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Mohammed, Muaath Ahmed Hasan Percutaneous coronary intervention during index admission versus pharmacoinvasive strategy for treatment of patients with acute st-elevation myocardial infarction in Hospital USM ; a 5 years experience. Shamshudin, Wati Hayati Mohd Influence of tert gene expression, telomerase activity and telomere length in relation to imatinib mesylate resistance in Malaysian chronic myeloid leukaemia patients.

Siddika, Ayesha Craniofacial morphometry in Saudi population. Sabbah, Ahmad Tawfiq S. Hidrus, Aizuddin Structural equation model and effect of brain breaks video exercise on transtheoretical constructs and physical activity among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Following the categories I had absorbed as a student of Middle Eastern and Islamic culture, I was certain that these two domains of my interest religious performance culture and music performance culture would not intersect, even though in my mind they overlapped.

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David Harnish and Kip Lornell, with whom I collaborate on other projects, deserve recognition for their goodwill and patience, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50.

Jee, See Heng The effect of intensive tens therapy on muscle blood biomarkers and activities of daily living in haemorrhagic stroke patients: a preliminary study. In the course of this original inquiry I learned something about the power of sound. Ming, Ng Ming Association between treatment adherence and personality traits, anxiety and depression among adult patients with HIV in Northwest Peninsular Malaysia. Aana Poll toa cara ansis da X WS.

Aa aan Jopolitoal wi, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50. Furthermore, I would meet up with Ibu Maria Ulfah. During the period of exposure and conversion to Islam, Arabic was attractive to the Indonesian ruling class because it was a language of learning for scholars. For the entire aternoon and well into the evening we discussed music, traded performances, and played together.

Dan Millison and our sons, Hansen and Luther, whose undeniable place in this research unfolds in the following pages, have lived this project with me since its inception. I single out Moersjied Qori Indra Pak Moersjied and Khadijatus Shalihah Ibu Khodijahboth of whom took particular interest in my research and who went out of their way to incorporate me Jp affair their busy lives.

Saja Kan a adan KN tesis saasa Skt. Al a ra. Ab Rashid, Raizulnasuha Radiobiological modelling of gold nanoparticles radiosensitization effects in conventional and advanced radiotherapy techniques. Even my irst explorations revealed that this is a culture that is created and shared by women Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 men.

She is now asked regularly to present international lectures on the role of women and Islam, and on her curriculum vitae she now counts gender as an area of expertise.

Rosli, Abdul Hadi Evaluation of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in tears and serum and its associated factors in age related Www arbian xxx com degeneration patients.

Ismail, Nur Nadia The prevalence of burnout and sources of stress among doctoral students in Universiti Sains Malaysia. My activities with ethnomusicology colleagues and students would, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 assumed, occur in parallel with the appointments I had made with reciters.

Oicials and community leaders, however, oten continue their acts of language showmanship, if they are able, with several additional lines of formulaic and pious Arabic speech.

In spite of attitudes that range from caution to prohibition regarding music, the worlds of Islam are rich with musical genres and performance practices, from liturgical chant to internationally renowned musics like Pakistani qawwali or the musical repertoire and dance of the Turkish Mevlevi, the so-called Whirling Dervishes.

A glossary is included at the end of the book. Hairul, Nuriana Munirah Elucidation of the vasorelaxation mechanisms induced by syzygium polyanthum leaves aqueous extract. Readers should be cautioned that Indonesian words derived from Arabic may not follow Arabic singular, plural, or gendered forms and may be spelled diferently than terms transliterated from Arabic using the widely recognized system of the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies IJMES.

It was the women of this tradition that became the centerpiece of my research, and it is to them that I owe my deepest gratitude. Note on Tr a nsl iter at ion a n d T r a nsl at ion his text makes frequent reference to terms in both Bahasa Indonesia, the Indonesian national language, and Arabic. Ramli, Nurul Syahida Evaluation of aqueous extract of syzygium polyanthum leaves as anti-hypertensive agent in spontaneous hypertensive rat SHR. Mun, Yew Jing Relationship between mood states, exercise behaviour, coping and mental health among Malaysian during covid pandemic by using path analysis.

Ann, Mok Hua The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on, anxiety, mood and dota 2 performance. Oscandar, Fahmi Age estimation based on tooth pulp volume using cbct images.

Aris, Norliyana Risk factors of vitamin D deficiency and the effects of sunlight exposure and vitamin D supplementation on serum vitamin D level, adiponectin, cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome among adults in Kelantan. Rashid, Roslina Putative inhibitory actions of selected medical plants against exonic splicing enhancers. One was the involvement of women in the production and experience of religious xiii xiv Preface and Ac know ledg ments performance in Indonesia; the Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 was the proximity of religious rituals to music making and performance of a great variety.

Sipil —ela. GrabMaps Hyperlocal mapping technology and location data solutions for businesses. Others in the recitation world whose names appear in the pages that follow are equally deserving of my gratitude. Azlan, Amirah Zulaikha Zafrul The relationships of mindfulness, gratitude and risk-based decision making among undergraduate students. Masters thesis, Chut kese mare Sains Malaysia.

Hon, Tan Jing Determination of the correlates of risk of developing eating disorders based on exercise motivation, anthropometric and demographic characteristics.

Azizi, Mohd Yadie Syazwan Lipiodol accumulation pattern as imaging biomarker of tumoral response after conventional transarterial chemoembolization and survival outcome in hepatoccellular carcinoma patients.

Al Enezi, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Saleh O. Zwain, Akram M. Ismail, Kartina Neural signature on easy to difficult level of N-back working memory load tasks in healthy subjects - a study of cognitive processing using EEG. Hanifi, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Norlaily In vitro and in vivo study of primary epidermal allografts versus xenografts transplanted on full thickness wound in rabbits.

NN aaa datang Sae. NG as. My initial forays during the spring of continued in earnest inwhen I returned to Jakarta as a Fulbright scholar. Emha Ainun Nadjib, his wife Novia Kolopaking, and all of the members of the performing arts group Kiai Kanjeng brought an entirely new dimension to my work and to my musicianship. If a word is deined or translated in parentheses, I. If neither I. Arabic terms are transliterated without the inal h of ta-marbuta except in the case of certain Indonesian names of people and institutions, and without diacritical markings dots and dashes.

Noriman, Ahmad Zakwan In vivo activities of ethanolic extract from endiandra kingiana lauraceae as potential anti-diabetic agents.

Inevitably, one of the things that researchers can ofer the communities within which they work is knowledge of the English language. Was it appropriate for America to police the world? Maler, S. Almakfoukh, Abdonasr Mohamed Ali In silico analysis, molecular modeling and docking of pseudomonas aeruginosa putative choline kinase.

Hanaphi, Roziana Mohamed The establishment of isothermal amplification and lateral flow device for detection of salmonella typhi and salmonella paratyphi A. Farook, Taseef Hassan Development and virtual validation of a novel digital workflow utilising open-source smartphone based stereophotogrammetry in prosthetic rehabilitation of palatal defects. Indonesian women Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 men are recognized throughout the Muslim world for their skills as reciters, particularly in the Egyptian melodic and performative style, mujawwad, or, as it usually called in Indonesia, tilawa.

Daud, Mohd Rujhan Hadfi Mat Factors associated with confirmed measles among notified measles cases in Pahang, Mukhti, Muhammad Iqbal Exploring the burdens, experiences, and coping strategies of Malaysian family caregivers attending public rehabilitation centres during the COVID pandemic.

Saleem, Khadeeja Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of curcumin and thymoquinone on HSC-2 cell line. Abusalah, Mai Abdel Haleem A. Azalan, Maryam Syahidah Correlation of new generation of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in combination with rheumatoid factor with diagnosis, severity, functional status and prognosis, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50.

Yi-Ting, Cheng Optimizing multiplex PCR for a set of Malay ancestry informative marker single nucleotide polymorphisms and preliminary analysis of genotypes between Malay and non-Malay population.

Yusof, Muhammad Fuad Hilmi Involvement of mek signalling Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 endothelial-like differentiation of dental stem cells cultured on human amniotic membrane with VEGF treatment. And religious music videos may be seen daily on many television stations and almost continuously Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 the month of Ramadan.

Liza, Nur Shahila Afiza Mohd Psychophysiological responses and running performance during treadmill and overground self-paced interval running in non-regular runners. Somehow the trek would be worth it. Khan, Erwan Ershad Ahmad Adverse birth outcomes among Orang Asli in Kelantan for years : the proportions and associated maternal factors. Ismail, Che Ain Munirah In vitro antimicrobial activities of phyllanthus amarus extract, antibiotics and their combination against leptospira interrogans.

Just one of the signals of the promotion of Islamic practice in the public domain is the way in which the speech of oicials— from politicians to teachers, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, and from radio disc jockeys to news anchors—is peppered with Islamic greetings in Arabic, a marker that assumes a common denominator of religious ailiation and piety.

Islamic sound arts, which encompass language performed in a combination of Arab and local musical styles, is referenced and invoked variously in all kinds of Indonesian Introduction: Setting the Scene 9 Islamic music, where, I suggest, it also operates as a summarizing symbol of spirituality, history, and identity. Rashid, Qazi Farah Color stability of pigmented maxillofacial prosthetic silicone elastomer with and without filler incorporation subjected to outdoor weathering - a digital evaluation.

Al-Mhanna, Sameer Badri Effectiveness of physiotherapy exercise on shoulder's range of motion, strength, power, and pain level among ischemic stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain: a review. Shieng, Chong Teck The effect of severity of club foot based on pirani severity score on the clinical outcome and the foot bimalleolar angle at the end of treatment. In doing so, Boob suck library musical conventions allude to the original sites of Arab Islam with multisensory eicacy, both for those who practice and participate in Islamic ritual as well as for those who do not.

Azhar, Nur Atikah Nor Whole exome sequencing analysis of cerebral palsy patients with underlying genetic factors. Albaskeni, Abdulrhman Mahmoud In silico analysis, structural modelling and molecular docking of putative Klebsiella pneumoniae choline kinase.

Ansari, Moeez Phytochemical analysis and cytotoxic effects of kelulut and acacia honey on human gingival fibroblast cells in vitro. Mocktar, Nurfarah Aini Synthesize and characterization of cellulose nanofibrils to mitigate radon gas emanations from fabricated composite brick for heathy environment. Sandra Rasmussen and David Rasmussen, both of whom manage to combine extraordinary parental love, sage guidance, and inimitable humor and cynical wit, have served as rigorous mentors while reminding me to keep things in balance.

EN Yi! Aan bola es aye ebS. Raimi, Nur Fatihah The effects of prophylactic and therapeutic interventions of nigella sativa on functional and biochemical markers of muscle damage and inflammation following eccentric exercise. Aziz, Farah Izati Elucidation of serum levels of IL, IL and their receptors in systemic lupus erythematosus patients : associations with serological parameter and disease activity.

Women in Islam—Indonesia. Although musical aesthetics, instruments, and techniques Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 be traced to Muslim communities from throughout South and Southeast Asia, I discovered that the mechanisms for teaching and learning this speciically Egyptian and essentially musical-linguistic practice had been institutionalized only relatively recently in postindependence Indonesia, albeit almost exclusively through oral praxis.

Nowrin, Shifat A Association of interleukin gene polymorphism and clinical variables with external apical root resorption after initial stage of orthodontic treatment among Malay population. Ater they turned on the microphone, the irst student read her position paper on preemptive strikes and why Muslims have bad feelings toward America.

Sarki, Zakariyya Muhammad A study on the application Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 forensic science in criminal investigations in zone 1 of the Nigeria police. Aloysius, Nursabrina Mohd Firdaus Alpha and low gamma embedded with white noise binaural beats modulating working memory among Malaysian young adults: an exploratory fMRI study.

Aen Cua. Hanafi, Wan Soliha Wan Mohd Development and validation of questionnaire to assess perceptions and attitudes towards intimate partner violence among premarital young adults in Kelantan. While regional traditions, some of them now institutionalized in schools and universities of the arts, have come under the inluence of authoritative courtly traditions, of colonial cultures, and of modern mediated forms from around the world, musical diversity in Indonesia nevertheless has not been leveled.

AA X Pamor Maslslfg5 kaikul. Islamic music—Indonesia—History and criticism. Scholar of Islam and comparative religions Mahmoud Ayoub, however, acknowledges the equal importance of the artistic recitation of these authoritative texts, thus asserting the parallel endeavors of recitation and exegesis in the Muslim tradition.

Shahbaz, Khushboo Cytotoxic effect of phoenix dactylifera L. Zein, Mona Hashem EP. Abbas The role of maternal nutritional status and inflammatory markers on postnatal weight retention and infant growth from a cohort study in United Arab Emirates. Ahmed, Farahat Nadeem Prognostic biomarkers for chemotherapy response on hpe in osteosarcoma patients.

Mokhtar, Amani Ahmad Susceptibility and resistance status of dengue vectors towards selected pyrethroids in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Abudaqa, Anas M. Noor, Nur Afidah Md.

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Although establishing clear relationships between the policies and rhetoric of the government, their efects on religious life, and people in the profession of religion is impossible, a dynamic theater of government and its patronage of, or reaction to, all things Islamic is a great source of speculation, evaluation, and debate. Eighty percent of the population participated in the voting process peacefully and without incident. Zabri, Dalili Zahiah Depressive symptoms as potential moderator and mediator : rejection sensitivity and emotional recognition of facial expression in adults who are pursuing tertiary education.

In any discussion of Islamic music, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, however, it must be acknowledged that the word music I.

However, the use of percussion to accompany song and to add aspects of metricity, form, and style is a feature of religious music in many parts of the Islamic world, and frame drums are a key component of Sui musical practice. Music making and music reception are considered integral elements of the ritual, social, and civic events in which reciters are engaged.

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Hearing Islam in the Atmosphere 38 3. Mijol, Mitchell Modi Association between incidence of white matter hyperintensities in magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and smoking. Khai, Lee A study on methods for detection in clandestine methamphetamine laboratories. Nyaan Je [ab Ke Gi. Sual kela ah dena Geba aen Laaanga Sada. Ater a week in the relative calm of East and Central Java, where I had toured with the Kiai Kanjeng ensemble, the return to Jakarta assaulted my senses.

An s is added to both Indonesian and Arabic terms where the plural in those languages would be clumsy. In many cases, however, women are reading, reciting, questioning, and teaching these texts on a variety of levels, even if it is by their own example as devout working women rather than distilled into formal lessons or prepared messages.

Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Perubatan. A Rechal roaye table was piled high with materials, mostly photocopied articles and notebooks; several metal bookcases occupied the center of the large space.

My students at the College of William and Mary have Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 me warm community and an opportunity to discover the wonders of mentoring, always a multidimensional process of sharing and enlightenment.

Malik, Nurfairuz Abdul Potential of stingless bee honey in modulating skin ageing of human dermal fibroblast cells. Jaffar, Nurul Fathiyatul Nabila In vivo effects of sirolimus and sunitinib of breast cancer prognostic markers.

She was poised and her pronunciation was generally excellent. San Ga an a uru Naaa. I contend that women, because they are so active as reciters, are part of that elite, even if they are only producing the message to be interpreted by others. Salaka una, Aa anan aan La " Leh sa. Anne Elise homas, one of my irst students at William and Mary, who went on to pursue a Ph. Anne Elise has been my closest friend in all Romances hirls personal, professional, and musical.

Zain, Nur Dalilah Mohd Factors associated with presence of human papilomavirus infection among women attending new cervical cancer screening program in Kelantan in Ahmed, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Iman Imtiyaz Exploring the Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 of zolpidem on cognitive impairment and cellular changes using a lithium-pilocarpine rat model.

Azizi, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Mohd Yadie Syazwan Lipiodol accumulation pattern as imaging biomarker of tumoral response after conventional transarterial chemoembolization and survival outcome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Juen, Chin Ju Evaluation of retinal nerve fibre layer and macular thickness pre-and post-chemotherapy with carboplatin and paclitaxel in patients with endometrial and ovarian cancer.

Chi, Ling Pei Evaluation of immunophenotypic expressions of plasma cells in plasma cell myeloma patients and its association with prognostic factors and clinical stages. Otoum, Rami Ahmad Yaqoup Relationship of job performance with organizational commitment components and job satisfaction among nurses in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Nice, Lee Ja Effect of smart balance exergame on attention and inhibitory control in healthy young adults using eye-tracking method.

Roslan, Nurhanis Syazni Development, validation and evaluation of a professional resilience training module for medical interns. Dang Sa base kase Mao. Lala Males bab anus -] na a dada Sa bas!

Min, Oon Yen Personel recovery in depression : the role of peer support in Malaysia. However unglamorous it may seem to the anthropologist in search of more meaningful engagement, teaching English, translating the local spoken language into English and vice versa, reviewing translated documents, i xing the grammar and syntax of English song lyrics penned by hopeful songwriters, and various related tasks are among the valuable commodities of exchange that we can, and that I could, ofer to our hosts in the ield.

Ibu Maria, who had just arrived from a wedding in which she had been engaged as a reciter, confessed that she, too, had missed the whole thing. Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Nik Hasanah Antimicrobial activity and prebiotic effects of senna alata leaf extracts.

NI SEN. Sapun daa sade a AG Selingkuh istri japanese a Jalal. This promo is valid for selected signatures restaurants only. Knowledge of and about Islam through its texts is something that has always been associated with a learned elite in Indonesia.

For more information, visit www. Although I had lived there for two years —96 and and had returned for shorter visits on several occasions in andthe intensity of the traic seemed overwhelming ater traveling around the Javanese provinces.

Accompanying the Arab musical aesthetic in Indonesian Islamic performance are musical discourses that are 10 Introduction: Setting the Scene rooted in regional folk traditions many of which are seasoned with Arab, Malay, Indian, and Chinese spicescultivated court practices, arts education institutions, government festival and fanfare, indigenous popular musics, and the global music media.

Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 MA aaa naat. Bengal, Gujarat, Malabar came to Southeast Asia in large numbers and they, too, provided a vehicle for the spread of Islamic ideas.

Virginia Danielson, who reviewed both the proposal and a drat of the manuscript, is a lifelong colleague and mentor whom I count among a handful of inspiring role models and good friends.

He and his young colleagues at the PPIM, the Center for the Study of Islam and Society at the university, provided an academic refuge in an environment that was familiar and exciting to me. Sim, Chua Boon Comparison of the efficacy of intravenous oxycodone versus morphine on postoperative pain following orthopaedics surgery under general anaesthesia.

In the beginning stages of my research I thought that perhaps reciters merely tolerated my keen interest in the way they sang and the myriad styles and genres of Islamic musical arts. Kiai and Nyai indicate that the person is a religious igure and leader; Said or Sayyid is a less speciic honorary title from Arabic. Chee, Chew Chia Evaluation of sexual dysfunction and its associated factors in Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 open angle glaucoma patients.

What about preemptive strikes? Zin, Nik Nor Imam Nik Mat Antimalarial activity, toxicity and phytochemical screening of quercus infectoria gall crude extracts. Transcription in musical notation of recitation taught by Maria Ulfah 2. Younis, Murad Abdulraheem Abdelrahman Effectiveness of psycho-education intervention program on quality of life, coping strategies and psychological distress among jordanian women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Preface and Ac know ledg ments xix he production of a manuscript, I have discovered, is a result of the generous eforts of a number of people, some of them unknown even to me. Kannan, Mohammed Abdalla Exploring the relationship between the acoustic features of the Quranic recitations and the activity of alpha and theta brainwaves.

In fact, many of the professional reciters I have come to know enjoy singing and do so in ritual contexts Ragazzi piccoli at social gatherings. Ala, Nden Ms le in. Shaimi, Asma Ulhusna The role of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate on learning and memory in rat hippocampus and its link to the prefrontal cortex.

It is a sonic and symbolic package of cross-cultural histories and relationships as well as a signiier of contemporary identity and practice. Zabri, Siti Hajar Characterization of the reward structural connectivity in female Malay adolescents using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Although scholars who focus on the many indigenous traditions of Southeast Asia—traditions of music, dance, material arts, ritual, and theater—may be surprised at the enumeration of Islamic arts, scholars of the Middle East and of Islam may recognize many descriptive points that resonate with their own Grandpa with neice in Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 contexts throughout the world.

Historical expansion of Islam xxi 2. We were all victims of the preemptive American war in Iraq. Ismail, Siti Aminah Factors associated with knowledge, attitude, practice and perception in flood disaster management among critical care nurses in the east coast hospitals of Malaysia.

Jane Sugarman, since the outset of my graduate studies, and Donna Buchanan, since the start of my teaching career, have ofered wise counsel, model scholarship, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, and consistent camaraderie.

Damulira, Edrine Development of an led array for dosimetry in diagnostic radiology. Ailing, Evelyn Ngui The effects of an online brief mindfulness activities training on the psychological functioning of medical officers : a pilot study.

Order now. Indonesia hosts a remarkable variety of Islamic music, and the enthusiastic acknowledgment of and participation in Islamic music among a broad cross-section of the population puts this member of the Islamicate world in a class of its own. Azemi, Ahmad Khusairi The effects of methanolic extract of clinacanthus nutans L. Kamal, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Aqsa The effectiveness of concentrated growth factor and low level laser therapy on the healing of dry socket.

Maria Ulfah—irst a teacher and informant, later a consultant and collaborator, and inally a mentor and friend—helped me to experience in myriad ways, many of them too subtle to articulate here, what it is to be a Muslim woman, a Javanese person, an artist, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, a superstar, a humanist, and a female professional working within the structures of established patriarchy. R37 FSC recycled certiied and processed chlorine free. What kind of a message do they send?

Mohamed, Zeehana Pengetahuan, sikap dan amalan terhadap risiko keselamatan dan kesihatan dalam kalangan pelajar Kolej Vokasional di Kelantan. As an ethnomusicologist I am concerned with sound, how it is generated and experienced, and the kinds of aesthetic and literal meanings that it generates. My own obsession in October was, of course, with the inal laps of the race between John Kerry and George Bush for the American presidency, a contest that would inevitably have ramiications not only for me but also for the young women I was coaching.

Hisham, Nurul Izzati Mohd A survey of dietary Remas susugedek choices and preferred forms of supplement use by Malaysian athletes, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50. Osman, Zul Faizuddin Signalling pathways involved in IL-8 mediated odontogenic differentiation of shed cultured on human amniotic membrane with BMP Orfega, Zwawua Development of an educational module against tramadol abuse and its effectiveness among youths in Benue State, Nigeria.

I thought it best to reread their documents aloud and suggest alternate phrasings where appropriate. Furthermore, I was sometimes involved in the music making of ritual and social events myself, when reciters were kind enough to invite me into their world.

Ting, Tan Wei A study on the effect of game base balance training and gender difference on attention and memory by eye tracking method. Polite greetings and chatter followed.

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Rani, Nur Syairah Ab Emanation of brain frontal midline and brain mental theta signals as the source to explore the neural substrates of melodic and rhythmic holy quran. My initial inquiry concerned the ways in which Arabic musical aesthetics and techniques were imported, theoretically beginning as early as contact was made with Muslim peoples over the well-worn trade routes of oral tradition, and then either preserved, revised, or completely reinvented. Rameli, Nabilah The significance of capillary electrophoresis in the detection of haemoglobin constant spring and its relationship with high-performance liquid chromatography.

I was disappointed, but I was also hungry, and I knew that there would be refreshments at the event as well as several old acquaintances 1 2 Introduction: Setting the Scene to greet. Women are clearly players on the stage of Islamic creative and performing arts. I was still under the impression that someone wanted to videotape me speaking English so that students could study the pronunciation Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 cadence of a native speaker. Yusoff, Bazli Md Analysis of brain activation and effective Asahi Mazuno during self-paced unilateral and bilateral finger tapping using functional magnetic resonance imaging in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50.

Mukhtar, Siti Fatimah Thalamic probabilistic connectivity with cerebral cortex and its correlation with motor outcome in spastic cerebral palsy. Ibrahim, Muhammad Naim Factors associated with delayed sputum smear conversion among Orang Asli with pulmonary tuberculosis in Malaysia from to Yan, Kwok Kar Association between pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant women in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Mahdi Zwain, Akram M. Ithayaraj, Aloysius Britto The effect of task-based language teaching on Sri Lankan undergraduates speaking skills.

Stanley, Njaka Work related musculoskeletal disorders and its association with quality of life among quarry workers in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. Sa'hari Ramli, Nur Atiqah Gross anatomy learning using radiological images galeri : its impact on first-year medical students' comprehension, engagement, and cognitive load.

In addition, I quickly discovered that the performance of music, oten with dance, is a multifaceted and very conscious category of constructive creation and consumption among the religious specialists and practitioners that I came to know and their audiences. For example, relecting on his experience as a tour guide for Haj Plus, a deluxe package tour for the haj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, Abdurrahman writes of the middle and upper classes as groups seeking religious and social identity through Islamic practices quite distinct from those of their peasant countrymen Abdurrahman Busana Muslim or busana Muslima Muslim clothes or fashion, particularly for women is now a big business for designers and forms a separate department in most clothing stores see Tarlo and Moors ; Smith-Hefner Islamic music, formerly heard in ritual contexts and only among par ticu lar constituents, is now created and produced by the stars of the mainstream media and broadcast in ive-star hotels and shopping malls.

Performing Piety through Islamic Musical Arts 6. Anuar, Muhammad Afiq Khairil Novel multifunctional platinum nanodendrites as theranostic agents in cancer imaging and radiotherapy treatment. Unless otherwise indicated, all translations are my Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50. Karthikesan, Kishanraj Quality of life after scoliosis surgery: the Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah experience, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50.

PA wb 1, Ma basa aa enas anu ab. I made my way to Ciputat in a taxi from Depok, where I had met with some singers that were part of an Islamic music festival.

Zaki, Noor Imani Mohd Effects of coffee consumption on cholesterol, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, glucose, lactate and triglyceride levels during exercise in the heat among female university students. Wei, Lim Chean Guided imagery relaxation technique : its effect on stress and well-being of primary school children in Kubang Kerian.

At the College of William and Mary I am grateful to my colleagues in the Department of Music and in the Middle Eastern Studies program and to Provost Geof Feiss for granting me the leaves of absence necessary to maintain both my professional and personal lives. Yusoff, Muhammad Za'im Mohammad Retrospective study on the management of liver trauma: a 7-year experience in a hepatobiliary center.

Barkhadle, Najmo Ibrahim Evaluation of potential antiviral properties of tualang honey against in vitro chikungunya virus infection in vero cells.

Radhakrishnan, Sonia Dhiya Role of histone regulations and modifications in cognitive functions of mitragynine a major indole alkaloid of mitragyna speciosa. Atif, Saira Aquaporins as salivary protein biomarkers for xerostomia and the effects of xerostomia on oral health related quality of life in patients with periodontitis attending combined Military Hospital, Lahore. With three hundred ethnic groups dispersed throughout the archipelago and nearly as many languages, the diversity of performance arts is breathtaking.

Rani, Nor Azila Sources of perceided social support and depression among primary school adolescents in Kelantan and cross-cultural adaptation of its instrument. Muslim women—Indonesia—Social conditions. Introduction: Setting the Scene 3 Several of the college students at IIQ were involved in an international forum that was to be held by videoconference in just a few days among female college students in the American Midwest and those in the Muslim world.

Promotion is not valid with any other vouchers or promotions. Yudhoyono—during the period of my ethnographic research — has been a productive catalyst for the discussion of government patronage and its intersection with religion among myself and the many consultants who have taught me about their lives and concerns. Ramli, Norhida The effects of sleep deprivation on spatial memory, dream and hyperphosphorylated tau proteins expression in rats.

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Although I am essentially a researcher of cultural ritual and musical expressions of Islam in Indonesia, the political periphery inevitably became central to the project.

Alzaidy, Adel Moneer A. Latex Timber Clone Ltc Rrim Ahmad, Montaser W. Phantoms For Radiation Therapy Applications. Recitation is not music, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, as any number of sources will attest. To Ulil Abdallah I convey my appreciation for granting me an interview and inviting me to be interviewed on his radio program, both experiences that made me realize that my work mattered. Ramzan, Muhammad Sirri 'Ammar Prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss and the efficacy of a targeted intervention method to promote the use of hearing protection devices among palm oil mill workers in Pahang.

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Two former students deserve special recognition. Titles are generally not repeated throughout the text. Rajbanshi, Sushma Severe maternal and neonatal morbidity status and qualitative exploration of high-risk, referral refusals and quality of care in Morang district, Nepal.

Intang, Wilfred Evaluation of optimum measurement device, time analysis and workload of performing quality assurance tasks by physicists on medical linear accelerator.

Bisa Kuna Marun :. Muslim traders from various parts of India e. Basir, Mohammad Fazrul Mohammad The associated factors non-compliance of rabies post exposure vaccination among dog bites patients in Perlis. Fata, Fatin Nurafiqah Abdul The effects of single session intervention on perceived control : a pilot study testing growth mindset amongst Malaysian adolescents.

Kamal, Nik Nur Syazana Nik Mohamed Analysis of microrna derived from saliva- and plasma-exosome as potential biomarker s for chronic periodontitis. Als9 5 Yul x5 [ad Kau Abia t KAN rag. It is acid free, Ecologo certiied, and manufactured by BioGas energy. Al-Ibrahim, Hasan Subhi Azeez Physico-chemical properties and effects of chitosan-based accelerated portland cement on stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth.

But the task at hand was far more interesting. Yusoff, Wan Raihan Wan The effect of CRX on pro-inflammatory cytokine production against mycobacterium bovis BCG clone expressing the c-terminus of merozoite surface protein-1 of plasmodium falciparum.

Deyoi, Yolanda Boniface Incidence of deep vein thrombosis in patients with pelvic and acetabulum fractures requiring operative intervention in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia : is preoperative screening with doppler ultrasound necessary?

XL Di sada pen Lb ra sule Sl arled nad sa ju tobas sule d. One event, however, turned the tide of my investigation. Yusoff, Mohd Nazrulhuzaimi Md Fabrication and characterisation of flowable composite incorporated with nanohybrid silica extracted from rice husk. No min spend required. Nordin, Ahmad Syazwan Ahmad Factors associated with depression, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, anxiety, and stress among healthcare workers in Kedah during early recovery movement control order of COVID pandemic.

Mohaidin, Farhana Mohammad The evaluation of program death 1 and PD-1 ligand expressions in histological subtypes of primary extranodal non hodgkin lymphoma.

While the science of exegesis tafsir aims at uncovering the meanings of the sacred text, the art of recitation tilawah has been the chief vehicle of its dissemination. Asana ap Sa aeb. Zwiri, Abdalwhab M. Ching, Alicia Ng Cher The effects of brief mindfulness-based intervention on state mindfulness and attention regulation among university students in Malaysia. Later that week my ethnomusicologist colleagues from the University of Sumatra organized a gathering with a group of musicians who specialized in gambus and musik Melayu and led by Zulfan Efendi.

Xuan, Keh Min Assessment of phagocytosis and cytokine secretions by monocytes in the presence of plasmodium falciparum. Pangan SA Sapan. Laja Maos ci [fa Si. AA ajeu k An Ka a nah ae. Abdullah, Mohd Waqiyuddin Exploring gamma brainwave oscillations during passive listening to melodious recitation of ayatul kursi using simultaneous EEG and MEG recording technique. Aa ANA cul! Andaya11 In the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as contact with the Arab Middle East increased through men who traveled, primarily to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, for religious education and for pilgrimage, and in the twentieth century, as recorded media on a variety of phonograms and radio broadcast brought the sounds of music and ritual from the Arab world Massage wuth stepbrother the archipelago, the varied sources of Islamic authority, which Andaya asserts were originally multicultural, were streamlined.

Jajan Bls " Aa ng. Shakri, Siti Farhanah Md Effects of endotoxin exposure on respiratory health among rice mill workers : from workplaces to homes.

Shamsudin, Amirul Faez Association of genetic polymorphisms Saccxx their attributing factors with lipid profiles among outpatient statin users in Hospital USM.

Koon, Teoh Way Laboratory-based simultaneous detection of residual xylazine and sedative-hypnotics from drugs-spiked beverages for forensic investigation. To the former Muslims have dedicated their best minds, and to the latter their best voices and musical talents. As the subsequent period of reformasi unfolded, the position of the various post-Suharto governments regarding religious practice and government support of religious activities and institutions was also a subject of speculation and critique.

Jadeuna Laban shlsawa kawani. Setting the Scene ix xi xiii 1 2. Rahman, Farhana Antimicrobial effect and microbial adherenceto maxillofacial prosthetic materials. Head to the restaurant and pick up your order. Selasa bp. Azmi, Mohd Ikhwan Job dissatisfaction among healthcare workers in newly implemented shift system health clinic in Kelantan. Hanafi, Nur Sujaihah The prevalence of burnout and its associated factors among doctors and nurses under Johor Bahru district health office during Covid pandemic.

I Memek sempit susah dientot. com my profound gratitude to Philip Yampolsky, one of four reviewers who read the initial proposal for this project and who provided stimulating and insightful feedback.

I still had a few appointments in Jakarta that aternoon and evening, and I should have been on my way, but Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 just a few more minutes at the gathering seemed harmless enough.

Nasir, Nur Syafiqah Mohamad Detection of vancomycin resistance enterococci in poultry and clinical samples and their resistance genes by multiplex PCR. Yahya, Padillah Ancestry informative markers single nucleotide polymorphisms panel for ancestry estimation in the Malay population. This promo is valid for self pick-up orders only. SAS Si! Laly na us aa adean ayaan Jas IP uda da 4 abad a aha ca. Ibu Khodijah organized a class of young female reciters interested in learning Arabic songs with me and coordinated our rehearsals and performances together.

Maryono hot pijat Bu lurah great number of the people introduced in this book carry the following titles: Dr. Doktorandus and Doktorandawhich indicates one has a postsecondary degree; M. Haji and Hajawhich indicates that a person has completed the pilgrimage to Mecca.

A cart containing a sound system was rolled into the library and a microphone was produced. Counting ballots on election day, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50,in North Sumatra. Frequently depicted as a homogenous people, Muslims have been mischaracterized in the popu lar imagination of the contemporary West as music-phobic, in part because of their regulation of musical activity in various contexts and historical periods up to and including the present.

In fact, Introduction: Setting the Scene 7 figure 1. Music and musical performance are rich ields for interpreting both the ongoing Islamization of the archipelago and the indigenization of the religion in the region.

You will be notified when your order is almost ready. Aaah Sala kalan Anta. Aa ; Aa bales Aa a. Abun baknlel kaaku SU bas kedai 2 tana alaa Sana", Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50. Pairoh, Hasanah The effect of contemporary nursing care programme on Islamic work ethics and nursing caring behaviour in Southern Thailand. Akil, Putri Nur Hidayah Al-Zikri Mohamad The molecular, cellular and functional changes in the treatment of rat spinal cord injury with neuro-progenitor cells derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells.

I took Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 my shoes and entered the house. Other thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Saud, Unaisa Effect of exergame-based balance training on selective attention and inhibitory control measured via eye tracking among healthy young adults.

Koran— Recitation. As I had traveled nonstop around Central and East Java and Jakarta the past several days, it had seemed to me that everyone was pleased with the results of the recent democratic and direct election of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, oten referred to as SBY pronounced ess bay yayin an election that had 4 Introduction: Setting the Scene been held on September 20,just a few weeks prior to my visit.

What about the enormous economic and cultural inluence that America exerts on the world? Noor, Muhamad Arif Azimi Md Antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of melalueca cajuputi essential oil in chronic immobilisation Địt vợ đang ngủ CIS -induced mice model. Wigg Asteraceae.

Muslim traders from western China also settled in coastal towns on the Chinese coast, and Chinese Muslims developed important links with communities in central Vietnam, Borneo, the southern Philippines, and the Javanese coast. Masters thesis, Univesiti Sains Malaysia. Following conventions of Western scholarship, I use the term music to refer to that which is musical. My original advisor, Ali Jihad Racy, remains an inspiration in all of the work that I do, and if I can claim to aspire toward the transmission of any scholarly and Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 lineage, it is his.

At that point my focus was the culture of recitation, with a particular emphasis on the transmission of an Egyptian melodic system used for recitation. Asri, Amiratul Aifa Mohamad Respiratory effects of aflatoxin b1 and risk of workplace مادر مسلمان home exposure among selected rice millers in Malaysia. Kamaruddin, Noorshaida Bone mineral density of the mandible as predictor of osteoporosis among Malays.

Folasade, Hammed-Akanmu Mutiat Designing a multiepitope vaccine against toxoplasma gondii. Rajandran, R. Rosli, Noor Izzati Md. Shian, Foo Kai Effects of high intensity interval training hiit with music on exercise motives and quality of life qol in physically inactive young adults. Although the New Order of Suharto, president of Indonesia from toeschewed even the idea of an Islamic state, religious belief, albeit accommodating and pluralistic, was conceived as one of the ive pillars of Pancasila or Panca Silathe guiding paradigm for Indonesia.

Lah, Nurzulaikha Mahd Structural equation modeling of health belief, intention, health promoting behaviour, social Ariella life2016, symptom severity and quality of life among people with abdominal bloating in Kelantan. Zien, Chin Yeng Incorporating self-compassion interventions in online bereavement support group for suicide loss survivors in Malaysia.

It is clear that the distinction between song I. But in the vast majority of the situations I witnessed, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, the presence of music that is, song with accompaniment by both percussion and melody instruments is generally accepted and enthusiastically appreciated among people in the business of religion.

Daut, Farah Nasuha Mohd Granisetron vs. Kamarulzaman, Nur Syahrain The effect of gratitude intervention on anxiety and depressive symptoms among university students in Malaysia. Valid for 6 transactions per user, per Grab account or per device during campaign period. I also thank Yudiharma in Jakarta and Mokhamad Yahya in Manila for their expertise as assistants and their friendship.

Includes bibliographical references and index. Once I was settled in Indonesia, the network of people and institutions that came to be a part of the project multiplied.

Abdullah, Nizam Development of an intraoral device for in situ biofilm study validated by its effective application in assessing biofilm characteristics. Pradeep, Raikundalia Sweta Microrna regulation of human choline kinase alpha gene expression and function in cancer cell lines. Nor, Nor Asiah Muhamad Evaluation of anti-diabetic activity of etlingera elatior flower bunga kantan aqueous extract in rat with type 2 diabetes mellitus induced by high-fat diet and streptozotocin, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50.

As someone who has spent considerable time in Indonesia, I ind it diicult not to address the stereotypes and fears that many Americans have about Islam, Muslim Indonesia, and Muslim women in teaching and public presentations.

SM ae Ws. UA uh ata. I thank both Scott Marcus xx Preface Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 Ac know ledg ments and Atesh Sonneborn for their joyous commitment to the work that we have shared over the years. Mail, Radwan Mail Physical examination and chemical analysis of erimin-5 tablets for forensic drug profiling.

Sultana, Sharmin The efficacy of modified flapless corticotomy using piezocision procedure to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement in premolar extraction cases. Hashim, Noorjahan Haneem Md Development and validation of entrustable professional activity EPA encompassing examiner competencies in the Malaysian anaesthesiology programme.

Kamaruddin, Nurul Iffah The determination of the airway receptors involved in trachea relaxant properties of aqueous tiger milk mushroom. Grab reserves the right to alter, extend or terminate the promotion, or amend the terms and condition at its sole discretion at any time without prior notice.

Asran, Iffah Izzati Che Evaluation of fertility and teratogenicity of the anthocyanin-rich standardized extract of hibiscus sabdariffa L. Ghazali, Mohamad Luqman Hanafi Evaluation of the male reproductive toxicity of the anthocyanin-rich standardized extract of hibiscus sabdariffa L. Sauji, Nadiratul Asyikin Development and optimization of rapid resolution liquid chromatography RRLC method following solid-phase extraction for determination of anthocyanin in rat plasma.

NGA ask, Kata [ Ise li gay. Dadi Darmadi helped me translate what I was learning, both literally and conceptually. Echols and Hassan Shadily. I thank her especially for agreeing to include several more photographs than originally planned and also for agreeing to include the lengthy transcription in musical notation prepared by Bridget Robbins.

Sakeri, Nurul Syarida Mohd The profiles of malay muslims with vestibular disorders and the outcome of vestibular rehabilitation. Zun, Ahmad Badruridzwanullah The assessment of environment of care in Hospital USM through in-patient satisfaction survey and ward rating audit. Amin, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, Mehedi Effects of Malaysian outdoor weather on physical and mechanical properties of pigmented maxillofacial prosthetic silicone elastomer.

Mana panaa Saanna tai see. Al-Radaydah, Dana Saleh Mohammad The effect of guided breastfeeding education on skill and attitude towards breastfeeding practice among first-time mothers in Jordan. Two aspects of the project emerged in the course of my discovery and understanding of this culture and became central to it. Numerous colleagues have invited me to present my work at various stages, and I thank them for their interest, their patronage, and their feedback.

Nelly Polhaupessy of AMINEF, the American Indonesian Exchange Foundation, Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50, facilitated my oicial relationship with the Islamic University as well as handled all Video sex Rebecca artis Indonesia the details required for the transition of my family of four to Jakarta for the duration of I am forever Xxx kak Yay Bagadi suluk kampung Air 50 to her capable management of administrative processes that were daunting to me.

Adil, Abdul Habeeb Assessment of parent's oral health literacy and its association with caries experience of Mia Khalifa come for dinner preschool children attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.