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ANC waits for court decision before acting on Sepale. Wet pussy 2 min.

South Africa booty candid asswalk 14 sec. Sepale is facing 11 charges, including two statutory rape, sexual violation of a child, manufacturing child porn, rape and sexual intimidation. Images: Supplied.

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Tebogo Sepale is accused of having s3x for favoring people in employment and missing his rank for his personal benefit.

ANC councillor Tebogo Sepale filmed having tlof tlof with a man – Harare Live

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Home News. ANC councillor, TebogoSepale who is accused of sexually abusing a year-old boy appeared at Orkney magistrate's court in the North West province.

He was arrested last week after a video of the incident circulated on social media. Father of boy in rape video speaks of heartbreak, anger.

We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Meanwhile, a case has been registered against him on May 3, Allegedly, the ANC Coucilor Tebogo Sepale has been consistently asking for s3xual favors from the members of the community.

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