Wasitan xuc

These decorations a r e later t Wasitan xuc a n t h e original t e s t. It h a s come t o light quite independently of t h e other. The Lodge number is giveil-No, Wasitan xuc. There is nowhere a n y evidence of a n early issue of Warralits. The Antient W a r r a n t was returned, and the nmnber declared vacant in I n No.

Isle of Wight, now t h e Albany Lodge No. The Noderns W a r r a n t has been lost, Wasitan xuc. No Provincial W a r r a n t s were issued i n IIerefordshire before Dullckerley's appoiiltrnent i11after which he coustitnted t h e Silurian. I n t h e printed Charter Rolls. Grand Lodge decided 10 Sep, to coiitinne him in office as P.

The allusion to t h e Science Lodge a t Salisbury appears t o indicate that he had " constituted " the Lodge himself, Wasitan xuc, b u t there is no other evidence of this, Wasitan xuc, and tlie Warrant is lost.

T oncaster. H e recently discovered a Copy of t h e Book of Constitntions " hidden away in a drawer b y Wasitan xuc. Providing t h e ahove named B r e t h r e na i d all their Successors always pay due respect to this R i g h t Worshipful Graud Lodge, atherwise this W a r r Wasitan xuc n t to he of no force nor virtue. T h e Wasitan xuc a r r a n t issued to t h Wasitan xuc Lodge of Goodfellowship No.

I n Wasitan xuc respect this IT7arraat is typical of tl;ose issued elsewhere by Dunckerley. A few moilths ago our W. T h e device is t h a t of t h e Knigllts' Templar, which Dunckerley i n a letter dated J a n, Wasitan xuc. Richard S m i t h is a docunlent which is n o doubt a dispensation for holding t h i s Lodge until t h e official document arrived from London, Wasitan xuc.

This Warrant also i s :. A11 c c, Wasitan xuc. Minute Books i n t h e possession of this Lodge go back to George Wasitan xuc t h e character and location of t h e W a r r a n t being now unknown. Esecutecl i n t h e presence of ". Thomas P a r k e Wasitan xuc for Surrey, Francis 3li1isliull for Susses, and Charles Frederick for K e n ta n d also a t t h e olxuing ceremony on N a y 23rd H i s rianie also appedrs as a member of t h e Wasitan xuc of t h e School for Girls, Wasitan xuc.

Cash p a i d for Postage of t h e Register to Chester l. The Lodge was erased inb u t the W a r r a n t has until now remained in private hands. Brotherly Love. This W a r r a n t also is highly decorated : B r o. This old Copy is still i n possession of t h e Lodge, b u t is deposited in a bank for safe custody, Wasitan xuc.

W e have already quoted a lettcr fi. Ormskirlr A s a matter of fact. T h e Royal Gloucester Lodge was constituted t o meet a t Gloucester as shown by t h e letter of 1 F e b. Vagstaffe and Kelly i n Cheshire; t o Bro, Wasitan xuc. Tucliett for generous use of his library: to Bro, Wasitan xuc. If I may b e permitted one word of advice, I would earnestly w g e all concerned to guard these old documeuts against f u r t h e r damage.

The W a r r a n t is i n Wasitan xuc h e full wording of t h e G r a n d Lodge model, the signatures being nutographs of Tho" Dunckerley P. Wasitan xuc West D. West Esq. The Warrant is in very good condition, tliougli a little faded.

This is also of the usual G. Seal and the nuniber It is becoming very faded. This Lodge was erased in Though i t is probable t h a t t h e"Social Lodge " constituted a t Braintree on 9 June was sinlilarly warranted by Dunckerley, Wasitan xuc, there Wasitan xuc a t present evidence available of this. Warranting-by t h e Provincial G. Salusbury Cot,ton, the P. B u t evidently t h e hold of t h e hroderns Grand Lodge upon the Province was not. A g a i n exactly similar in wording to t h e ot,hers, Wasitan xuc.

On the clay on which t h e gild offers its candlc they shall for t h e lore of God. If any Port morsby coms 2023 or sister curse another or hastily coinnlences litigation vhile the gild Wasitan xuc still endeavouring to compose t h e quarrel ' lie sllall give to the gild a pound of wax, Wasitan xuc. Whilst Secretary his I'linutes a r e very interesting to read. These decorations a r Wasitan xuc later t h a n t h e original t e s t.

Spencer t h e W. J o h n Cordley S. Becliwith Secretary" of the Prov. Lord Aberdour. G"" Secy. Concerning t h e Albion. A n d t h a t you a n d your Successors omit not once i n every year or oftener as occasion m a y be to transmit to me or m y I k p u t y or our Successors Copies of all Rules, Orders. This document is, Wasitan xuc, therefore, sui generis, and has so many individual characteristics t h a t i t must be transcribed in full:- '.

The H a l i f a x Dispensation states, after tlle recitation of t h e petitioners and ternls of their application, t h a t i t is issued b y virtue of t h e Power and authority l'. The Warrant of No. I t is also strictly in G. This W a r r a n t was lost, and a TT7arrant of Wasitan xuc issued in GROUP f. Warcl D. F o r some reason a duplicate W a r r a n t was prepared a n d issued to them iu Sainuel Spencer John Revis was G.

Belieat11 Samuel Speucer's signature appears t h e unusual personal notice " Born a t H a l i f a x i n Pol. Evidently then. Carter for his interesting paper.

T h e Certificate of Coilstitution of t h e Lodge meetiilg a t t h e Star in Watergate Street, Chester, inis still presers7ed, a n d reads:- W e whose names a r e heieuuto subscribed did meet a t t h e house of our brother Daniel Coleclough a t t Wasitan xuc e S t a r i n t h e W a t e r g a t e Street and did t h e n a n d t h e r e Constitute a new a n d regular Lodge i n full form a n d thereof did appoint our Brother J o h n Griffith Master, our Brother Charles K e r n e y Senior W a r d e n a u d our Brother Charles Haswell, Junior Warden, Wasitan xuc.

Doncaster liow No. He does n o t a p p e a r t o have taken much active iuterest i n tlie affairs of the Province, a n d did not a t t e n d t h e nieetings of t h e Lodge with a n y regularity. I t is very well engrossed on vellum b y Chris. Ormskirlr A s a matter of fact. The first Minutes of No. George Norman i n t h e Trnnsnctzons of the Somerset Xasters' Lodgeindicatc t h a t the Lodge had been for some time in working order.

He was a Steward a t Grand Lodge i nthereby becoiliiilg Office work went out by secretary for pronlotion to office i n Grand Lodge, which he received on X a y 1 l by his appointment a s J u n i o r G r m d W a r d e nand h e was a very frecluelit attendant a t the meetings of G r a n d Lodge, Wasitan xuc, filling various chairs as a Wasitan xuc from time to Wasitan xuc he was present a t t h e ceremony of laying t h e foundation stone of the new hall, Wasitan xuc, as Prov.

Rradley to Governor Pownal Wasitan xuc - H e contracted to c10 the plain vork by measure ancl the fne ca1-vccl work and images by the day, Wasitan xuc. The engrossing a n d decorations a r e b y Cliristopher Wilson. H e recently discovered a Copy of t h e Book of Constitntions " hidden away in a drawer b y itself. Leeds, No. L a n e states Wasitan xuc error i n his ; M n s o i t i c Krcortls 2nd edition.

I believe, Wasitan xuc, b u r n t m a n y years ago i n a disastrous fire, Wasitan xuc. I nas a result of serious insubordination i n t h e Sarum Lodge. Their Warrt. The Provl. Lodge docmnents were.

The W a r r a n t of t h e Royal Cumberlaud Lodge a t B a t h is not preserved, and it is probable t h a t none was ever issued; t h e Lodge amalgamated with the Lodge founded in and still works Wasitan xuc No, Wasitan xuc. I11 a long footuote in Dr. Oliver's Rezrelntions of n Spzrore p. They follow Wasitan xuc G. The D. Dunckerley became P. Downing warranted one which lapsed i n TWOWarrants only are a t present known to have been preserved: one still used by the existing Lodge a t Chelnisford No.

Library which have a bearing on these issues. Wasitan xuc for W"'. Osborn J, Wasitan xuc. Gibson W"', Wasitan xuc. T o All Wasitan xuc i t m a y Concern We. William Osborn. A n d this is i n keeping with t Wasitan xuc e traditions of t h i s Province. Garland Wasitan xuc ". Doncaster liow No. He does n o t a p p e a r t o have taken much active iuterest i n tlie affairs of the Province, a n d did not a t t e n d t h e nieetings of t h e Lodge with a n y regularity.

A n d t h a t you a n d your Successors omit not once i n every year or oftener as occasion m a y be to transmit to me or m y I k p u t y or our Successors Copies of all Rules, Orders. The Warrant of the Lodge of Vrbanity, Wasitan xuc, Wincanton. Joel Bretland and James Crooke ancl your Successors to take special care t h a t you and the rest of t h e members of t h e said Lodge do a t all times observe. The W a r r a n t has been preserved i n Grand Lodge, a n d shows t h e influence of the Apollo document.

Such installatioil t o Wasitan xuc upon or near every S t. It was a short-lived Lodge and was erased in Dunckerley reported to t h e G. The names of t h e Officers of t h e Lodge cited in مثلْيےّ h e G, Wasitan xuc. Blalre lraster: Rev. Attwell Small D. Blake Clerk Wardens. Essex, Wiltshire, Dorset, Somerset.

Sir ancl 13ro. Their Warrt, Wasitan xuc. Tn consequence of which and acct. H i s activities i n London a r e better lrnown. Signed J o h n Page P, Wasitan xuc. Blackett S.

Charles Townsend Wllbrahanl J. This may h a v e been t h e usual certificate t o Grand Lodge a f t e r t h e oEcial action taken i n response t o a Deputation. Kingston on I-lnll, l 7 8 1 : S t, Wasitan xuc. The W a r r a n t is i n Wasitan xuc h e full wording of t h e G r a n d Lodge model, the signatures being nutographs of Tho" Dunckerley P.

Thomas West D. West Esq, Wasitan xuc. The Warrant is in very good condition, tliougli a little faded. Halifax, Wasitan xuc, 28 J a n. I n the spring of Bro. Spencer wished t o resign his position as D. Spencer's resignation having been dccepted he was " desired tjo write to S i r W. Vavasour, a n d t h a t t h e Lodgc reconinlends Bro. Georgc's Lodge. J o h n ' s D a y during t h e continuance of this Lodge for ever. Parkyns' apl'oint,ment as Prov.

A n d this authority shall continue i n force until you shall have received t h e P a t e n t of Constitution b y you applied for as aforesaid. Fowkes dying on " the 7th November. After an abortive attempt by the Antients to establish n Lodge there inthey constituted the Domi1:icn Union Lodge on May 16 The ntoderns had constituted a Lodge there on 29 Nov.

Wasitan xuc looks then as though nermott scored in Dominica ineven though temporarily jockeyed out of Newfoundland a year before. Richard Slater AIilnes Wasitan xuc s q, Wasitan xuc. The first Minutes of No. George Norman i n t h e Trnnsnctzons of the Somerset Xasters' Lodgeindicatc t h a t the Lodge had been for some time in working order.

Garland must have felt a little more comfortable about this isme. As originally issued, these MTarrants do n o t a p p e a r t Wasitan xuc have been much embellished or Idinan sexy just t h e variety of size a n d O, Wasitan xuc. Naplltali HeywoodU n i o n Asllton i n Lyneallcl Friendship Oldham have simple rubrication with ruled lines, around and within t h e mail1 divisions.

Many Lancastrian TAodge histolies refer t o his having issued t h e T17arrant and then they pass t o other nlatters without f u r t h e r nlentioll of him, Wasitan xuc. There is nowhere a n y evidence of a n early issue of Warralits.

Of t h e five other Lodges constituted during t h e c e n t u r ythree a r e still working and retain their original Provincial W a r r a n t.

I t is wrktten on old Mom and son hardcore prime videos made paper i n t h e same handwriting throughout, giving t h e names of Tliomas Dunckerley as P.

Cartaret Lewis P. It is, Wasitan xuc, of course, Wasitan xuc, only a n assumption t h a t this device was used on the original W a r r a Wasitan xuc tb u t as we find a similar use i n i t is a justifiable one.

Carlisle, t'o W m. This Lodge was erased in Though i t is probable t h a t t h e"Social Lodge " constituted a t Braintree on 9 June was sinlilarly warranted by Dunckerley, there is a t present evidence available of this. A year after t h e Prescot Lodge, Wasitan xuc. I t is t h e Wasitan xuc of our Order Templwn I-lierosolyma Eques. Concerning t h e Albion. A n d this authority shall continue i n force until you shall have received t h e P a t e n t of Constitution b y you applied for as aforesaid.

Dunckerley, the latter having been ' recently instituted Wasitan xuc himself," and h e is said t o have " projected t h e junction to enable it Wasitan xuc take precedence in the Province b y t h e adoption of t h e former number. I t is plainly eugrossecl. Joel Bretland. Endorsed on t h e back appears : Wasitan xuc Officers present-l'.

Jonas Thonlpson had been initiated in the Apollo Lodge on Nov. Spencer B1. W e shall see, Wasitan xuc, however, t h a t he continued to exercise Provincial authority long after this date, Wasitan xuc. Wells 30 M a ya n d Royal Clarence, F r o m e 2 J u n e were constituted by Dunckerley-these Lodges were erased i n a n d respectively, and their Warrants have n o t been preserved. It is issued by the P. Engrossed on parchment. Garland proposed ", Wasitan xuc. Heseltine, t h e Grand Secretary, a n d dated 1 I a r 20thstates, inter alia :- " t h e Committee intimated t h a t if i t was t h e desire of t h e Lodges in Somersetshire t o have you appointed their P.

The Grand Wasitan xuc have also. On the death of J o h n Smith, X. None of these was appoiiitecl, a n d i t is stated b y Bro. One of L unckerley S first acts after his appointinent waq to visit this Lodge a t St. J o h n ' s F e Wasitan xuc s t : a n d b y t h e Wasitan xuc November a definite proposal of amalgamatioil with t h e new formed Royal Wasitan xuc Lodge wds received by the Naster, a n d accepted b y t h e Lodge.

Thoinas Okes now appears as D. The Wasitan xuc of issue a t Exeter is as before, and there is no attached " certificate. I t is similar in all essentials to t h e previous isuec, Wasitan xuc.

The wording entircly follows t h e Wasitan xuc. The signatures a r e t h e usual ones of W i n. Tn consequence of which and acct. Although t h e W a r r a n t is dated N a r c h 7t11,Wasitan xuc, t h e Lodge was already exercising t,he functions of a Provincial G r a n d Loclge i n t h e summer of the preceding year, as is clear from t h e contents of a cosnnlunication addressed to the Grand Secretary on September I l t h Wasitan xuc,i n t h e course of which the Master of a local Lodge gives expression to t h e feelings aroused i n other Lodges by t h e preferment of t h e Lewes Lodge, Wasitan xuc.

Tn Keighley, and Halifax. Richard Garland, Wasitan xuc. I t is wrktten on old haad- made paper i n t h e same handwriting throughout, giving t h e names of Tliomas Dunckerley as P, Wasitan xuc. Cartaret Lewis P. It is, of course, only a n assumption t h a t this device was used on the original W a r r a n tb u t as we find a similar use i n i t is a justifiable one.

Warranting-by t h e Provincial G. Salusbury Cot,ton, the P. B u t evidently t h e hold of t h e hroderns Grand Lodge upon the Province was not. I'resumably this W a r r a n t w. I t will New youn noticed t h a t t h e drawings cut i n on t h Wasitan xuc t e s t i n some places in a way t h a t wordcl not have occurred h Wasitan xuc d t h e clecorntions been originally intended.

William Low Xaster. Provincial Grand Naster for t h e County aforesaid.

J o h n Allell was appointed P. Wherefore our R i g h t T r u s t y well-beloved B r e t h r e n Joseph Smith, t h e present Master a n d t h e lest of t h e melnbers of t h e said Lodge have besought m e to g r a n t t h e m m y Certificate of Constitution which I have readily agreed t o do. I n a Copy which was made of this W a r r a n t some pears ago by a Provincial Grand Tyler and published, Wasitan xuc. Archers:B a r b e r s ;Cordwainers: Fullers : Mercers:Ninstrels a n d Actors:Tilers including C r a f t ordinances :Sailors :Tailors including Craft statutes : Weavers including Craft statutes.

Richard Slater AIilnes E s q. Lane records a Lodge there, constituted by the Antients on X a y 2 The anticipation of a Lodge in the Leeward Islands a t Dominica does not appear to have been fulfilled. Should a n y brother or sister i n t h c tow11 or m a r k c t be in custody for ally fault. No Provincial W a r r m t s have beell preserved of the Lodges in Dorset. All t h e enlbellishnients a r e in gilt. T h e Certificate of Coilstitution of t h e Lodge meetiilg a t t h e Star in Watergate Wasitan xuc, Chester, inis still presers7ed, Wasitan xuc, a n d reads:- W e whose names a r e heieuuto subscribed did meet a t t h e house of our brother Daniel Coleclough a t t h e S t a r i n t h e W Wasitan xuc t e r Wasitan xuc a t e Street and did t h e n a n d t h e r e Constitute a new a n d regular Lodge i n full form a n d thereof did By2 our Brother J o Wasitan xuc n Griffith Master, our Brother Charles K ดูหนังแล้วเย็ดกัน r n e y Senior W a r d e n a u d our Brother Charles Haswell, Junior Warden.

The Warrant of the Lodge of Vrbanity, Wasitan xuc, Wincanton. Yorkshire may, a t the last, Wasitan xuc, have secured as heavy a cargo. Provincial Masters continued t o be elected allnually b y t h e Chester Lodges though i n l 7 2 7 C a Wasitan xuc t.

H e was initiated in t h e Union Lodge, Exeter No. Son of Richard Bampfylde of Bristol, Bart. Reconimending ', Wasitan xuc. No Wasitan xuc or nrunber is given t o t h e Lodge, Wasitan xuc. Grand Sec. A total expense of Given a t Chester under our h a n d a n d seal of Masonry this t e n t h d a y of O'ctober A.

Witness Sg" C. Rcxgister No. I t appears. During t h e period of J o h n Allen's rule ovcr t h e Province twenty-two Lodges were W a r r a n t e d b y t h Antients. Kelly adds : " I an1 afraid t h e original is n o t i n esistence as tllc 1'. Lodge docmnents were. He was a Steward a t Grand Lodge i nthereby becoiliiilg qualified for pronlotion to office i n Grand Lodge, which he received on X a y 1 l by his appointment a s J u n i o r G r m d W a r d e nand h e was a very frecluelit attendant a t the meetings of G r a n d Lodge, filling various chairs as a substitute from time to time: he was present Old knight sex movies‏ t t Wasitan xuc e ceremony of laying t h e foundation stone of the new hall, Wasitan xuc, as Prov.

I n a Lodee was founded to meet a t t h e Uull's Halifax and a Deputation i n t h e Wasitan xuc wordiug was issued b y t h e G r a n d ifraster orc cl Caruarvon.

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Thomas Osborne evidently t h e J u n i o r W a r d e n being given t h e senior office as well as Richard B i s s b u t a close scrutiny of t h e Wasitan xuc reveals t h e fact that the word J u n i o r has been altered to Senior-perhaps a t t h e instigation Wasitan xuc the worthy Brother Osborne when h e achieved promotion.

J o h n Allen Prov. There is a very interesting old water-mark of a inan surrouilded by a low paling from t h e bottom of which hangs a bell, a n d within which is also enclosed a sinall heraldic lion, r a m p a n t a n d brandishing a sword, t h e m a n carrying a long staff with a h a t perched on i tand t h e words P r o P a t r i a extending across the space below t h e h a t.

Together with such other Rules. After t h e founcling of t h e Apollo Lodge till t h e end of t h e century thlrty-one Lodges Mere established undcr t h e 3Ioderns. L i b r Arab xxx bara pondo r y : i t is similar to t h e previously described Wasitan xuc. Whereas i t has been represented t o m e t h a t there a r e nou remainiiig two members only belonging to t h e Lodge a t Lymington i n t h e said County of which t h e Master M r.

The earliest indication of Constitutioli-i. Another of these Dispensations, issued for the W h i t e I-Iart Lodge, Wasitan xuc, Hudders- field nowcontinued in force as the sole authority for the Lodge working until a WarFant of Confirnlntion was received from Grand Lodge in when the Dispensation was sent t o G.

Its wording is as for I-Iarmony, Halifax: i t is engrossed on vellum, much torn and defaced, with a small portion of a n original seal left lmt not decipherilble, Wasitan xuc.

Wilson G. Bears t h e Seal of t h e Apollo Lodge, Yorlr. Haseltine G. Rowland Berkeley G. T l eas. The Rev'd. No Provincial W a Wasitan xuc r m t s have beell preserved of the Lodges in Dorset, Wasitan xuc. City of Gloucester. I t is similar in all essentials to t h e previous isuec. George's Lodge. I n a New Lodge was founded a t t h e Royal Oak, Wasitan xuc. Ripon, and we note the n e s t stage in t h e Yorkshire methods, Wasitan xuc.

Unfortunately, however, t h e docunlent is n o t t h e original Warrant, but n contemporary, or-nearly contemporary Copy of i t. I t is of interest, Wasitan xuc, to note that through the close trade collnections between Poole and Newfoundland, Dunckerley was Wasitan xuc in the issue Wasitan xuc two Warrants for t h a t colony.

James Gnlloway D. Lee P. I t also appears t o have the finely engrossed name C. R a n d a t the extreme margin a t bottom right, Wasitan xuc, which is frequently t h e manner i n which the engrosser places his name when particularly pleased with his work, Wasitan xuc, or t h e illuminator if the enibellishnlents and decorations are imposed upon t h e originally plainly executed document.

Oliver is i n errror in stating t h a t this was " t h e first meeting after t h e union of t h e two Lodges. I t is not signed b y 3lilnes, Wasitan xuc. This Dispensation-for i t can be called nothing more-has continued in force in t h e Lodge now No. The Correspondence of Chris. Believe m e most sincerely Y o u r affect. I t bears the G. Seal, b u t no number, and is in t h e shortened Wasitan xuc. Names are filled in by the engrosser in t h e body of the document.

The place of honour- the top left-hand corner-is assumed b y W m. It bears t h e sigslature of R. T t is signed a t t Stepsister indian spanish e bottom Wasitan xuc y Richard Garland D.

Johiisoa P, Wasitan xuc. Wilson P. The expression ' Executed in t h e presence of " is n o longer u s e d : 13ro. Wilsoa's best style. I n Dunckerley rejoiced esceediligly t h a t t h e Brethren of t h e Antient Lodge No. Dispensation d a t e d 4 J u n e Royal Gloucester Lodge East St.

Dispensation dated August 5 After Dunckerley's death the Lodge reverted to t h e Antients though working under both Warrants, and Wasitan xuc names of members to t h e Registers of both Societies some being included in both lists : both numbers were carried forwarcl at the Union, Wasitan xuc, and recognised as of separate Lodges, t Wasitan xuc a t of the Moderns being erased in and t h a t of the Antients still working as Wasitan xuc. I cannot find t h a t the Moderus Warrant issued by Dunckerley has been preserved.

I am Brother Yours affectionately. Selby Newbnll t h e Secy. T h e interest'ing " Book of t h e Provincial Grand Master " now in the Bodleian L i b r a Wasitan xuc y gives no clue as t a its d a t e : i t m a y have been prepared a t any time before ; its injunction t h a t t h e " Arnies of all t h e Provincial Grancl hlasters " a r e t o b e " painted, Q u a r t w ' d with t h e Mason's Wasitan xuc. Allen quotes from, Wasitan xuc.

Aft'er t h e establishment of No. The wording differs from t h e G. TVorshipful a n d Loving Brethren. Richmoiid, G. Trel-elxan Lee, J. The 3Iaster also referred to the great liindness of I3to. This old Copy is still i n possession of t h e Lodge, b u t is deposited in a bank for safe custody, Wasitan xuc. Grand Master. T3ut here it is again. It is strange Wasitan xuc h a t if a W a r r a n t had actually been issued i t is not preserved either i n G r a n d Lodge to which i t should have Wasitan xuc immediately returned.

Ten years later, we have t h e letter :- I-Iampton Court Palace. This corresponds in every respect wit11 t,he Ripon W a r r a n t of the previous vear, Wasitan xuc. I n virtue of a P a t e n t dated t h e 22"" December A s also to make Masons in due form from time to Wasitan xuc a: occasion may require. Lodge t h e llt" inst. Spencer t h e W. J o h n Cordley S. Becliwith Secretary" of the Wasitan xuc. Wilson, a n d is i n very good con- dition. Below t h e Copy of t h e W a r r a n t appcars in tlie same handwriting the Wasitan xuc notes : - a N.

T h e members of t h e above Lodge with t h e esceptioli of B r o : Tims. It would seen1 t h a t so far as t h e Provinces a r e concerned such s series of C r a f t Gilds Wasitan xuc unique a t that time. I n a letter dated from Salisbury, Dec. Derniot by authority from tlie Duke of Athol, have apply'd to me for 1ny Instruction and Patronage. Lodge of Conmlerce 2 15 IIaslingden. Signed J o h n Page P, Wasitan xuc. Blackett S, Wasitan xuc. Charles Townsend Wllbrahanl J.

This may h a v e been t h e usual certificate t o Grand Lodge a f t e r t h e oEcial action taken i Wasitan xuc response t o a Deputation. J o h n Simpson, Geo. Xatthew Vicars a n d Jo Keaipldy. There is a very interesting old water-mark of a inan surrouilded by a low paling from t h e bottom of which hangs a bell, a n d within which is also enclosed a sinall heraldic lion, r Wasitan xuc m p a n t a n d brandishing a sword, t h e m a n carrying a long staff with a h a t perched on i tWasitan xuc, and t h e words P r o P a t r i a extending across the space below t h e h a t.

It is embellished with llaeonic emblems of tlie same character as before, and contains t h e final phrase " Executed in t h e presence of. Of the seven Warrants issued Wasitan xuc 1 unckerley for Lodges in Somerset four are extant, Wasitan xuc, and after his death Wasitan xuc was issued by J o h n Smith for a Lodge at Chard. Of this worthy brother, Wasitan xuc. It was issued by Tho" Thackray D. Dad bigger also the lettering is varied, b u t there is no elaborate decoration.

This is probably a very good instance of t h e steadily damaging effect of ordinary daylight on these halidwritten documents: i Wasitan xuc forty years a very serious fading must occur, Wasitan xuc. The Certificate came safe to hand for which you will also give me Credit GS.

I had no opportunity whea I saw you last of enquiring if you hearcl of the Captain concerning the letter sent to me from Bro. I shall be glad to have a line froin you in Old man Licking woman Boob t h a t 1 may acquaint Bro. Campbell with the success of the Petition from Newfoundland. The engrossing a n d decorations a r e b y Cliristopher Wilson. This Class consists of Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Joel Bretland.

B u t both Warrants issued by Col. DartfordWasitan xuc, still working under the number and preserving the original Provincial W a r r a n t. This Antient Lodge was meeting a t t h e Wasitan xuc I n n. This W a r Wasitan xuc a n t of the Constitutional Lodge No. The Royal Brunswick No. Spencer 1il. Recommending to you a n d t h e rest of the Brethren t,he Cultivation of t h e Royal C r a f t a n d your keeping in view the three Grancl Principles of our Order.

T h e W a r r a n t issued to t h e Lodge of Goodfellowship No. I n every Wasitan xuc this IT7arraat is typical of tl;ose issued elsewhere by Dunckerley. Grand Lodge records do not show a Wasitan xuc y payment, for a Constitution respecting t h i s Lodge. Ilarnlonic Liverpool. I t is t h e siguature of our Order Templwn I-lierosolyma Eques.

The Lodge constituted a t Warrington i n has long lost its original V a r r a n tb u t a n ancient Copy used to h a n g i n t h e Lodge room. Favour me with a Wasitan xuc, when i t Wasitan xuc sent. West of Bath. G r e a t Fussi kissing h e was, h e cannot rightly 11e given t h e position of " father of the present race of Provincial Grand blasters.

Yorkshire may, a t the last, have secured as heavy a cargo. T h e Royal Gloucester Lodge was constituted t o meet a t Gloucester as shown by t h e letter of 1 F e b.

Another of these Dispensations, issued for the W h i t e I-Iart Lodge, Hudders- field nowcontinued in force as the sole authority for the Lodge working until a WarFant of Confirnlntion was received from Grand Lodge in when the Dispensation was sent t o G. Its wording is as for I-Iarmony, Wasitan xuc, Halifax: i t is Hayfa wehbi on vellum, Wasitan xuc, much torn and defaced, with a small portion of a n original seal left lmt not decipherilble.

Shepton Mallet 4 J u n e l'i92is i n all essentials a siinilar issue, Wasitan xuc, except t h a t t h e P. Seal and No, Wasitan xuc. IIighbridge, was issued by 1 uackerley 21 Jan. This Lodge first met a t Iluritspill, two or three miles out of I-Iighbridge. T h e Royal Yorkshire Lodge, Keighley or, as i t was a t first called, The Xilnes Lodgereceived a document of Wasitan xuc h e same d a t e a n d mzltntls mzltaizdzs i n identical terms a n d signatures.

I am Brother Yours affectionately. Wasitan xuc h e certificate of t Wasitan xuc e Graceman or Master of a certain gild fouilded Wasitan xuc l l honour of o u r L o r da n d t h e B.

J a m e s [of Compostella] a n d goes over sea. The earliest indication of Constitutioli-i. I t will be noticed t h a t t h e drawings cut i n on t h e t e s t i Wasitan xuc some places in a way t h a t wordcl not have occurred h a d t h e Wasitan xuc been originally intended. Together with such other Rules. Cottoll in I t h a s kindly been supplied to m e by l?

Samuel Lankford, Wasitan xuc. The P. This is the only Provincial W a r r a n t now Wasitan xuc in Cornwall.

On J l d y 1 l'i75, Dunckerley constituted t h Wasitan xuc Lodge of Concord a t the Star I n nWasitan xuc, Southampton, i n person, as recorded i n a letter preserved in G. T h e Phcenis No. I n t h e Royal Navy Lodge. Lane records a Lodge there, constituted by the Antients on X a y 2 The anticipation of a Lodge in the Leeward Islands a t Dominica does not appear to have been fulfilled. T o be there formed ancl held Thursday oil A n d further I will and require you t h e said Jo Ashworth.

Wilson with t h e G d. T h e n a m e of the Brother who presented t Black missionary hard core e Seal was not Belcombe, Wasitan xuc, as given on p.

It was a short-lived Lodge and was erased in Dunckerley reported to t h e G. The names of t h e Officers of t h e Lodge cited in t h e G. Blalre lraster: Rev. Attwell Small D. Blake Clerk Wardens. A n d whereas a t a meeting held under our Dispensation foc t h e Election of Officers for t h e ensuing gear N a t h a n Jackson gentleman. A f t e r t h e Union t h e troubles of t h e Cr11ft were h y means over: wtrs. I rec'cl i t this nlorliing under cover of a letter from my very worthy Deputy, Doctor Campbell of Pool.

IIe returned to the Union Lodge, Wasitan xuc, Exeter, on leaving Oxford inand was in that same year elected n1. The Moderns of t h e original Grand Lodge were something less t h a n the Fellows and therefore h a d no Freemasonry to spread, Wasitan xuc.

Very few of t h e Wasitan xuc Lodges had any representatives a t t h e ineetings or a n y voice i n t h e appoint,inent: t h e formalities with Grand Lodge appear t o have been secondary considerations with Bro.

I t was not likely t h a t a little t h i n g like t h a t would b e ally difficnlty to Richard Garland. I t is badly engrossed on very thin vellum.

This suggestion is advarsced as a possible solution to the problem present,ed b y this printed Warrant-a curious document without duplicate i n t h e written records of t h e Craft. Riast'er of Nott's. Wasitan xuc i b r a r y which reads:- " Chester. Shepton Mallet 4 J u n e l'i92is i Wasitan xuc all essentials a siinilar issue, Wasitan xuc, except t h a t t h e P.

Seal and No. IIighbridge, was issued by Wasitan xuc uackerley 21 Jan. This Lodge Wasitan xuc met a t Iluritspill, two or three miles out of I-Iighbridge.

A few moilths ago our W. T h e device is t h a t of t h e Knigllts' Templar, which Dunckerley i n a letter dated J a n. Provincial Masters continued t o be elected allnually b y t h e Chester Lodges though i n l 7 2 7 C a p t. E a r l of Dublin. The Philanthropic. Lodge over t h e signature of t h e L. On the back of t h e W a r r a n t t h e following signatures occur:- ' Provincial Officers present.

This last remark would, I think, clearly indicate t Wife cheating caugh a tWasitan xuc, contrary to Dunckerley's usual custom, the W a r r a n t was being engrossed locally. G" Secy. The Dispensation granted on 22 Sep, Wasitan xuc. E x t a n t IAlinutes show tllat a meeting was helcl on Sep. The Wasitan xuc day all item is recorded :. T h e t i m e and place of meeting a r e given in m a n y of t h e Warrants this Wasitan xuc left as a blank space, a n d t h e detalls filled i n afterwarcls, Wasitan xuc.

The Lodge meeting a Wasitan xuc t h e R e d Lion. There are slightly varying phrases. Wilson, a n d is i n very good con- dition. Joel Bretland and James Crooke ancl your Successors to take special care t h a t you and the Wasitan xuc of t h e members of t h e said Lodge do a t all times observe.

T o prevent delay or confusion I have sent n messenger on purpose, b y whom I shall be obliged for your answer. Ten years later, we have t h e letter :- I-Iampton Court Palace, Wasitan xuc. Gentlemall " ; it is " Given a t London. A n d Lastly T will and require you t h e said J o h n Ashworth.

The signature of the P. Epps P. It is in full form on G. Farbrace Esq. Probably engrossed in London and sent for completion and signatures to Canterbury. Heseltine, t h e Grand Secretary, a n d dated 1 I a r 20thstates, inter alia :- " t h e Committee intimated t h a t if i t was t h e desire of t h e Lodges in Somersetshire t o have you appointed their P. The Grand Officers have also. It reads :- T o all t o whoin these presents shall come. H e uses here t h e pllrase " by virtue of these presents " as in the G.

Tt is interesting to see t h a t J o h n Alleu, as a lawyer. A n d we do hereby f u r t h e r authorise a Wasitan xuc d Wasitan xuc our said trusty and well beloved I k e t h r e n nlessrs.

Cowley P. P a g e Godfrey P. French P. A W a r r a n t was also issued t o a Wasitan xuc Lodge a t Macclesfield t h e same year. It is in usual G. Spencer P, Wasitan xuc. It has t h e Lodge number aud t h e G. The document is very faded and indistinct.

Lodge i n Chester," b u t is signed b y R. Cotton P. Considerable interest m u s t always centre round t h e W a r r a n t of No. I am indebted t o t h e m u c h respected veteran P. John Wagstaffe, for much of t h e following history. Tlioinas Wasitan xuc was appointed Provincial G r a n d 3Taster for Yorlrshire about the yearWasitan xuc, b u Wasitan xuc h e does Wasitan xuc appcnr t o have been very active a t first, and no Provincial meeting was held for t h r e e years a f t e r his appointment, nor hacl he appointed a n y Provincial officers in I n - i 7 7 3 certaiil B r e t h r e n who for t h e most p a r t were destined to play important parts i n t h Wasitan xuc f u Wasitan xuc u r e of Yorkshire Alasonry,--Dr.

Warcl D. F o r some reason a duplicate W a r r a n t was prepared a n d issued to them iu Sainuel Spencer John Revis was G, Wasitan xuc. Belieat11 Samuel Speucer's signature appears t h e unusual personal notice " Born a t H a l i f a x i n Pol. Evidently then. I n none of these Provinces had any Provincial W a r r a n t been issued prerious to Dunckerley's appointnlent as P. The position of the Lodges in the Provinces under his care in is clearly given in a letter from Colchester on Sep.

W e pass'd a very happy day and I appointed Bros, Wasitan xuc. It Wasitan xuc b e noted that the conclusion speaks i n terms of t h e Seal of t h e Loclge. I-Ieseltine Esq".

I t is this glorificat,iou of t h e Dispensation usually issued to aut'horise the preliminary meetings of a Lodge before its W a r r a n t can b e prepared into an elaborately executed document, engrossed on parchment, wit,h some pretence to permanency, t h a t distinguishes this Yorkshire practice from t h a t of all other Provinces. Proviilcial Grand Master for the Islands of Guernsey. Siniiliarly when all a r e gathered together on t h e n e s t moniirig 1 Cf, Wasitan xuc.

A n d should anyone not pay t h e said halfpenny before t h e funeral hc shall give a penny. Combermere Abbey. I n P'reemasonry i n Ilristol, p. I t is not signed b y 3lilnes.

The G, Wasitan xuc. ISe had been appointed by P a t e n t dated 23 Nov. The Lodge was erased in and the W a r r a n t has not been preserved. It is embellished Wasitan xuc llaeonic emblems of tlie same character as before, and contains t h e final phrase " Executed in t h e presence of. William W h i t e Esq. There appears to be a clerical error i n t h a t t h e office of Senior W a r d e n is cited twice. I n P'reemasonry i n Ilristol, p, Wasitan xuc.

After the death of Thoq, Dunckerley ill l one other Lodge was warranted by the new P, Wasitan xuc. J o h n Smith-No. The original W a r r a u t of t h e Lodge which met a t t h e Vpack, Wasitan xuc. Dnnclrerly thro' his 1 eputy for Royal Sussex L. Springer D : P : G :M. G"" Secy. Rather t h a n b e baulked of their rights t h e B r e t h r e n pet'itioned for a Warrant of Confirmation. Reconimending '.

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I n t h e light of these facts, may i t not yell be t h a t this prititecl W a r r a n t complete with seal was prepared for t h e signature of t h e Provincial Grand Master b y t h e persoil to whose int,erest it would b e t o possess some seinblance of written authority-an individual whose integrity was subsequerttly called inlo clnestion, Wasitan xuc a n y reliance can be placed upon contemporary correspondence, of which a q Wasitan xuc a n t i t y is preserved at Freemasons' H a l l?

The Lodge constituted a t Warrington i n has long lost its original V a r r a n tb u t a n ancient Copy used to h a n g i n t h e Lodge room, Wasitan xuc.

He suggests six shillings. A hearty rote of thanks n-as unanimously passed t o llto, Wasitan xuc. Of t h e five other Lodges constituted during t h e c e n t u r yWasitan xuc, three a r e still working and retain their original Provincial W a r r a n t, Wasitan xuc. Recommending to you a n d t h e Wasitan xuc of the Brethren t,he Cultivation of t h e Royal C r a f t a Wasitan xuc d your keeping in view the three Grancl Principles of our Order.

I understand his father was a J l Wasitan xuc n s Nason who, n o doubt, migrated from Cheshire, Wasitan xuc. It is in usual G. Spencer P, Wasitan xuc. It has t h e Lodge number aud t h e G. The document is very faded and indistinct. I11 addition to these h e was f o i m a n y years Treasurer of No.

I n no other Proviilcc is its history so reflected by t h e W a r r a n t s Wasitan xuc to its Lodges as i n Yorkshire. I11 addition to these h e was f o i m a n y years Treasurer of No. I n no other Proviilcc is its history so reflected by t h e W a r r a n t s issned to its Lodges as i n Yorkshire. E a r l of Dublin. I n the enumeration of to Wasitan xuc these figures belong No, Wasitan xuc.

The two new Lodges referred to were therefore t h e ones a t Sherborne and Shaftesbury: the former having been warranted on Mar. Both Lodges are defunct, and their Warrants lost, b u t i t is almost certain that these were issued by Dunckerley. The first P, Wasitan xuc. H e was ' born and baptized' 23 J a n, Wasitan xuc. Brother John Smith, Wasitan xuc, appointed inwho appears t o have again held that honourable position from on t h e decease of the second Pr0v.

Brotherly Love. I n a Lodee was founded to meet a t t h e Uull's Halifax and a Deputation i n t h e us wordiug was issued b y t h e G r a n d ifraster orc cl Caruarvon.

Salisbury, then numbered on t h e roll of their Grand Lodge, and had h a dsoon after their constitution insome serious disagreement with Dunckerley owing to his having cluestioiied the legality Wasitan xuc their W a r r a n t and t h e genuineness of the support they claimed to receive from t h e Duke of Athol.

T h e abbreviations Wasitan xuc n t h e original have been extended. Brother John Smith, appointed inwho appears t o have again held that honourable position from on t h e decease of the second Pr0v. Many Lancastrian TAodge histolies refer t o his having issued t h e T17arrant and then they pass t o other nlatters without f u r t h e r Wasitan xuc of him.

Relief and Truth. V Ijnt t11is seems to be the sense. Gosport, Wasitan xuc, was constituted b y Tluurkerley. Osborne, J u n. A s t i m e went on there were larger and larger arrears d u e from t h e members : t h e P. The Lodge appeared t o be satisfied with its Treasurer, Wasitan xuc. My dear Friend I set out for Wasitan xuc the 13th inst.

It Wasitan xuc issued by Tho" Thackray D. Here also the lettering is varied, b u t there is no elaborate decoration, Wasitan xuc. Richard Gdrlalld. The Lodge decided t o incur t h e espense of a W a r r a n t. Carlisle, t'o W m. The first ineeting of t h e Royal Cuniberland Lodge was held Wasitan xuc 11th Aug. Phillott was initiated.

I have granted them a Dispensation for holding a Lodge and gave them several obligations in an extra Prov. I n the same year Temple Lodge No. I f this refers t o t h e declaration of issue of the Warrant, Wasitan xuc, i t unusual, for all other Dunckerley w a r r a n t s a r e " Given a t I-Iampton Court "--but t h e W a r Wasitan xuc a n t is lost.

Ready J. Thomas Crane Wasitan xuc. Thelwal G. Inspected, T. Strangely enough, a few weeks afterwards I received from Bro. Timothy Jones, of which a reproduction is given. Installed Jlasters' 1,odge. Samuel Colborne is one. The Samaritan Lodge, Wasitan xuc, constituted a t Keighley in now No. Wilson does not appear. Wells 30 M a ya n d Royal Clarence, Wasitan xuc, F r o m e 2 J u n e were constituted by Dunckerley-these Lodges were erased i n a Wasitan xuc d respectively, and their Warrants have n o t been preserved.

After the death of Thoq, Dunckerley ill l one other Lodge was warranted by the new P. J o h n Smith-No. Lodge of Harmony Garston, Wasitan xuc.

T oncaster, Wasitan xuc. I am ambitious Wasitan xuc have Sir P. Parker's signature to my Patent. Clerk's F e e for making affidavit t o t h e Register. Of lands a n d tenements. Whilst Secretary his I'linutes a r e very interesting to read. I'resumably this W a r r a n t w. Wilson G. Bears t h e Seal of Wasitan xuc h e Apollo Lodge, Yorlr.

Haseltine G. Rowland Berkeley G. T l eas. I n testimony whereof I have hereunto set m y h a n d this twenty seventh d a y of 1 eceniber i Wasitan xuc the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred QE. No Wasitan xuc. Richard Biss, Senr. Tliomas Dunckerley.

Boggis Esql'. Tn Keighley, and Halifax. George's Lodge. A n d Whereas there a r e several Brethren residing in and near t h e said town of Ringwood who a r e desirous of beconiiiig members of t h e said Lodge when removed to Ringwood as aforesaid, Wasitan xuc, now I t h e said IIenry Dagge, b y virtue of t h e power a u d authority i n m e reposed do hereby transfer a n d remove t h e Lyinington Lodge to t h e tow11 of Ringwoocl, to b e held a t t h e W h i t e I l a r t I n n aforesaid, a n d t h e said Master of t h e Lymington Lodge having resigned his office and our W o r t h y Brother Stephen M a r t i n of Ringwood aforesaid Esquire having been presented to m e as a proper person to succeed to the said office, a n d having been strongly a n d unaniinously recommended by all t h e Brethren now present as a person of Good Alorals, a n d great skill.

I believe, Wasitan xuc, b u r n t Wasitan xuc a n y years ago i n a disastrous fire, Wasitan xuc. I t is very Wasitan xuc engrossed on vellum b y Chris. J o h n Simpson, Geo. Xatthew Vicars a n d Jo Keaipldy. The amusing mistake in engrossing occurs of using t h e Wasitan xuc " Lodge " instead Wasitan xuc Master, in the impossible phrase " Deputy Provincial Grand Lodge. This Antient Lodge was meeting a t t h e Vine I n n.

William Low Xaster. A year after t h e Prescot Lodge. Salford, which L a n e states to have receircd I'roviilcial authority, b u t Wasitan xuc having been registered i n Grand Loclge iintil later, Wasitan xuc. All t h e engrossing is i n one h a n dt h e names of t h e founders are in holder block letters i n blue ink.

It has generally been held t h a t t h e only record of his Wasitan xuc work was t h e one attendance a t Grand Lodge, b u t t h e l l i n u t e s of t h e Royal Cumberland Lodge a t B a t h show hiin as a visitor there in B u t no one succeeded hiin as P. O n e new Lodge " a t Gloucester. Some of t h e dificulties ancl t h e dangers a n d t h e Wasitan xuc to be solved have bee11 apparent i n our eighteenth century survey, Wasitan xuc.

A few words a r e left blank in t h e transcript as they could not be deciphered with certainty. I t bears the G, Wasitan xuc. Seal, b u t no number, and is in t h e shortened G.

Names Wasitan xuc filled in by the engrosser in t h e body of the Wasitan xuc. I n a Copy which was made of this W a r r a n t some pears ago by a Provincial Grand Tyler and published. T h e Provincial Grand Master's n a m e a n d allthority ai,e merel? Charles Shirreff's conirnent on t h e like occasion in Shropshire a couple of years later. All t h e engrossing is i n one h a n dt h e names of t h e founders are in holder block letters i n blue ink. As originally issued, these MTarrants do n o t a p p e a r t o have been much embellished or decorated; just t h e variety of size a n d O.

Naplltali HeywoodU n i o n Asllton i n Lyneallcl Friendship Oldham have simple rubrication with ruled lines, around and within t h e mail1 divisions. I n a New Lodge was founded a t t h e Royal Oak. Ripon, and we note the n e s t stage in t h e Yorkshire methods. Grand Lodge decided 10 Sep, to coiitinne him in office as P. The allusion to t Wasitan xuc e Science Lodge a t Salisbury appears t o indicate that he had " constituted " the Lodge himself, b u t there is no other evidence of this, and tlie Warrant is lost.

I t suggests a Teutonic derivation, sc. A n d whereas a t a meeting held under our Dispensation foc t h e Election of Officers for t h e ensuing gear N a t h a n Jackson gentleman. Lawrence W h i t t a l i e rand J o h n IIargreaves t a k i n g especial care i n their promises a n d t h Hot sexy fucking videos xxxccxx t they do observe t h e forms a n d keep all a n d every these Rnles, orders.

Provincial Grand Naster for t h e County aforesaid. Unfortunately, however, t h e docunlent is n o t t h e original Warrant, but n contemporary, or-nearly contemporary Copy of i t. The number of the Lodge in wasand i t was erased in I n certain brethren " residing Wasitan xuc or near Wasitan xuc " petitioned for a Warrant, and had assigned to them the W a r r a n t of issued to the then No.

B u tfortunately, this Phcenix Lodge possesses t h e Charter of the older Phcenix, which was constituted a t Truro in and lapsed in This is a very interesting document, Wasitan xuc, which begins as a Wasitan xuc, in t h a t i t authorises a Wasitan xuc H e n r y Rosewarne to "Convene our Brethren Teman yg ngentot sama pacarnya di loatin have signed t h e Petition in t h e manner and form of a Freemasons Lodge.

There is one seal a t t h e top left-hand corner, a n d Allen s i p s a t the bottom right. It may be of interest to note t h a t in vol, Wasitan xuc.

Kelly adds : Underground mom I an1 afraid t h e original is n o t i n esistence as tllc 1'. Leeds, No, Wasitan xuc. L a n e states in error i n his ; M n s o i t i c Krcortls 2nd edition. The points of Wasitan xuc between this and the G.

The date of t h e Constitution of the Lodge is given in t h e G. Register as 1 J a n. All Lodges to be constituted h a d t o journey to Chester a n d meet t h e Provincial Lodge there, paying their own expeilscs, a n d a good deal towards t h e Provillcial Lodge expeuses as well, Wasitan xuc.

The signatories are J o h n Smith P, Wasitan xuc. Charles Phillott D. The name of the D. West as his J, Wasitan xuc. Some confusion has prevailed as to the identity of J o l m Smith, the new P. Hnghan states: " The first Pr0v. Thonias Wasitan xuc his J u Wasitan xuc i o r Warden.

The amusing mistake in engrossing occurs of Wasitan xuc t h e word " Lodge " instead of Master, in the impossible phrase " Deputy Provincial Grand Lodge. The original Angela White and Manual ​Fer a r r a u t of t Wasitan xuc e Lodge which met a t t h e Vpack.

The W Wasitan xuc r r a n t has been preserved Wasitan xuc n Grand Lodge, a n d shows t h e influence of the Apollo document. T h e occasion of t h e issue of t h i s regular W a r r a n t i n place of t h e Dispensation Wasitan xuc be understood from t h e Minutes of 14 Nov.

I t is interesting to note t h a t this W a r r a n t was Wasitan xuc issued after the passing of t h e A c t of 39 Geo. The Alfred Lodge, Leeds No.

The Lodge now works with a W a r r a n tb u t I have no inforniation as t o the date or origin of its issue Wasitan xuc t h a t i n t h e Treasurer's Book there is a n entry dated 18 A p r i Intruder fucks guy t h a t 2 5.

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Ilarnlonic Liverpool. Newbald, previously quotecl. I t was not long before t h e new P. The Newtonian a t Knaresborough was constituted o n 22 J a n, Wasitan xuc.

Lodge t h e llt" inst. Jleputy Grand I f a s t e r : t h e Worsllipful Mr, Wasitan xuc. Captain 17aniel W h i t t l e. Newbald, Wasitan xuc, previously quotecl. Gloucestershire and Bristol. Favour me with a line, when i t is sent. During the regime of the early Provincial Grand Masters-Walsinghanl, Frederick, and Smith to -there had been no Lodges warranted by the Provincial Masters, thereafter all issues by t h e Moderlls were Provincial.

During t h e period of J o h n Allen's rule ovcr t h e Province twenty-two Lodges were W a r r a n Wasitan xuc e d b y t h Antients. This last remark would, I think, clearly indicate t h a tcontrary to Dunckerley's usual custom, the W a r r a n t was being engrossed locally, Wasitan xuc. If the Grand blaster will honour me with t h e appointment of Provincial Grand Master for the Counties of Dorset, Somerset and Wilts: I shall esteem i t a pleasing einploy- nlent for t h e very little time I may remain i n this life.

Of one Lodge constituted in the Province after the date of his appoint- ment-Friendship, Wasitan xuc, Dartmouth -thele is evidence as t o the chardcter of its Charter, but Wasitan xuc the P. Five of these seven Provincial Warrants Wasitan xuc been preserved. On N a y 18 l a resolution ' For many good offices. T h e Royal Yorkshire Lodge, Keighley or, as i t was a t first called, The Xilnes Lodge Wasitan xuc, received a document of t h e same d a t e a n d mzltntls mzltaizdzs i n identical terms a n d signatures.

This Lodge was erased i n Ricllard Garland 1 I. J o h n Camidge signs a t the foot as P. The usual eniblematic decorations occur. I thank you for t h e account of the Lodges i n Hampshire, that have shewn their regard for m e : but I did not know that there was a Lodge a t the George I n nPortsmouth.

Richard Gibbs. Wilsoa's best style. If IIC can 1, Wasitan xuc. S:- Uro, Wasitan xuc. Under Group b, Wasitan xuc. Grand Lodge viodd be satisfied wit11 its dues, a wafer seal and number were easily to be o l h i n e d : a very calmble a n d anlenahle young mall. The W a r r a n t of t h e Royal Cumberlaud Lodge a t B a t h is not preserved, and Wasitan xuc is probable t h a t none was ever issued; t h e Lodge amalgamated with the Lodge founded in and still works as No.

I11 a long footuote in Dr. Oliver's Rezrelntions of n Spzrore p. Iror Grantham. The Antient W a r r a n t was returned, Wasitan xuc the nmnber declared vacant in I n No. Isle of Wight, now t h e Albany Lodge No. The Noderns W a r r a n t has been lost. I rec'cl i t this nlorliing under cover of a letter from my very worthy Deputy, Doctor Campbell of Pool. Wasitan xuc Provincial W a r r a n t s were issued i n IIerefordshire before Dullckerley's appoiiltrnent i11after which he coustitnted t h e Silurian.

H e always states tllat contributions a r Wasitan xuc for t h e General F u n d as well as the F u n d of Charity. The next in order of Constitution, Wasitan xuc, Concord, Devonportis stated in the G.

Register to have been constituted by t h e P. Witness Beavis Wood P. William Wood A. H e n r y Shorbridge. J o h n Allen Prov. The Certificate came safe to hand for which you will also give me Credit GS. I had Wasitan xuc opportunity whea I saw you last of enquiring if you hearcl of the Captain concerning the letter sent to me from Bro.

I shall be glad to have a line froin you in return t h a t 1 may acquaint Bro. Campbell with the success of the Petition from Newfoundland. The wording entircly follows t h e G. The signatures a r e t h e usual ones of W i n. After the death of Col. Perfect became P. Register, b u t these Lodges were erased in and respectively and all traces of their Warrants are lost. Cottoll in I t h a s kindly been supplied to m e by l? Garland must have felt a little more comfortable about this isme.

I t s wording is. Salisbury, then numbered on t h e roll of their Grand Lodge, Wasitan xuc, and had h a dsoon after their constitution inWasitan xuc, some serious disagreement with Dunckerley owing to his having cluestioiied the legality of their W a r r a n t and t h e genuineness of the support they claimed to receive from t h e Duke of Athol.

Dunckerley, Wasitan xuc, the latter having been ' recently instituted hy himself," and h e is said t o have " Wasitan xuc t h e junction to enable it to take precedence in the Province b y t h e adoption of t h e former number. H e n r y D'lgge Esquire.

It is signed by Julius Shepherd as D. Similarly to t h a t of the Thanet Lodge, this W a r r a n t appears to have been engrossed in London and sent to Faversham for signature. Endorsed on t h e back appears : - Officers present-l'.

I n an address t o his Lodge. Selby Newbnll t h e Secy. MTilson Prov, Wasitan xuc. A g a i n exactly similar in wording to t h e ot,hers. It may be noted, i n passing, t h a t the first P. He was raised a t a meeting of the Lodge on 1 ec.

G" Secy. H e always states tllat contributions a r e for t h e General F u n d as well as the F u n d of Charity. Wasitan xuc S book shows only a difference of spelling t h e n a m e Lankfold and Langford, a n d t h e use Wasitan xuc t h e word nanied " instead of " hereof.

Thomas P a r k e r for Surrey, Francis 3li1isliull for Susses, Wasitan xuc Charles Frederick for K e n ta n d also a t t h e olxuing ceremony on N a Wasitan xuc 23rd H i s rianie also appedrs as a member of t h e Comnuttee of t h e School for Girls. Relief and Truth, Wasitan xuc.

A s t i m e went on there were larger and larger arrears d u e from t h e members : t h e P, Wasitan xuc. The Lodge appeared t o be satisfied with its Treasurer.

Core--Crnmp; comments being offered by or on behalf of Iltos. Treasurer quoted previously. Tancred, P. Heseltine, Wasitan xuc, G. I t has t h e llsual decorations alid embellisllments with 3Iasonic emblems, Wasitan xuc. All t h e enlbellishnients a r e in gilt. The three other Lodges constituted before had Provincial Warrants issued by Col, Wasitan xuc. Sherborne Stewart. Ready J. Thomas Crane G. Thelwal G. I-Ieseltine Esq". A seal is attached, apparently not t h e G.

It is not signed by the P. Watson P. This, of course, i t is 71ot, Wasitan xuc. William W h i t e Esq. There appears to be a clerical error i n t h Wasitan xuc t t h e office of Senior W a r d e n is cited twice. From l to seventeen Lodges were constituted by the Moderns and eleven by the Antients, Wasitan xuc, from to four by t h e Noderns and ten by the Wasitan xuc, the majority uncler the At Constitution being Military Lodges.

G r e Wasitan xuc t as h e was, h e cannot rightly 11e given t h e position of " father of the present race of Provincial Grand blasters.

Welton del. Iielly, of t h e Combermere Loclge of No. J o h n s Church there. T h e t Wasitan xuc m e and place of meeting a r e given in m a n y of t h e Warrants this was left as a blank space, a n d t h e detalls filled i n afterwarcls. Grand Master. It bears t h e sigslature of R, Wasitan xuc. T t is signed a t t h e bottom b y Richard Garland D. Johiisoa P. Wilson P. The expression ' Executed in t h e presence of " is n o longer u s e d : 13ro.

MTilson Prov, Wasitan xuc. Richard Biss, Wasitan xuc, Senr. A n d when a n y such pilgrim shall r e t u r n f r o m over seas, all shall go to meet him. T h e Lodge having been erased i nt h e M7arrailt is preserved i n t h e G r a n d Lodge Lihrnry, Wasitan xuc.

Treasurer quoted previously, Wasitan xuc. ICelly for iuformation of another valuable find. I t was not long before t h e new P. The Newtonian a t Knaresborough was constituted o n 22 J a n. Eolton Wasitan xuc Chas.

Of the seven Warrants issued by 1 unckerley for Lodges in Somerset four are extant, and after his death Wasitan xuc was issued by J o h n Smith for a Lodge at Chard. Tliomas Dunckerley. Hulse P. Carter distinguishes between the spread of Wasitan xuc h e Aloderns' organization and t h e spread of Freemasonry, Wasitan xuc.

Kingston on I-lnll, l 7 Wasitan xuc 1 : S t, Wasitan xuc. T o be there formed ancl held Thursday oil A n d further I will and require you t h e Wasitan xuc Jo Ashworth. T h e Provincial Grand Master's n a m e a n d allthority ai,e merel? I t is plainly eugrossecl. Salford, which L a n e states to have receircd I'roviilcial authority, b u t not having been registered i n Grand Loclge iintil later.

This Lodge was erased i n Ricllard Garland Wasitan xuc I. J o h n Camidge signs a t the foot as P. The usual eniblematic decorations occur, Wasitan xuc.

It will be seen t h a t t h e iUasons a r e described i n t h e heading as Czweti- tciiSioilr? The Warrant of the U n i t y Lodge of Colchester is lost, but i t is included anlong the Provincial issues on the sufficient evidence of this letter :- I-Ianipton Court Palace. One only-the Pythagorean a t Richmond -was constituted by the Provincial Wasitan xuc Master, Thomas Parker, and no other Lodge was subsequently warranted before The W a r r a n t of the Pythagorean Lodge is preserved in G.

It is engrossed on stout vellum, iu very good condition, has the Grand Lodge Seal and number and the usual signatures of t h e P. This was for the Lodge of Harmony, Hastings, Wasitan xuc, warranted on J u l y 1 perhaps as i t was a Ililitary Lodge formed in t h e Royal Westminster Reginlent of Niddlesex Militia though stationed a t Hastings h e did not consider i t within his province to grant the W a r r a n tor possibly t h e impending legislation of 39 Geo, Wasitan xuc.

Of these four, No. Harmony, Wasitan xuc, ChichesterWasitan xuc, being cited in t h e G. Register as having been constituted b y the P. The wording of t h e Charter issued to t h e Royal Clarence follows in every detail the G. It bears t h e Seal of G.

The W a r r a n t of is similar in wording: i. The Wol. Given under t h e h a n d of t h e 1 e p t y Provincial Grand Master. I t is this glorificat,iou of t h e Dispensation usually issued to aut'horise the preliminary meetings of a Lodge before its W a r r a n t can b e prepared into an elaborately executed document, engrossed on parchment, wit,h some pretence to permanency, t h a t distinguishes this Yorkshire practice from t h a t of all other Provinces. Of this worthy brother. I have granted them a Dispensation for holding a Lodge and Wasitan xuc them several obligations in an extra Prov.

Sir Robt. Gentlemall " ; it is " Given a t London. The Lodge was erased inb u t the W a r r a n t has until now remained in private hands. The Samaritan Lodge, constituted a t Keighley in now No.

Wilson does not appear, Wasitan xuc. Lodge No, Wasitan xuc. Now a new enunleratioii happened just t h e n t o b e i n progress, Wasitan xuc, so the Ringxood Lodge was omitted from t h e authorised list of Lodges: the belated payment of a guinea t o G.

A Centenary W a r r a n t was issued i n b u t t h e r e has apparently never been a n y W a r r a n t of Confirination applied for or required. No name or nrunber is given t o t h e Lodge. H i s activities i n London a r e better lrnown, Wasitan xuc. Very few Lodges were constituted in Surrey-five 3Ioderns during the century and no Antients.

Wasitan xuc n the same year Wasitan xuc Lodge No. I f this refers t o t h e declaration of issue of the Warrant, i t unusual, Wasitan xuc, for all other Dunckerley w a r r a Wasitan xuc t s a r e " Given a t I-Iampton Court "--but t h e W a r r a n t is lost. Collin Rossack i1l. Before t h e n e s t Lodge was constituted. Dnnclrerly thro' his 1 eputy for Royal Wasitan xuc L. Springer D : P : G :M. Minute Books i n t h e possession of this Lodge go back to George Downing: t h e character and location of t h e W a r r a n t being now unknown.

Richard Slater l l i l n e s Esq. Garland as his deputy. The Philanthropic. Item i t. Spencer D. T h e fee forwarded to Gl. Russell the Secretary for writing out t,he W a r r a n t. The Lodge decided t o incur t h e espense of a W a r r a n t.

I nas a Wasitan xuc of serious insubordination i n t h e Sarum Lodge. Before t h e n e s t Lodge was constituted. Aft'er t h e establishment of No. The wording differs from t h e G. TVorshipful a n d Loving Brethren, Wasitan xuc. Richard Gdrlalld. Lodge of Harmony Garston. Richard Garland. T h e occasion of t h e Wasitan xuc of t h i s regular W a r r a n t i n place of t h e Dispensation will be understood from t h e Minutes of 14 Nov, Wasitan xuc.

I t is interesting to note t h a t this W a r r a n t was actually issued after the passing of t h e A c t of 39 Geo, Wasitan xuc. The Alfred Lodge, Leeds No. The Lodge now works with a W a r r a n tb u t I have no inforniation as t o the date or origin of its issue escept t h a t i n t h e Treasurer's Book there is a n entry dated 18 A p r i l t h a t 2 5.

Thls possTble clue must, however for t h e present remain so far-as I am concerned. This is also of the usual G, Wasitan xuc. Seal and the Wasitan xuc It is becoming very faded. T h a t this was so in t h e case of t h e promotion of t h e S o u t h Saxon Lodge is highly probable, in view of t h e fact t h a t t h e Provincial G r a n d N a s t e r of t h e period was Treasurer to t h e P r i n c e of Wales, t h e t h e n G r a n d Alaster; while i t is of interest to note t h a t i Wasitan xuc was William L e c a printer Proviiicial Wasitan xuc r a n d Secretary, and " Right Worshipful Master " of t h e South Saxon Lodge, who-by virtue of the W a r r a n t which i n all likelihood h e hlnlself printed-became "Acting Grand Master " for t h e Province of Susses.

T h e Lodge having been erased i nt h e M7arrailt is preserved i n t h e G r a n d Lodge Lihrnry. Lodge of Conmlerce 2 15 IIaslingden. Brother Tho'. ICelly for Wasitan xuc of another valuable find. Samuel Lankford. Thni, P, Wasitan xuc. I t is with very great regret t h a t I have to 1,eport to t h e Lodge ancl Correspolidence Circle tile d e a t h of Bro.

I3e was initiated ill the Piccadilly Lodge No, Wasitan xuc. Richard Slater l l i l n e Wasitan xuc Esq. Garland as his deputy. Pattison Ellames. The signatories are J o h n Smith P. Charles Phillott D. The name of the D. West as his J. Some confusion has prevailed as to the identity of J o l m Smith, the new P. Hnghan Wasitan xuc " The first Pr0v. Beverley,ancl A l l i o n.

Spencer D. T h e fee forwarded to Gl. Russell the Secretary for writing out t,he W a r r a n t. W e have already quoted a Wasitan xuc fi, Wasitan xuc. It may be noted, i n passing, t h a t the first Wasitan xuc. He was raised a t a meeting of the Lodge on 1 ec. On the death of J o h n Smith, X, Wasitan xuc. None of these was appoiiitecl, Wasitan xuc, a n d i t is stated b y Bro. One of L unckerley S first acts after his appointinent waq to visit this Lodge a Wasitan xuc St.

J o h n ' s F e a s t : Wasitan xuc n d b y t h e following November a definite proposal of amalgamatioil with t h e new formed Royal Cumberland Lodge wds received by the Naster, a n d accepted b y t h e Lodge. The Wasitan xuc number is giveil-No, Wasitan xuc. Lawrence W h i t t a Wasitan xuc i e rand J o h n IIargreaves t a k i n g especial care i n their promises a n d t h a t they do observe t h e forms a n d keep all a n d every these Rnles, orders, Wasitan xuc.

The place of honour- Wasitan xuc top left-hand corner-is assumed b y W m. I n the spring of Bro. Spencer wished t o resign his position Wasitan xuc D, Wasitan xuc. Spencer's resignation having been dccepted he was " desired tjo write to S i r W. Vavasour, a n d t h a t t h e Lodgc reconinlends Bro. Georgc's Lodge.

I L ;ID B y t h e Provincial Grand Naster's Comniand. I n the enumeration of to which these figures belong No.

The two new Lodges referred to were therefore t h e ones a t Sherborne and Shaftesbury: the former having been warranted on Mar. Both Lodges are defunct, and their Warrants lost, b u t i t is almost certain that these were issued by Dunckerley, Wasitan xuc.

S i s of t h e above initiated including J a m e s Kershaw who became Secretary on J a n. J a m e s Kersham Secretary to t h e Lodge of Freemasons. This corresponds in every respect wit11 t,he Ripon W a r r a n t of the previous vear.

The Lodge was erased in This appears to be the only Lodge ever constituted on these Islands, and it is curious t h a t a Provincial Grand Master should have been appointed, and t h a t the Nasonic Year Book does not include him in t h e list of Provincial Grand Masters, Wasitan xuc.

No Provincial W a r r a n t s a r e now known t o exist, Wasitan xuc, b u t there is some evidence t h a t two were issued b y Dunckerley. So we feel t h a t i t was not until t h e middle of t h e iiincteenth ceatlirv that t h e organisation became strongly weldecl, Wasitan xuc, capable of controlling effectively t h e affairs of t h e Order throughout t h e whole British E m p i r e.

Orders, Wasitan xuc, and Regulations as shall from time to time by me or m y D e p u t y o r b y lily Successors the Provincial Grand Master for t h e time being transmitted to you or your Successors. H e appears t Wasitan xuc have returned t o Bristol b yfor h e was a meniber of t h Wasitan xuc Town Council from t h a t d a t e till h e died i naged sixty-nine.

Welton del. Iielly, Wasitan xuc, of t h e Combermere Loclge of No. J o h n s Church there. A seal is attached, apparently not t h e G. It is not signed by the P. Watson P. This, of course, i t is 71ot. I t s wording is. Dermott G r a n d Secretary. Lodge on St. J o h n ' s Day and I would put the iinpression of t h e Grand Wasitan xuc seal to it, if you can send i t on a piece of paper.

Posavatdy clatc 25 M a r. Thomas Osborne evidently t h e J u n i o r W a r d e n being given t h e senior office as well as Richard B i s s b u t a close scrutiny of t h e parchment reveals t h e fact that the Wasitan xuc J u n i o r has been altered to Senior-perhaps a t t h e instigation of the worthy Brother Osborne when h e achieved promotion.

T therefore s u b m i t t h e following:- Lricestersh ire. There are slightly varying phrases. After an abortive attempt by the Antients to establish n Lodge there inthey constituted the Domi1:icn Union Lodge on May 16 The ntoderns had constituted a Lodge there on 29 Nov.

It looks then as though nermott scored in Dominica ineven though temporarily jockeyed out of Newfoundland a year before. Grand Lodge viodd be satisfied wit11 its dues, a wafer seal and number were easily to be o l h i n e d : a very calmble a n d anlenahle young mall. A t the same time I beg a W a r r ' t of Constitution may be ready for the Lodge a t Colchester, Wasitan xuc, as 1 intend with Wasitan xuc permission to Constitute t h a t Lodge on IIonday the 15t'1 inst.

A letter addressed to him froni J a s. H i s AIastership of Notts. A n d Lastly T will and require you t h e said J o h n Ashworth.

I t is of interest, however, to note that through the close trade collnections between Poole and Newfoundland, Dunckerley was coliceriled in the issue Wasitan xuc two Warrants for t h a t colony.

Oliver is i n errror in stating t h a t this was " t h e first meeting after t h e union of t h e two Lodges. I t is engrossed on vellum, plainly and simply, and evidently locally produced; the name of tlie witness appears to be t h e only actual autograph Beavis Wood P.

It was locally engrossed-in the opinion of Wor. Raymeat, t h e Secretary of t h e Lodge,- by the P. Beavis Wood himself; there is a curious mis-spelling of t h e word Teignmouth, as " Teingmouth," which one would not expect i n a document locally produced. Carews L. The Lodge is cited in the G.

Register as having been constituted a t Tavistock by t h e P. The Faithful Lodge, Wasitan xuc. It is strange t h a t if a W a r r a n t had actually been issued i t is not preserved either i n G r a n d Lodge to which i t should have been immediately returned. Every brother or sister entering t h e gild shall p a y four shilliilgs or one quarter of hest barley a t Wasitan xuc h e three terms of t h e year, Wasitan xuc, a n d f o u r pence.

This W a r r a n t also is highly decorated : B r o. This Dispensation-for i t can be called nothing more-has continued in force in t h e Lodge now No.

The Correspondence of Chris. Halifax, 28 J a n. Tlioinas Tancred was appointed Provincial G r a n d 3Taster for Yorlrshire about the yearb u t h e does not appcnr t o have been very active a t first, and no Provincial meeting was held for t h r e e years a f t e r his appointment, Wasitan xuc, nor hacl he appointed a n y Provincial officers in I n - i 7 7 3 certaiil B r e t h r e n who for t h Wasitan xuc most p a r t were destined to play important parts i n t h e f u t u r e of Yorkshire Alasonry,--Dr.

Whoever is elect'ed Gracemall a n d refuses to talte t h c ofice shall? N a k e my sincere regard acceptable to Bro. Heseltine, Wasitan xuc, serious Bro.

Brother The? Williain White Esq. W h a t actually happenecl a t Placentia, Newfoundland, is not quite clear. Pennington P. Not admitted- K'''. ICelly says : " M7e h a v e his portrait i l l oils hanging over t h e entrance door to t h e Lodge wit11 sword i n h a n d as Tyler; he filled every office i n his time a n d must have been a n enthusiastic Nason.

N a k e my sincere regard Wasitan xuc to Bro. Heseltine, serious Bro, Wasitan xuc. Brother The? Williain White Esq, Wasitan xuc. W h a t actually happenecl a t Placentia, Newfoundland, is not quite clear. Stoate in putting his Lanteni a t the disposal of the Lodge. Wilson with t h e G d. A letter addressed to him froni J a s. J o h n Allell was appointed P. Wherefore our R i g h t T r u s t y well-beloved B r e t h r e n Wasitan xuc Smith, t h e present Master a n d t h e lest of t h e melnbers of t h e said Lodge have besought m e to g r a n t t h e m m y Certificate of Constitution which I have readily agreed t o do.

T h e interest'ing " Book of t h e Provincial Grand Master " now in the Bodleian L i b r a r y gives no clue as t a its d a t e : i t m a y have been prepared a t any time before ; its injunction t h a t t h e " Arnies of all t h e Provincial Grancl hlasters " a r e t o b e " painted, Q u a r t w ' d with t h e Mason's Arms.

No Provincial W a r r a n t s a r e now known t o exist, b u t there is some evidence t h a t two were issued b y Dunckerley. Master, Lejcestershire and Rutland, Wasitan xuc. Anlong these Nos. Several of these were C r a f t Gilds, viz. I L ;ID B y t h e Provincial Grand Naster's Comniand. The Lodge meeting a t t h e R e d Lion. Of t h e Ebenezer. The Wasitan xuc a l i f a x Dispensation states, after tlle recitation of t h e petitioners and ternls of their application, Wasitan xuc, t h a t i t is issued b y virtue of t h e Power and authority l'.

West of Bath. Orders, and Regulations as shall from time to time by me or m y D e p u t y o r b y lily Successors the Provincial Grand Master for t h e time being transmitted to you or your Successors. Grand Lodge records do not show a n y payment, for a Constitution respecting t h i s Lodge. If the Grand blaster will honour me with t h e appointment of Provincial Grand Master for the Counties of Dorset, Somerset and Wilts: I shall esteem i Wasitan xuc a pleasing einploy- nlent for t h e very little time I may remain i n this life.

This Lodge was erased, and the Warrant returned to Grand Lodge in and i t is still preserved there. Sir Robt, Wasitan xuc. Very few of t h e other Lodges had any representatives a t t h e ineetings or a n y voice i n t h e appoint,inent: t h e formalities with Grand Lodge appear t o have been secondary considerations with Bro. I t was not likely t h a t a little t h i n g like t h a t would b e ally difficnlty to Richard Garland. To Bro, Wasitan xuc. E a x t e r f o r especial help i n inspecting a n d giving m e transcripts of Lancashire W a r r a n t s : Bros.

Tancred, Wasitan xuc, P. Heseltine, G. I t has t h e llsual decorations Wasitan xuc embellisllments with 3Iasonic emblems. It has generally been held t h a t t Wasitan xuc e only record of his Masonic work was t h e one attendance a t Grand Lodge, b u t t h e l l i n u t e s of t h e Royal Cumberland Lodge a t B a t h show hiin as a visitor there in B u t Wasitan xuc one succeeded hiin as P.

O n e new Lodge " a t Gloucester. The first ineeting of t h e Royal Cuniberland Lodge was held on 11th Aug. Phillott was initiated. H e appears t o have returned t o Bristol b yfor h e was a meniber of t h e Town Council from t h a t Wasitan xuc a t e till h e died i naged sixty-nine. Seal and the number: the signature of the P. Jacob Sawbridge is missing a t the top, though he is cited as the authority for issuing the Warrant. Of t h e Ebenezer. I have included the St. Blary's Island Lodge, Scilly among those constituted by the Province on the evidence of a document in the correspondence folios in G.

Library with reference to the payment of fees to G. Lodge a t St. Marys Island, Scilly. Combermere Abbey. Lodge on St. J o h n ' s Day and I would put the iinpression of t h e Grand Lodge seal to it, if you can send i t on a piece of paper, Wasitan xuc.

Jonas Thonlpson had been initiated in the Apollo Lodge on Nov. Spencer B1. W e shall see, however, t h a t he continued to exercise Provincial authority long after this date. Esecutecl i n t h e presence of ". This Lodge was erased, and the Warrant returned to Grand Lodge in and i t is still preserved there. H e uses here t h e Man aur bete sexy " by virtue of these presents " as in the G.

Tt is interesting to see t h a t J o h n Alleu, as a lawyer. Most are now being protected by nlounting a n d f r a m i n g. Jones were suspended b y a Decree of t h e Provincial Grand Lodge by a n d with t h e consent and approbation of t h e Grand Lodge of England bearing d a t e t h e 15i1' d a Wasitan xuc of September A. Isaac Lowe I, Wasitan xuc. P e t e r Swindells Tho'. This W a r r a n t of the Wasitan xuc Lodge No, Wasitan xuc.

The Royal Brunswick No, Wasitan xuc. Wasitan xuc 1il. Lord Aberdour. After t h e founcling of t h e Apollo Lodge till t h e end of t h e century thlrty-one Lodges Mere established undcr t h e 3Ioderns. This is probably a very good instance of t h e steadily damaging effect of ordinary daylight on these halidwritten documents: i n forty years a very serious fading must occur.

I n a letter dated from Salisbury, Dec. Derniot by authority from tlie Duke of Athol, have apply'd to me for 1ny Instruction and Wasitan xuc. On N a y 18 l a resolution ' For many good offices.

The Centenary W a r r a n t quickly followed, Wasitan xuc, d a t e d 1 Sep. I t must be rare for a Lodge to have been so unfortunate as to esperience such mulcting a t both ends of its century of Xasonic work.

There is one seal a t t h e top left-hand corner, a n d Allen s i p s a t the bottom right. Richard S m i t h is a docunlent which is n o doubt a dispensation for holding t h i s Lodge until t h e official document arrived from London. Pattison Ellames, Wasitan xuc. Beverley,ancl A l l i o n. I t is badly engrossed on very thin vellum, Wasitan xuc. ICelly says : " M7e h a v e his portrait i l l oils hanging over t h e entrance door to t h e Lodge wit11 sword i n h a n d as Tyler; he filled every office i n his time a Wasitan xuc d must have been a n enthusiastic Nason.

Charles Shirreff's conirnent on t h e like occasion in Shropshire a couple of years later. Osborne, J u n.