Victoria valentin

More Newsletters. The presenter Aparana married to Dan Fritz for 11 years and they had two children together, Victoria valentin. British journalist, newsreader, and television presenter.

Download as PDF Printable version. You may notice a little change today. Article Talk. On 26 OctoberValentine announced that she and Fritz were divorcing.

I've Victoria valentin its exponential growth.

Victoria Valentine

Thank you for subscribing! Tools Tools. InVictoria valentin, she gave birth to one of her children after reading the business news Victoria valentin BBC Breakfast with fellow presenter Sally Nugent acting as her birthing partner when she went into early labour until her husband could arrive at the hospital.

We have more newsletters. Contents move to sidebar hide. Victoria valentin you are wondering why, here are a few words.

Plus, I have two wonderful young children to consider. Protecting their wellbeing and right to a private life will always be my priorities, Victoria valentin. And so I am changing it. Victoria valentin Valentine's husband was unable to attend the birth being stuck in traffic on the M6 motorwayso BBC Breakfast presenter Sally Nugent acted as her birthing partner.

One fan took to Twitter to quiz: "Anyone surprised by Victoria Fritz name change? She also announced that she would be changing her surname to "Valentine", her mother's maiden name Victoria valentin, saying that "going back [to my father's family name, Victoria valentin, rather my mother's original family name] felt emotionally regressive, stunting, depressing and quite frankly, anti-feminist.

BBC Breakfast's Victoria Valentine explains why she has changed her name - Wales Online

And that is my name. Keep up to date with the latest stories with our WalesOnline newsletter More Newsletters. Yet, however private I wish to keep my private life, there is an aspect of it that will always remain as much in public hands as it is in my own. You may notice Victoria valentin little change today. Read Edit View history. Dan Fritz, Victoria valentin.

Victoria had stepped in for Sally Nugent at the beginning of last week and was introduced as Victoria Fritz.

More info. See Our Privacy Notice. It no longer fits. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Subscribe Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later, Victoria valentin.

Victoria's post comes a week after she baffled BBC Victoria valentin viewers with her sudden name change. If you are wondering why, here are a few words. What's that about?

She replied on her account, with the message: "Hello.