Western Sahara

Western Saharaformer United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Western Sahara reported increased military activity on both sides of the front and breaches of several cease-fire provisions against strengthening military fortifications. This second draft, commonly known as Baker II, was accepted by the Polisario as a "basis of negotiations" to the surprise of many. By the UN had identified about 85, voters, with nearly half of them in the Moroccan-controlled parts of Western Sahara or Southern Morocco, and the others scattered between the Tindouf refugee campsMauritania and other places of exile.

The political situation in Western Sahara saw some positive developments in recent years. A few days before, on 31 October, Moroccan troops invaded Western Sahara from the north, Western Sahara. The UN has put forth no replacement strategy after the breakdown of Baker II, and renewed fighting has been raised as a possibility.

Although the identification process has been completed, the parties continue to hold divergent views regarding the appeals process, the repatriation of refugees and other crucial aspects of the Plan. As of Januarythe plan had not been made public, though the Moroccan government claimed that it was more or less complete. Archived from the original on 17 April Jazmin chyvdary 17 September General Assembly—Thirty-fourth Session.

Archived PDF from the original on 10 January Retrieved 15 March February Currently, the bloc has opted to await the ECJ's response to Morocco's appeal before deciding on whether to extend the protocol.

It acknowledged that Western Sahara had historical links with Morocco and Mauritania, but not sufficient to prove the sovereignty of either State over the territory at the time of the Spanish colonization.

International press and other media coverage have been sparse, Western Sahara, and reporting is complicated by the Moroccan Western Sahara policy of strictly controlling independent media coverage within the territory. Archived from the original on 25 November Western Sahara Joseph Huddleston; Yahia H, Western Sahara.

Zoubir ISBN Berghahn Books.

Back to war in Western Sahara

Pro-independence Sahrawi sources, including the Polisario, have given these demonstrations the name " Independence Intifada ", while most sources have tended to see the events as being of limited importance. Meanwhile, Polisario still insisted on a referendum with independence as a clear option, Western Sahara offering a solution to the problem of who Chitti bachi qualified to be registered to participate in it, Western Sahara.

Ina new version of the plan was made official, with some additions spelling out the powers of the WSA, making it less reliant on Moroccan devolution.

The Polisario Front said Moroccan security forces had killed a year-old protester at the camp, Western Sahara, a claim denied by Morocco.

Morocco and Western Sahara: A new conflict brewing?

Morocco is an important partner for most EU Western Sahara, which makes it tricky for the EU to push back against Morocco's position on Western Sahara: The EU has several agreements with the kingdom, including on migration, trade, Western Sahara, and renewable energy, Western Sahara. Morocco extended its control to the rest of the territory. The election marks the culmination of a longstanding political rivalry between the two candidates, Western Sahara.

The Algerian government has consistently refused, claiming it has neither the will nor the right to negotiate on the behalf of the Polisario Front. Morocco was also allowed to keep its army in the area and retain control over all security issues during both the autonomy years and the election. It was home to more than 12, people. Identification of applicants from the three tribal groupings was completed at the end of December Of 51, individuals who presented themselves, 2, were found eligible to vote.

In October Gadaym Izik camp was set up near Laayoune as a protest by displaced Sahrawi people about their living conditions. Spain country profile. These negotiations would define the exact limits of a Western Sahara autonomy under Moroccan rule but only after Morocco's "inalienable right" to the territory was recognized as a precondition Western Sahara the talks.

Main article: Languages of Western Sahara. On 15 Novemberthe Moroccan government accused the Algerian Western Sahara services of orchestrating and financing the Gadaym Izik camp with the intent to destabilize the region.

Western Sahara

The Moroccan and Mauritanian annexations were resisted by the Polisario Frontwhich had gained backing from Algeria. Polisario has intermittently threatened to resume fighting, referring to the Moroccan refusal of a referendum as a breach of the cease-fire termsbut most observers seem to consider armed conflict unlikely without the green light from Algeriawhich houses the Sahrawis' refugee camps and has been the main military sponsor of the movement.

Several buildings, including a TV Virall Indonesia 2003xx, were also set on fire. In the waning days of General Franco 's rule, and after the Green Marchthe Spanish government signed a tripartite agreement with Morocco and Mauritania as it moved to transfer the territory on 14 November The accords were based on a bipartite administration, and Morocco and Mauritania each moved to annex the territories, Western Sahara, with Morocco taking control of the northern two-thirds of Western Sahara as its Southern ProvincesWestern Sahara Mauritania taking control of the southern third as Tiris al-Gharbiyya.

Demonstrations and protests still occur, even after Morocco declared in February that it was contemplating a plan for devolving Western Sahara limited variant of autonomy to the territory but still explicitly refused any referendum on independence, Western Sahara.

As of [update]negotiations over terms have not resulted in any substantive action. Protesters in Laayoune threw stones at police and set fire to tires and vehicles. Spain terminated its presence in Spanish Sahara within three months, repatriating Spanish remains from its cemeteries. It was rejected by both sides, although it was Western Sahara derived from a Moroccan proposal.

Numerous UN-sponsored talks fail to yield a breakthrough. At the heart of Western Sahara dispute lies the question of Western Sahara qualifies to be registered to participate in the referendum, and, since about the yearWestern Sahara, Morocco considers that since there is no agreement on persons entitled to vote, a referendum is not possible.

It is assessed that the berm and the immediate areas around it are heavily contaminated by landmines. Archived from the original on 11 November Retrieved 10 November Sahara Press Service in Arabic. It also provided further detail on the referendum process in order to make it harder to stall or subvert. Every person present in Western Sahara territory would be allowed to vote, regardless of birthplace and with no regard to the Spanish census.

Commentary Africa. Efforts by Western Sahara UN special envoys to find a common ground for both parties did not succeed, Western Sahara. Spain withdraws, Western Sahara. They were met by police. Under the auspices of the Personal Envoy of the Western Sahara for Western Sahara, representatives of the two parties together with representatives of the neighbouring countries, Mauretania and Algeria, convened for two rounds of UN-sponsored talks in suburban New York in June and August What are the nature and the reasons of the growing anti-Western sentiment in Subsaharan Africa; what are the possible consequences?

Morocco has repeatedly tried to engage Algeria in bilateral negotiations, based on its view of Polisario as the cat's paw of the Algerian military. Inthe Moroccan king stated that the referendum idea was "out of date" since it "cannot be implemented"; [36] Polisario retorted that that was only because of the King's refusal to allow it to take place.

Publications See all. The stalemating of the Moroccan proposal options has led the UN in the recent "Report of the UN Secretary-General" to ask the parties to enter into direct and unconditional negotiations to reach a mutually accepted political solution.

Demonstrations and riots by supporters of independence or a referendum broke Western Sahara in the Moroccan-controlled parts of Western Sahara in May and in parts of southern Morocco notably the town of Assa.

It gradually contained the guerrillas by setting up the extensive sand-berm in the desert known as the Border Wall or Moroccan Wall to exclude guerrilla fighters, Western Sahara. As personal envoy of the Secretary-General, James Baker visited all sides and produced the document known as the "Baker Plan".

United Nations.

Background | MINURSO

This again brought the process to a halt. Several international human rights organizations expressed concern at what they termed abuse by Moroccan security forces, and a number of Sahrawi activists have been jailed. The bloc's officials do not recognize Morocco's sovereignty claims over Western Sahara and follow the UN in regarding it as a militarily occupied land.

A mosque in DakhlaWestern Sahara, a city under Moroccan control. Morocco country profile, Western Sahara. According to Baker's draft, Western Sahara, tens of thousands of post-annexation immigrants from Morocco proper viewed by Polisario as settlers but by Morocco as legitimate Western Sahara of the area would be granted the vote in the Sahrawi independence referendum, and the ballot would be split three ways by Western Sahara inclusion of an unspecified " autonomy ", further undermining the independence camp.

Inthe Houston Agreement attempted to revive the proposal for a referendum but likewise has hitherto not had success. The referendum, originally scheduled forforesaw giving the Western Sahara population the option between independence or affirming integration with Morocco, but it quickly stalled.

Western Sahara profile

Polisario accepted this voter list, Western Sahara, as it had done with the previous list presented by the UN both of them originally based on the Spanish census ofbut Morocco refused and, as rejected voter candidates began a mass-appeals procedure, insisted that each application be scrutinized individually. King Hassan II of Morocco initially supported the referendum idea in principle inand signed contracts with Polisario and the UN in and No major powers have expressed interest in forcing the issue, Western Sahara, however, and Morocco has shown little interest in a real referendum.

The appeals period for individuals on the second part of the provisional list began on 15 January for a six-week period. Linguistic Western Sahara in the Camps of Sahrawi Refugees. It has received vocal support from France and occasionally and currently from the United States.

The Western Sahara conflict: A fragile path to negotiations

Read the Dossier. The Secretary-General has Western Sahara his Special Representative to continue consultations with the parties to seek a reconciliation of these views; and to explore ways and means to achieve an early, durable and agreed resolution of their dispute over Western Sahara. The population of the territory thus possessed the right of self-determination.

Indeed, shortly after the Houston AgreementMorocco officially declared that it was "no longer necessary" to include an option of independence on the ballot, offering instead autonomy. Hassan II's son and successor, Western Sahara, Mohammed VIhas opposed any referendum Western Sahara independence, and has said Morocco will never agree to one: "We shall not Western Sahara up one inch of our beloved Sahara, not a grain of its sand, Western Sahara.

Liberia held general elections on October 10th,leading to a runoff on November 14th between President George Weah and challenger Joseph Boakai. Cooperation plays a primary role in Italian policy in Africa: what is the current situation and the prospects for the future.

Related events Events calendar, Western Sahara. He traced the protocol back to a deal made between Morocco and colonial Spain, in which the Spanish agreed to withdraw from the region in exchange for gaining fishing rights from Morocco.

Both sides blame each other for the stalling of the referendum. The most recent extension of the mandate was authorized by the Security Council in its resolutionextending the mandate to 31 October That list included 84, names of applicants found eligible to vote out ofidentified, Western Sahara.


The Polisario has insisted on only allowing those found on the Spanish Census lists see below to vote, while Morocco has insisted that the census was flawed by evasion and sought the inclusion of members of Sahrawi tribes that escaped from Spanish invasion to the north of Morocco by the 19th century. The stability of governance systems in Africa is Western Sahara of the central themes in policies aimed at managing migration flows towards Europe.

The controversial Western Sahara pact is only one of the manifestations of the EU countries' dilemma with Morocco, according to Hagen. After that, the draft quickly garnered widespread international support, Western Sahara, culminating in the UN Security Council's unanimous endorsement of the plan in the summer of Baker resigned his post at Western Sahara United Nations in ; his term did not see the crisis resolved.

Moroccan officials said five security personnel had been killed in the unrest. Archived from the original on 22 May Retrieved 19 August Archived PDF from the original on 26 December Retrieved 20 May Retrieved 21 October La divisa local es el dinar argelino, Western Sahara, aunque se puede pagar casi todo en euros. In November Moroccan security forces entered Gadaym Izik camp in the early hours of the morning, using helicopters and water cannon to force people to leave.