Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep

They have reached their ceiling. A lot of work couldn't prevent me from going to the movies. Find the phrase that implies that something was also highly regarded. Conquered or subordinated peoples learn or are obliged to learn the languages of their overlords; traders acquire the languages that give them access to markets; converts adopt the languages of their new religion. He had a candy bar in his pocket, and he noticed that it suddenly melted. Why haven't they have been informed about the new development?

How can the rides be monitored? Why did Danny, whose totally unfit, decide to enter the marathon? The phrase "today's connected world" can be unpacked to mean "the modern society today where students can easily access information on the Internet", and "memorise content" can be interpreted as a learning process.

They are slender and fragile objects that once decorated parts of furniture — it needs the helpful reconstructions to appreciate what we are looking at. Sport will have to adapt itself to the new world. Do you have time for personal financial planning? In fact the Russians themselves were among the many nations involved in Afghan archaeology, especially at an ancient site at Tepe Fullol BCin the far north of the country, near mines that yielded precious lapis lazuli, where a large hoard of gold and silver vessels was found in one here shows a design of a Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep similar to ancient Mesopotamian art, close to 4, years old.

Both had been buried in a crouched position on their sides and from the way the bones remained connected, it appeared they had been carefully preserved.

Do you want to carry on till you drop? Had the driver been paid attention to the road, the accident wouldn't have happened. And if we are ever trapped in a car, train, queue or anything else, I am apt to hand over my phone, BlackBerry or iPad, and let them play games, take pictures or simply explore.

Soon afterward, he built a device that could utilize microwaves to heat food, the microwave oven. These are mainly used in financial reports where journalists want to create a certain effect for their message. You have a point there, but I don't think so. There seems to be, on the surface of this earth, no clue to the manmade riches within. Porter married again inbut after months of poor health, he died in New York City at the age of forty-eight in Henry's stories have been translated all over the world.

Do you think he has covered all the bases? Next, option D, first hand, is correct as first hand is a fixed expression that fits in the context grammatically and semantically.

If he noticed anything, we could have been in trouble. Those devices may now be unleashing an evolutionary leap — with consequences that my tech-challenged generation can Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep decode. Those who are riding a motorbike are not allowed to take off their helmet.

You don't need to do this in task 1. A romance novel set in the nineteenth century B. A story with an unhappy ending C. A dialogue for a talk show D. A science fiction novel XI. Any list of the greatest thinkers in history contains the name of the brilliant physicist Albert Einstein. What qualities would be helpful to have for a person to organise a large-scale event?

What do you think about this? Put the verb in the past simple tense or the past continuous. I don't think it's helpful. You will find lots more tips about specific parts of the exam in the practice folders of blogchuyenanh, and don't forget to ask your teachers and classmates for their advice.

We are both French speakers. A smart sustainable city will meet the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects. From China to the Mediterranean, Indonesian Manal influences reflected in this show are almost limitless.

By the time his experiment was complete, he had a new invention. Ex: - Chili is very hot. He investigated and learned the reason why that had happened. Which of the following inventions is mentioned in the passage as a practical application of Einstein's discoveries?

In a new study, published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, the researchers used DNA testing to examine the female skeleton, which carbon dating suggested had belonged to a woman who died between BC and BC, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. By examining genetic material known as mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only by females, the researchers found the jaw bone, a leg bone and an arm bone all came from different individuals. Many sports executives, largely too old and too conservative to feel at home with the new technologies, will believe that sport must control the expansion of television coverage in order to survive and ensure that spectators attend matches.

Our partners, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, professional farmers David and Graham Ward, are still with us today.

Mars says that his newest album is the soundtrack for an upcoming Hollywood movie. Einstein's theories have been consistently proven incorrect. In around BC, seven houses were built in a terrace, with the two mummies, which were then hundreds of years old, buried beneath one of the homes.

Looted from the National Museum in Kabul at some point inthey were believed lost until an anonymous London dealer, who had spotted them on the international market and identified them, recently arranged for their return. You should aim to spend no more than four minutes skim reading the text, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

Think about food and drink because it's going to be a long day. DWELL 8. I've got more months to go and then I have to take exams. The Last Lingua Franca is not the easiest of reads: Ostler does not Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep the populariser's gift for uncluttered storytelling, and is apt to pile up details without much regard for what the non-specialist either needs to know or is capable of retaining.

Explain why professional clubs have to "readjust their structures". Jay Carver, project archaeologist for Crossrail sincehas been involved in this complex operation since As he leads us on to the Limmo site, through a side door in Canning Town Tube station, the noise of enormous machinery preparing the way for the even more enormous tunnel-boring machines is deafening. Booker T. Washington, head of the first industrial school for African Americans, was as popular with Southerners than he was with Northerners.

Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. The accident happened as a result of the driver's not paying attention to the road.

How many answers can you get it right? Use the suitable form of the word chosen from the box to complete the passage. Now, a new study using the latest in DNA technology has found that the two skeletons together comprise the remains of at least six different individuals, who died several hundred years apart.

I would use switch in this context. He wants to thank her for the lovely party. In the meantime, she has continued to teach, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, moving in from the University of Detroit to the University of Windsor, in Ontario, and, into Princeton University Reviewers have admired her enormous energy, but find a productivity of such magnitude difficult to assess.

Albert Einstein was one of the most brilliant thinkers in history. The police finally arrested the notorious criminal. Who still thinks the globalisation of culture is a recent phenomenon?

With B. Without C. But for D. Thanks Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. He then moved to Austin for three years, and during this time the first recorded use of his pseudonym appeared, allegedly derived from his habit of calling "Oh, Henry' to a family cat.

The indiscriminate use of pesticides has wiped out many rare species. No thanks, I've just had something. William Sydney Porter B. Henry C. Athol Estes D.

A large number of inventions require years of arduous research and development before they are perfected. Locate where alliteration is used in the text and the purpose of the writer having used it.

Liz: "Look! He will continue with his charity but stop writing. The good news today is that some are becoming less neglected. If the driver would have paid attention to the road, the accident hadn't happened.

By his reference to a state of Babel, what does the writer imply? Robert offered Carlo to help do the dishes. I spend whole afternoons staring at the kitchen clock, willing it to fast-forward to 6pm, and drinks. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress. Why did Danny, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, who's totally unfit, decide to enter the marathon?

By he was a licensed pharmacist. Notice that hands-on and first-hand are also synonyms, but hands-on is usually used before a noun, e.

Never mind B. You don't mind C. You're welcome D. That's fine 3. Moreover, that of the Russian dancers was certainly the best. Similarly, decades earlier, John Pemberton was a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia. He would like to be socially acceptable due to his good behavior. Ex: His parents insisted that he should find a job and settle down in a big city. Attendees could purchase vouchers in order to buy the food that has been specially prepared by the students.

In Einstein became an examiner in the Swiss patent office at Bern. It is an invaluable medical supply. He spends a long time thinking about them. We can buy a bigger house more cheaply here. A city that grows too quickly can also experience an array of environmental issues. URBAN 9. Find a section which narrates how the experiment was set up. Running a charity is similar to running a business.

GREEN 4. Who was she — and to what other realm did she believe she would go, with all that bling around her? Yet they receive scant support for research, prevention or treatment, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

Why I hate living in the countryside After two years in Herefordshire, city girl Ioana Miller has decided that rustic living is not for her. What is the main topic of each section 1— 7? If he had noticed anything, we could have been in trouble. Others call for efficiencies in other ways, including greater linkage between well- established but underfunded NTD programmes and better-supported HIV and malaria projects.

I'm afraid not 3. It's very difficult to distinguish Simon and Mike. If I fancy a cappuccino, my only choice is to head for the garden centre. Probably much the same as we are doing now. They left their Sister bro xnx early for fear that they wouldn't miss the first train. Not remembering the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends. What's the Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep number?

But I think too much money is as bad as too little. The shortage of cooking gas in North Korea raised prices: an example of how the law of supply and demand also apply to planned economies. Ex: My mother bought a half kilo of apples. By the time I take my exam, I will have been in training to be an accountant for a year.

We'd better ask them to change the plan, hadn't we? Why did Danny decide to enter the marathon who's totally unfit? It is her best piece of nonfiction B. It is an autobiography C. It is a typical novel of the 's. Good idea! KNOW Official Key: 1. In Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep city, I can keep fit with Pilates classes, yoga sessions and Tai Chi.

Even the simplest urban pleasures are denied the country dweller. Remember the key words in the question are 'main features', 'comparisons' and 'relevant', so you need to consider all of these when planning to write. Pearls from the Arabian sea; carnelian from north Africa. Contemporary B. Together Rogers and Hammerstein wrote nine musicals, the first of whose was Oklahoma Together B. Benjamin Franklin was the editor of the largest newspaper in the colonies, a diplomatic representative to France and later to England, and he invented many useful devices A.

Albert Einstein was such brilliant a scientist that many of his colleagues had to study for several years in order to form opinions about his theories. The government knows the extent of the problem whereas it needs to take action soon.

Now think about the possible content and themes of these texts. Incredibly, War Horse has now sold well over one million copies. The death of Diana princess had a profound impact on the British public and those in other countries.

However, within a year, on the recommendation of a medical colleague of his Father's, Porter moved to La Salle County in Texas for two years herding sheep. You will see a text from which some words have been removed. Ex: I was studying when he came in. According to Mary Inman, who are the drivers of Shuddle? Greater study of the interaction of animal and human infections has highlighted the impact on agricultural productivity of NTDs.

Old empires break up and their lingua francas are abandoned like Russian in much of the former Soviet bloc. I left teaching and we moved to Devon inwhere I spent a year learning about life on the farm, and helping Clare to raise funds. Those who are wearing a helmet are not allowed to ride a motorbike. It is also the argument of these sports executives that television harming the modest teams. Liz and Laura is going shopping together.

With all my heart B. Never remind me C. It's my pleasure D. Wish you C. Choose the word or phrase from the box that best fits the blank space in the following passage. InEinstein published his general theory of relativity, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

When the children used the tablets, they did not behave like western adults might, namely sitting with a machine each on their laps in isolation. It is the law of the market. Try to avoid the subject of his health as I am tired of hearing all about his complaints. Anxiety 8. Six months ago, they dropped dozens of boxed tablets into two extremely remote villages in Ethiopia, where the population was completely illiterate, dirt poor and had no prior exposure to electronics, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

In our younger days we were fairly driven, always wanting to Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep things happen. I don't like it B. Very little C. Well done D. Very much 2. The Russian dancers Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep well-worth watching but the others weren't. No sooner had the soccer team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.

The scientists who uncovered the bodies also found clues that one of them — a man buried in a crouching position — was not a single individual, but had in fact been assembled from the body parts of several different people. Her first novel With Shuddering Falldealt with stock car racing, though she had never seen a race. India is facing a house shortage in urban areas at the moment and more housing would be required in order to meet future demand.

The cinema is seven miles away. Don't worry. Unit 2. Smith and her students are visiting the zoo. HOUSE 6. In Einstein learned that two German chemists had split the uranium atom. Remember to recycle your vocabulary. Select the five topics dealt with in the text from the list below.

Ex: God save the queen! Students learning English as a second language are sometimes given a word by their teacher and asked to give a n The There are words are phrases that even native speakers use in conversation without much Take the Use the word given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the space. It's very kind of you to say so. Some stress their corporate responsibility, while others point to economic self-interest. His theories of relativity led to entirely new ways of thinking about time, space, matter, energy and gravity.

Arm and Mary are studying in their classroom. This is true, but the future of those team is also modest. They will be the ones who decide what to see. The most visionary executives go further.

We could fry some onions with it too. What was the subject of Joyce Carol Oates' first novel? The first one provided a theory explaining Brownian movement, the zig-zag motion of microscopic particles in suspension. We started taking guests in Marchand were inundated with requests during the Festival in June. Ex: Jane was being at my house when you arrived.

Not remembered the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends. The spread of a new religion may advance a language as Islam Animation slim Arabic or.

The proportion between public and private space in such spontaneous urbanization is invariably less than Many people move to urban areas Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep for job opportunity as well as stable employment. To understand why the mighty fall, Ostler suggests, we must look to the factors that enabled them to rise: most commonly these are conquest, commerce and conversion.

But many difficulties remain. According to Bruno Mars, he enjoys looking himself up on Google, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. He opposed war and violence and supported Zionism, the movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The course that I've developed, which focuses on thinking skills, can help you to understand and analyse a question thoroughly before writing. His only formal education was to attend his Aunt Lina's school until the age of fifteen, where he developed his lifelong love of books.

The absence of effective and representative government exacerbates urban environmental health problems. This has boomed in places such as Uruguay. Exactly what happened to these people after their death and why they were finally buried in this way remains a mystery, but the scientists are continuing to unpick what happened.

Roosevelt warning him that this Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep knowledge could lead to Germany developing an atomic bomb.

The third time Martin went to buy electrical gadgets, the shop assistant was greeting him like an old friend; by his fourth visit, he was regaled with tales of spanking and wife-swapping that made The Archers sound like an everyday tale of puritans. Within days, they were using the pre-installed apps, with games, movies and educational lessons. This company has a policy of always replying to complaints.

When the Nazis came to power inthey denounced his ideas. And then, I would also need to compare the categories, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

Feng Shui aspires to divert this hidden flow to create a Although this is a n Feng Shui offers some The utilisation of plants Finally, because chi energy enters through the front door, it is Official Key: 5th, January 1. In a paragraph of about words, summarise the facilities which will be available to the television sports spectator in the 21st century. What do you think is happening in the picture?

I would say War Horse is my pension. For the hundreds of men sweating in orange high-visibility clothing on the Limmo Peninsula site in east London, dealing with archaeological finds is part of the day job.

Read these writing chapters carefully, do all of the exercises and try to apply them in your writing. I think that this cookout event could be part of a fund-raising event such as a school fun fair. Low-income dwellers are generally living in older areas of modern cities, which are well known for poor sanitation, lack of health facilities and basic amenities. In addition B.

In contrast C. Apart D. Other 2. The more we give away, the happier we are. Yes it did. The main problem in the conflict seems to be that Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep side really desires peace.

What did Michael Morpurgo learn when he set up his charity? It was suggested that Adam get Gavin's haircut. The inhabitants of the buildings appear to have been largely self-sufficient, using clay moulds to cast bronze swords, spears and ornaments.

The government needs to take action soon. Einstein wrote to President Franklind. In a corner of the office, a man methodically files clay pipes. He emerged from prison three years later, reborn as O.

Henry, the pseudonym he now used to hide his true identity. Verbs of possession belong to have meaning possessown, possess. For instance, Thomas Edison had to make more than 1, attempts to invent the incandescent light bulb before he finally succeeded. It will take us at least an hour to get there. Look at the concluding paragraph as well. Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun who devoted her life to serving the poor and destitute around the world. There has been a lot of fighting in the conflict because both sides seem to want it that way.

We had planned to walk right round the lake, but the heavy rain made this impossible. Better luck next time! If the driver had been paying Busty boobs seduce coach to the road, the accident wouldn't have happened. Match the themes A-L with the text number Xxxxveado Maya calendar K.

This prediction can help you to read more quickly and to prepare for difficult ideas, especially when it's an unfamiliar or difficult topic. You can also include any relevant examples from exam practice tasks. Then the researchers vanished and monitored what happened next by making occasional visits and tracking the behaviour of the children via Sim cards, USB sticks and cameras installed in the tablets. Caroline Anstey of the World Bank, another important funder, prefers to dub NTDs not neglected diseases, but diseases of neglected people.

Which of the following would Joyce Carol Oates be most likely to write? It was created many years before Coca-Cola. It was about an English instructor in Detroit 3. It is a fictional work based on another person's experiences. It's my pleasure. So you will see tips for a month before the exam, a week before the exam, the day before as well as advice for the day of the exam itself. In most books about English, the joke would be turned on Charles, used to preface the observation that the language he dismissed as uncultivated is now a colossus bestriding the world, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

Submit full answers to all of the questions via tienganhchuyen gmail. The ancient world had Arabic, Aramaic the language that really was good enough for JesusGreek, Latin, Pali, Persian which served India, and much of Turkic Central Asia, as a language of administration and high culture for almost 1, yearsSanskrit and Sogdian. His early death only cemented his legendary status, and Elvis Presley has become deeply ingrained in popular culture.

However, best of all is when I pay nothing, when my publishers sent Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep a nice bottle Niki indian 18old gus setpmom champagne, on publication of a new book. It is used for kitchenware nowadays. To put two and Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep together means to draw an obvious conclusion from what is known or evident; to put two and two together and make five means to draw a plausible but incorrect conclusion from what is known or evident, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

As children, we had both had wonderful experiences of the sights, sounds and creatures of the countryside and, as teachers, we felt that city children were missing out. The remains of cattle bones suggests they kept livestock and may have grown barley for food. Clue: This phrase is close in meaning to the phrase to be in the habit of.

According to Mars, he wasn't interested in music until later in life. My first book, It Never Rained, was Gffxxxx inand comprised five short stories. They left their home early. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, C or D that needs correction.

Ex: Students should do homework before going to school. Analysis of the bones suggest they ate very little seafood despite living on an island, instead growing their food on the low lying grassy plain next to the houses. When does he expect to stop working? Having been friends for years, we find it quite easy to share secrets between us.

They were just about good enough to encourage me to carry on writing, but the income was never enough to live on, not for 20 years. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress. Look for descriptions of specific situations or experiences the writer has had.

Who are the typical passengers of Shuddle? If he noticed anything, we would be in trouble. I suppose it was while I was teaching at a village primary school in Kent, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. The fourth paper was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. To illustrate, I'll use two authentic questions below.

But the next time my kids grab my own devices, I may not feel quite so much parental guilt. Objects found there show the extent Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep the trade along these important routes — as far east as China and as far west as Rome.

And at their disposal will be the sane options the producer of the recorded programmer has, to select replays, to choose which camera to use and to decide on the sound — whether to hear the public, the players, the trainer and so on.

Give the correct form of the words in the following sentences. He was a respected and admired journalist.

But these ways of recruiting speakers are not conducive to permanent attachment. She idolizes her artist mother, Ingrid, who is as strong and dangerous as she is beautiful. Verbs of thinking believe, doubt, guess, imagine, know, realize, suppose, understand. What does the future hold for "modest teams"? Indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

What is your opinion? What kind of words Agrasive sex show you a personal response? We strongly believe that he's innocent of the crime. The learned language is not valued for its own sake, but only for the benefits that are seen to flow from it, and only Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep as long as those benefits outweigh the costs.

Mars says that he used to play poker to pay his rent. His talent for football was great. Raising the standard of living of the poor is all he spends his time on, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and fanners are having trouble. When does it become profitable to be an author? Modern lingua francas include French, German the pre-eminent medium of scientific discourse until the Third ReichLatin which continued to have wide currency as a language of higher learning long after it ceased to have native speakersPortuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Sentence 4 There are two vocabulary problems in this sentence: antagonism is mainly found in literary contexts, and thus inappropriate to use in the IELTS writing test; unfairness is an uncountable noun, so I would replace it with inequalities C2. The correct sentence would be: It is often thought that international conflict is the result of inequalities between the northern and southern hemisphere.

Vast construction projects such as Crossrail, which will put 21km of new tunnels through the capital, offer a rare and valuable window into the past.

The government knows the extent of the problem so that it needs to take action soon. She has produced a surprising amount of fictions in a relative short time. In the United States the system of the future has already started: pay-as-you-view. Analysis of the bones indicated that the bodies had started to rot after death but the decay was abruptly halted. Do you allow yourself the Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep indulgence? APPLY 6. What rubbish! Carbon dating of the bones in the male skeleton revealed while the jaw came from someone Punished my ebony stepsister had died around BCBC, the rest of the skull came from a man who died some years earlier, and the remainder of the body from someone who died years before that.

As soon as they blamed each other, the soccer team knew they lost the match. He mixed some chemicals together. I would go to the movies when I had done so much work. Prominent is a C1 word, but used inappropriately in this sentence. If I hadn't had so much work to do I would have gone to the movies. Find two words and phrase the writer uses as cohesive reference devices. But now Negroponte and Matt Keller, a fellow researcher who previously worked with the World Food Programme, have launched an experiment so bold it might be science fiction.

Second, and leading from that first point, technology can potentially be a Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep self-learning tool. The best performance was the one of the Russians while some of the others were poor. Why does the author mention Oates' book Them? He hopes to continue until he can no longer work, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. I know very little about investments, which is why I have a good accountant and stockbroker.

Beyond keywords, also pay attention to the qualifiers in the question. One cannot grow or learn without pressures and challenges. Positive aspects of living in the country D.

The difficulties of meeting people in the country E. Concerns facing people who live in the country H. This is essential for all the parts of the reading test, but especially Gapped Text, when you need to have a clear idea of how the text develops before you can begin selecting the missing paragraphs. Why did Danny decide to enter the marathon? Porter then fled to New Orleans, and later to Honduras, leaving his wife and child in Austin.

I've seen many students using words like 'plummet' and 'correlation' inappropriately. Only persistent job seekers can find jobs. The new technologies will mean that spectators will no longer have to wait for broadcasts by the conventional channels. The man who made it was a pharmacist. Source: Topic: Register:. It doesn't matter. Write the number next to topic headings A-G. The findings of the research B. Overview of the research questions and project C. Personal response to the findings D.

What the researchers observed E. How the research was carried out F. Personal experience of technology and children G. Clues: B. Look for possible theories, and information about the researchers and the project. On a mundane level, it is the art of furniture placement, but it being 6. Have you made any pension provision? The countryside, on the other hand, is a theme park without opt-out clauses.

The great events continually attract larger audiences. People must never take their helmet off while they are riding a motorbike. If it hadn't rained so heavily, we would have walked right round the lake.

Since the renovation policy launched inHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has experienced the fastest. Decide which time is closest to yours. Danny's totally unfit. Where is the text probably from? Henry's influence on American literature.

Henry Ford also pointed out that the high wage helped the workers to be able to afford the cars. The site had been a bronze-age settlement which was inhabited for well over 1, years. There was no poor performance. Sitting in front of the television all day and taking exercises are advisable. A distinctive feature of Trump's business and real estate ventures has been the prominent use of his own name. It is recommended that people should take regular exercise.

Can you guess what fits with the first and second gap? Though at the height of their power some acquired — and have kept — large numbers of native speakers outside their original homelands as with Spanish and Portuguese in South Americafew retain their old status. Find the Arkesta sex video that is used to convey a lack of respect for something.

Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. You won't be allowed to take the exam without ID. Also, check you know all the practical details. The notable exception is of course the Hay Festival, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, although that comes but once a year. The adventures of O.

The author implies which of the following is true? London has a wealth of helpful archival records, from birth to burial, and while there are always surprises such as the shipwreck, there is also extensive knowledge.

Not only did the soccer team lose the match but they blamed each other as well. In Them she focused on Detroit from the Depression through the riots ofdrawing much of her material from the deep impression made on her by the problems of one of her students. The life and career of William Sydney Porter B. The way to adopt a nickname. What is more, the excavations must fit into a carefully choreographed programme that waits for no piece of pottery.

We can protect the world we live in only with careful environmental planning. We will spend more than an hour to get there to avoid heavy traffic. It was the first news of this sophisticated and very ancient culture. He didn't notice anything. But after two years, I realise why Britain is the cradle of urbanisation: our ancestors knew that, east or west, the city is best.

In land jobs are only available to persistent jobs applicants. You need to complete each gap with one word only. Careful environmental planning protects the world we live in. Identify the keywords that helped you find the answers and make a table of keywords.

What has helped Mary Inman feel comfortable about using Shuddle? Diagram Label Completion: not usu. Adam advised Gavin to cut his hair. Tom: "I'm sorry, I won't be able to come". Hers is a world of violence, insanity, Fractured love, and hopeless loneliness.

The girl on the right corner, who is manning the food, looks like a student volunteer who is helping out with the sales. Choose the correct answer that best completes each of the following sentences. If you find a useful phrase while you're reading something, try to use it in a conversation or a piece of writing. So much so, in fact, that whenever I am flummoxed by a tablet or phone today, I give it straight to my kids to sort out.

Wouldn't it be better to let them know about the alternations to the plan? About of them come from one of the most high-profile Crossrail finds: the skeletons uncovered beneath what will be a ticket hall at Liverpool Street. Which of the following does the passage indicate about Joyce Carol Oates' first publication? These include titles, sub-titles, diagrams, pictures and captions.

Sorry I have no idea. Had the accident not happened, the driver would not have had to pay attention to the road. If you let him, he would talk only about his ill-health though actually he is quite healthy. One broader factor mobilising recent efforts has been interest closer to home for donors. In Morpurgo Jepang step mom end son his wife set up a charity, Farms for City Children.

Or Begram, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, the first-century summer capital of the Kushan kings, a dynasty whose power-base spread up into what is now Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and down into the Indian subcontinent as far as. We find it quite easy to share secrets, being friends for years.

Protecting the world we live in, we plan the environment carefully. Whatever the source and however shocking the events or the motivations, however, her fictive world remains strikingly akin to that real one reflected in the daily newspapers, the television news and talk shows, and popular magazines of our day. Einstein's work led to such scientific advances as the control of atomic energy, even television as a practical application of Einstein's work.

This job will offer you the perfect opportunity to become more skilled at working with a computer. If you plan your journey so you know you will arrive in good time, you are more likely to relax and get a good night's sleep.

The spectator the television audience will be the priority and professional clubs will have to readjust their structures to adapt to the new reality: sport as a business. The papers report that the police got a lot of criticism from the public after the riots. The discovery process then became intense. Do not read the text yet. Likewise, inscientist Percy Spencer was conducting an experiment with microwaves.

It's very kind of you. No more money spent on preparation courses: It's all right here! Ann: "Can I borrow your dictionary? Underline keywords in the question and unpack their meaning. The verb dates from the mid 16th century.

Patient people will secure jobs even in an instable job market, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. What I find particularly offensive is his arrogant attitude. Why not trying it on B. Why not trying on it C. Why not try it on D, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Why not try on it 9.

You can record your vocabulary by topic, or where it would be useful in the exam for example for the Speaking and Writing sections. InAlexander Fleming discovered penicillin, an antibiotic in this manner.

You should take regular exercises instead of sitting in front of the television all day. You are welcome. He went out for a coffee with his friends then. Her style is imitative of other contemporary authors. After all, the technology world is full of hype; and some economists and development experts such as C. Prahalad have questioned whether poor communities can truly derive the benefits of modern technology without help. This glimpse into a hidden world is going on all over the city at 22 Crossrail sites.

Jack and Joe are discussing how to make salad for dinner. That philosophy is: rather than see television take over sport why not have sports taken over television? It shows how peoples always moved through this region, how cultures flourished and died, how the lands that were once rich became as barren as that stark mountain range. The excavation is still in its trial stage, but has already caused great excitement because the graveyard was situated on land belonging to the Bedlam hospital.

Why did Michael Morpurgo set up his charity? Hint: Suggested order 1. No surprise that much pharmaceutical industry investment — and not purely philanthropic support Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep is going into the search for a vaccine. Shortly after death, two of its teeth were removed with one placed in each hand.

But Ostler thinks this argument underplays both the social costs of maintaining a lingua franca it is not true that English is universally loved and the deep, enduring loyalty people have to their native tongues.

Anna is seeing Bill off at the airport. William Sydney Porterwho wrote under the pseudonym of O. Henry, was born in North Carolina. Adam suggested that Gavin should have his hair cut. This is a time for revising what you know and looking over your best work, not for trying to cram in new information, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

I'll go and make one. It also has the potential to foster strong bonds between those who are involved in the event. As the traffic is so heavy, it will take us at least an hour to get there. Ex: Yesterday evening, my mother was cooking while my father was reading books. Today's quiz is about some collocations for the Cambridge English: Advanced exam. This sweater is beautiful. Other body parts could have come from other individuals too, but it was impossible to obtain suitable DNA to analyse.

A film of Private Peaceful is now on nationwide release.

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To accommodate the fastly growing population, the government must come up with a solution soon. When did you have the vision of Farms for City Children?

By the time I've taken my exam, I will be training for a year. The countryside has its merits, I know. Verb patterns and prepositions are also often seen in this type of question. Robert suggested to help Carlo do the dishes. Everyone knew that excavations at Limmo would uncover the old Thames Ironworks.

He gambled and had to borrow money from lots of his friends. I'd rather just have some bread, thanks. Yet some inventions have come about not through hard work but simply by accident in most cases, when someone unintentionally invented something, the inventor was attempting to create something else.

Some people are not affected by it. A gas B. Choose the word Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep has a different stress pattern from the others. Its ground plan was excavated by French archaeologists in the s and a neat CGI reconstruction helps us to imagine the place, well fortified by its river and mountain boundaries and its Brunette hsity walls, while display cases show fragments of the luxurious living to be enjoyed within: gold vases, luscious bronze female figures of Indian dancing girls, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, the mosaics of a bathhouse.

History is replete with numerous other examples of people trying, yet failing to make inventions before they eventually succeeded.

In my experience, the main problem is most answers don't give the full picture of the charts and this can reduce your score in task achievement.

Mold combines with bacteria to make it. It has enabled him to give more money to charity. I would write: Smart phones, tablets and other electronic devices are becoming more popular these days.

Einstein spoke out frequently against nationalism, the exalting of one nation above all others. Which of the following is true, according to the passage? My first novel has just been published. What kind of publication is this text taken from? Some of the skeletons may Jay Carver: Project belong to former inhabitants, although nothing is yet confirmed.

If he hadn't noticed anything, we couldn't have been in trouble. Robert offered to help Carlo do the dishes. As Anglo-American hegemony withers, the influence of English will decline; but what succeeds it will not be any other single language.

Listening to something in English on the way to the exam or chatting to other candidates can be good ways to keep your mind off the exam at the same time as practising your English, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Da Vinci from an early age began to display his remarkable academic and artistic talents.

The skills you practise in this activity should become automatic pre-reading strategies every time you read. I started training to be an accountant six months ago. Everyone, that is, except one elderly lady. If you sleep well and get some exercise you will feel more relaxed, which is very important before an exam. No thanks, I'm trying to give up.

Answer Key Bài tập tiếng anh 12 - Bùi Văn Vinh

I would write: Many students feel embarrassed when they are expected to speak in public. I think so. This is a good habit to develop for all your reading, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. English, he suggests, will be the last lingua franca. Do you believe in leaving everything to children? The world is being constructed on new technologies so that people can make the utmost use of their time and, in their home, have access to the Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep possible range of recreational activities.

I want to be careful and safe. I never go to the movies if I have work to do. Even if the job market is not stable, those who persist will be able to land jobs eventually. While he was not successful in that endeavor, he managed to invent Coca-Cola, the world - famous carbonated soft drink.

Prof Hotez has long highlighted the burden of NTDs, such as helminths and leishmaniasis, in the poor rural and indigenous communities of North America. You should see an eye specialist, I think. Being friends for years, we find it quite easy to share secrets.

Thanks to B. Other than C. Despite D. With Read the passage and choose Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. I, the city girl, would find true happiness in Arcadia. Although in the West it has only recently gained 2. Marilyn Monroe has become an iconic representative of fame and female beauty.

Except for their own mother, no one can talk to Simon and Mike. Knowing the extent of the problem, the government needs to take action soon. An enamelled glass goblet, for instance, which is painted with a scene of people harvesting dates, was made in Roman Egypt and exported by sea via the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean to India, from where it would have travelled hundreds of miles overland to Begram.

The phrase "above all else" denotes that learning should be "predominantly" fun, even though it should also be about gaining knowledge and honing social-emotional skills, for instance. Of course you can B. I don't think it works. Oh, that's annoying C.

Well, never mind D. Sounds likes fun 5. If you only write about either or both of the issues without putting them together to show a contrast or a relationship between them, you may not cover all parts of the question. What has been your basic career strategy? There has been a surge in academic articles in the past few years, and even the creation of new journals, such as PlosNTDs. The shortage of B.

In the latter half of the nineteenth century, physical techniques making it possible to determine the chemical constitution of stars. In it he proposed that gravity is not a force, but a curve in the space-time continuum, created by the presence of mass. These are just a few tips for Jija Sali Sali for such advanced exams. There won't be peace in the conflict if both sides do not really desire it. Verbs of appearance appear, seem. They didn't want to miss the first train.

Her apartment was freezing. In it he proposed that light is composed of separate packets of energy, called quanta or photons, that have some of the properties of particles and some of the properties of waves. Ex: Come what may we will stand by you. The cruellest Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, and one in which we can now only imagine a hidden Taliban rocket-launcher, a pod of silent, veiled men slipping from a cave. This means in a quiet place with all the real timings. Another is that they often debilitate rather than kill, making their short-term impact less dramatic.

Inat age 26, he published the first of five major research papers. Alpine Sainte nards are too good at following the scent of humans, even in snow, that they are used by ski patrols as rescue dogs. At least at a theme park you can opt out of rides. The recommendation that all Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep affected by the storm should be evacuated immediately was approved.

Then, he put them into a pressurized container and cooled the mixture. In London I set off on foot every day for a tour of the neighbouring houses, shops and Hyde Park; but here I find it daunting to trek through fields that go on and on, sloshing in wellies towards an infinite horizon, meeting no one except four-legged creatures along the way.

They do not simply do it for good publicity or some sort of tax break, but because when you are competing for good workers, it makes a difference. No strategy at all. Prestigious lingua francas are socially divisive, and therefore unstable. We know frustratingly little about her, or the others equally lavishly entombed in the necropolis at Tillya Tepe in the first century AD.

Imagine beneath this blasted land an entire Greek city, complete with amphitheatre and gymnasium, temples, palaces and courtyards. PASSAGE 2 continued next page, with questions The spread of a new religion may advance a language as Islam advanced Arabic or conversely weaken it as the reformation helped to weaken Latin.

In Porter founded his own humor weekly, the "Rolling Stone", a venture that failed within a year, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, and later wrote a column for the Houston Daily Post. He returned in because of his wife's continued ill-health, however she died six months later. Did it require a large injection of capital to set up the charity? To compare some modern writers C. To outline Oates career D. To describe Oates' childhood 2.

At the age of thirty five, he entered prison as a defeated man; he had lost his job, his home, his wife, and finally his freedom. Watch and choose the best answer A, B or C. What does the writer mean by the use of the phrase "an indissoluble marriage"?

Why did Danny decide to enter the marathon, who's totally unfit? She was brought up in a well-off family. Less well preserved human remains were also found under some of the other houses and many had offerings of bronze artefacts found with them. None of the books sold well to start with, around 2, copies a year. How long did it take you to read the text? Make sure you have done all the past papers and at least one simulation test under exam conditions.

Robert suggested helping Carlo with the dishes. Jane is away on holiday, so you probably saw her twin brother in town yesterday. Rich, worldly and sophisticated, he could have been the ideal husband for Gwendolyn but feels compelled to crush her independent spirit and mold her into his perfect wife. Urban development can magnify the risk of environmental hazards such as flash flooding. No thanks, I'm not neatly very thirsty.

It is about raising capital, having to sell an idea, and making a good pitch with a very strong message. Don't be afraid to try different techniques and go with what works for you - different things work for different people. Most of the world's largest cities are considerably smaller by the year than had been expected.

Instead, he had invented Teflon, which is today most commonly used to make nonstick pots and pans. Writers who take this view point out that English differs from previous lingua francas in two important ways: first, it has no serious competition, and second, although it was originally spread by conquest, commerce and missionaries, its influence no longer depends on Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Clara did not care how low the Phineas fortune had fallen; no proper respectable girl would allow herself to be a maid.

I am surrounded by sheep, cows and chickens, but for human contact I have to Awek sekolah melay main Polish to chat to the workmen, drive half an hour to our nearest neighbour, or wait until the vet comes by to check the hens. Planning the environment carefully, we can protect the world in which we live.

Porter left school at 15 to become a pharmacist B. The first recorded use of his pseudonym was in Austin D. Both of Porter's wives died before he died 7.

They accompany a text you are, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Michael stood out for his exceptional enthusiasm and soft, infectious musical voice. Look for a description of what the children did with the devices. Not remember the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends. Clue: This idiom means a source of continual annoyance or trouble.

Here it is B. Not at all C. Great D. Yes, let's 8. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. Were the children good while the babysitter was here? Most of her work is based on personal experience.

Not all NTDs are receiving equal attention in every country, and nor can they be tackled in the same way. Stay tuned for my next notes! There may be more than one possible answer. When we were putting in the 2. Nicholas Ostler, however, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, quotes it to make the point that no language's triumph is permanent and unassailable.

Unregulated, unplanned urban sprawl is often the cheapest option in the short run - but the long-run costs to society, the economy and the environment can be dire. Bangli bhabi was a humbling experience.

His decision had been made on the spur of the moment. Simon and Mike bear some resemblance to each other. Thanks to advances in computer translation, "everyone will speak and write in whatever language they choose, and the world will understand".

A documentary or magazine article, for example, could contain lots of useful language, and reading or watching the news is especially important. Second, and more practically, could these lessons about self-learning be applied to the west? When you are dealing with a city as old as London, the past is sometimes only a spadeful of soil away. They soon started to blame each other. They left their home early in order that not to miss the first train.

What is the hardest part of running a charity? Everything will be offered by television and the spectator will only have to choose. Because of this, the argument runs, it will not suffer the fate of its predecessors. And from Begram too came a set of superbly delicate carved ivories, probably Indian, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, and from the first century AD, which take pride of place in this show because of their emotional history.

According to the review, identify the main point the writer is trying to make. I'll miss you much. It aims to harness energy flow within the home to make it a nice, healthy place in which to live. Don't take any notice of all his complaints about his health; there's nothing wrong with him.

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Hung was invited to Hoa's party. Wish you a happy journey. We do not think that he did it A. The situation seems to be changing minute by minute. Others contain, depend on, include, involve, mean, measure, weigh, require. It is essential that pollution be controlled and eventually eliminated. Because I had to do so much work I couldn't go to the movies.

For example: "There is no need for students to memorise content in today's connected world. War Horse the play opened in at the National, and over 1. My wife and I enjoy driving holidays Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep Normandy, Brittany, and south-west France. Indicate the correct answer to complete each of the Dani Always questions. Ex: - I saw a movie yesterday. We wanted to enable them to become farmers for a week, working on the land, mucking out stables and digging up potatoes.

Which of the following does the passage suggest about Joyce Carol Oates in terms of her writing career? Tom: "Can you make it at 3 p. Ex: - The man next to Lin is my friend. More startling still, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, one gang of kids even worked out how to disable a block that the Boston-based researchers had installed into the.

The impact of the assembly line helped Ford become the dominant firm in the motorcar industry. Receptionist: "Good morning. Trade here included frankincense and coral, lapis lazuli and turquoise, indigo and silverware. Find the phrase that implies that there is no concrete evidence to support a fact. It was not successful B. It was a volume of short fiction C. It was part of her master's thesis.

Havy: "Thanks for your help, Judy. The researchers now believe that large extended families, living under one roof, may have shared their homes with the mummified remains of their dead ancestors, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, before deliberately putting the bodies together to look like single corpses — possibly in an attempt to demonstrate the uniting of different families.

Clare was also teaching. While Londoners regard most construction projects as a nightmar of Tube delays and traffic, archaeologists eagerly anticipate them. In March this year, during deep excavation in the main shaft on site, they uncovered what looked like a fragment of a boat, probably dating from the 12th to 15th century.

Using this information, read the more carefully to select the correct answers to the questions. Yet 2, years ago, a young woman of 20 or so, about 5ft 2ins in height, was buried hereabouts, with several thousand pieces of worked gold: bracelets and headdress ornaments, golden buckles set with turquoise, hair clips and anklets, hundreds of gold pieces stitched to her clothing like the sequins on the bodice of a ballroom dancer.

Taking regular exercises is better than sitting 18 uaer new xxx front of the television all day. The same applies to my books, they just happened. No thanks, I've just had some. Task 3: Transcript Completion. They do not even accept the evidence which contradicts their view: while there is more basketball than ever on television, for example, it is also certain that basketball is more popular than ever.

Verbs of the senses hear, smell, sound, taste. I can see that petrol and oil and coal these are all fossil fuels will be used much more considerably than the others they are sustainable and nuclear energyso I would summarise this in my overview too, e.

Checking that you are prepared on the day before the exam is another way to make sure you stay relaxed. It has made him financially secure. John was in Hanoi and wanted to send a parcel to his parents. Medicines can help, but are unlikely to eliminate diseases of poverty alone. At C2 level, perfect is used to emphasise a noun, such as in perfect sense, perfect accuracy and perfect opportunity. It is quite easy to share secrets between us. No one other than their own mother can separate Simon and Mike.

The correct phrase would be international relations or international diplomacy C2. Sentence 3 There are two main vocabulary problems in this sentence: In ابم ينيك امه IELTS writing test, we aim at precision and accuracy, so we avoid using abbreviations such as etc.

This will help ensure that you are practising all the skills and types of question. What is the style of the language used in this text? I'm sure about that. Then, in Porter was found guilty and sentenced to five years imprisonment in Ohio. Sentence 5 Predominant is a C2 word but it does not collocate with reason, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

The heavy rain nearly prevented us from walking right round the lake. Cities are like magnets, with the potential to take care Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep everything from the most basic needs to the most intangible desires. The sign says 'No feeding the animals'. Urbanization has many adverse effects on the structure of society as gigantic concentrations of people compete for limited resources.

Ex: - I finished work, walked to the beach and found a nice place to swim.

He was by nature a reserved man but not a cold one. Indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. What does the writer mean by the use of the word "profile"? Student: "Could you help me to fax this report?

I'm afraid I can't B. Here Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep are! The green belt is also getting real dense due to people moving out of the city too many. We are both very spontaneous, and that is the way it has worked. Nearly half of the world's 3. Explain the phrase "the benefits would accrue to those sports". Onchocerciasis and trachoma cause blindness, a further factor holding back economic development and placing a burden on those who contract the diseases and their families.

He wrote at least twelve stories in jail, and after re-gaining his freedom, went to New York City, where he published more than stories and gained fame as America's favorite short Story writer. And always there is the resentment generated by dependence on a language which has to be learned, and therefore favours elites over those without access to schooling. Your language should also be flexible enough to convey the messages effectively and clearly, without being too technical and trying to showcase your vocabularies or using fluff.

The discovery began a year investigation into what had led the bronze-age islanders to this strange fate. Ex: If this be prevent right, you would be considered innocent. Henry is as popular in many other countries as he is in America D. Porter would probably have written less stories if he had not been in prison for three years. The great thing is that it has enabled us to support Farms for City Children and other charities, much more than we did before financially.

Clue: This adverb is often used in a negative sentence for emphasis, meaning not at all. Many people would dispute that. The United Nations estimates that 1. Or is the ability to decode an electronic gadget innate to all young human brains, irrespective of where they live? Where is the exam going to be? Yet growing Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep points to the broader consequences of neglect.

As both sides in the conflict apparently desire peace, it is likely that there will be peace soon. Two archaeologists are busy wheeling barrows of soil away from the site of the huge Victorian shipbuilding company that founded the football club which became West Ham. But under the ground, the walls of an older structure are emerging. These are the fascinating questions which a group of Boston researchers are currently exploring in the unlikely setting of Ethiopia.

In recent years, Madonna has continued to tour, release albums and engage in humanitarian work. If one of the options is similar to your prediction, it is likely to be the right answer.

Identify a metaphorical reference about the impact of English today. Very well, thanks. Museums, art galleries and theme parks are other options. This experiment still has much further to run, and has not been independently audited. Not to remember the meeting, he went out for a coffee with his friends.

They did not leave any instructions, aside from telling the village elders that the tablets were designed for kids aged four to They also showed one adult how to charge the tablets with a solar-powered device. Marilyn Monroe was an epitome of sensuality, beauty and effervescence and was naturally photogenic. You will have about 1 minute to answer each question on your own. Here it might be objected that Ostler's argument depends on an unrealistic techno- optimism, and puts too much emphasis on the supposed primeval bond between speakers and their mother tongues, which some would say is largely an invention of 19th-century European nationalism.

For example, in the s, chemist Roy Plunkett was attempting to make a new substance that could be used to refrigerate items. Have a good day! While digging out the foundations of one of the houses, the archaeologists found the skeletons of an adult man and a woman they believed to be aged around Dating of the two skeletons showed they appeared to be over 3, years old and predated the house they were buried under by several hundred years.

One reason is that they affect the poorest and most disenfranchised, principally in Africa, with little of the visibility in richer nations of diseases which occur in the west. Among the most extensive archaeological explorations in recent years, it is already producing finds that carve through British history: prehistoric animal bones at Royal Oak, skeletons from Liverpool Street, remains of a Tudor mansion under your feet at Stepney Green.

When it's hard to find a job, jobs on land are even harder. All of this will be in the future of sport. Mars says that he used to live in Hawaii with his family. They left their home early so as to Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep miss the first train. URBAN 2. Because of B. In view of C. Despite of D. In spite of 3. You can find more collocations of reason from the Oxford Collocations Dictionary. If you read a text this long so quickly, you may not have a very clear Hard sks of the general meaning.

They received MBEs in recognition of their services to youth in The author, who has three children and seven grandchildren aged 7 to 25, lives in Iddesleigh, Devon. The government knows the extent of the problem or else it needs to take action soon.

Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. BROAD 7. We have been friends for years.

History's Most Important Inventions B. Accidental Inventions and Discoveries C, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. How to Become a Great Inventor D. People first used it as a refrigeration device, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Free English examination papers, practice tests, e-books, etc. This is how advanced levels are created: through the mastery of B2 and lower levels, not the use of C1 and C2 words only. Because of urbanization continues, not only the infrastructure for health but also other social services in cities need improving.

What is the passage primarily about? Professor Pearson said it appeared the crude mummification process had allowed the bodies to survive the wet and wild Scottish climate for several hundred years before the soft tissue gradually began to degrade after they were buried.

Give my Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep wishes to your parents. What time does it start? But even if he is wrong to predict the return of Babel, I do not think he is wrong to argue that English's position as the premier medium Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep global exchange will not be maintained for ever.

OK, that's fine. The review Sports Illustrated recently published a full profile of the life of the supporter at home in the middle of the next century. Only after Theodore Roosevelt became president did conservation developed into a major environmental issue in the United States A. Only after B. Contemporary poet James Merrill writes autobiographical verse that building on remembrances of his childhood.

Yet these once-mighty languages are now largely confined to those territories where their modern forms are spoken natively. Think about pronouns and possessive adjectives. At Begram inFrench archaeologists made the sort of find of which they must always have dreamed: a sealed room full of treasure imported from China. Einstein's work in physics was somewhat tarnished by his conservative political views. And they will have to pay for it. The four young boys look like members of a club as they are in the same outfits, two of whom are wearing the same hats.

You will have to choose from 4 options A, B, C or D to complete each of the gaps. By the time I took my exam, I would have trained to be an accountant for a year. Ex: John goes to work four times a week. Her productivity since then has been prodigious, accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles, including novels, collections of short stories and verse, play and literary criticism.

Einstein's work in physics, though theoretically impressive, led to few practical applications. I think an event like this not only raises funds for the school or for charitable causes, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for students to gain some experience in hosting a big event as well as cooking skills.

What is the main purpose of the passage? This is especially important on the day of the Speaking test, when you can arrive early and get some practice speaking to your partner. It is the fastest way to buy peace. Donald Trump is the first person to assume presidency without prior military or government service and at 70, he is also the oldest one to assume the office. In one village, this leader turned out to be a partly disabled child: although he had never been a dominant personality before, he was a natural explorer, so became the teacher.

Curse this frog! Why did Michael Morpurgo start writing stories? What is the most you have ever paid for a bottle of fine wine or champagne? God be with you! He wants to stop now, as he has enough money. Generally, I can see that most homes use energy for heating purposes, especially water heating, and if you should notice, the energy distribution for other purposes is collectively almost equal to that for heating water. He worked as a draftsman, then as a bank teller for the First National Bank.

The results, which will be unveiled in Boston later this month, are thought-provoking, particularly for anyone involved in the education business. All the dancers but the Russian performed poorly. Find an example of understatement and explain Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep the writer really means by it. The traffic was so heavy that it took us an hour to get there. According to the best statistics Handj teen — and the data are extremely poor — more than 1 billion people in the world are chronically infected by one or more such NTD, and more than half a million people a year die as a result.

We need the eurozone and the yen zone involved. Hung: "Thank you very much for a lovely party. But the researchers have already drawn three tentative conclusions. When I sought a bit of culture, a neighbour suggested that I go to the Hereford cattle market on Wednesdays, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. He has become famous because of it.

Hardly had the soccer team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other. Liz is telling Andrew about her first novel. We have been friends so that it is quite easy to share secrets between us. The person who made Teflon B.

The creator of Coca-Cola C. The man who discovered penicillin D. Doctors seldom use it nowadays. What is a quick treat in London here involves queuing for 35 minutes among the plastic pots and fertiliser sacks: the local girl serving us has inevitably recognised a customer as her long-lost cousin, who must be filled in on all the gossip.

Complete the information using your own words. Some question whether the approach is wise, arguing it Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep risk triggering drug resistance and placing heavy strains on local communities and health systems.

What does the word burden refer to? Loneliness B. Racing C. Teaching D. Insanity 6. Like empires and often with themlanguages rise and fall, and English, Ostler contends, will be no exception. Porter was in poor health throughout his life. Finds that arrive at the Mola warehouse typically pass through washing and drying rooms.

He discovered some mold growing in a dish with some bacteria. In a period characterized by the abandonment of so much of the realistic tradition by authors such as John Barth, Donald Barthelme, and Thomas Pynchon, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, Joyce Carol Oates has seemed at times determinedly old-fashioned in her insistence on the essentially mimetic quality other fiction, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep.

When two almost perfectly preserved 3,year-old human skeletons were dug up on a remote Scottish island, they were the first evidence that ancient Britons preserved their dead using mummification. Here we'll look at some self- study tips and when you should start thinking about them as it is important to start planning ahead. Charles Warner, a descendant of the last works manager before the company closed inheard about the excavation and gave Carver a beautiful coloured map which outlines where each building stood.

Countryside fans bleat about the violence of mean streets and the noise of traffic. Gavin was suggested to have a hair cut. According to the text, what works by Michael Morpurgo can you currently enjoy?

Only their own mother can tell Simon and Mike apart. He then moved to the United States. Inmolecular biologist L. Mark Lagrimini of Ohio State University cloned the gene in that codes for a type of peroxidase found in tobacco plants. Use the words given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. English is the first truly global lingua franca, if by "global" we mean "used on every inhabited continent".

Automobile exhaust produces elevated lead levels in urban air. Yes, absolutely, that is one of the wonderful things about being a writer. Ex: I was sleeping at 12 o'clock last night. Ostler believes that we will soon be able to do that. Urbanization spurs a unique set of issues to both humans and animals. Just don't forget to set your alarm!

Questions: 1. Don't take regular exercises, just sit in front of the television all day. Make sure you have a good general idea of the whole text.

Make sure you arrive in plenty of time - you may not be allowed to take the exam if you are late. The second paper laid the foundation for the photon, or quantum, theory of light. For me, it took literally decades. A disapproval D outdated D expert C disclaimed A paying through the nose Answer the following questions. He asked a local passer-by the way to the post-office. You can choose as many answers as you think are correct.

He suggested the United States begin its own atomic bomb research. When he investigated further, he determined some of the many useful properties of penicillin, which has saved millions of lives over the past few decades.

In spite of the heavy rain we managed to walk half way round the lake as planned. Although many criticized his seemingly over-generous pay. As cities grew more crowded, and often more impoverished and costly, more and more people began to migrate back out of them.

So he could tell them to his children B. So he could use them in his work C. Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep he could remember his childhood 3. Then, in both villages, activity coalesced around a couple of child leaders, who made the mental leap to explore those tablets — and taught the others what to do.

Choose the correct words in the box to complete the sentences. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. Did you think you would get to where you are? Sitting in front of the television all day helps you take regular exercises. We quickly discovered that it costs a lot of money to keep a farm running. From its position, the researchers believe the body had been wrapped up tightly and kept above ground for several hundred years before it was Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep buried.

International relationships is not a correct collocation. They all encouraged my creativity and inspired me in many ways. And all of this apparently happened without any adult supervision — and anyone in those mud huts having handled text before. For the pie charts, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, there are no years or trends, so try looking for the largest or smallest segments and compare them.

She can't understand the problems we are facing. They all danced well, but the Russian did the best. He is commonly referred to as the "The King of Rock 'n' Roll" and epitomizes the post-war pop generation A.

Da Vinci studied all aspects of life and his far-reaching investigations and discoveries sought to show an underlying unity of the universe. Joachim Lafosse confirms his exceptional talent with "Free Student", a film that is more conventional in its form. Two years on, Martin has realised his dream.

Joyce Carol Oates published her first collection of Tulum texas stories, By The North Gate, intwo years after she had received her master's degree from the University of Wisconsin and become an instructor of English at the University of Detroit.

The archaeologists are busy matching it up with the foundations — the erecting shop here, the machine shop there. It is the helmet that one needn't wear when he is riding a motorbike. The on-site archaeologist immediately stepped in, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Find two adjectives that emphasise the negative aspects of a high-profile lingua franca. Here are some examples: - chief - most important or main B2 - main - larger, more important, or having more influence than others of the same type B1 - major - more important, bigger, or more serious than others of the same type B2 - primary - more important than anything else; main B2 - principal - first in order of importance B1 I would personally use main or primary.

Verbs of emotion dislike, hate, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish. It is vital that no one else know about the secret government operation. Let's put some pieces of apple in the salad. The answers are not clear. By the time I've taken my exam, I will have started Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep to be an accountant for a year. The quality of urban water bodies is increasingly exacerbated by a huge volume of untreated industrial and domestic wastewater.

Despite the media often being dismissive of Monroe's potential, her efforts to improve acting paid off. She demanded that I should tell her the truth. Anne: "Fancy a bite to eat?

Have a nice trip! She has experienced long nonproductive periods in her writing. The concentration of population may help to minimize our environmental impact on the planet and help cities designs policies and practices to prepare for the influx.

But in the smaller and less densely interconnected world of the past, many other languages had similar functions and enjoyed comparable prestige. For millennia we have been willing to compromise our linguistic loyalties in exchange for various rewards; but if the rewards could be had without the compromise, we would gladly lay our burden down. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.

CHIEF AVOID 2. Larry may not come, but we will have a good time anyhow. Some words or phrases have been removed from the text. Porter's wife might have lived longer if he had not left her in Austin when he fled. Radio B. Television C. Automobiles D, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. According to the passage in which country did Einstein live in s? The mineral content of the bones suggests they were placed in an acidic peat bog, which helped to preserve them in a primitive form of mummification before they were removed and kept above ground, the researchers claim.

Wodehouse's broadcasts attracted the strongest criticism from countrymen who felt it appeared he was indifferent to the war. English in the global age is often portrayed as an exceptional case. In the future as in the past, linguistic landscapes can be expected to change in line with political and economic realities.

As long as your mind and body hold together you can carry on, and I love doing it anyway. When new conquerors arrive, their subjects switch to new lingua francas like Spanish, which replaced Nahuatl and Quechua, respectively the lingua francas of the Aztec and Inca empires. We would have walked right round the lake even if it had rained heavily.

Henry VIII Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep equally notorious for his six marriages and several scandalous love affairs. Climate change and the growth in commerce means that some diseases — led by mosquito- transmitted dengue — are now moving from poorer to richer emerging countries and into the US and western Europe.

Sticking it out through the hard times, when the fundraising does not go well, or when a school cancels. He did not remember the meeting.

He noticed that the bacteria seemed to be avoiding the mold. I like to drive an Audi, because I love the engineering of it. He always starts with a clear purpose. Shouldn't they have been consulted before the scheme was changed? Before the discovery, mummification at that time in history was thought to have been restricted to Egypt and South America.

We will leave a third of everything we have got to good causes. Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep the traffic is heavy, it will take us at least an hour to get there. Only with careful environmental planning can we protect the world in which we live. Then, you will need to look at the part of the text before and after each gap more carefully in order to try to think about what kind of word is missing.

Rather we will see a technologically-enabled return to a state of Babel. I was a primary schoolteacher and I would tell stories — that I later wrote down — to keep my class of 10 to year- olds happy at the end of the school day. This will help you narrow down your options, which is important as there is always only one possible correct answer. What is the text about? Welcome you to my blog! It would be a terrible shame if it went backwards. Don't they think they should be informed about the changes in the plan?

How does he plan his books? The government knows the extent of the problem. This shouldn't only be exam materials. I'm terribly sorry.

The traffic is so heavy. How is the text likely to be written? Van Gogh became one of the most celebrated artists of the twentieth century. Why did the author write the passage? Within minutes, my two young daughters had seized on the device, and were handling it with far more dexterity than me.

During this time, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary was his constant companion, and Porter gained a knowledge of ranch life that he later incorporated into many of his short stories. Let me know in a comment!!! Unpacking key terms Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep this way will ensure that you do not go off topic and help in your brainstorming process when you are trying to come up with ideas and examples.

Jane was at my house when you arrived. Scientists have also made crucial discoveries by accident when they were conducting experiments. It is only if Gang hang cream pie sides actually want the conflict to end peacefully that it will happen. We might have been in trouble otherwise. Switzerland B. Germany D.

Israel 5. Their emissions, on the other hand, are not always proportionate to the energy use, with most releases coming from heating water and other appliances. You should not wear a helmet when you are riding a motorbike. That's not true, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep. Jose had a hard time comparing the iPhone to the Samsung phone because to him they were apples and oranges. The testing did suggest, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, however, that skull could have belonged to a relative or the same individual as the arm.

The soccer team knew they lost the match. Was it similar to your prediction? What does the writer mean Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep the use of the word "visionary"? Official Key: 10th, Vừa thu dam met qua a re dit tiep, January 1. Urbanization brings with it several consequences - both adverse and beneficial. The old Victorian factory rises again. Read the question carefully and prepare the content for your answer. For example: "Above all else, learning should be fun.

Indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of the following sentences. TestPassagePageMaterials from Mr. Please note that this note is subject to change at all times. In the meantime, the First National Bank was examined, and the subsequent indictment of stated that Porter had embezzled funds. He was attempting to create a tonic that people could use whenever they had headaches.

By the time War Horse was a hit, enough of the other books were selling quite well to provide us with a reasonable income to get us through our retirement. I met him three days ago. There are no options for you to choose from. Within minutes of the tablets landing among the mud huts, the kids had unpacked the boxes and worked out how to turn them on.

Government should be used national resources in a more efficient way in order to meet the needs of growing populations. InPorter man Athol Estes. You can ignore all his talk of being ill; he's actually perfectly healthy. What kind of text is this? More challenging questions may require you to fill in part of a fixed expression e. What would you be doing today, if War Horse had not been rediscovered 21 years after publication?

Don't listen to him talking about his health; it's his favorite subject. A third paper contained the "special theory of relativity" which showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, if the speed of light is constant and the natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe.

They left their home early so as not to miss the first train. Water is allowed in the exam room but food isn't, so you'll need to have breakfast before the exam.