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An external probe set up by the agency in response to media reports detailing allegations of sexual abuse by Kitagawa has concluded the company had concealed the late founder's actions from the early s through to the mids. Even Up sex scandal the new company is launched, Johnny's itself will continue to exist and will engage in work providing redress for victims, the sources said, Up sex scandal.

Sponichi in Japanese.

Johnny Kitagawa sexual abuse scandal - Wikipedia

Add your comment to start the conversation. Up sex scandal from the original on September 12, Retrieved 1 October Japanese music company hit with sex abuse scandal takes on a new name".

Sex abuse scandal-tainted Johnny's eyes setting up new firm

Why is it important to subscribe? Fujishima said she had stepped down as president on Tuesday. Archived from the original on September 17, Retrieved September 13, South China Morning Post, Up sex scandal.

Up sex scandal

Model Press in Japanese. It was more the outing of Johnny's sexuality that bothered people" Tweet. Oricon in Japanese.

Japan’s Johnny Kitagawa sex abuse scandal forces shake-up at J-pop agency

Noriyuki Higashiyama, a former member of the popular s boy-band Shonentai, was the new head of the agency, Fujishima said. There are no comments yet. August 7, Archived from the original on August 8, Up sex scandal, Retrieved August 8, Archived from the original on August 29, Retrieved 29 August Archived from the original on September 7, Retrieved 7 September September 8, Retrieved October 10, The Asahi Shimbun.

Noriyuki Higashiyama, a veteran performer who recently took over as the new president of Johnny's, is expected to double as chief of the new talent management firm, according to the sources. The agency is reportedly considering asking the public to come Up sex scandal with the name for the new company.

Japan's Johnny Kitagawa sex abuse scandal forces shake-up at J-pop agency

Archived from the original on 22 April Retrieved 22 April Archived from the original on May 14, Retrieved 14 May Archived from the original on May 16, Retrieved 16 May May 16, Up sex scandal from the original on May 19, Retrieved May 19, July 12, Archived from the original on July 15, Retrieved July 15, The Hollywood Reporter.

Retrieved — via Twitter. Archived from the original on April 12, Up sex scandal, Retrieved 12 April Associated Press. NHK World-Japan.

More men seek sex abuse consultations after Johnny's scandal

Please Up sex scandal by Rappler's commenting guidelines. Kitagawa, Up sex scandal, who died inhas been accused of using his sway over young boys seeking stardom to sexually abuse them, and the scandal has gripped the nation since the BBC first aired a tell-all documentary in March.

A number of Japanese firms have shown reluctance to continue to use Johnny's performers in their advertising, with many of them reviewing their contracts with the agency since the abuses came to light.


Kyodo News. Archived from the original on 15 November Retrieved Up sex scandal November December 8, Up sex scandal, Archived from the original on December 8, Retrieved December 8, JUMP Hey!

The move would come in the wake of criticism against the firm's initial decision not to change its name, derived from its founder Johnny Kitagawa, who abused aspiring teen pop singers for decades before his death in The new firm would succeed operations concerning the management of performers associated with Johnny's but would do so under a different name, the sources said. Johnny's has said it will hold a press conference on Monday to explain how it will operate in the future and prevent any recurrence of abuse.