Thai teen amateur

That was one way of making sure I did not have to make a putt on that hole.

The year-old is Share :. Manage subscription to notifications Offline navigation Sign up for newsletters Manage my privacy settings.

Thai teen wins second Ladies European Tour event as an amateur

And then, I hit the tee shot on the eighth exactly how and where I wanted to hit it. This came after the year-old bogeyed eight of her previous 16 holes.

Based on the six Asian Tour events in which TK has competed, his earnings would have been:. Join ST's Telegram channel and get the latest breaking news delivered to you, Thai teen amateur.

More On This Topic. He is the leading Thai in the standings.

Year-Old Amateur Gaining Rich Experiences

In Thai teen amateur World Amateur Golf Ranking, he started last week in 44th place and is projected to make it into the top based on his latest outing when the new rankings are issued tomorrow. I am just three shots behind, and I think it is going to be a very interesting final round, Thai teen amateur.

Menu Menu. By region. Golf tournaments Golf players Women's golf Golf clubs.

News News, Thai teen amateur. In the Official World Golf Ranking which measures the performances of players in professional events, TK has soared to a career-high th, sixth among Thais, behind only Sadom Kaewkanjana th ; Phachara Khongwatmai st ; Kiradech Aphibarnrat th ; Jazz Janewattananond th and Settee Prakongvech st.