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Immunology1 Orthostatic intolerance is common in chronic disease - A clinical cohort study, Tráficc vivo sexo. Biological therapies in primary Sjogren's syndrome. Patient and researcher perspectives on facilitating patient and public involvement in rheumatology research. The Pharmacogenomics Journal18 5 Lessons learnt from a discontinued randomised controlled trial: adalimumab injection compared with placebo for patients receiving physiotherapy treatment for sciatica Subcutaneous Injection of Adalimumab Trial compared with Control: SCIATiC.

Immunology1 Orthostatic intolerance is common in chronic disease - A clinical cohort study. Journal of Translational Medicine17 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Tráficc vivo sexo, 78 3 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases77 10 Arthritis and Rheumatology70 3Tráficc vivo sexo, Genome-wide association study of response to tumour necrosis factor inhibitor therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.

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Rheumatology54 2 Human Molecular Genetics24 2 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases74 5 In: Hernandez EM, ed. Prevalence and diagnostic outcome relating to vitamin D Tráficc vivo sexo in new patients presenting to an early arthritis clinic over 12 months.

Rheumatology58 7— Lancet Rheumatology1 2ee Targeting of tolerogenic dendritic cells to heat-shock proteins in inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatology52 7 Nature Genetics45 11 Annals of the Tráficc vivo sexo Diseases71 12 Occupational therapy: a potentially valuable intervention for people with primary Sjogren's syndrome.

Identifying stakeholder informed priority targets for a non-pharmacological intervention package to improve functional capacity: a multi-centre mixed methods study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy77 9 BMJ Open3 5e Scandinavian Journal of Immunology78 5Tráficc vivo sexo, Cardiovascular risk in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Rheumatology56 4 Tráficc vivo sexo, Autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells for rheumatoid and inflammatory arthritis.

Genotyping in rheumatoid arthritis: a game changer in clinical management? Nature Reviews Drug Discovery14 Retrospective analysis of the role of serum vitamin D in early rheumatic disease, Tráficc vivo sexo. QJMTráficc vivo sexo, 12 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology13 10 Sjogren's syndrome - an update for dental practitioners. QJM12 Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology13 10 Sjogren's syndrome - an update for dental practitioners.

Isaacs JD. Decade in review—clinical rheumatology: 10 years of therapeutic advances in the rheumatic diseases. Journal of Autoimmunity, Routine musculoskeletal ultrasound Brittany goffe impact diagnostic decisions maximally in autoantibody-seronegative early arthritis patients.

Rheumatology54 3 Investigating CD11c expression as a potential genomic biomarker of response to TNF inhibitor biologics in whole blood rheumatoid arthritis samples. British Journal of Occupational Therapy75 5 Potential diagnostic utility of anti-centromere antibody in Tráficc vivo sexo Sjogren's syndrome in the UK. Clinical Rheumatology31 7 Primary Sjogrens syndrome is associated with impaired autonomic response to orthostasis and sympathetic failure, Tráficc vivo sexo.

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United Kingdom Primary Sjogren's Syndrome Registry - a united effort to tackle an orphan rheumatic disease. In: European Congress of Immunology. Musculoskeletal Care15 4 Response to: 'Let's stop fooling Tráficc vivo sexo. Biological therapies in primary Sjogren's syndrome.

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Trials19 1 Minimum information about T regulatory cells: A step toward reproducibility and standardization. Expert Review of Clinical ImmunologyTráficc vivo sexo, 11 3 Impact of inadequate adherence on response to subcutaneously administered Cox💋👄👄💔💔❤👄👅 necrosis factor drugs: results from the Biologics in Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics and Genomics Study Tráficc vivo sexo cohort.

Clinical Rheumatology30 8 Tolerance-inducing medicines in autoimmunity: rheumatology and beyond. Pharmaceutical Statistics18 6 Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandTráficc vivo sexo, 8ee Comparative performances of machine learning methods for classifying Crohn Disease patients using genome-wide genotyping data.

Journal of Clinical Investigation1 Defective removal of ribonucleotides from DNA promotes systemic lupus erythematosus. In Press. Evaluation of the effect of tofacitinib on measured glomerular filtration rate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: results from a randomised controlled trial.

Retrospective analysis of the role of serum vitamin D in early rheumatic disease. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy11 7 Invariant natural killer T iNKT cell deficiency in chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis - A consequence or a cause?

International Journal of Cardiology3 Rheumatology Systematic reviews of occupational therapy interventions: summarizing research evidence and highlighting the gaps, Tráficc vivo sexo. In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology.

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases76 1Tráficc vivo sexo Kay J, Isaacs JD. Clinical trials of biosimilars should become more similar.

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases75 Immune reconstitution 20 years after treatment with alemtuzumab in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort: implications for lymphocyte depleting therapies. Immunology LettersTráficc vivo sexo, Potentially treatable symptoms in primary Sjogren's Syndrome - Associated fatigue. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy9 7 Nature Genetics41 12 JCI Insight4 12e Macrophage proliferation distinguishes 2 subgroups of knee osteoarthritis patients.

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BMJ Open4 8e Facial nerve compression by the posterior Tráficc vivo sexo cerebellar artery causing facial pain and swelling: A case report. Drug Discovery Today20 11 Progression-seeking bias and rational optimism in research and development. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases76 6e Subcutaneous injection of Adalimumab Trial compared with Control SCIATiC : A randomised controlled trial of adalimumab injection compared with placebo for patients receiving physiotherapy treatment for sciatica.

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Rheumatology56 6 ChemBioChem18 17 Arthritis and Rheumatology68 3 Biosimilars in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: initial lessons from the first approved biosimilar anti-tumour necrosis factor monoclonal antibody. International Journal of Cardiology3 Rheumatology Systematic reviews of occupational therapy interventions: summarizing research evidence and highlighting the gaps.

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