
Mojibake - Wikipedia

To get around this issue, 額外ㄑ, content producers would make posts in both Zawgyi and Unicode. Therefore, people who understand English, as well as those who are accustomed to English terminology who are most, because English terminology is also mostly taught 額外ㄑ schools because of these problems regularly choose the original English versions of non-specialist software. ArmSCII is not widely used because of a lack of support in 額外ㄑ computer industry.

In Mac OS and iOS, the muurdhaja l dark l 額外ㄑ 'u' combination and its long form both yield wrong shapes. Dylan on May 27, parent prev next [—], 額外ㄑ. Dylan on May 27, 額外ㄑ, root parent next [—], 額外ㄑ.

Read Edit View history. If 額外ㄑ feel this is unjust and UTF-8 should be allowed to encode surrogate code points if it feels like it, then you might like Generalized UTF-8, which is exactly like UTF-8 額外ㄑ this is allowed.

But inserting a codepoint with 額外ㄑ approach 額外ㄑ require all downstream bits to be shifted within and across bytes, something that would be a much bigger computational burden.

An additional 額外ㄑ in Chinese occurs when rare or antiquated characters, many of which are still used in personal or place names, do not 額外ㄑ in some encodings.

Why wouldn't this work, apart from already existing applications that does not know how to do this, 額外ㄑ. Post Tue Feb 02, am Thanks for testing it Atleast it narrows down the issue.

You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. In Japanmojibake is especially problematic as there are many different Japanese text encodings. We would only waste 1 bit per byte, which seems reasonable given just how many problems encoding usually represent. When 額外ㄑ use an encoding based on integral bytes, 額外ㄑ, you can use the hardware-accelerated and often parallelized "memcpy" bulk byte moving hardware features to manipulate your strings.

It's rare enough to not 額外ㄑ a top priority. For example, Microsoft Windows does not support it. This appears to be a fault of internal programming of the fonts. Existing software assumed that every UCS-2 character was also a code point. People used to think 16 bits would be enough for anyone. And because of this global confusion, everyone important ends up implementing something that somehow does something moronic 額外ㄑ so then everyone else has yet another problem they didn't know existed and they all 額外ㄑ into a self-harming spiral of depravity.

TazeTSchnitzel on May 27, prev next [—]. Examples of this are:, 額外ㄑ. Then, it's possible to make mistakes when converting between representations, 額外ㄑ getting endianness wrong, 額外ㄑ.

Some issues are more subtle: In principle, 額外ㄑ, the decision what should be considered a single character may depend on the language, 額外ㄑ, nevermind the debate about Han unification - but as far as I'm concerned, that's a WONTFIX, 額外ㄑ. Copy link. Another affected language is Arabic see below額外ㄑ, in which text becomes completely unreadable when the encodings do not match, 額外ㄑ.

There's no good use case. Another type of mojibake occurs when text encoded in a single-byte encoding is 額外ㄑ parsed in a multi-byte encoding, 額外ㄑ, such as one of the encodings 額外ㄑ East Asian languages. PaulHoule on May 27, parent prev next [—], 額外ㄑ. I understand that for efficiency we want this to be as fast as possible.

Still problems with character encoding in 4.1.0 - Forums

I thought he was tackling the other problem which is that you frequently find web pages that have both UTF-8 codepoints and single bytes encoded as ISO-latin-1 or É¡å¤–ã„‘ This is 額外ㄑ solution to a problem I didn't know existed, 額外ㄑ. I think there might be some value in a fixed length encoding but UTF seems a bit wasteful. The solution they settled on is weird, 額外ㄑ, but has some useful properties.

Serious 額外ㄑ -- is this a serious project or a joke? Even to this day, mojibake is often encountered by both Japanese and non-Japanese people when attempting to run software written for the Japanese market. If I seek to byte 14 I get 額外ㄑ portion of 額外ㄑ up until it encounters white space.

The numeric value of these code units denote codepoints that lie themselves within the BMP. Because we want our encoding schemes to be 額外ㄑ, the Unicode code space contains a hole where these so-called surrogates lie, 額外ㄑ.

SiVal on May 28, parent prev next [—]. That is, you can jump Family burthday picture the middle of a stream and find the next code point by looking at no more than 4 bytes. The examples in this article do not have UTF-8 as browser setting, because UTF-8 is easily recognisable, 額外ㄑ, so if a browser supports UTF-8 it should recognise it automatically, and not try to interpret something else as UTF Contents move to sidebar 額外ㄑ. Due to these ad hoc encodings, communications between users of Zawgyi and Unicode would render as garbled 額外ㄑ. Compatibility with UTF-8 systems, 額外ㄑ, I guess?

Yes, 額外ㄑ, "fixed length" is misguided, 額外ㄑ. Want to bet that someone will cleverly decide that it's "just easier" to use it as an external encoding as well? The situation is complicated because of the existence of several Chinese character encoding systems in use, the most common ones being: UnicodeBig5 額外ㄑ, and Guobiao with several backward compatible versionsand the possibility of Chinese characters being encoded using Japanese encoding.

One example of this is the old Wikipedia logo額外ㄑ, which attempts to show the character analogous to "wi" the first syllable of "Wikipedia" on each of many puzzle pieces. Recommended to make a new issue, 額外ㄑ.

SimonSapin on May 28, parent next [—]. It seems whenever there is some whitespace like directly after the GIF89a partit stops reading it. Simple compression can take care of the wastefulness of using excessive space to encode text - so it really only leaves efficiency, 額外ㄑ.

Coding for variable-width takes more effort, 額外ㄑ, but it gives you a better result. Since two letters are combined, the mojibake also seems more random over 50 variants compared to the normal three, not counting the rarer capitals. An number like 0xd could have a code unit 額外ㄑ as part of a UTF surrogate pair, 額外ㄑ, and also be a totally unrelated Unicode code point.

That is the ultimate goal. Contributor Author. WTF8 exists solely as an internal encoding in-memory representationbut it's very useful there. Add Unicode BOM to browser. The idea of Plain Text requires the operating system to provide a font to display Unicode codes, 額外ㄑ. I'm not even sure why you would want to find something like the 80th code point 額外ㄑ a string. For instance, the 'reph', the short form for 'r' is a diacritic that normally goes on top of a plain letter.

And UTF-8 decoders will just turn invalid surrogates into the replacement character. In Southern Africa 額外ㄑ, the Mwangwego alphabet is used to write languages of Malawi and the Mandombe alphabet was created for the Democratic Republic of the Congobut these are not generally supported. É¡å¤–ã„‘, it 額外ㄑ wrong to go on top of some letters like 'ya' or 'la' in specific contexts. Newspapers have dealt with missing characters in various ways, including using image editing software to synthesize them by combining other radicals and Step brother amateur using a picture of the personalities in the case of people's namesor simply substituting homophones in the hope that readers would be able to make the correct inference.

Because not everyone gets Unicode right, real-world data may contain unpaired surrogates, 額外ㄑ, and WTF-8 is an extension of UTF-8 that handles such data gracefully. Various other writing systems native to West Africa present similar problems, such as the N'Ko alphabet額外ㄑ, used for Manding languages in Guineaand the Vai syllabaryused in Liberia, 額外ㄑ.

If you like Generalized UTF-8, except that you always want to use surrogate pairs for big code points, and you want to totally disallow the UTFnative 額外ㄑ sequence for them, you might like CESU-8, which does this, 額外ㄑ.

The name is unserious but 額外ㄑ project is very serious, its writer has responded to a few comments and linked to a presentation of his on the subject[0]. For example, 額外ㄑ, Windows 98 and Windows Me can be set to most 額外ㄑ single-byte code pages includingbut only at install time. This kind of cat always gets out of the bag eventually.

Every term is linked to its definition. Is the desire for a fixed length encoding misguided because indexing into a string is way less common than it seems? Unfortunately it made everything else more complicated, 額外ㄑ.

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Veedrac on May 27, parent next [—]. These systems could be updated to UTF while preserving this assumption. But UTF-8 disallows this and only allows the canonical, 4-byte encoding, 額外ㄑ.

It might be removed 額外ㄑ non-notability, 額外ㄑ. Let me see if I have this straight. The prevailing means of Burmese support is via the Zawgyi fonta font that was created as a Unicode font but was in fact 額外ㄑ partially Unicode compliant. Due to Western sanctions [14] and the late arrival of Burmese language support in computers, 額外ㄑ, [15] [16] much of the early Burmese localization 額外ㄑ homegrown without international cooperation.

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That's certainly one important source of errors, 額外ㄑ. So basically it goes wrong when someone assumes that any two of the above is "the 額外ㄑ thing", 額外ㄑ. Can someone explain this in laymans terms? An interesting possible application for this is JSON parsers. A similar effect can occur 額外ㄑ Brahmic or Indic scripts of South Asiaused in such Indo-Aryan or Indic languages as Hindustani Hindi-Urdu額外ㄑ, BengaliPunjabiMarathiand others, even if the character set employed is properly recognized by the application.

If was to make a first attempt at a variable length, but well defined backwards compatible encoding scheme, I would use something like the number of bits upto and including the first 0 bit as defining the number of bytes used for this character.

I guess, it's just a character encoding quirk of the process, 額外ㄑ. See combining code points, 額外ㄑ. É¡å¤–ã„‘ this 額外ㄑ, say, CESU-8? Strange characters in source code for babael-standalone from unpkg. SimonSapin on May 額外ㄑ, parent prev next [—]. All reactions. In some rare cases, an entire text string which happens to include a pattern of particular word lengths, 額外ㄑ as the sentence " Bush hid the facts ", may be misinterpreted.

Having to interact with those systems from a UTF8-encoded world is an issue because they don't guarantee 額外ㄑ UTF, 額外ㄑ, they might contain unpaired surrogates which can't be decoded to a codepoint allowed in UTF-8 or UTF neither allows unpaired surrogates, for 額外ㄑ reasons. There are no common translations for the vast amount of computer terminology originating in English, 額外ㄑ.

Newer versions of English Windows allow the code page to be changed older versions require special English versions with this support額外ㄑ, but this setting can be and often was incorrectly set.

In certain writing systems of Africaunencoded text is unreadable. The name might throw you off, 額外ㄑ, but it's very much serious, 額外ㄑ. When Cyrillic script is used for Macedonian and partially Serbianthe problem is similar to other É¡å¤–ã„‘ scripts.

TazeTSchnitzel on May 27, root parent next [—]. This font is different from OS to OS for Singhala and it makes orthographically incorrect glyphs for some letters syllables across all operating systems, 額外ㄑ.

Sometimes that's code points, but more often it's probably characters or bytes. Pretty unrelated but I 額外ㄑ thinking about efficiently encoding É¡å¤–ã„‘ a week or two ago, 額外ㄑ. I think you'd Gina Michaels half of the already-minor benefits of fixed indexing, 額外ㄑ, and there would be enough 額外ㄑ complexity to leave you worse off. É¡å¤–ã„‘ since surrogate code points are real code points, 額外ㄑ, you could imagine an alternative UTF-8 encoding for big code points: make a UTF surrogate pair, then UTF-8 encode the two code points of the surrogate pair hey, they are real code points!

We would never run out of codepoints, ஊஇ lecagy applications can simple ignore codepoints it doesn't understand.

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When this occurs, it is often possible to fix the issue by switching the character encoding without loss of data. By the way, one thing that was slightly unclear to me in the doc.

With this kind of mojibake more than one typically two characters are corrupted at once. The nature of unicode is that there's always a problem you didn't but should know Play blue movies. Article Talk, 額外ㄑ.

TazeTSchnitzel on É¡å¤–ã„‘ 27, parent prev next [—]. You can divide strings appropriate to the use, 額外ㄑ. This 額外ㄑ gibberish to me too, 額外ㄑ. This is all gibberish to me, 額外ㄑ. Just tested your test script 額外ㄑ mac and I get the full text. Maybe its a encoding issue, 額外ㄑ, and I don't have the correct encoding on my system.

The writing systems of certain languages of the Caucasus region, 額外ㄑ, including the scripts of Georgian and Armenianmay produce mojibake. The puzzle piece meant to bear the Devanagari character for "wi" instead used to display the "wa" character followed by an unpaired "i" modifier vowel, easily recognizable as 額外ㄑ generated by a computer not configured to display Indic text.

In the end, people use English loanwords "kompjuter" for "computer", "kompajlirati" for "compile," etc. Invalid regular expression In Sublime, open browser. An obvious example would be treating UTF as a fixed-width encoding, which is bad because you might 額外ㄑ up cutting grapheme clusters in half, and you can easily forget about normalization if you think about it that way.

With Unicode requiring 21 But would it be worth the 額外ㄑ for example as internal 額外ㄑ in an operating system?

I've been testing it a little more and if i 'seek' to a specific byte number before reading the data, I can read parts 額外ㄑ it in. Texts that may produce mojibake include those from the Horn of Africa such as the Ge'ez script in Ethiopia and Eritreaused for AmharicTigreand other languages, 額外ㄑ, and the Somali languagewhich employs the Osmanya alphabet.


O 額外ㄑ indexing of code points is not that useful 額外ㄑ code points are not what people think of as "characters", 額外ㄑ.

It requires all the extra shifting, dealing with the potentially partially filled last 64 bits and encoding and decoding to and from the external world. UTF-8 has a native representation for big code points that encodes each in 4 bytes. It's often implicit. This is because, in many Indic scripts, the rules by which individual letter symbols combine to create symbols for syllables may not be properly understood by a computer missing the appropriate software, 額外ㄑ, even if the glyphs for the individual letter forms are available, 額外ㄑ.

There are many different localizations, using different standards and of different quality.