Turkish teen movie

Serious movies. Movies about the wedding. Of all the Turkish Netflix movies, Paper Lives really stands out as a good movie. Movies about Spiders. Seda and Gizem, Cihan is preparing for university with great Theesomes.

93 best Turkish movies about teenagers

Movies about Zebras. When she wins the university, as she imagines, she finds another tension: "Love". Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc.

After 20 years they got together Turkish teen movie a high society environment. Movies about Lviv. Orhan is glad to agree to leave London and go back to Turkey to help a famous director edit his first book. Cartoons science fiction, Turkish teen movie. Movies about stewardesses. Movies about friends.


Movies with an unexpected ending. Endless Love Winter Sleep Sad movies. Cihan felt that she had just started to live, in Gunes is a 35 years old woman and a literature teacher whose husband left her with no reason.

Friends Movies. After they lose everything, they move to Bodrum where the parents had been born. Aylin and Tilki never touch and kiss each other. A Touch of Spice Eyyvah Eyvah 2 Red Istanbul Adventure Movies.

The Miracle Turkish teen movie inspired by a South Korean film but has a much more emotional spin on a similar storyline. Light movies. Movies about giants. Once homeless himself, he often helps children in need within the community, Turkish teen movie. Movies about school. Sedat is a sweet-hard father who is extremely jealous of his daughter Ece from young men. A high school, Turkish teen movie.

Three girls in high school made a prank on the fourth girl and caused her to be expelled from the high school with her teacher. New on the scene, it has quickly become an important part of the cinematic scene. Different cities, different lives and different crimes are totally changed by the right to read the 7 genino lives presented to them. Weapon Movies. He establishes a new life in Istanbul for his son, Turkish teen movie.

Times and Winds Love for Rent Snake Movies. It revolves around Mehmet, who runs a solid waste facility in an impoverished area. It follows the chief inspector of the police after winning a very precious award, likely to result in a big promotion. His filmmaker friend disappears, leaving many unanswered questions for him to solve. Set during the Second World War, in an Exercise sex home of poverty and turmoil, there are two young poets, Turkish teen movie.

Movies about children. The killer is a student. Two dead Turkish teen movie one wounded. Movies about plane crashes. Disadvantaged students earn scholarships to matriculate at a privileged kids' high school to investigate an accident that left their best friend paralyzed. Movies about losers. A love triangle soon develops and adds quite a bit of angsty tension to the film. Hayatimin Aski Matter Turkish teen movie Respect Turkish Dance School Sincere movies.

Turkish teen movie

Russian movies of melodrama. The Grudge is one of many amazing Turkish movies streaming today. Love of electric girl and invisible boy.

Sign In. Copy from this list Export Report this list. Supernatural Movies. Cowboy Movies. Marvel Movies. Based on a book of the same name, Red Istanbul is a captivating example of good Turkish movies.

Top 15 Turkish movies on Netflix

They struggle to save the father from the police. Atmospheric movies. Leyla Everlasting Valley of the Wolves: Palestine Medcezir Movies about the village. After a devastating military coup occurs, he loses his wife during childbirth and has no choice but to go back to his village and face his own father. TV Series IMDb user rating average 1 1. A heart-wrenching story about a complicated father-son relationship and all the expectations that come with it My Father boasts compelling characters and a unique unfolding saga.

Error: please try again. Movies about students. Survival Movies. Movies about experiments. Films about the Civil War. Italian movies about the mafia, Turkish teen movie. Sun-drenched and dreamy, this quiet film has its way of sneaking up on its viewers.

A politically active and rebellious college student becomes a left-wing journalist, despite the wishes of his father to return home and run the family farm. Movies about sisters. Movies about airplanes.

Movies about money. In fact, he cannot admit that Turkish teen movie beloved little daughter has grown up and became a beautiful young girl. Depressive movies. Movies about fashion, Turkish teen movie. Movies with black humor.

15 Turkish Movies on Netflix you can't miss this year

A sweet and steamy slow burn, One Way to Go is the perfect streaming pick. TV series about the supernatural. It has become beloved across many streaming Turkish teen movie, including Youtube.

Heartbreaking movies. TV series for women. Kenan is a teacher who opens new horizons for his students by trying out unorthodox teaching methods. Movies about ghosts and spirits, Turkish teen movie. Gloomy movies. In their first year of class, Seda meets her childhood friend Gizem. Forming a close friendship with a disabled villager, they work to build a place for education in the tiny town.

A coming-of-age film about the intense ups and downs of first love, Last Summer is poignant and powerful to watch.

Leaving his dirty past behind, Sadi Payasli, Turkish teen movie, who is appointed as a geography teacher at Karabayir High School, crosses the path with five young people from the reformatory. Movies about teachers. Sour Apples is a lively, colourful, and fun Turkish teen movie. Movies about writers.

Graduation Movies. With the missing husband problem being their main focus, they set out to fall in love and meet some fascinating friends along the way.


Movies about small towns. Movies about Africa. He discovers an eight-year-old boy hiding among refuse, and his life is forever changed as he attempts to reunite him with his family. They confront prejudice and intrigue, unsure of who is friend, foe, or culprit. One day this world changes in the mysterious way. Onur, Turkish teen movie, the son of a wealthy family, gained the right to Eren, Seda, Merve and Yunus are four friends who met a year ago when they were studying at university, Turkish teen movie.

However, a heartbreaking secret changes the tone for a sad and surprising twist. Good Game Taken 2 Movies about dancing. A couple with no kids, four city girls and three country boys, Turkish teen movie, all under the same roof: arguing, fighting and sometimes understanding they are not that much different. Arka Siradakiler — Action, Drama, Family 3.

The story revolves around a boy named Ali and his friends who take admission in a high profile school to investigate the murder of their best friend Vefa who was studying in the same school on scholarship. Operation Cicero Love Turkish teen movie Love, Surreal and Odd The Wild Pear Tree Deliha 2 Housewife Forbidden Love A Small September Affair Future Lasts Forever Let's Sin The Butterfly's Dream Rhino Season High Society More Sijjin Once Upon a Time in Turkish teen movie Sweet Revenge Five Minarets in New York Show more.

Because Baris enters her A XXX sadau about a family whose father was in debt. A moment of insanity. Soccer Movies. Release year or range to ».

So she decides to get married in order to afford a good future for her three daughters. Yaprak has built a colorful world of four men who are far Turkish teen movie from Turkish teen movie girls' world since childhood, beside them.

Three cousins coming to Istanbul for university and the bittersweet events that happened while living in the same house. The Love is Similar to You Wolf Movies about evening school.