Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah

L u m inative - dhlaale, iftiime Baaring, Support - Kaabiyaha 1 To Switch off - demi Peaunt - gumbe 1 Peaunt Oil - Saliid qwnbe Silver - qalin lacag Air Layr Starting Air Hawo k icin 1 Locker 1 1 1. Lubricants - Saliid dufan eed Power and energy Gene- - X o og iyo awood tamariye rators, Motors. Apeack fiiq 1 0 0. Sender di rections given Dire a ma rka diraha by the sen d e r Senders address Rugta d i raha Form Bog Form t o d raw u p Bog buuxin Legal currency Lacag s h arciya For ged c urrency Lacag khayaano Title bo n d n o minative Qaameer, m agacaaban Oblitaration, cancellation Baabbi'in, t i ridda tigidhada of postage stamp 1!

S uppress: Cadaad i n li 8 2. F r equ e ncy respon se : Noq n o qodka Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah G! Dhidib l O X. Scales: Q iyaaskoob 7 Connectors X Dragonnestsex r i i riyc Yaa l a, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Survey ma rket survey, s u u q sah a m i nTechn ical survey etc; s a h a n farsamo, sah a n; i n 1 8.

Ant i m agnetic Brixun! Inclusive Pronouns in Selected Politi A Comprehensive Linguistically Study Gawain in Middle English and Middle H Investigating Extra-linguistic Presup Case Study on the Role of the Arab Le Of attractive women and unattractive Building a Comprehensive English-Arab Effects of Arabic Diglossia on Pupils The Yemen War.

Delayed - Ilakad.

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Rentrasmission by m eans sumadda sii t ebinta of punched tape 2:w. Inventions h tnd i se 3 4. High Sare! Sanitation and Hygiene Nadaa fad iyo caafimaad S ewage System Qash i n m areenka 5 1. To Start at full load To start without l oad 1 2 7. The chapter ends with two lists of HA basic vocabulary in both Arabic and English entries. Sign in to write a comment. Cubicle - Qalqale 1 1 2. D i s k grinder: Sh i id Bore: Duleel, dalool 5 6 9.

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Tinw- table pDst office Looxa haw! Films: Filin 6:W. Piston grove clea n e r Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah a iTeeyeha. Quantity Surveyor: - Qiyaas S a h a miye, alaab qorsheeye B u i l d i n g Tech nologist: - Sancalowga d h ismah a 1 Time - keepe r : - K or m eerah a shaqaalaha 1 6 7.

Rubber o r Plastic hoots : - Kabo buuda 2 1 1. Ccupling : Dh:nvrayn :1 7 5. Combustion chamber, Qawlad h u ri s 1 Telegraphic money order - Xawaalad taar caalam igudaha, caadi dhakhsa international, domestic ord.

Pollution and waste - Sadhayn iyo gujuf. Self G rip w e l d ing clamp Qabato - l ax a a m adeed Acetylene Aje tl i i n 1 E le c t rod e holder Laxaama:t Qah a t o 1 5 1. Pipe bender: Dhuu m o yaqaan 1 Plumbers tool s : A laabta d h u u m osameeyaha 1 Black Smith too l s : Alaabta tumaa lka 1 7 5.

Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah

Quality quanlity contTol t ayo hubin. Ani m a l Conservation Fird h a w r Li vestock - Xoolonool Range o f A ni m als - Foofka xuolaha 7! To connect to coupling Jsl;;u x i ri i r i n S torage battery Rako bectariga Acid s Xameedid 7 1. Earth Clam p B i r Qabato 1 Spot welder Arag N o. Bloat Balalo ; darato 1 1 7. Lift : W iishguri 5 6 0. Angledozer: Caga fcagaf l 2 i. J o i n e r : - Farsamoqoriyaqaan 1 M a son : Wastaad, fuun d i I:i l.

Pos i ' i v e : Qabid 4:;:. G rease : - G arasso, xayr a. S ubbase: Sal hoosaad 2 X. S o i l S u rvey: Ciid Sahamin 4 i, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Curtains for windows and - Daah d o o rs : 1!

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N cph rosis - Cudur kelyood 1 1 8. SOC I CAO Laanta gaadiidka c irka ee addunk a 1 1 0. Leakage: I I a lid 5 8 1. Machine Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah Makiinad 5. Oxygen balo o n s : I! Eye goggle s : I n dh adhawrc Ozy : i t h paper: X a a sh ixuub Stoth tape: Xuub xabagsan 2 9! M i l e sto n e s Kilometersto- Kaabad otiir n es 6. Reduce: K orj oog Prev a i l : - Ta11hbud fi l 4.

Dyn a m i c wheel b a l an c e r Taayar, giraan m i isaame Optical Alignm e n t gauge Qalab Q i iya aska aragga 7 1. Le tte r xaa sh ad t. Post O fl i e e xafiis boosto 2 7 2. D i p l o ma t ic Corps Heyadda saraayaha Procession Qoodayn Prec edence Horrayn, curad Flag Calan Otlicial Mou rnmg - Tacsi Rasmi ah 6 1. Kitchen sin ks General : Alaab - cu nto dhaqe 2 1 3. Agreemeat Heshi i s, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah, Exchange of Notes or Afti - dhaafsi Waraaqo STL missouri Letters dhaafsi Declaratiion Caddayn Ch art Xaashi, kar Gentleman's a g reement Il c s h i i s akhyaarni m o 7 1.

Repair and Maintenance Ka': n i : n iyo dhaqaalayn Fu el petrol, gas oil, - B J t r ool. LockPrs ge. Atmosphere - Hawo 1 1 9. Custom s Ollice xafiiska furdada 2 6 8. Exciting Current Cabsida k o r oo t ad a 1 5 8. Fo r e st ry Kayn aqoo n. D fference in high - dherer kala saaT 1 6 4. Cleaner - Safeeye 1 S w i tch - Dabdhawre 1 6 3. F ree postage Tigidh b i l aash 1:l8. Fee duplicate postage eashuur booslo labalaaban 2 fi:t Coin t elephone telcfoon kuumi 2 fi 4.

Look inside the ebook. Bore Tester: Dalool qiyaase 5 Furnace: - Tinaar Savitry 7 1. Cat l in e s : Laangooyo toosan :1 5, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Induction - Nuugid C o m press ion - Arag No. Exhaust Q i i qsaare 1 9 7. Chapter Four is on vocabulary in which some lexical items of the dialect are dealt with, by reference to relations to other modern and old Arabic dialects, slang and neologism.

Person non - grata Lamarabaan Tab l a Plan Treaty H eshi i s, Convention 1-Ieshiis, 6 5. Size Cabbir Sh ay, wax 3 1. Quanti ty input and gelis iyo bixis, t i n, outpu t 1 4.

Mild steel bars Reinfor- m r ta shubka comen t 1 Cooking range p ost Kush i i n o Assorted : 1! I'I 'Wlher: 1. G a rag-e Vice! Amjassador - a t - large or S a fi : r w a reega RoYing Ambassador 8. Dispatch air mail- reign dirid dhanbaa' dayuuradced - ordinabaary dehe:lda, c:1adi 1 0 1.

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Boilers, - makiinad, d i i riye, urumi. English EXIM. Vegrta t i o n Dh ir, n abaad S e e d s - Iniinshinni 1-t. Fu rn i ture power paint Casal An a i :n a : 2 2! Engine t e n d s t o race: - Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah inadu waa u Iecxsa n t a - h ay gudbanaan 6 0 2. In Chapter Five there are transcripts, comments and translations of interviews recorded during fieldwork.

Showers Gene ral B i yo firdh iye 2 1 5. Hay li n Kiiloomi tarayn 4. Watershed - Biyo shub L a tex - Dh i r ca:mood G:t Myrrh Mal m a l L i v e Stock Inspector Isb a t t o r a h a xoolaha Breeding Taran Feeding Quudin Stock classification Kala sooc xool aad D a i ry Farm Beer xoolaarl Fat ening A n i m a l Baarfu ran S u rvivin.

Round head n a i l s : Musmaar m adax wareegsan 2 0 l. Black: Dabqaade agsan Head cover: Daboolka S i l i i n darka 3 2 9. Semi Artizan: Kaal iyaha farsamaalowga l fi9. Gasket : N ingax ama Li ngax. Jooge 1 5 1. Maqaan 7. Absorption - Nuugid 1 1 6. Charge d ' Affaires S iihayaha S a f a a ra d d a! Declared value q i i me caddyesan 2 8 3. Requirement - ooggo 1 Smith - Bir tum e 1 Phase - Fool 1 Phase indicator - fool t u se 1 7G.

Construction M a terials: j i d ka lug t a 5:t Proctection S t ru c t u res Alaabta d h is m a h a Agai. Scale: to - Ka siib 62 7. Feeder Dheefiye S l. Ampere Koronto cabir To accelerate to h a sten - cayrin - ct edej ink a l w in to speed u p. Exh oust mainfield - Qiiqsaare 3! Self starting Kiciye 1 2 5, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Other sections include the passive, negation and co-reference in discourse. Oli Seal: Saliid ceshe Coil spring: G a Taihiti i i rad Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah rergsan Accclar a t e : Dedt'.

I1 Hi. Repair: Kabid, Samayn 1 0 5. Dinner Ca sh o 1 0 1. S pe n cer K : Kelhad Angle iron G e n eral : Bir xajala 2 7 2. Deforesta t i o n Kayn goyn! Drawing board : Looxa n aqshad a :JOf.

S pastic Syndrome Men i ingiti s - Cudnr m askaxeed Hydroceph a l u s T i c k Paralysi s - Gabdhaw E pi lepsy - Su uxdin Neoplasma 1:w. Issue of a money ord e r siin t a xawaaladda lacagta 1 1 7. Request of cancellatioi1 Codsasho jeegt ir bcddelke or modifieation of the xisaabta jeegga amount of the cheque Duplicato request, issue, naqal, codsasho, - siin, - geyn cl!

Ovaritis. Fan : - Marwaxad, babbiye 3 8 6. Structu r a l Engineer: - Muhindi ska qaabka dhismada 1 6 1, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Metric Atmoshere Crane truck - wiish sid e Failure, Breakdown - Baaqsi, guuldarro - w i i sh - Baabuur 1 S tarting - Ricin 1 2 4. Notice of change of address Ogeysiin rug beddel. N e t w o rk current - duu duub koronto 1 5 7. Petrol : natrool 3:n. S u pervisor: Kormeere Shift: Qaad id, isbeddcl 4 2 8.

V isa - Dalkugal ruqsad Lasciapassare - D h a a fiye. Loan-words in HA are dealt with in some detail. Connecting rod - Qodob xiriirshe 1 1 8. Cut out: Jooji Electrician : K o ra n t oyaqaan 50 1.

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Foil leaf - Lakab 1 8 5. Consul Qunsul 1 4. R i m tool? Gudgeon pi. Nails assorted : Musmaar 1 7 7. I n t e rn a l combustion cngi- I nj i i n - G ado - Kaddaarmc ne 1! Size limitsof - toox xadka Customs fee fiscal, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah, fixed, - cashuur furdadeed cashuur nonpostal Ia' booseei, cashuur sanad Disagreement in credit, isdhaaf gashi isdiidid in heading etc xisaabeed 1 0 0.

Nakanka porn movie aqo 8 ti. C razing Area S o il eros i nn Nahaad ,t! E fficie nc y Karti 1 3.

Forester Kaynyaqaan G. Hanger R c r r i nfoof - Ilaashc s. Ladd e r :. Inventory 5 7. Fragi le Jabe' 1 3 7.

Opera tion : Ilawlwadis 1 0 7. Consul a t e Gen eral QunsuHyadda guud 1 1. Postma r k mach i n e stamp sumadda كعيدية a boostada 1 5fl.

Cou ple : Dhawr 3 7fi. Right of Survey: Xaqa S a ha m i n ta 5 7. D etergent : - Wasaqtire qshada 3 3 .

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D oc u m en tat i on about the Qoraal Ia wareegid Expropriation: 6 6. Counselior La Taliye 1 7. E r ' d i on material:. Safety valve Waal n abad eed S wivel h ose connection A ra g N o. S ignat ure addresse s's Saxiix rugle. Postage stamps she et Xaashadda tigidhad a t.

Am o un t of amnncy orde; Qad br x awa a l ad lacag of '' postal cheque etc hosced j eeg hoosto 1! G roove: Xarri "qyo, 5 8 2. Frenth Curve: - Xagal faransiis 3 0 4. L e v e lling: Simid 1 7. Philately muu na d t i gid h 1 :n. Centigrad e : - Sen tig ere y d 3!

Rod m a n : - Qorieabbir sidP fi:I X. Rep roduction : - Badin ;;;! Processing progess, - h ab, Ia hab, habayn semi -process 1 0.

Tech nical : - Xaal farsa m o li Condenser : Uumiduume 6 8 0. Irreg ular joogto Ia 'aan Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah 1. Vertical : Kor - eeg 1 1 7. Adjustable: Ilagaagsam e 5 Gap: Fan tax 5 7 6, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Assis tan t V I p nxxx, Helper Kaa l iye, ta.

Tel e g raph boy taarwade I nvo ic e b i l l - Xaashadda maalkeenidda 1 2S. Legation Qa n s u l iyad 1 3. Workshop M achineshop - Hooso 4.

Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation, 1999

S teel B i rlab Jligh tensile steel HTS Kor udh iggi d d a b irlabta Connection Xirii r J eech cou r! E ffect - Saamayn 1 6 7.

Deeper Likig R ing garangar Angl e Xa gal 9 8. Tech n ical Report: K a warra m idda S a ncada G7, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Repor t on d i iTere. Electrical input - Koronto xoogayn 1 1 7.

Ten d : U lePxsan i 1. Honorary Consul Qu n su l sh a r a f 1 5. T rai n g le spot gun welder A rag No. M i ld steel w e lding rods - B i rodh :m d h u u b laxaamad Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah 1 Hi g h carbon steel weld i n g - do- -do- b i rleh sare rods 1 5 6.

Some particles peculiar to HA are dealt with and some of them are compared with their cognates in other dialects. Hultiplier: - Ta r m i ye 4 Diameter: - Qoqobe 4 1 2. To feed DheeJin 8 0. Con n e c t i ng rod b:l ri ng j i g Dalooliyaha usha bistaanha 7 9. To gring a tool - Soofayn 7t.

Consul a t e Qunsuliyad 1 2. Request for withdrawal, codsasho, ka noqod, ucelin for reimbursement lOR. Haar 1 6 0, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah.

O i l paints ge. Equivalen t : I. Phase: Dhud 4 4 2. E quipment implements, - Qalab; alaab tools, ins truments - qalab, alaab 6. B a l Aslhe fires sheet Xa. A u Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah i t o r - Dhabiiltame Trade m a rks, patents, and - X a nu. Documentation dhigmo Customs I Post 1 0 7. Leptospirosis Trypanoso m iasis Tse - Tse Dhukaa n ; g-osha fly Trichomonas Coccidia NonP Plasmod i u m Kaneeco abuur Babesia Sh inn Cas 1 Tick bone disease H a l u m ke Taxoplasma An imal Health Assistant Kaaliyaha caa fi maad ka Xoolaha Diplomacy S a raayad, s i ya asad 3.

Bearing - Beerin 1 6 0. Embassy S afaa a rad 4. Cleared th rough customs - fu rdad soo m a r i n 2 4 4. Utility and ancillary - dheefsiga iyo kalmaynta Services adeegga E n g i n e e ring I n du stry Sancada injin eerinta Supply and D e m and - Bixin iyo baahin 5 6.

Docume n t at ion File: Gal qoraal 6 5. I n spec t i on : - Baaris Function : - dacfaal, waxqabad 6 0 5. Units of area: Xubnaha b a l laarka 1 2. Bag I sack k iish, jooniyad 2 3 7. Phila t el i c coun t e r farsad m uun tigidh 2 5 8. Dispatt:hed sending dirniin 2 5 5.

J aranjaro Swi tch : Shidis, d a a r i c; 4 fifi. S h inniyayn 1 :l. Postal delivery O fficer sarkaalka xafiiska - geynta 2 6 7. Distribution : qay bi. Notice of-a d ecJa ration of caddcyn. Non - R esident Ambassada r S a fi i r a an fadhiyin 7. Portra i l Suuradsuu rayn V I P Maqaawii r n. E lectricity - Koronto 1 To h eight e n - Kor udhig 1 Elevator - kor uqaade 1 Extingui s h er - dab damiye 1 7 1. Heat excha n ger: - Kul d oorshe 3 8 7'. B e l t - Saacadda kilowaad Consu m ption C u n id :?

Expi red - dhacay Thai panties mall parcel with declared - X i rmo caddaysan 24 1. S pecial delivery - geyn gaa ra t.

All'orPstation K a y m ayn 4. To crank wareejin Winding - Koronto meer Hole G o d koronto 1 4 2. AgT c s s i o n Aahiweyrax U 6. Franking machin2 stamp moos boosto 1! Capacity m ugjqaad 8.

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R eservat i o n of th e land Jid useer for t h e Road Con structi on : 5! To l i ght Daarid 6 1. Suction : - Nuugis 5 5 8. Foot Abscesses G o nunad Xa n u u n 1 3! Metal bru s h e s : - Buraash bir Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah Steel General : Bir 2 0 6. Normal, urgent Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah caadi, dh akhso 1 3ti. Payment t o t h e place la cagsi inta rugle, Jacag address, a t sight etc gacan u saa r Announcement Ogaysi i s Passaport Baasboorte Period of v a lid i ty muddo tayookideed Punching m achine - t o l ea w a qodbe Ry a ir-ma i l - dhaanbaa l d ayu u radeed -!

Undeliverable articles - allab geyn l a 'aanta R eimbursement in full, - dhamaan Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx anime, x i saab on account uce1in 2 3 1.

Collection of bills - u r u rinta k h a rashka Redi rected reforworded - dib u celindib u gudbin R e t ransmission dib u dirid 2 3 5, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Units of Lenghth : Xubnaha d h ererka 1 1. AFCAC 1 1 1. G eneral tariiT siirgayn guud 2 fi 2. Wood working M achin ist: Qori d h a mbale 1 '7 6.

Be n :l. Denom ination of poo ri ds qiima dhac I g ini, xawaalad of money orders 2 G O. Rates telephon epostal qiimaha telefoonka, boosta, t e l e graph taarka 2 6 1. G au g es : - Biyobcege :;! Radiotelegraph service h a wsha t a a r t clcfoonka Telex service private - h a wsha t elexka ga a r-guud And 12tahu 24 8.

Blow gun Buulimo d h u:t m eed D u a l foot connector Neefxiriirshe Female coupling D h u u n -hooyo 5 7. Black leg! Cabin qol 1 4 5. Shock absorber - Ga r i i r t ir e! Hyd rology: Biyaaqoon Trall i c A n a lysis: Faaqididda udubka 5 1. Drawing pencils: Laab isyada xararka :HJ 2. Pressure - Cad aadis '1 7. Non retu rn valve Sooma daaye n e cfc i l i ye 6 1. Sprayers fo r pain t :! Pegs: Tigin. Charge - Buuxi 1 C h a r g ing rate - qiime saar L oad - Xamuul 1 Active c u rr en t koronto d a aran 1 N o load current R a a rid la'aanta korontada Di r ec t Current - Koronto toosan 1 5 6.

Fil e : - Soofe 4 Insu lated gloves: - Fara,g ashi cinjir ah 41H. N u t screw - Nur isgruu 1 6 1. Article sent C. Conr, w rapping, packinp;, dah a a r.

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T e l egraph Oll'iee xafiiska taarka 2 7 6. H e ad Artiza. Jooji 5 9 9. Wh ee l s G iraan. Manufacturing r manufac- Farsa m o Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah, farsa m ayu t u re Technology farsamo-aqoon 1 2. Agenda Arrin, xaaj o Visit Booqas h oWas no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah, daawasho S e c retar i a t Xoghays Biog r a p h y Qofkah adal, biyogaraliya!

Pneumatic B ra k e s. Compe n sation for loss,c c gash idhow khassaro; iwm J :J! Hose repai rer D h u u n - kabe Portabl e wheel align m e n t Q i iyaasaha alaabta taayarka indicator 6 5. J iyoodeeti ka veying: S a h a m i. Microme ter: - Waxyar q iyaas. General delivery - poste - boosto, rug joogto restante 1 2! Operation operate, run- Socod si i,! Collectitm of a sum l a cag- uru rsan 1S7.

Speed con tr o l : - Orod be ege :;! Face value of stamps tigidh saxan RoutiJi e - caadi hawl caadiya 2 8 6. Edge: Goo. E ngage: Kuxi r 5 7! Clock: نيك ورع مربرب Saa rad 3! B ranch -po s t Ollice laanta boosta 2 7 5. Termination - eh yoo nid La b el lare; tilmaame i.

Degree: - Qiyaasid S hahaadad Mufti 3! Sepa rator Kalageeye 5"8. Self Iock i n ""! Tower bolts: Qataa r 2 -1 i. Ewm p t fr om cust om s du t y Ka d h aafidda cashuu r fu rdadeedka Claim sh eega s h o 1 !. Rate of interest at. Frequenc y - hir 1 8 6. Adjust: I l agaajin 5 7 3.

Ambasaador - S a fi i r 5. Press: - Cadaadis S yringe: - Toobin 4i1 1. Blown ofT: Bitis, qorxid 1. Tyre paint R i n i i.!.

Note keeping: X u su u sqorid 65S, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Overgrowth of the Hoof C i d d i dheer 1 3 7. Factor - Udub 1 Th read Screw - l'Hiiq isgruu 1 Wire - S ili g F lexible - Isrog 1 Jacket - qolaf 1 8 4. Valid for all purpose - wax ka s ta tayobi Postal money order ord. Philatelic Ollice xafiiska muunad tigidh 2 7 1. Pa stu re Daaq Hi. Pa s t o ra l Daaqsato G razing Control Daaq ilaalin 2 1.

Otnce of o rigin xafiiska salka. WMO Laanta lacagta adduunka 1 ITU Ururka war i sgaa rsiin t a Aduunka 1 1 5. Edema of l i d s - Baalallow U3. Myopa thies - Ta laxgab 1:H i. Ignit i onl ighting starting shi d i ddaaridkicin Electric i Bhai aur ben n ition Kuronto shidid 6 3. Validity - tayoobid 2 7 9. Pulley or and axle Ge- - W i ish n e ral : 1! Pressure controll e r Cad aadis Ilaashe il a a i l y e 4 9.

Oxygen : Oksij i i n 42 1. Expiration date t a a riikh ka d h a c 2:w. Pine tar :Haa lay 4i. Ign ition : Daarid E l ectrify: E l ectrificati o n : Koranto Fi l i n 6 8 7. Per i tonits 11G. S m a l l postal parcel Xirmo boosto ya r 1! Application: Ku ekaan 1 5. Wood qori: loox! A Linguistic Study. Operation M a t e rials Alaabta socodsiinta Packi n g- materials qalab rar. Fit: Hakib 5 8! Out of m a i l - bag kuma jir;cl qandi booseed 1 Endorsement of money sumadcynta xawaaladda orders of postal ch aques, jccgga boost a etc 1 Weight so:nt Mih;aan u c a d e y n 1 4!

Shaft h a nJood 7! In vest ment maal ge l i n A sse ts fix ed, m ovable Hanti lahansho, go'an, etc wareeg i kara. E lect. Exci tor: Irrid Rectify: Sax i d Val ves: Waalal 4; 1. Rotate : - W a reegid 3 H 7. D i esel Engin e : - Matoor Na afta Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah 2 0. Prohibition Rookayn t.

A descriptive linguistic study of the spoken Arabic of Wadi Hadramawt, Yemen

Be lt Tension : - n c e l adkayn, badhan adkayn 3 8 8. Dhcd g-alaw d t" :! Valve grinding c o m pound Hudo b ire edda waalka Vahe gu ide pul l e r set Soodhuftaha h a nuuniyaha waalka.

Axles: - ' andho ba abuur 1 1 9, Was no af somali ah gus I yo soil dhab ah. Research scientific etc Cil m i raad i nbaaris 1 9. Add to cart. To exite - Cabsiin 1 Exiter - Cabsiye 1 6 6.

Species - Jaadjaad A n i m a l D i stribution Xoolo nwesiyayn 8 1. Bearing: Xa g a ljaho li:l! Asyn chrousu s Korea muvi drama - Laba wada socoda 1 Axis centerline - J i i t i n bare xariiq bare 1 1 5. Bul w y p ar cel 'irm" kuusan Ui. In te re sJ I'll try of halabo. Study feasibility study barasho, fi i r i n 1 7. Tergue: - Lambar :l 7 7. Airline S hirkad dayuuradced 17! Factory Mill, pl a nt, Warshad h i rgelin establishment etc 3.