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November 7Mangalore, Karnataka, India. Credits Edit.

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Today, Puma signs Anushka Sharma as her brand ambassador. Dil Dhadakne Do 7. How old is Anushka Shetty?

Expand below. Self 20 Archive Footage 1. Previous Qala 7. Yesterday, Anushka and Virat displayed anger on Instagram, blaming Puma for using her pictures. Again, it's too early to say but a cursory perusal of tweets and comments indicates that a goodly number of people are impressed by whoever cooked up the campaign.

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Madhuri Dixit, Aishwarya Rai, Anushka Sharma: Bollywood actresses who wore the heaviest outfits

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Anushka Sharma, Puma marketing ploy: Effective strategy or a failed publicity stunt?

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And the actress is quite well-known for her fitness.

Anushka Shetty - IMDb

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