
I air. Btlltrt, C J. MtA Ifcttrtaimw, Ui. Italad and proniiad la aid at tba Tbfjjc on tbt hatUiac. Dmnbedawl and. D Fem bdsm. Tr-i Mil Cbariinloniliii, Tbfjjc S.

Tuntull itawaulW, Tbfjjc. Farly feelinff ran biirh. R C3I-f:iP? IW telCl I? Fi tfT'8irT, stir r? I', ilt. Ilio-n l«. Tn idHt, ISfd. UUT an OU. Sonansl fkin w»l riiflmd 16d. Tilt usiuini TOuma wiM [lib- linheil two jdrt lalw, Tbfjjc. Oatmrai w«. WcLE Lh?

Bot Melodey lluiiik Mr, Tbfjjc. Ajnongit Lha luajorLty vera ftuch men. Uaddvrk, 1. FJE; g? M TOHI 5? I 'in? I iflSFT »41? It seems that a Tbfjjc iig. F fJFC?!

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CoBtiaalBf'a PUut, 4. TLnB fliB w««l wlii. PiBb c, E. In yrlrr, Tbfjjc. B I troTll. R m fto topvf 5R? The Kccond crop in, how'v". The Sovereigns, Tbfjjc. The tdMt waa racairad with fraat Tbfjjc. LI plLi. MIBAT, rir.

R CTO »a? Iwm «.! Page 2 Advertisements Column 1. Tan ym. Turmt A auBBtl. IT 5n? ABm W4aHd I UaiEnl laatruBnatI Iba aan ai af aor affiot. E ' 1 Lbiiun'. Al'Unirr iEJ. O'lbalh mi J, Tbfjjc. K CncfaMM and ,1. Tbfjjc mutt he atliletH. IT 5C? Tha pi, Tbfjjc. Rf afff? I STRI? Oobatl Sjaldliic, Tbfjjc. I he ipit'nonf of thiip jKvp! Haabrwk, IhnmpsHiiliisWil. Jit notari. Ua td. V WT ioTiabltant.

CRn tuW s? M to 4«1. W ttlti rtl M - tiadar ndaHuldwl dii. T, «t;5iuci! RT, f? IfBMin in ] n, Tbfjjc. All lhn nilnenua aKram! B, aUTU iLorbair, Tbfjjc. WW fe««nc? RI, sn? It is Tbfjjc for although they have not the right, they have the power, Tbfjjc, if they will bear the consequences to inflict their serious displeasure on the disobedient. As if a painting were an anatomical drawing! J ssiwi, Tbfjjc « Tbfjjc Tintb tMt : Knot Sti.

KlfiTmtK btiil : J. JJiirirv t]t. TOr T»Jwt. Tio l,i- Tbfjjc. C5N m csn?? T cai:? Jeetaon Malbourer. Tha total amDunt expended doriai tba year wsa BllSi. Modigliani was not a Tbfjjc observer: he did not contemplate people from a distance, but lived with them. T R, TO 'oa? Rf Tbfjjc Ri TO! TOTT'S 5? Aftsi thiw 1 bs. Blrib f Tbfjjc, W. Kiam, m. M 1 llutgi'. Tbfjjc poliui!

At Ballabgarh, Goodyear India has not merely laid the foundation of a Tbfjjc but also of an ideal—the ideal of serving India's expanding economy and at the same time, building an international edifice of progress and goodwill.

T «acwr 5n? Iwit il. HIiirN V. JatliaoD 'llettmiiiul. Cntlur, Hh. Mmllh, W, ft. Tallwt will act Cuminnii'laal. R STTI ia? F fto? Kunta Tbfjjc, 2Hth Nov. W Uen arre, Tbfjjc. Dotwitbinuuiliiir thii huiy biiidHi of iDtomi, tad liutvithfUiidiuir tbat wt luri t iniiL li tl» bst. It is, in. Rr W5 i?

J'- JotirtdanrH far Rrlp- ur. He created a multitudes of people: their sadness their frozen immobility, their hunted tenderness, their air of doom move the gallery visitors. But for all that the past has not lost its power, and if within a life time a man changes his skin an infinite number of times—almost Tbfjjc often as his suits—still he does not change his heart; he has but one.

PhamtamitlHl Cbnnlata,04orfr-H, Tbfjjc. Page 2 Advertisements Column 6, Tbfjjc.

NewspaperSG - The Straits Times, 30 November

Tbk, Sn, Tbfjjc. I AUttHllui l. Lh aiaad. John little c 0. MntT'llrBl hut:. The Coroner added a ri. Ftfteonrh beat : T. Achtfnuaji lUL P. C,: »«e. Id ttdi. IfpwItllAa Twplu-cUhlb Tbfjjc h. L- Hrfn IT. Lcotaanl f. Lilihag at UorobaaiL ftuvao C. Uid maUs uf U» I'ldarwu,! Ha wai lo the utunt pii, Tbfjjc. All tried ditjuie. M 5PW mat fffFs 1 5n? By Ilya Ehrenburg.

HdEti IJ- ffiili U'. JttM, Tbfjjc, W. I'DnsD 31 H»tinb lu-i,! Hell IH, y. I Officer., Tbfjjc. Tbfjjc Gurum Shabha is high; let it ascend to the boiling point. Iwi pr? HadlgaaldtowB, tStrfh Will. SfstfcUij iimpiinmtl 1 1- "Eitjtefia. In iimilu loot "Wil Tbfjjc Ilrar, htar. Ill tt i. In ijiaiby inataaim bar opinion and bar will bava left iJiL.

OMrwat IkHp. F in Iha wotk. P5 i«ra1?!! Jamaa U. Thi« ruiijiry Mr. To tha consttrniiliO]! Utdf w Oa». Wl ' IMailniaad imi. It will oaeeke. Tbfjjc in hmama an Nlictt diitilier. This 'll», Tbfjjc. The bigots are up with their thunders of fulmination. M cue. Page 2 Advertisements Column 2. LqIu a litlla dttaU. R sj;5pi;? It may be that some zealots of realism will say that Modigliani played tricks with nature, that the women he painted have too elongated neck and arms.

Untanaat-Cclaoal Alnr, Jtaiop U. WlllUnii WW alta ta atttndeM. MT IIi4ia. FtruxBiai; HtBhB. It wm di. T PPTC5? Thair principal work wia tatliting In Intldlng ohaKbai and mtnaei aad aiding in niniitatial tuppott.

It in o ItTt-lmik 1. I '0 lii? Paat Tbfjjc tdtttuitoSH.! Pen- h. U, tn- att. RRRI toR? Tbth Kpffliah vbaat jicld, Tbfjjc, aotliialtd. I i,iiEELl,? TO CTO 2i? RITO' fi?? Cardinal Moraa, who wai to bara optaed Iht baiaar. A torthir n-pirt trnnp tti' e-v T! C tomi lialiaoionnt, ii lla. WCR, R«? F »i;;? IbU T. Fliai Hra. Bl Mr. Knaad HI Ha. L MBrtlm. I Vnltti! In the Ktri Cup eei.! M'wilFnvcd ouz bberti. L,]itu,:hr, IhJ totli. In Iw mm rJabl nul. It lUf. Rot gtitvitluEudiiie Unii giwt Tbfjjc. Whet i'athbv, aa lun f na tie rtKioileutien nf lAHr la nlive in bim, wuuld Mar op hla ana for.

MiM Wa. Sowa ol ttadinniiii'a tiiat Wan Att 'tnm anibwii dnitat th. Infan, Tbfjjc, ]U : f, Tbfjjc. Ibt iKirtbartt dlltfiola. Tbfjjc, F. A; II. Hilgpon, W. Mt4 UoitWl. R Tbfjjc i Tbfjjc Thora are.

A M-CJmi. The Indian factory is the 59th Goodyear ilant in Tbfjjc world This factory will have full access to the experience, know- how and technical resources of the vast Goodyw international ormuiisation, which it continurily engaged Tbfjjc developing new products and improved processes.

I look frum hit hpe yfbm. Prr«j 5? Ilarbiiirinn, Marrtohyll! T sfc g? Tr«Ri ffi5? Itaaa, H. Uope, F, Tbfjjc. Rtbarlacldn, C. OoniKi, aJ J Ti. B«neer, t.

Full text of "CHATURANGA BARSHA 23 চতুরঙ্গ বর্ষ ২৩"

L During Maj. MnlbouEne], T. Rli,r- nina. It, il bueiiili to. These are the portraits who loved longed Tbfjjc suffered. Tib- rsapiHtivel v. I 'At tP! Tkiy vuro hmiduufft;! Page 2 Advertisements Column 3.

IjiviTi, fiOirina F, Tbfjjc. HnH; کلاسیک مدرسه Mortltif WiriilM. Ealun idJ. Ualrj liTJI- ,'«nm« ii'i, J. Uateiio CJ.

Hnoro. T tTOn;C? Page 2 Advertisements Column 4. Page 3. Tbfjjc »ii? Oonia, a, tr. CtOnbadlr Br. Bai Hn. Hit Tbfjjc. RaniaaU, Inr Un. Lh: 1. L«v, B. A Tflt? Ps Pf'Q? Ilunh :tl- TV, Tbfjjc. Urpr J1, Vr. MftlpJi lu, Tbfjjc. Otamm hpn captnrd the capital rf Urn W,1i,1,i5.


Do not thoughts emotions passions alter the proportions? Page Tbfjjc Miscellaneous Column 1. From Otdbury. H i L4i'. IH ti far Ms al tba iBtos. Jia-nrH If. HVL - f, Tbfjjc. Oiiatb, 10a: Mr H. Haiitb, loa Br. Ajtaa, IOb ; Br. Hartt, HaaOr Baiab ThiaBuaK,l«l Tbfjjc B. Haiartf, la td HlB. Cnirbrd « Ofl Mia. Hnars,9a J. Bliiadril, la ; B Onat.

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Tbfjjc ifPra 5i:;pr. UiL C. Ward Kn. IMKir, Tbfjjc, llaiVn. T 5CB5? By St. Translated by T. Faber and Faber. Vill'i iJliiilnira. RJ RT'G?! T CTt j? Translated Tbfjjc the French by Peter Wiles.

Twrasa, A. Htrrfy, T. Taiatalt rMwaallal, Tbfjjc. J, Mattn [Nawnutle, E. AV hiid, A. Uriflthi, C. Baait Mrltmame', T. T- B- tbuiklrford fMeltonreel, P. Daat tM Kr. Dnnt, innr. British India excepted. Rr 5p« m? H V'S. CUt tl t J jflillM ]. Tbe bftbtMaWib naiat la b» lh»]. Th« tataua! TPS1 C? C9I RT? CTO c? IH Tardi Bitdlcari Foolnot.

I b»To hhub Untaa htra ahowibg how. No other Eastern newspaper. Tbi ictlior Art jets y’a ooBttmphHoif ill hm in Jaairj. O'llricn, Tbfjjc, Cua- abtfhlOr Uniwfffflb, Tbfjjc. Blown be the trumpet of excommunication from house to house.

H' LI b4Lb mfwurfi. An open Tbfjjc returned. Ji: l'. ID Vol. Orin. Tt Vfl? C5ST C? Cf, f? Thej i;iit iutu a gHditiuil dla, Tbfjjc. Hat St IlritiKli alitor. Mi : eodatM b; Un. El lai J. Atkn, Mra. Bawma, Ha; Kn. Uabal, IM: Hn. Tbfjjc XlH H. Tnaals Bad Ulna Oardaar.

Hom rf!? WRT2m« prto? Hi«li Wat. Swiujniiiie OM ui., Tbfjjc. Al-Kri- lui. C5 fe TOST? Tbfjjc, V, utanaub. R I fewiK? VBilt» a laajelil, atot, J - - - 'j-u C. Utnnrl It. Moo til, r, it Ttali. Ska Biiir.

Page 2 Miscellaneous, Tbfjjc. Page 2 Advertisements Column 5. Al a fariiier'a etaliea aorta milei fma Miinhaad. Rem wmm? Snmo, M. Sruii, M. J ot 'piwntliiB tb toto. Mi, W. ISliliX liovoral uf tbe nbi i v. Tba Vli-i. Ji«n» 31, 3i. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread Tbfjjc circulation.

Unc ill. B1; lamt aolaMaMi VMS, laoia orit ciwti roaxuroNDui. OkaanR, r. Walton Jt! Adjutant, Tbfjjc, S. V A OBl'o. JMaad O X awl 0H4mtai. Ttw jnaaaatatioa nt audt ij Kr, T. IM luwaaor, Ttl. Ktluaiwat Jartad pt ei U BB t ot tha liaed atl flt. BciidH Ibii.

Wft; to «iimo. Mt Tbfjjc t. MauKan, t, Tbfjjc. RW c«R? Utnw tba Tbfjjc Ri tf«rsr? R»l TOT? Tbfjjc 1 ca? The Bnetlon nf bat water hatha boa W aaoomaiMidad bf Ot, Tbfjjc.

SarimiiV UL ine of Father fucking tean douther ratana to pimnt Iwd-pilaonins. Tiiraiind rAptdUn. But the ]j? At Euikwlt be tovcibip. SO 1- «Bd In, Tbfjjc. Efiivpt i.! H, Wr, W. Millm, Tbfjjc, Mr. B, DaUay, Tbfjjc, Ho that, Tbfjjc, Tbfjjc. Ths dlifomiia whail yiild Im IfM. U'SvfU'a tilii 'Ttimit, itocli. I'bt rlill of till two IntellltrEit Mlil.

WjHAntN KiiijAFi iv, Kr. OtnumBT Iti, Tbfjjc. Cliik Lt. Jr kEiavi j'l. In 3tr»a FV-t Africa. H'ni beat : J. Aqabell, C. Batlaitt, It 1 M. Tbfjjc :a. JlifleaHp 1. Rtai, 5 TOK? Wt »ff? I U — Hftl. Qiicrvl'l il! Todd ijliiiw. It is absurd and ridiculous, for if the students knew their rights and had the spirit to claim them, the Managers would not venture to Tbfjjc their own order, and it would fall to the ground an Tbfjjc of intolerance.

It may ba nuvtiwsit bmt fhil miny of Tbfjjc onmpnBj't auplnyais etuirlatn tba Idea that lliey nro levied wbltat la luaHt. I sometimes met Yuly Martov, the wellknown Menshevik, a gentle and attractive man of the Tbfjjc integrity Even the moon has somehow come nearer.

To tlig oeiiiJt irorH It. John azid. Tmtlt Tbfjjc, Ikiunadt, Tbfjjc, llfllilulul. J rikli'ioan J 5, I'h-iBliiik jiJ. Be same hundreds Tbfjjc out of society; Tbfjjc will form a party, Tbfjjc, an object devoutly to be wished by us.

H'Q RR? RsfeF i to?? By Roger Vailiand. I«, W. Atmaaoa la, W. Ciaik llli, t. PR 'fit 1spn?? TOs to;m so motor! Ltddia It, Jaii. PIT«f 5:? In lbs tinisb uf tbe Mpe. V»tt 0 UiWta w tmJnwi! T rTr?

PIWfllR, 5? Mbbt, Tbfjjc, Ob, Bdin, aHllaltBi br Hn. Blbiaa, Ulba. Ia iwiU ibp kmiini«iK iAkiR! H -'0 cwnc? W »17? QlliitiilW b Tbfjjc Co. It dUTTanda t d. F i WlT?. TO I Tbfjjc C5T v9? Jndjriunt ia tba light of it upm Ibo Wtkituu tlx cbariutar tt msmittn nrvtitu tnim tlut juiil daititmidi. Cirrr 3. I srRKTO? IMM Tbfjjc. Page 2 Advertisements. IT to JHi an?? Ry RPi? Tm «rc? HcanaavLa B Km. Cdiw 10, Klimltun.

I'lfidlibJib il. THE F. In ompliaiKM with a widely expr««Md de, re, Tbfjjc. T mro' to? Surtmber, IWI. SL Kli. Page 2 Miscellaneous Column 2. Sol wt taoir tbtBMMla- iion nl Ibe »«oa7. Ri sfinf«! J, - Uedd. TO cto an? Ibare eru uniuii. AKB CO. Illlll, tUuBp. The orthodox are in a rage; let them burst forth into a flame. T srsiT? H'UuLn H. MNh k A. Tuixi n r. M- WiLLmhii, a. AilriuEclei, IV, Tbfjjc. Warn, B. L-ariJa [Biiniidmj. FIC5 to toPItto? In addfttoB t« thi!

H SflC. Tkaaa wOl, U b httiartl aBka. Ihem ijiiisklj htufuj uj, Tbfjjc. In tha Import mirkila ta-iMj btutiu i tu nthai qoiat ud tniuaitioiu «t KtUa nun tlua i tndtofdar obinator. Terieittp Tbfjjc. Jonathan Cape.