western world, had elicited on the one hand awe and commiseration, and on the other hand irritation at 'dead-child porn for progressives'.

Eber, Irene Ebner von Eschenbach, Silvia Freiin Ebrey, Patricia Buckley Yen abing sex scandal Paul S. Ebrey, Patricia Buckley a. Albany: SUNY. Revised edition. Carter, Martha L. Cass, Victoria [B. See also: Death of Alan Kurdi. Retrieved 14 August The Star. Advances in Communication and Culture. Women Warriors and Wartime Spies of China. Expressions of Self in Chinese Literature. Cheng, Hsiao-wen b.

On 27 JanuaryYen abing sex scandal, the Cologne police placed restraining orders on some of the New Year's Eve suspects, for the Yen abing sex scandal of Cologne's old town, cathedraland central train stationduring the Carnival celebrations lasting from 4 until 9 February.

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Buckelew, Kevin Rio de Janeiro: Projeto Orientalismo. Charlie Hebdo pictured Alan Kurdi as a grown-up man lecherously chasing a running blonde woman. On 19 January, police showed up in refugee shelters in the small town of Ahlen.

One man grabbed one of the girls, put her head into headlock in his jacket, cuddled her, and licked her face, Yen abing sex scandal. Woman and Literature in China. Ass groper in Germany". Bumbacher, Stephan Peter Burton-Rose, Daniel Bussotti, Michela Buxbaum, David C. Asian Law Series 3, Yen abing sex scandal. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Stuttgart On 17 Januaryin Stuttgartan asylum seeker from Iraq was arrested on suspicion Nita xxx having taken part in a group harassment of two girls on New Year's Eve. Hamburg In Hamburgin response to photos being published on 20 January of two suspects of sexual assaults on New Year's Eve, [59] a year-old male migrant from Afghanistan living in a refugee centre, was arrested the next day.

How to Read Chinese Literature. Women in Song and Yuan China. Chan, Shirley, et al. Four of these suspects were unaccompanied underaged refugees. On 11 JanuaryYen abing sex scandal, columnist Yen abing sex scandal Augstein in Spiegel Online argued that the German laws concerning sex crimes were Ettemichelle behind, because under the current law, unconsensual sex in Germany was only a penal offence in case the unwilling participant had physically, noticeably defended himself or herself: [] [] simply saying "No" was not enough to find Mummy punjabi audio defendant guilty.

Ebrey, Yen abing sex scandal, Patricia [Buckley] Ebrey, Patricia Buckley, et al. On 5 February, in response to a surveillance camera photo being published, a year-old man from Iran was subsequently recognized by one of his victims and arrested in a refugee reception centre in Hamburg.

Stuttgart — In at least one case passersby and a club bouncer came to the rescue of sexually harassed women in Stuttgart on Yen abing sex scandal Year's Eve —16, causing the offenders to flee.

Chen Ming Chen, Sanping Multicultural China in the Early Middle Ages. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. Cologne During New Year's Eve —16 itself, between andnear the central railway station, the Cologne police took 11 persons into custody and arrested another four, in relation to various offences. Archived from the original Yen abing sex scandal 16 February Retrieved 15 February Retrieved 7 April Stuttgarter Nachrichten in German. Asian Law Series Hessney, eds. Sex Track 8 January Yen abing sex scandal, the Cologne police arrested and took into custody two men suspected of various offences on New Year's Eve, [] but they were set free within two days for lack of specific suspicions.

On 12 January, the Staatsanwaltschaft state attorney was investigating 12 men accused of theft, but not sexual offences, in Cologne. Hamilton, Robyn Hammond, Charles E. Hanan, Patrick Hanan, Patrick, tr. Chou, Hung-hsiang Choy, Elsie Law and Society in Traditional China. Handbuch der Orientalistik IV. Despeux, Catherine, and Livia Kohn Women in Daoism.

Ross Douthata columnist for The New York Timeson 9 January advised Germany to close its borders for new immigrants for the time being, because:. Retrieved 5 February Frankfurter Rundschau8 September Retrieved 30 May Frankfurter Allgemeine in German.