The biggest vaganl in world

CiteSeerX PMID Archived from the original on March 24, Retrieved Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. Anecdotal evidence suggests scent can vary during ovulation and even when you eat something pungent like garlic. SENN N. Artificial Intelligence Resource Center. In fact, the The biggest vaganl in world largest vagina on record successfully delivered a baby that weighed more than 23 pounds. Human Reproduction.

X Facebook LinkedIn. It's hard enough being an average-sized woman without feeling like you're taking up too much space. I have literally apologized to someone for sitting on me while riding the subway.

While every one is different, the average, unaroused, vagina measures The clitoris has more nerve endings than anywhere else on the body — 8, — as opposed to the penis, which has 4, The farthest a woman was recorded to ejaculate was 3m at a Masturbate-a-thon in Denmark in Hooray for vaginas.

I want 大胸女友 to remember that number, and the next time the dude in your life is bellyaching over The biggest vaganl in world a stuffy nose, whip that out for his consideration.

The operation of removing the carcinomatous uterus through the vagina, so recently developed to its present state of perfection, was planned and.

Many a so-called modern operation is only a recent and not always an improved edition of the operative technique as devised and described by one of the old masters.

These remarks apply with special force to vaginal hysterectomy. S2CID Archived from the original on December 14, Like the rest of our anatomy, while your vagina shares similarities with the rest of womankind, it's distinctly yours.

The biggest vaganl in world