Xxxxx bar

X-ray of fingers, minimum of 2 views.

Pregnancy test, urine. Disclaimer The average cost data on CompareMaine does not represent what an individual will pay for any given procedure. Cervical biopsy Colposcopy. Abdominal ultrasound of pregnant uterus, less than 14 weeks, single or first Xxxxx bar. Show Map View on Google Maps. Mount Desert Island Hospital, Xxxxx bar.

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X-ray of ankle, 2 views. Blood test for folic acid level. X-ray of ankle, minimum of 3 views. Xxxxx bar of head and neck. Transvaginal ultrasound. Ultrasound of retroperitoneal organs, behind the abdomen complete.

More information on CompareMaine Agree Disagree, return home. MRI scan of brain, with and without contrast, Xxxxx bar. X-ray of knee, Xxxxx bar, 4 or more views. Nuclear medicine study of heart Xxxxx bar using drugs or exercise, multiple studies. MRI scan of leg joint. Read more about the data and the methodology Quality Measures Except for Patient Survey results, which is displayed on a five-bar scale, the quality data on CompareMaine are displayed using a three-bar icon.

Ultrasound of pelvis. X-ray of shoulder, minimum of 2 views. X-ray of hand, 2 views. X-ray of foot, minimum of 3 views. X-ray Xxxxx bar hip with pelvis, 2 or 3 views. Ultrasound of single breast. X-ray of lower back, minimum of 4 views.

JEX Bar-xxxxx集团

MRI scan of arm joint. MRI scan of upper spinal canal. X-ray of chest, 2 views. Printer Friendly Version, Xxxxx bar. X-ray of middle spine, 2 views. MRI scan of lower spinal canal.

Preventing Falls with Injury uses data that Xxxxx bar hospitals have submitted to the Maine Health Data Organization for the reporting period October 1, — September 30, Preventing Pressure Ulcers uses data that Maine hospitals have submitted to the Maine Health Data Organization for the reporting period October 1, — September 30, Once every three months, hospitals perform a thorough skin examination of every patient in each adult inpatient acute care unit.

X-ray of chest, 1 view. Screening mammogram, including computer-aided detection, Xxxxx bar, both breasts.

MRI scan of brain. Ultrasound of abdomen complete. Ultrasound of abdomen limited area. MRI scan of pelvis. X-ray of Xxxxx bar, minimum of 3 views, Xxxxx bar. Diagnostic mammogram, including computer-aided detection, single breast. X-ray of lower and sacral spine, 2 or 3 views.

Xxxxx bar

X-ray of knee, 3 views. X-ray of abdomen, 1 view. Bone density test of spine or hips using dedicated X-ray machine. Abdominal ultrasound of pregnant uterus, Xxxxx bar, greater than or equal to 14 weeks, single or first fetus. MRI scan of abdomen, with and without contrast. Biopsy of uterine Xxxxx bar.

X-ray of knee, 1 or 2 views.