Toni scandal

Overpriced graded stuff will probably suffer a bit because of TT. Joined Oct 4, Messages Toni scandal, Reaction score 3. Top Clips. Sign up to follow your favorites on all your devices.

The West Australian

And it is that demand that motivates people to make counterfeits. Game said I should sell it on ebay, but I dont have an account. Michel Foucault, Archaeology of Knowledge, Toni scandal. All Sports. Google Scholar See Rushdy, Toni scandal, 43—4 for comments on how a Frederick Douglass speech was used as an example of how the Margaret Gamer case symbolized the horrors of enslavement.

Pretty much every ESB and ROTJ Palitoy I now cast a suspicious eye on, Toni scandal, warranted or not, and that pretty much means that in all likelihood I won't be picking any of them up - the only deviation to which being that would have me do that is if the price of the MOC drops below the price of the figure loose and the figure is one of the few ROTJ that I am still looking for to complete my loose run with a direct eye on cracking it open.

Thinking of the joy an item Toni scandal someone when they bought it off the shelf and preserved it for years before I Toni scandal the piece is an outstanding part of acquiring something. I'm sure if I had a limitless pocketbook though the temptation to go for perfection would be difficult to resist. Until now, I have resisted that urge Last edited: Jan 5, It will not affect my collecting habits at all, since I do not collect moc figures, never have and don't have any intentions to do so.

It doesnt have any packaging and is slightly scwatched in places. Before this scandal, people thought AFA was good Toni scandal authenticate carded figures, Toni scandal. Last edited: Jan 6, Joined Nov 28, Messages Reaction score 0. To me, the story and the history of collecting and the items I am collecting is half the fun. Joined Aug 18, Messages Reaction score 2.

Frankly, I always Toni scandal liked seeing a price sticker or some other minor wear on a MOC, Toni scandal, as it showed some of the story of the piece. New York Yankees. You still have confidence in them that they can never have a similar situation happen regarding VCJ's, or DT's?

Buying options

Homi Bhabha, The Location of Culture. I've never understood the obsession with dead mint MOC's. Washington Commanders. However, Toni scandal, it does have the effect of making me question whether it's possible a similar situation may be the case with my high quality US and Canadian MOC. I'm trying very hard to Toni scandal turn this into an AFA bash, but I have to admit seeing their credibility hurt can only be a good thing for us as a hobby. It must be tough for those collectors that really got hit to find any positives at the moments, Toni scandal.

Anyway, while as I said above this hasn't affected me personallyit does bring down my overall level of satisfaction with the hobby. Now that'll never happen.

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Your email address will Toni scandal be published. Harden, Toni scandal, Russ have Clippers starting to look better.

‘Toy Toni’ scandal featured on BBC1 in the UK | VINTAGE STAR WARS COLLECTORS

That will result in less Toni scandal being submitted, hopefully slow down U grading, and therefore leave more MOC in the lower grade scale available to entry level collectors. Trending Teams.

I won't even go close to saying the scam was a good thing for the hobby but I agree that at least it might get a few of us to relax on the dead mint obsession and may convince some not to spend such ridiculous amounts on AFA graded items, Toni scandal. I have three moc figures for displaying in the background of my loose Takara figures and no, unfortunately it's not carded examples of the three Takara Toni scandal. Christian, this is a great question, so thanks for asking it.

I have 20 odd Tonis.

I've never been a fan of AFA for either carded or loose grading so that won't really change - the only thing those grading services have done, in my eyes, is artificially drive up prices on figures that otherwise would be accessible now. Obviously a lot of us share similar sentiments. Just Toni scandal, to enjoy as something a bit different. Louis Cardinals, Toni scandal. My Toni's will eventually go, when I can work out how to mark them so they don't get sold on as genuine.

And before, despite having no interest in Palitoy, if I was offered a great deal on it, I'd have gone for it, I'm now simply never going to even Toni scandal that idea.

I still also collect loose figure variations, Toni scandal, but have become much more carefull, whom to buy from when it comes to rare ones. Seeing people I know from this place get burned, and the cloud of doubt that now hangs over MOC figures definitely is something that affects even those that aren't directly affected, Toni scandal.

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Plz no browsers serious buyers only willing to meet anywhere to show off merchandise to see for yourself, Toni scandal, but each down deep in your pocket book cuz I know this is worth enough.

Who knows really. A lot of my collection Toni scandal far from mint and I'm happy with that more so now than ever, it Girlssuking the collection - character:grin:. I guess even some u-graders got scammed too if they were busting open Toni's cards. I have no Palitoys, Toni scandal, and stay far from AFA, so none of the affected product can be in my collection.

I have a Hikaru Sulu figurine that I was told was very rare, my Toni scandal Game in Bracknell said it is Hands sulus brother. Skip to main content.

Toni scandal

My main focus is now Danish Star Wars collectibles Toni scandal vintage, but is also collecting modern stuff in this area the risk of fraud is minor compared to figures and especially to pre-production stuff. I'll keep my first 20 Palitoy MOC the only cards I ever bought as a kid and my b character focus, as they are unaffected a few tonis to replace in the b focus, Toni scandal.

I'm done collecting MOC. Haven't been collecting MOC for a few years anyway, with my focus being on cardbacks these Toni scandal. Preview Unable to display preview. If people can't trust them any more the primary reason many people stick to AFA is authenticationthen they will stop paying absurd premiums for graded items.

This has honestly not affected me at all - yet. I haven't been affected directly by this, but I definitely Toni scandal with others' sentiment about the obsession with straight 85's and higher MOCs. The one main positive that I have gotten out of this, excluding the increased bonding between collectors, is that I am now much less worried about the condition of MOCs I buy.

While I haven't been directly impacted my foreign MOC collection Toni scandal absolutely tiny Squirting position none being Palitoyindirectly it will affect my slowly renewing collecting desires. Google Silchar gitl See Ashraf H, Toni scandal. Google Scholar See Middleton A, Toni scandal.

Google Scholar Harold Bloom, ed. In that same vein, looking at my TOCs and imagining Toni or one of his Toni scandal ironing on a bubble to an unused cardback and wringing their hands and laughing in a menacing fashion like Dr. Evil lol in an effort to defraud me and my fellow collectors makes me want to burn my TOCs right away. Fantasy Sports. These 'toys' were always going to have some wear and tear, it's part of their history.

How has the Toy Toni scandal affected your collecting habits? | Forums

Thanks for your responses guys, Toni scandal. I only have a few AFA pieces and that's because I couldn't get them by any other means. Click to expand Joined Feb 26, Messages Reaction score 1. Christian, I do have one more question for you though. Toni scandal me of follow-up comments by email.

A blog by a collector about collectors

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To me they all look just as nice as a straight 85 on display. I just hope this doesn't make them leave the hobby. Google Scholar See W. Google Scholar Download references. Don't get me Toni scandal, I appreciate the rarity of some figures in that condition, Toni scandal, but to me it isn't worth Toni scandal double or more for the same figure graded at 85 compared to an Also, I actually don't mind seeing a little patina on a MOC.

Most were bought un-graded, while a few were graded, but all were bought at a fraction of the straight 85 price, Toni scandal.