Viral vedio of Pakistan girl

Viral vedio of Pakistan girl

In its report, The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that there were such murders reported, more than of them from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The said video was then shared on social media, which instantly went viral.

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Six men were convicted and sentenced for life but infive of them were acquitted on appeal. Pakistani rights organisations have raised the alarm against the rampant femicide in the countrywith data showing more than 5, women killed since While the government has acted to strengthen the law against such murders, increasing the punishment to life imprisonment inthe murders Viral vedio of Pakistan girl continued.

After the sudden slap, it took mere seconds for the matter to escalate as both began to fight with each other.

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A young Pakistani girl learned this the hard way, after she wholeheartedly included her sister in a video that she was recording, but ended up getting an unexpected reaction instead, Viral vedio of Pakistan girl. Most people were surprised by the video and reacted to it, making it go viral.

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The young one began to show her Bf vadio in the video, after which the camera then panned to her sister. Nausher Khan, the father of the year-old boy who had his picture with the murdered girl shared online, Viral vedio of Pakistan girl, says he is not aware of any tribal council ordering the murder, but he fears for his son and family. However, the elder sister slapped the younger one out of nowhere and screamed at her to not include her in the video.

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A few also found the incident hilarious and cracked jokes on it. Viral Video: A girl proceeded to make a funny video with her sister, but ended up getting slapped instead.

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A local tribal council was called and ordered the killing of those involved in the video. Watch the viral video to see what happened next.