To pee iranian

Easy peasy, To pee iranian quite logical as you may notice. No urinals in Iran. And Rick, the food is delicious! You tend to see our way of life as evil and that we are self centered while the good Iranians nice and comfortable in their lives. Real peace can only come through knowledge. No politics. And do they have any big-box stores, be it grocery or hardware, like in U.

I found wearing a headscarf to be less troublesome than I To pee iranian anticipated. I cannot wait to read more about your journey and to see the completed show, To pee iranian. It would be very dishonorable to take advantage of a guest. Keep safe. Rick, Thank you for visiting Iran. If you go shopping, pretty much everything is in Tooman equivalent of dollar unit.

This particular topic is the one of the most interesting blogs since you wrote about Berlin last year. Keep up the good work. We were greeted at the airport at a. Very funny! One wee very important tip: if you are unfortunate enough to be visiting mosques carrying around your big backpack, ask the ladies at the entrance to keep To pee iranian for you. Local women are expert at wearing them to show just enough hair to grab the eye.

I have yet to see you find fault in other cultures, yet have no problem in seeing the worst in us, To pee iranian. We really enjoy ALL your efforts to help us Americans become better travellers and world citizens. I was obviously a foreigner at a restuarant that honored guests with a flag of Brother sax country; since they had no American flag, they profusely apologized and insisted I accept a gift of an Iranian miniature painting.

Iran has a polite and respectful population even when they disagree with you. It is called hidjab or roussari in farsi. The little tiny quails with the barberry sauce, the persimmon stew, the layered rice, the yoghurt and chicken casserole, the twice-ground shaped kabob, the chicken kabob….

To pee iranian

I was nervous about that but got used to it. Restaurants for tourists, way over priced. Can you get pork there? Iranians always use the toman to measure money but hotels and other official places may use the rial for official purposes. Wish we were there with you, To pee iranian.

Your blog shows a bia against the United States. Basmati rice is so delicious except I draw the line at tadig. Thank you so much for keeping us updated with your trip news. Welcome, To pee iranian, it Samertam sagaxx been so long since we have seen an American!

BTW, I guess Ebert and Roeper would have to be especially careful about giving movie reviews in that country, no? Actually, To pee iranian, I had bad food in both Rome and Venice.

Please — if you want to move outside Europe, try the Far East or S. Pacific or such……. I love the food of Italy and France — but it is easy to find bad food there also. It must To pee iranian be light. Do the Iranians prefer certain colors for their autos? Keep the blogs coming Nancy from Edmonds washington.

Thanks for the insight. There may be no booze in public, To pee iranian, but lots in private. Thanks for taking time to blog. Try giving a vendor too much money and see what he does. Never since the Model T Ford, have the automobiles looked so boring and uninteresting.

There are no urinals anywhere.

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I wonder how one forms such strong opinions without any personal knowlege? Thank you! I have a few Iranian friends that live in Wales, and I know those yogurt drinks are fantastic!

Persian cuisine is ancient and historic. So very interesting. Iran is a land with thousands of years of history, little known to the average american. And who knew yoghurt on rice To pee iranian be so good together?

I hope that relations between our countries eases as shows like yours are gradually allowed in. I have read the blog with great interest. To pee iranian chadors are large pieces of usually black fabric that must cover all the body from top to toes. Rick great blog. Even the mint julep. Rick, have you seen any homosexuals?

That said, you should not worry too much about all those rules. The green ones, airport taxis. With all its faults, To pee iranian, we live in the greatest counry in the world.

We definitely need more knowledge on the culture of Iran. As one who has travelled to Iran both during the Shah and after the Shah and has maintained both Shah friends and present Iran friends, I thank you for your efforts at helping us all evolve into more love and less war. In embassies and other administrative institutions, they are generally a bit cranky about the dress code.

In my experience, every single taxi driver corrected my error. And what about toilet paper?? For religious reasons, they squat. Car forest for the update on Iran. Looking forward to the next entry. Great observations, Rick. But will continue to learn about it thru your eyes.

Those pictured in the photos look as if they could have been students at any college campus in the U. It is interesting to think about similarities like this. I just wanted to mention that Rial equivalent to cent is rarely used in Iran. Thanks for the eye-opening Rick! Some light fabrics To pee iranian to slip from your hair all the time while some others will hold in place all day without you having to think about it.

It all sounds ghastly to me. I eagerly look forward to each update, learning about a culture that is portrayed in our culture as hateful and religiously fanatical. I cannot vouch for Iranian hotel food, but the cuisine in private homes and restuarants is characterized by fresh ingredients and a culinary tradition embracing the best of Middle-Eastern, To pee iranian, Indian, and French influences, while maintaining a distinctly Iranian flavor. It will be great to read and see your experiences outside of Tehran, To pee iranian.

Thank you thank you thank you for doing this. Dave and I have been logging in more frequently to read To pee iranian your adventures in and perceptions of Iran. These blogs express your humanity. As other posters have said, your insights into Iranian culture are fascinating, To pee iranian. I am impressed with the way the Iranian men dress. Rick, thanks again for your trip. There is absolutely no booze or beer in public.

I was moved by your comment posted before your visit. See your photo of traffic.

I did an extensive search: at the airport, fancy hotels, the university, the fanciest coffee shops. I cannot convey to you the warmth, hospitality, intelligence, and wit of the Iranian people. Metro wagons in Tehran welcome both women and men. It is annoying enough to wear without you being also hot under it. As usual, I feel like I am travelling with you! I was fortunate that Iranians have a wonderful sense of humor and irony.

Looking forward to the show and perhaps, someday, a visit there ourselves, To pee iranian. In reality, it really depends on what kind of persons you meet and their approach on religion and traditionalism.

I must ask: what kinds of restrictions are they placing on your crew? The front for men, To pee iranian, the back for women! Rick: Great blog. His writings included admonitions of being wasteful if you used more than one pebble to wipe. We talked for hours before bed over tea. Rick, Great info, keep up the excellent work.

But be careful about the material you pick! On a few buses though you may find the other way around and be allowed to sit in front and the men at the rear lucky you. We too were met with friendliness and graciousness and welcome everywhere we went, even more so when we said we were from the U. Iranians To pee iranian asked us what we thought of their country To pee iranian where we had traveled. Turkey, Japan, etc that have too many zero issues.

Also, To pee iranian, what about shopping: are any recognizable Western products for sale in any of the shops? The worst thing that To pee iranian happen to you is to have people in the street kindly warning you if your veil has fallen from your head without you noticing! You will find that nice ladies are generally waiting for you at the women entrances of mosques. Rick We know about as much about the everyday Iranians as they about us.

Before landing in Iran, there are different codes of conduct that you must be aware of. Thank you for Tv see xxx efforts to show the human side of Iran and for avoiding the politics that drive our two countries apart.

63 Replies to “No Urinals in Iran”

I was surprised to see the picture of the Muslim women on our blog page. When I got the e-mail about the Iran blog, To pee iranian, I was so pleased, and, I admit, very surprised. Question: Was the 20, in rial or in tuman?

The Lonely Planet forum is full of posts by people who visit Iran on their own. They will lend you a proper chador most of the time leopard or flashy-flower printed and they will even help you to put it on. Your blog about toilets reminds me of the writings of Khomeni during those last days of the Shah.

What I did: I always waited for the men to do the first step and I would just follow them. Wishing you safety and To pee iranian enlightenment. The eggplant, saffron, melons, spinach, ice cream … all from Iran. A thick iron bar separates the genders. First of all, To pee iranian, you must choose the right scarf to take with you.

She thinks I might To pee iranian it best if she had her mouth closed also. Regarding the money: Tomans and Rials are like dollars and cents. Peace to you. Keep up the মা ও ছেলে চোদা peacemaking work.

Proximity between gender can be very stressful for men and women alike… Fact is, we noticed that there were very few women in the mixed wagons, and most of the time they were accompanied by a man.

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I have been following with great interest and enjoy the education you are giving us all! Many Americans feel that same sense of responsibility, but do not have the opportunity to meet other cultures face-to-face.

So at the end of any bus trip, you are forced to get off the bus by the rear door, then To pee iranian climb back on by the front door to pay the bus driver! What an adventure you are having. Yes, people in Nazi Germany had everyday lives too; my father was there for study. Concerning the city buses, they are quite literally cut in two. You represent many of us. That is what I would like to hear about. The greater understanding this trip and blog provide to westerners cannot help but further the cause of peace, To pee iranian.

Hey: Coffee shops! One for women and one for men, To pee iranian. Mary Suzanne: The yellow cars, as well as Anemile xxx white ones with an orange strip are taxis. You must read Koran. Or is that taboo? Comes straight from the mountains snow, To pee iranian.

Thank you for this trip! Come on people, you can find a lot on fancy boys and girl driving fancy cars here. Dear Rick, I have read all entries. I do have your travel books and will continue to use them, but To pee iranian have to filter our your opinions as one sided. It was a small price to pay for the chance to experience Iran and its people.

It will be your ever lasting travel mate during your entire trip! Some will just nod, other will be willing to shake your hand and, more rarely, other will want to kiss you Mia khlifa xnxx com the cheek kind of French-style but three times instead of two.

The printed large bills are also called money orders or cashiers checks in the USA. The water in Tehran is one of the best in the To pee iranian. More great photos — love seeing them.

On the other hand, on To pee iranian buses you may sit wherever you want. In public toilets, of course, but also in some train or bus stations, administrations, and mosques. You only see it on the bills. I especially like the people photos — it just brings us all so much closer together. I thought it was forbidden to photograph them? In a lot of places, you will find two entries.

Tourist women are To pee iranian required Kreon wear scarves.

Wearing the veil

I laughed when I To pee iranian your assessment of the flow of the traffic…. Is good. Try not to wear colours that are too bright, tidy your unruly hair under your hidjab and close your vest! I saw some anti-American graffitti, but anti-mullah graffitti in equal measure, To pee iranian. The center of the home is the kitchen.

Thanks, Rick! Ideally, it must be large enough to cover your shoulders if necessary. You will have to try some of them out before you leave for Iran. In Esfahon, an off-duty taxi driving with his family, gave us a ride back to our hotel, turned off the radio that was criticizing American government, and refused any payment for going out of his way.

First Comment: What is it with Squirting my stepmom those yellow and green cars?