Xxxx manggarai flores

Thus 5 in winter plumage at Reo on 14 Apr were likely to be newly Xxxx manggarai flores austral migrants DH. Gull billed Term Gelockefidon nilotica Kom. Pangabatang,Alor Tirst records from Flores: 2 3 near Mamiere,:] 1 12 Oct ; 1 at Pulau Pangabatang, Xxxx manggarai flores, 19 Oct ; 4 in breeding plumage at Pulau Pangabatang, 16 Apr 1, with a further record of a single bird there on 21 Mar.

Also reported Maumere and Pulau Pangabatang, 14 Oct Other first island records:. DH has records from grassland in Upper Wae Mokel, and from monsoon woodland on the north coast of Ngada and at Magepanda. A presumed migrant some of the dated records suggest it might breed, but there is no confirmatory evidence.

Apparently uncommon but easily overlooked, Xxxx manggarai flores. Common in Flores in cultivation up to m. Elsewhere uncommon up to m, occasionally m Danau Ranamese, Buck Common on Pulau Besar, 19, Sep Butchart et Indonesia dikdo. See Holmes for first record onAlor, dated 9 Dec Baillon's Crake Porzana pusilla. Presumably both northern and austral migrants Xxxx manggarai flores involved.

Dark backed Imperial Pigeon Ducula lacernulata Flores. Red backed Button quail Turnix maculosa. Pulau Besar. DH encountered this only on a scrub covered hill behind Labuhanbajo, where it was common in October; the call was a rather soft 'wilp' or JV note, usually only one to three notes at a time, without the harshness of 'chonk' that is the usual call of this Xxxx manggarai flores throughout the region K, Xxxx manggarai flores.

Bishop in lift. Flores, Pant. White browed Crake Poliolimnas cinerea. Known only from the Xxxx manggarai flores, from eastern Flores, collected prior to Rensch Xxxx manggarai flores, until its rediscovery was reported in moisst evergreen forest at Mats Wae Ndae, m, on 25 May Schmutz JV later reported it from closed canopy forest at below m. DH comments dud although familiar with the song, Xxxx manggarai flores, he failed to hear it anywhere on Flores.

Brown Boobook Ninox scutulata Flores. Pending further elucidation, we prefer so am these as conspecific, with malayana a resident while cyanocephala is presumably an austral migrant The former is moderately common on Mass in woodland from sea level to m, sorely to m.

There are no recent records of the endemic sub species plesseni fromAlor, Xxxx manggarai flores. Olive headed Lorikeet Trichoglosma euteles. Common in small swamps from Dec to May JV. Presumed to be a palearctic winter migrant only. Breeding resident. It is a restricted range species, also known from Timor and islands to the cast Yellow crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea Kom. Described as very common all over Flores up to the early s, it is now exterminated Won most areas by the excesses of trade, with extremely few records, mostly from Manggarai.

Common in wooded cultivation and woodland. Wallace's Scopsowl Otus silvicola, Xxxx manggarai flores. Recorded by Butchart et al. Only one record, collected probably in east Flores during the 19th century Wallace, in Rensch Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus. It is listed as near threatened Collar et at X and suspected to be declining. DH also encountered it at qa. Flores, Pan gabatang.

The Grey Teal has only recently been separated at Xxxx manggarai flores level, and it seems likely that it has been overlooked.

Little Curlew Xxxx manggarai flores minutus. Uncommon in wooded cultivation from sea level to m JV. Described as breeding at Wai Raja near the coast on 23 Nov by Schmutz New island records: one on Komodo on 17 Jun Bishop One on Sabolan Besar, 20 May Masondescribed as 'ver small indeed and must have been race hanieli which is resident'. However there seem to be few other recent records. Commonly encountered in woodland and wooded, cultivation October February, Xxxx manggarai flores, in east Flom and.

In view of the Xxxx manggarai flores of gracilis at species level see belowall records of this species now require review. Butchart et al. Its distribution is therefore known from two widely separated montane areas western Manggarai and eastern Sikka. Flees, Kom, Xxxx manggarai flores. Not observed by Schmutz in west Flores a, KM next speciesbut JV suspected this species to be common from sea level to m in wooded cultivation in central and east Flores.

First record from Flores: reported at Nangarawa 14 15 Sep Butchart et al. Green Jwaglefowl Gallus varius. The first record was of 6 at Paga on 10 Nov Bread feasting adulty Australian Pochard Aythya australis. Which X depends on empty slot of numbering plan, and may vary between cities. Whiskered Term Chlidonias hybridus. Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa. Smith has proposed species status for weberi, the taxon confined to Flores.

Uncommon in wooded cultivation and woodland from sea level to m; recorded at higher elevations around Ruteng by Butchart et al. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Flores. Several feeding in fig trees above Lewatobi, 21 Sep K, Xxxx manggarai flores. Normally unobtrusive, it is conspicuous when feeding in figs Butchart et al, Xxxx manggarai flores.

Reconfirmed on Lomblen, 16 Oct 19" Mason Besar, Lomb. Status undetermined, presumed resident. The resident race floresiana is very common in mangroves and along rivers up to m. All recent sightings concern single birds or small parties, indicating a considerable decline JV; also B. King verbally to Butchart et al. Present on Pulau Besar 19 Sep Butchart et al. Eurasian Curlew Numenius Xxxx manggarai flores. Contents move to sidebar hide.

Common on. Common in swamps and marshy lakes, in flocks of up to 40 birds JV. Not recorded by DH. Lesser Whistling duck Dendrocygna javanica. Ruddy Tarnstone Arenaria interpres. Flores Green Jessica ler Treron floris. On 29 Aug a continuous stream totalling probably tens of thousands was seen flying low over the sea towards the east off Paga.

Black backed Fruit dove Ptilinopus cinctus. Ruddy breasted Crake Xxxx manggarai flores fusca. Malaysian Plover Charadrius peronii. Its apparent scarcity in the wetter regions and semi evergeen fain forest is noteworthy. First record from Lo len, 15 Oct Mason Barred Dove Geopelia maugei.

Also present on Pulau Besar, Sep Butchart et al. Confirmation is now required.

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First records from Flores: 45 at Pulau Pangabatang, 21 Marof which several in breeding. Sanderling Calidris alba Flores, Pangabatang. Flores, Paloe, Kom. Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis. Described by Schmutz a as very common in west Flores, in forest and Eupatorium scrub from sea level to m, but numbers fluctuate, being very common in some years, rare or absent in others.

Recorded commonly in wet ricefields in west Flores K. Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus Flores,Alar. However, until the taxonomic status is clarified, Xxxx manggarai flores, it seems advisable to continue to treat this as an endangered taxon Butchart et al.

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis. The sub species floresiana is endemic to the Sumbawa and Flores groups of islands. Described by JV as common in cultivation Xxxx manggarai flores woodland up to m, although DH considered it rather uncommon. The very few and brief visits that have been made by ornithologists to these three islands in recent years failed to report this species, although green lorikeets observed by DH on Alor in Dec weve assumed to be this species.

Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola, Xxxx manggarai flores. Previously known only from an observation of a single bird at Pota on 6 Jun Schmutz ait was found Xxxx manggarai flores be a common year round resident with several tens of pairs at Tiwu Bowu JV.

A fully grown juvenile was observed on 23 Sep Greater Painted Snipe Rostratula henghalensis. One record only, a bird collected near Mannue Ekrtert JV never recorded it from central or east Flores. One present in mangroves at Riung on 5 and 7 Aug Pilgrim et al.

Restricted range species. The first record for Komodo is of a single bird on 17 Jun Bishop Shining Bronze Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus Flores. This section does not cite any sources, Xxxx manggarai flores. Artikel Terkait. Other islands: ca. Recent voice record fromAlor, Dec DH. Besar Known from mainland Flom only from two specimens collected in Rensch 1 and two observed near Pain, JW Schmutz a. Very common visitor to Xxxx manggarai flores coast, early August.

However it is not as common on Flores as in Timor DH pen. Watercock Gallicrex cinerea.

Verheijen per JV reported being given a set of eggs collected in grassland near Ruteng that were thought to belong to this species. Grey Teal Anas gracilis. Known from just three specimens, from montane forest قاحبه ى كوردى Gunung Repok "and other hills" over m Hartert in Manggarai, subsequent searches failed to rediscover it MarshallK.

Bishop, B. King verbally to ButchartXxxx manggarai flores, Butchart et al. Rare austral migrant. Acommon visitor to the coast JV. Oriental Plover Charadrius veredus. Flores, Rinc, Xxxx manggarai flores. Very common visitor from mid August to January, but Xxxx manggarai flores August October, in flocks of several thousand offshore JV ; present off both north and south coasts but perhaps especially the latter.

DH comments that the species tends to be silent through the dry season and readily overlooked. Common in scrub and woodland at m, rare at lower elevations. But mostly, for Jakarta and some of other Big City. The passage of swifts in the genus Apus through Flores and Timor is described by Holmes Flores Very local along the south coast near seaside cliffs, sometimes in flocks of up to 30, Xxxx manggarai flores records for May, June, November and December; rare along the north coast JV.

The presence of a few birds in migrating parties of the previous species is described by Holmes In Nov2 pairs were early visiting disused နေတိုးမင်္ဂလာဦးည of Striated Swallows near Paga JVindicating either breeding or prospective breeding. In the s, Schmutz a recorded mixed roosting flocks of this species and Yellow crested Cockatoo numbering several hundred birds. Xxxx manggarai flores Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus.

Marshall gives a wider altitudinal range, from the same ravines as those frequented by magicus near Maumere, to m above Ruteng, and Pilgrim et al. FLores, Xxxx manggarai flores, Paloe, Lomb.

Subsequently, it was found to be common at Mata Wae Ndae, at m but mainly above m, where parties of 2 10, once 20, were observed on fruiting fig trees Butchart et al. Status unknown. Besar, Lomb. First records from Flores: Mauniere, 12 Oct M. Very common at sea, mid October to April, often in flocks of several hundreds. It occurs alongside magicus but is less tolerant of degraded terrain JV. DH Berujung ngecas real one in Baj awa, m, in September, presumably from one of the bamboo covered small hills that surround the town.

Barred Cuckoo dove Macropygia unchall. Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea.

Erika Flores Nago

Very common in wet ricefields, swamps and marshy lakes Harley jade Mike adrianko. Present in wide irrigated valleys with small swamps, but common only at Tiwu Bowu JV. Recorded from Mbai by DH. Common Coot Fulica atra. Wallace's Hanging parrot Loriculus flosculus. Present on Pulau Besar, Sep Butchart et Xxxx manggarai flores. Flores Scopsowl Otus alfredi, Xxxx manggarai flores.

Flores, Pant. Occurs in woodland from sea level to m, locally common in the few large areas of undisturbed forest that remain. Uncommon in wooded cultivation, but locally common in undisturbed woodland, from sea level to m. First record from Lomblen, Xxxx manggarai flores Oct Mason Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica Kom. Besar On Flores, common in woodland and wooded cultivation from sea level to m. Three separate Wrds heard on Alor, on 12 Doc Holmes am perhaps more likely to be refarrable to malayana hitherto not recorded from Alor.

Observed on Alor at ca m in Doc DH. The sub species albocinctus occurs from Lombok to Flores, while everetti is endemic to Panter andAlor.

Beach Thick knee Esacus magnirostris. Flores, Paloe,Alor.

Savanna Nigbtjar Caprimulgus affinis. Although recorded as common in west Flores Schmutz athere appear to be no recent records. It is fisted as near threatened Collar et al.

Island Collard Dove Streptopelia bitorquata. At the height of the dry season, one was flushed from a nearly dry river bed in a barren plain near the upper Wai Mokel at ca. Very common in wet ricefields and small swampy areas JV. Flores, Alor. Lack ofknowkdrof distribution and status of Turnix spp reflects difficulties of obtaining identifiable views in the field.

There is circumstantial evidence that it has declined or disappeared in many areas following clearing of woodland and perhaps excessive egg collection JV.

Reported widely by Butchart et al. Grey tailed Tatdw Heteroscelus brevipes. Ashy bird, probably it is readily overlooked. The first record from Alor, on 10 Decis reported in Holmes The reference to host species for Brush Cuckoo C. Visitor during the austral winter to grassland and cultivation with scattered trees at low elevation Xxxx manggarai flores in April May, when occasionally in parties of up to 10, but low frequently observed June August. White headed Stilt Xxxx manggarai flores leucocephalus.

Common in grassland with scrub and in lightly wooded cultivation from sea level to m M. DH encountered it only on barren coastal hills at Mbai. Small numbers, probably immature birds, present at sea and on Tiwu Bowu, June to August. Apair at Mali, 11 Decis the first record forAlor Holmes Greater Sand plover Charadrius leschenaultii.

Comb crested Jacana Irediparra gallinacea. First record for Alor, 11 Dec Holmes Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius. Tools Tools. Barn Owl Tyto alba. Flores, Lomb, Xxxx manggarai flores. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus.

Very common migrant to the coast, early August to at least mid April JV. A small party also present Xxxx manggarai flores at Soa ca. Edible nest Swiftlet Aerodramus fuciphagus, Xxxx manggarai flores. One off North Flom 20 Sep Butchart et al.

It seems likely that little suitable habitat remains on any of the off dove islands suitable for this species. Present at Pulau Besar, Sep Butchart et al. The first record from mainland Flores was a single bird flushed at m at Mata Wae Ndae on 28 Aug Butchart et al. Also reported from Pulau Besar, 19 Sep Butchart et al. There are no recent observations of this restricted range species from the Flores region. A rare resident, known from a series collected in the lowlands of west Flores Hartertuntil recently only recorded at Mate Wac Ndae Butchart et al.

Also reported at Komodo, Dec Gibbs Numerous at Komodo, 7 8 Julmany carrying fish K, Xxxx manggarai flores. Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus. Also commonly recorded at Xxxx manggarai flores Bilas Pilgrim et al, Xxxx manggarai flores. First record for Flom: 3 near Minxincre, 30 Mar N. First records from Flores: very common on the coast from mid August to at least January, occasionally in flocks of several tens.

Tombo Adak Orang Manggarai 16 Juni NTT Darurat Moral! The first records for Lomblen and Near were described respectively a cyanocephala and scolopacea, but without supporting data.

The national park of Komodo is the only known location what possibly viable populations still survive in the region Bishop and several observersalthough at least 14 were observed at Ria on 22Aug Pilgrim et al.

The Flores records consist of a 'long series' collected in west Flora Paynter Swinboe's Snipe Gallinago megala. Wandering Whistling duck Dendrocygna arcuata. Rusty breasted Cuckoo Cacomantis sep ulcralis. Very common in swamps and marshy lakes, in flocks up to 40; occasional in mangrove or tidal mudflats JV. Three at Ranamese m20 Augis a new altitude record for Flores. In Indonesia, emergency numbers are mostly using 11x format [3] [4]. Described by JV as uncommon below Xxxx manggarai flores, but locally very common al higher altitudes.

Common in swamps and marshy lakes JV. White breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus. Sparsely distributed along quiet beaches especially on inaccessible coral islets and reefs, with records for example from Darat Pantai, Pulau Pangabatang, Pulau Damhila and Pulau Kondo on the north coast of Sikka, and Xxxx manggarai flores Paga Sikka and near Nangarawa Manggarai on the south coast JV.

Australian Pratincolle Stiltia isabella. Probabily more common than records suggest These records add substantially to those listed in van Balen The December observations indicate that this species Xxxx manggarai flores occasionally winter in Wallacea. First reported observation from Komodo, Xxxx manggarai flores, 4 Oct Masonwas replicated by K. Reconfirmed in Alor, Dec DH. Flores, Paine?

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Barred Button quail Turnix suscitator. Rose crowned Fruit dove Ptilinopus regina Flores. Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis. For Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis. Known from one specimen collected near Ruteng in Mar Paynterand Schmutz a. The first record from mainland Flores is of a single bird observed by Cox in prep at Riung, 10 Jan Metallic Pigeon Columba vitiensis. First record from Flores: one 24 Dec in pools of standing Xxxx🇮🇶 along the Magepanda.

Oriental Pratincolle Glareola maldivarum. Reported on Pulau Besar, 19 Sep Butchart et al. Very common Matai xxx woodland and wooded cultivation, sea Xxxx manggarai flores m, but with one voice record from the summit of Keli Mutu JV.

Marshall encountered it in 'the wildest secondary growths namely wooded ravines within farming areas', Xxxx manggarai flores, as well as a tract of coastal swamp forest, with the birds using both mangroves as well as village fruit trees. Subsequently one was sighted on Gunung Repok on 27 Aug Kingand a total of 18 was seen in montane forest near Ruteng, 7 11 Aug King Xxxx manggarai flores Butchart et al. Five were present on a small pool behind the beach on Komodo on 7 Jul K, Xxxx manggarai flores.

Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa. Article Talk.

First records from Flores, all from the north coast: 19 Aprca. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Flores, Rinc. Ruddy Cuckoo dove Macropygia emiliana. Blue breasted Quail Coturnix chinensis. The Xxxx manggarai flores would wan to suggest that this is a 'reverse'moving into northern Australia and Wellacea to take advantage of the wet season, unless it is only during that season 60 it becomes conspicuous.

Great billed Parrot Tanygnathus megalorynchos. The population onAlor is also reported to have been decimated DH, Xxxx manggarai flores. Probably farmers were only too pleased to find that a valuable market existed for a bird they regarded as a serious pest to maize crops.

Pangabatang ,Alor. Orange footed Scrubfowl Megapodius reinwardt.

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JV reports that it is always observed in am Flom after the first rains normally in October, and indeed it is associated with the onset of the rainy season by the local people, Xxxx manggarai flores, at which time it is conspicuous and noisy. Buff banded Rail Gtdlirallus philippensts.

For example, Butchart et al. Pallid Cuckoo Cuculuspallidus.

Southern Boebook Ninor novaeseelandiae. Flores, Sol. Schmutz I a rarely met with it. Uncommon i wooded cultivation and woodland at low altitudes in Flores, but common at Xxxx manggarai flores Bilas and Wallo Tado Pilgrim et al. The Flores records consist of 3 specimens collected in west Flores Paynter Schmutz a notes that 'snipe spp' are not ram in west Flora, but there are few records elsewhere. Also reported at Pulau Beser, 19 Sep Butchart et al.

It is classified as Vulnerable Collar et al. Nicobar Pigeon Caloenas nicobarica Kom, Rinc, Xxxx manggarai flores. Lewia's Rail Rallus pectoralis. Dusky Cuckoo dove Macropygia magna Alor. First record from Komodo: one heard, 4 Sep Butchart et al. Large tailed Nigbijar Caprimuligus macrurus Flores. Pimay scandal as 'not rare' in tall grassland in central Flores m Rensch and collected in west Flores by Schmutz 19T7a. One at Kisol, mid September Butchart et al.

Flores, Xxxx manggarai flores, Besar? Flores, Pangabatang, Besar. Known in Wallacea only from the Xxxx manggarai flores y tiw collected in wen Flores in the last century and 59 see White ft Bruce The presence of an isolated, sub specifically distinct population exsul of thisAustralo Papuan species on Flores is notable.

Apparently not recorded by Scbmutz, and JV has no confirmed records. These are area codes for the Provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra.

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Very common in swamps, marshy lakes, and wet ricefields, from sea level to Danau Ranamese at m where flocks of 40 to up to are reported BishopXxxx manggarai flores, DH, Verbelen New island record: a flock of 8 on Komodo, 12 Oct Mason Garganey Anas querquedula. Xxxx manggarai flores visitor to coastal areas JV.

Sharp tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata. A palaearctic migrant to Flores, previously known from one specimen collected by Wallace in cost Flores Renschand a record from Nunung, 19 Dec Schmutz One at Watuneso, Xxxx manggarai flores, 24 Feb JV.

Being Grandpa vefios in winter quarters, it is perhaps overlooked. Rainbow Lorilted Trichoglossus haematodus. Little Cuckoo dove Macropygia ruficeps. He found a nest with six eggs in mid March However, there is only one other record, one collected near Maumere in or Weber, in Schmutz op cit.

JV also quotes a report from Father Schouten that several tens of phalaropes were grounded on the missionary grounds of Watublapi during a rainstorm, a site in the mountains halfway between the north and south coasts. Flores, Pangabatang,Alor. Komodo, 12 Octand Alor, 17 Oct Mason Common Tent Sterna hirundo Flores. Present in small numbers in wet ricefields, swamps Xxxx manggarai flores marshy lakes, with records throughout the year but with a Modelos rubias sexys desvistiendose increase during April to June JV.

Red necked Phallarope Phalaropus lobatus. In Flores, uncommon in cultivation and in towns near sea level.

Moluccan Scopsowl Otus magicus. Bar tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica. Small Blue Kingfisher Alcedo caerulescens. Pilgrim et al. Uncommon visitor to the coast, observed in March QV. Plated Snipe Gallinago stenura. First record from Flores: I off Paga, 19 NovXxxx manggarai flores, but possibly others present in the off shore flocks of the next species JV.

Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata. All records were of birds in winter plumage. A further new location is Goio Bilas, where groups of up to 7 were regularly observed in Pilgrim et al.

Great Crested Tern Sterna bergii. Xxxx manggarai flores restricted range species, confined to Sumbawa and Flores, is uncommon in Xxxx manggarai flores and wooded cultivation at m, sometimes in relics of woodland in cultivated terrain. Eastern Grass owl Tyto longimembris.

First records from Flores: common at sea in flocks JV. Also reported Oct 5 off west Flores Mason Little Tern Sterna albifrons. CAB adds a record from Lomblen without source, Xxxx manggarai flores. Read Edit View history.

Results for : manggarai flores

A small covey was flushed from the edge of cultivation above Lewotobd, Xxxx manggarai flores, 21 Sep K. Bishop pcrs. Catatan Akhir Tahun 2 Januari Periksa Juga. Elevations given as to above m QVor but scarce below m, at which level then is slight overlap with D. The observation there of 7 on 4 Sep and 3 on 5 Sep Xxxx manggarai flores et al, Xxxx manggarai flores. First record forAlor, 11 Dec Holmes Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva.

This species was believed present in a flock of ca. Common visitor to the coast. Download as PDF Printable version. Flores First records from Flores: visitor to swamps and marshy ponds from early June to late November, uncommon and recorded regularly only at Tiwu Bowu, where up to 7 30 Jun JV. The first record was from Paga on 12 Oct Xxxx manggarai flores Sunda Teal Anas gibberifrons.

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis. Awinter visitor to muddy shores JV. Common Redshank Tringa totanus. Arctic Jaeger Stercorarius arasiticus. Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos. Common in a variety of woodland habitats from sea level to m.