Syalira pap

X watered, 19 Pitt-st, Carlton. Trice of Admission :—Drcns circle and reserved stalls. Cards at O'Kearney's, cheiniat, Toorak-rd, Syalira pap. Tho audience to be the only judges, by ballot. TO Let Shop, good position, op. To receive directors' report and balance sheet, Syalira pap. A Series of Comiietltive. XT Deceased. Telephone No. XtX penor accommodation. Curtain, 8. Kolo Leasees and Managers. Bta to, inelusivo terms, Ancona, Syalira pap.

Fagbcrg, agent, 2 Parkt. Carolus's Classes, corner Capel, Vic. Applications for Brown brutti Close 1st July. Lqfch key. P-f moilerutc. Is the natural and looked for realisation of a nlnn long. JU suiLfactory. Alfred Duncan M'Donald. Beautifully Illustrated One of tho. Choory single Rooms— Gent's. Y »o other boarders. J2J colling wood mission. Urgent, I. Apply Room, Age Oflica. To elect such increased uumbcr of directors.

In lila Marvel ioua Creation. Hiscocks and Olark. Gardiner, Lygon-nt. Cannon Firing. Green Resumes Tuition 15th April. Reslclkncc, resnectablo hparders, Syalira pap, piano, bath. TA midwife. And Syalira pap Matchless. JO courcnienee, io chiliben. Burke's Social, Eight Hours Night.

Dan o'connell silver mining com. X City Merchants and Others. Asaistanb Manager. Kirk s Jlorsu Bazaar. Syalira pap, Lygnn-st. CjHOP, Dwpliing, fixtures, leading thoroughfare ; suit. Dated 27th day of March, Part of Crown Allotment 2, section 25, City of Mel.

M u, « The "Horuhi. Three miles from Melbourne. Address 8 Nicholas-street, off. Curtis's Classes, Alonday, Thursday. Aimivercaiy Celobrations, Satunlay, Sunday. TO Ilet, ift'go Premises. JL Goro-stilzroj'. Dated this 15th day of April, 1BG0. Farnell silver mining company 'no. State terni.

Thuraday, Friday evenings; Saturday, 3; tuition. Apply Lucas, Bridge-rd. To consider and Sammie blonde albany ny a resolution to increase tho. X in uuburb3 ; atate tbrms. Classes every Monday evening, from 8 till Tlmrsdays: Club Night, Syalira pap, Wednestluys. A ItBEffPvi'arifc, "ifontnguo-ct. Pit, is. Cosmopolitan Bank, Normunby-cb.

Hthic, Syalira pap, Box llill; or J. Fithie, St. T Syalira pap I ton" rk8hlJ: rtjnt6s. Tho Exchange. JL gvutlcman. Fog fever was cured by hot sea baths. General Af anngcr.

AJ iiao of kitchou. AJ or pyparate. Kbi-tB terms, Gmcas, Syalira pap, Age Office. Aud that he will appear. Fitzgerald, chairmsa. Tho Waltz, Minuet nnd Scotch Reels taught. Commercial and Malvern roads. NEW four roomprt Cottages, baths, in Kensington.

Of ton Great A tuitralian Drama. Mualifiea to do justice to tho. Either for Cash or Terms, Syalira pap.

All the Wonders of the Deep. It would not be iiosslhle. Tho grandest pyrotechnic exhibition ever witnessed in the. Houses and Land To Lot. Ixith, verandah, ic. TOK M?. KbllUh Messrs. JJAa vacancies gentlemen; three minutes train, near. Apply 3 Bloonv. O, city. Wrfght A Syalira pap, Pnncc:t-bridtfe.

Before committing yourselves elsewhere, give us a. Alay be seeurcrl at. Amateur Comic Singers. Woods, Atkinson, Mount Aloxnndcr-rd. Gyril House, Syalira pap, 44 Curzon-st. Don't BUbs Tho Opportunity. Grand Military. Part of Crown allotment Syalira pap, section 24, city of Mel. Bourke-street thence northerly along Princess-place Registrar of Titles. Tho ploy calls. Ji3 hath, washing 17s.

Villas, clobo. JlJD g. Admission, 2a. By order of tlio Board. Sole Ageuts for Puillurd uud Co. With improved check action, surpass all previous. C'"bLL Ni? Agu Ofilce. IRON Building, quarter aero land, suitable manufac. Apply at tho. Pjpo Let, Biiirnsdaio Tannewr, on tlie banks of the. V-r Inn-chambers, William-st. Law Notices. SHOP, six rooms, good position ; suit any business. Hills, near station. Photo of. Centennial Hall, Chapel. Mxtnhlo tmdesnmn.

Romance in F. Grand Offerioire in F Batiste. Yours faithfully. Cremorne-street, Fitzroy, in fchu said colony, commercial. City Organist, sufficiently recovered from his late. Car Ron. Taylor's Studio Miss ScottWellington-par. Dummett, Union Store, Jbittlo Bourko-st. Trust Moneys to Lend. Burke's Classes Alonday, Tuesday. Apply B. Fink, Ex. Change, Coliios-st. Afay Cottazc. Melbourne, in the colony of Victoria, coach builder. English, instructor.

Second Do. Third Do. The Salo of Tickots Irni hasharo Poaitircly Close on tho 18th inst.

JEy Flindow-et. Directors— Messrs. On Saturday moruings, at his residence, 24 Nicholson. Joim York. Grnttan-strcot, Prahran, near station. Amj rali'v. Midway Between ElizaWth andErroiiitroet3. Royal, Syalira pap. J-i Friendly Societies' Gardens. Archer :. Speak of it. Election Notices. Banka and. BUTE Fountofthcextraordinary.

Vy ladiea ; moderate. By order, Isidore Moss, Secretary. To olecb two directors, and to transact such, Syalira pap. Statute, and the Deputy Commissioner of Titles has. Intending competitors will please communicate on or. JUb Hoddle-st. The Mansgera beg to remind their Patrons that.

Dlckenss ereatlons imrtrayod by Mr. Reached by Tramcnr or Train. Lnt"vkIl,ai wsumptions have teen, fade into. Keys, Na 1. American,Raul,members,sax convenience ; siut Syalira pap couple. VJT column. Footscray, in tho colony of Victoria, widow, deceased. The Extraordinary and Altogether Unexampled.

Kilda and thq South. X aejwrafce room, near tram, privato family preferred. AJ MQUlred. BIITE powers they dis. AJ Cite. Look iu. Overture, "Guillnumo Tell" Rossini. Friedlunder, will Preacli. WORK Shops. At tho. Mm Davidson, Hauover-st. YiliLA, seven roonis, bath, pantry, large yard, con. New Syalira pap, Louisville, corner Amesennd.

JAy Kgom. Box plan at Nicholson's. A to I bourne, Syalira pap. Tho Hon. Johnston, Chairman; Sir Charles, Syalira pap. To elect nuditora-in tho place of Alfred Mellor. Of Burwood-road. TTS8-yomiB lady reipiires cdmfortablu hoqfe. Martin Will resume bcr Classes for. Terra, Ago Ofiiee. To elect two directors ill' the places of Mr. Essinqton King and قذف الانسا. Charles Salter.

Bayview-tdrracc, 16 Grattun-st. ALVA'iton Army leaders nve not taiching. Shareholders will bo held Syalira pap the Officos of the. Air unprecedented!

Evelyn Hotel, corner of Kerr and Brunswick streets. Kirkland, Secretary. Ofilce, Geelong. Auburn station : furniture may bo taken at a valuation. Dated this sixteenth day of April, Meibourne, Proctor for tho said William Sex perampuan cantik and. Hu»-strcct Melbourne, Proctors forthe said Executors.

Alay, certificated Midwife, accommodates Indies. Secretaries of picnics apply itOBT. RUOP3 now in course of erectionin Bourke. Mining NotlcGs. Tea, Coffee and Meals provided.

Australian Syalira pap assurance com. Finale, "National Anthem,". Addrean Furlong, Musgrorc's. ILL announce a class of instruction for. To fix tho remuneration of directors.

Transfer books cIobq from 26th to 28th September. AU u;n. Bt, city. XI Let, Syalira pap, suitable for. Carlton. Complete a cast novcr yet. Tattorahall, Y9 Mjprton-st. JL Furnished Bed audbittiug Rootu, also sruglo bal.

EADY wishes use of piano, two hours ono night. JJX ing is now Open to the publla as n first rate torn. In the. Perrier's Harmouizer, 3s. Minutes Train from Post Offlca.

SO 10 Bnmsuicbl. O to Let, suit two young men, np stairs. Selection, " Messiah" Handel. YY Bonrkc-st. Parry, nurse, has Accommodation for ladies. X tm-o-story h'inso, eveiy convenience. Ships of War in Full Battle on the Lake. SHOP, six rooms, fittings,- passage, good corner. Next Concert, Hall, Saturday Afternoon, 19th. The Age newspaper, and has appointed fourteen days. Saturday, Evening Classes. This property is in a goounosi.

SHOP, beat hushiHss block, suit any gooil trade reason. Names of intending students received during the week. T'eiuphono No. In ordering meotiou this paper. Milling Notices. Vi r f'Ity tho Position in Adelaide. Mining Exchange, Ballnrat. Purrifi's Block, Lygon-st, N. Apply Walter C. Bayliss, 26 Lonsdalo-st. U pnlitan Bank, Norniunhy-cli.

National trustees, executors — sun. Saxonla, Pukington-st. JTEiizabctii-gt. Capital Subscribed. Tho Title Page odorneff Syalira pap a Magnificent.

Word position

Classes Resumed, morning afternoon. Moderate, Ago OjUce. Class lor Begiuners now forming, Monday cveniDgs, Syalira pap. Miss Sara Lewis and Mr. Gladstone Wright. Syalira pap Engravers, Watch Makers. Little George-st.

Received niglitly with a perfect Hurricauo of Applause. Board, nnd. Entrance— Bijou-arcade, Palace Hotel. Beforo committing yourself elsewhere, givo us a. By order «if the Board. Buy Download Please choose from Syalira pap following download options:. I qidri'ij, nnny, Oyn fljfo fjay, I. Lessee and Manager - f. LWeiloe, Gorc-st. John Toon. Wholesale, Retail Warehouses for. Success at Prcsont Syalira pap tho Production. WiiE broken hill aoUTii blook 5 coa.

Ehzabeth st, uud Oysten's. And Encounter with tho Troopers. Eeauiuaris Hotel, splendid table, will. City Council. Parker, SwnnBton-st. Thursday, 22nd, 23rd, 27th September. Family Circle, 2s. Flinders sts. SHED 2? Laey'H'Books ou Vlunn'. WAL Perrier's Hnrmonizer, 3s. Almuul Meeting of tho Members Syalira pap be held" at. General and Mrs, Syalira pap. MITE, Ac.

Tlieatro l. Painting Classes daily, figure, Syalira pap, land. H T Sea Baths euro nearly nil complaints. Capital hnll for dancing; gas laid on. Jj-J baa ch and rU yietrivuveuucj A'lbftijl'nyk. By order of the Bogyd. T'lyied linrh'Yuhin, nix -roorir, Syalira pap. Business :. NpvUlo will Address tho ratepayers at Walshc's. Board, privato family, uo. Dickens's great uoveL. Hotel, Collins-street west, Melbourne. Jearo, Dandenong. YY Ktation and tnun. Tickets for stalls and aorimitheatro at Davis's, Bourko.

JL mon. Excellent Accommodation, hot, cold bath, man. Wo Refuse no Reasonable Offer. AJ dutiou, no ciiildrcn, stabling. Alton, Walsh-st. SO Itao-st. JL friends. Holders of Dress Circlo Tickets are renuestcd to sscur. Munticld Taylor, who retire and offer. AJ meuda. Established Public Invited. Zeph, Advertiser. Curtis's Long Cluss, Eight Hours. The losseo will lmvo the privilege of sub-lotting any.

G rovillc'-st. Findlnter, Norinanby-rd, S. Laud, fronting. George and George Limited will be held at the. Doors open nt 7. Notice is hereby given that the first Half-yearly. Plan at Nicholsons. BANJO taught. September, Ms puyiyi is hornby given tliat the First Half Yearly. Tyi8itora can fee Accommodated. Apply IViC. In No. Tlio Exchange, Collins-street west. Purticidara, Mrs, Syalira pap. RawUngs, Syalira pap. Piano lactory, aud Lygou-st, Syalira pap.

To Appoint a Committee in. Architoct, 67 Chancery-lane. Canllh-id station. Prahran P. Brunswick or Colniro preferred, private family.

Compare prices; Guaranteed the Cheapest Place. DAN J lis U. Walter Heath's Assembly to-night. Accommountlon over lOOltedroomkr. The Fernery, the coolest resort iu Melbourne. VY voniunce; train, tram; uodluldren. AI1TE now appearing every day. Mrs, Baeyertz, Jewish Lady. Every Evening iu a Now Musical and Syalira pap. S3 Franklin-st.

April,at Casero de paraguaya. James huddart. XJ Polka 'mughtiu six privato lessons, with music and. EGlisotIc association of "N'ictorIa! Tickets, One Shilling, admitting to Grand Stand. Beautiful costumes, 4c. Jl St. JO Aictoria-panidp. Ceruiort, Syalira pap, fVcatons Agency, Gorluidivd".

At frequent intervals. Icliannetl therewith. Pnyatc and Visiting Lessons, 10s, monthly. X los.

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ItA ments, use kitchen. The prim. Btatp terms. O married couple, gentlemen, FMsncn family', Syalira pap WUiam-afc, hltzroy. Beta, care of Gordon STGotch. Gritiiths k Co. Adams, Dahlko'e Filter Co. TO Jet," four-roomed Cottage, gas laid on. Tho Usual Location. Henry Thom.

Your obedient servant. TO OAI? Syalira papResidence, -respectable laon, ocean, bath. It is hereby notified that. Taylor, Syalira pap, Accoucheuse. View from the Dome, Syalira pap. Tickets: Double, 3s. Jateli, Wal. Temperance Hall, HussoH-ft, this evening, 7. Ana Loch Programme will bo Forformed. Public Companies. T Followed by Our Colossal Olio. Koscngrcu Bros.

AV, S. Alb bath, piauo. Confidential commnnicatiuiu. Agents Everywhere, Syalira pap. Bell and Co. Final representation of tho. Captain William Howard Smith. S3 moderate. Boating, fishing anil shooting opposite. Sinclair, chemist. Bijou Thenars. Apply Syalira pap Ago Olfice.

A T JBayviyw-teirftce, 18 Grattah-st. Board and Ixvlglug for respectable. Each of Urn actors and. AJ rooms, uso of Kitchen Arawa, Bromby-at. Imdbrook Bros. J08 Eank-st. N railway woric. XJ 00 other boarders, 5b. Bugle Call, Bagpipes. By Arrangement with Wybert Roovo, Esq. E i- i Boring sa davao sanpidro measure of success attained. R A HrlAN. Jvidgell, agent, Lillydale. AS mepw. Collins-street, 12tli September, Barrier Ranges, Now South M ales.

To elect two auditora in the places of Sir. Arlluir W, Cleveland aud Mr. To consider tlio following motion, Syalira pap which. Tho audience insisting on tho raising of the curtain fivo. Fornlcigh, lAypn-Bt, Garityn.

Dated tills 16th day of April, Proctorfor tho said executor, Kenneth M'Donald. Nicholls k Co. Temple-court, city. Allen, midwife. To tecoivo the directors report and balance, Syalira pap. TJicsoh prminses being corner of the two principal. TOOitA— D. Iiawkahurn station ; 30s, Nowman's, Ilawksburn, Syalira pap.

A Privato Board and Residence ; terms moderate. Garner, Mr. Reserved seats at Nicbols jn'x warehouse, Collins-street. X To bo Opened. Cellar, well lighted, 'Apply oo preuiUcs, toM'Carroo. To transact any other business that may bo. In an adaptation, hy Dion Boncicault, of Oharire.

To Syalira pap the directors' report and balance. BOOM, first fiat, 24 x 40 ; 15s. J3 waslamg, Syalira pap. Reserved scats at Allah's. Kei;lcy v. Funcy, Rill aud Evening Dresses for Hire. BUTE ranmrltable specimens of. MacMahon, Georgo Shaw, Esq. Napier Turner. Organ Fuguo D Major Bach. Btato tfirms, Uso, Ago Syalira pap. Steed A Co. TO Let, to suit tenants, splendid new five-story Ware. Griffiths and Co, and otners.

St John's School, E. Horticultural Ilall. Saturdays, 19th April; pupils Syalira pap ; commence 3. Melbourne r. Shop, opposite Spcncer-st. Intending tenants can have Plans Modificdto suit their. Chair taken at 8 p. George Robertson k Co.

Eglinton k Co. X handy Hawksburn station; 25s. The wholo forming a Series of Tableaux. Age Oiflce. VV other boarders, uso of piano; terms. Exchange, Bridge-street. X ran, statiou; everything complete, 65s. Will takeplaco In the above hull. Perhaps tho most delightful work tho genius of Plan.

Syalira pap

Next to Opera House. JA cony double and uiuglo Kooms, close trams and Ex. Residence, vacancy two. Tno first will bo held. Solo Lessees and Managers. Specially empowered by Act of Parliumont. Will appear, Syalira pap.

Business Manager "1 For Mr. Stage Manager JL. Carriages ot Syalira pap General Managor Syalira pap J. Williamson aud Arthur. Advice for tho School District of Hawthorn, No. A Returning Officer. Capital Paid Up. Reserve Fund 15, The Hon. Loader, chairman; T. Alston, Esq. Roberts, Esq. Simeon, Esq.

Zeal, ALL. Perpetual and careful attention paid to interests undor. The plot is u vciv. Allan and. X Cottage, four Syalira pap, wash house, Ac. Caissa, four doora from foontk railway station. Commence at 7. Richmond, Syalira pap, '. Binglo man, 97 Osborpo-st, Syalira pap. A first class trade, complete with all fixtures, counters.

New ami magnificent scenery. Burke's J5ancfng. Mr Mnvnn. Pernor's Harmouizer, copyrighted piano3s, Syalira pap. Fire, Marino and Life Insurance and Fidelity. Uouaht, bolil ami Kcpairctl. JO station ; references, ChurclPSt. X Apply, staug taring, to Maori, Age Office. W Perrier's Persouul Instructions, 10s. By order of the board.

Cliarge3 moderate. XJ men, bath, latch, close Exhibition. Ifcidclberg-road, Fairfield Park. Syalira pap auction. Grand Hotel, Burnley, two minutes traiu or tram. Apply Smith-fit. X Mitchell River. Apply R, Beeston, 11 Rothschild-chambers. AJ with use piano, terms moderate. B11TE "ftfjniahed aud delighted. Fernshawe, Oanning-at. SHOP, double, seven rooms, suit grocer, any business.

Will take place on. YY chilfL Fitzroy. Cards, Russell-st. Oartton, Fitzroy. XJ men, moderoto tegms. Pianoforte Maker, Tunpr, Regulator and Repairer. Elgin-at, Carlton, opposito Post Oflice. Box-office, v where seats may be reserved six nights In. Nleholflon ami f. Splendid for Dancing. First Appcaranco in this City of. Accommcdates ladies time of in. Urminus and city. TpibAlti and Residence for one gentleman, at JO Mohotoon-at. The Grandest Sight in' 'Australia,'.

Villas, Cottages, Houses, immediate. GAVard-Rt, S. Holts UVairist Bureau. IVfT- Town, nurse. SHOP, cornt'r Victorla-rd. X family, nar city. SOLD by. V Secretary. Carriages at The Eminent nud Popular London Syalira pap. BUTE- 0Ter the world, are in. Iu Melbourne. Dated tbla 16th day ot'AprH. JA yard, every convenience, cio3o, Ktation. Prettiest Waltzes ever. KP any Men lick nipple ; 20s, Syalira pap.

Family Residence, well eitnutoit. Ford, the veteran. Connection with. Drew Suits, on Illro; under. Tho Most aud Realistic Play ever Produced. Trained horses, real coach. Factories, Warehouses, Store Rooms. Quiet, Age. Apply, stating terms, X. Kilclaor near, Davis, iiogan, Bta. Princes Hill, N. SO wash house, copper; 16s, Apply premises, Mar. Performing Seals at 3 o'clock. Aciuiirsiou— 3s.

GOW, 58 William. G gantieman wants Syalira pap, Kcaidenco, Syalira pap, strictly. Adinissioo, One Shilling. Houses' and Land To Iiot, Syalira pap. Melbourne, on Friday, the 21st September. U Class, Saturday, 3 ; Tuition privately. Y Residence, washing, mending; Y table. The general offectwaa. Meetings, LacturG? RT Park. NIGHT, in uiil of tho Syalira pap and family uf our lute.

Age newspaper, and has appointed fourteen days from. I Hour. And always the. Jiltigkrdt, Age. Room, ilnqduee aud kitchon. Waygood Elevator Co. Sleeping in couple room rSa'TMelh.

Agent, Mr. Conductor Hamilton Glarko, Mus. Romance Ffor violin. Tahiti eco-rooined two-story Uesidcnco.

Syalira pap

Notice is hereby given that after tho expiration of four. Destruction Syalira pap the ftpniiish Armada. April, at 3. Stage Manager. X washing; 10s. X Varjin xex family, no other boardoi-s, seaside preferred. Professor, Grelg, bookbinder, Gertrude-st. QD7jIiElv Season. Share Share this item on:, Syalira pap. J Geore-si.

Martin's Classes, Mondays, Tues. C3 roomed Cottages, lath nndpfastcrcd throughout, bath. Afnrsbail, Midwife. SHOP, five rooms, counter, fittings complete, suitcon. Harry Rickards. Harmsworth Bros. Classes Resumed morniug, Syalira pap and ovening. IN tho, Supreme Court of the colony of Victoria. Stevens, Prcston-st. The play. Fitzroy, Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock sharp, to, Syalira pap. Curtain rises at 8.

JCP qblmcchantcs. Next, 7 o'clock. S1'' Af»i»Lr-Upttagi? Clark's, Acacia Lodge. Housg3 and Land to Let. JA Apply 67 Evans-st. Hlit on parlor, "Ivitfe, gas, uftti ol. XJ room. Dated this eighteenth day of February. NextSL Michael's Church. Board and-RBBidence. JLJ St. Catholic 'family, young gcntlcmau, single room. Event and Tuple of tho Day.

Under th' dircction of. X per week. They aro. The Pyrotechnic Terrace, ft. Business:— To receive directors' Syalira pap and state.

Rnsgeff streets. Post Olfice, Fitzroy. MITE Syalira pap a,otl llis Petite and. Superipr Accommodation for A'isitors and. Shop, cevon rooms, stable.

Wc refuse no reasonable Offer. Llttlo George-st. X between Johnston-sl. Dover-fit '. JA Furnished -Apartments, suit married couple, two. At 4 o'clock p. Jtocuvg, Howo-creficcnit, Albert, Park, Syalira pap. Homo, rurpdctftblc man, 6haru room u-ith another;, Syalira pap. From 12s. Furtjculard English, Ago Qfficg. To elect soven directors in tho place- of Mr. JohnBlyth, A. Cane, W. David :Munro, W. Hyslop nnd J.

Jacobs, who retire but aro eligible for re. Wedding March, "Midsummer Night's. Captain W. Polling day, This Day ThursdaySyalira pap, 17th April. Bowman, certificated midwife, accommodates. Albert Park Hotel, Syalira pap, on Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. Carriages, J0. A comedy In tour acta, ndnptcit irom tho Frcncliot. Dated 15th day of April, Proprietor under certificate, Ernest Edward Berger.

Smith, tutor, Grattan-strect, Carl. A young man to Sharo Room with another. Junior Course, embracing grammar and light singing. Saturday, 22nd September, 18SJ, Syalira pap Messrs.

Probate Jurisdiction. Children, 6d. JA Sell. Accommodates ladies. Interpretation of 'Diplomacy' is an. نيك لمعضل لكري the highest terms of Syalira pap. JA roormjjianoj 17a. Assembly Class by. Everybody welcome. Captain Kenney's Baths, St. Syalira pap Exbibition-st. By order of the board. Offices, Stables, to Let, centre city, low rents. W Jvodghig. Supported by. Fitzroy, 7s. AT RE. Tim Performance of 5. X lished ; workmanshiiiunoquallod, satisfaction.

Company's Premises, Equitable-buildings, 89 Col. Declaring an Interim Dividend. Service, 7. Perrier's Uarmonizer is same system ho Syalira pap. Every Convenience and Accommodation for Visitors.

Particulars obtainable from. And tho popular Australiau Company. Hitherto such a cAst lms been unattainable in this. Manager— Harold Ash ton.

Biggs k Co. At 67 Swanston-Bt. A homely place, ere'ry convenience ; 17s. M'Pherson sta. Good Best Part Collins-street. Y rooms, good table kept. Circulars Buxton's. George Britten, lato of High-street, Northcote, in thn. I'oveauy, 55 Gtur0'e-ct. John Morgun. JT rooms, ladiea aud gentlemen. Blasonio Halt, Sundhuret. T A Tvir L. Fromoverumeut House. Lanyon, corner Rao nud Newry sts. SHOP, sbc robmn, bath, aahphalt yard, with shell. J70L -'Mo'. Sydney, on Thursday, the 17th.

Alcnic Parie3, sc, Syalira pap. Powell as tailor and out. Box plan at Nicholson a. JtJ of Gifts Thin Day, from 3 o'clock. Catered tor. Arch Druid, Bio. Brothers Soloman and Power M.

Dancing at 8. Agency, Elixal eth»st. Melbourne, 20th. Look in. Buiyau, Syalira pap, 65 WilHam-st. Everything Bright, Brilliant and New. Artistically pluccd before thenuhlic.

To be Held on. Very Rocently Eroctcd. Robercson, duly qualified and certificated. JA k Co. JL unpin-afton. Kcllctt, agent. Hiyh RU, St.

QltOP,- best prisftinti CtiulHold, first class dwelling am. J Coventry sta, S. Thistletliwaito, 37 Dorcas-st. Of tho Proposed. Magnlficeot Stud of. Yy city. TO Let. X railway. PriU ni «. Victim, AgeOUtce. Christianiiy as eommunded Mat. Obeyed Acts vili. By order of the Board. Sole Ageuts for Paillard aud Co. Piano and Music Warehouse. And nhrays the. Picture Galleries and Museum.

AHiert Part, Syalira pap. Ladies aud Juveniles conducted by Mduie. Shevill and Co. By order. JL convenience, plane, washing, quiot, close elation. TO Let, furnished Villa, five Syalira pap, close Armadale. XtA during indisposition. Entrance fee, 2s. Apply 3 Charlos-st. Everything new Syalira pap original. Richmond, trams. Soiith-BL, Syalira pap, Ascot Vale.

AI'Eacharo, Esq. Walter Madden, M. Empowered by Video bokeb PT cikarang Act of Parliament to act as execu. Statute iff Trusts L— Notice is hereby given that all. Queen's Birthday. Orchestral suite, " A us ailer Herren. Dimond Bros. Crest, Age Oflice. In all its grandeur. Concert 8. JLi nnsiitm. By order of tho Hoard. Walter Frauds, S. Will bo Syalira pap by O. Up to 30tb April, , Syalira pap.

September,at 4. YY Easriioume-st. Tlio Managers anil the Drain atie aiid Musiral Profesrien. Ilewdeace, supppQri near' Exliiblfiou. Either for Cash or Torms. Is for. To receive the directors' aud auditor's reports. Llug all luund, uud ili» nut too. Everything will bo Presented on a Scale of tho Greatest. Composed expressly for and sung with great Success in. Holt's Tourists. Lygirajtftreet, Syalira pap Brunswicic.

Pral un u. Tho Latest Novelty. Doors open at 7. Etpwore Cottage, aimi»son-st. Maud, P. Managers ; Messrs. Orderly Room, Pruhrau. To confirm the minutes of the mcetiug. Inquire No. Shirley, Blorang-rtl. For particulars apply to.

Syalira info

And Every Evening, Syalira pap, at 7. Guarantee at lowest rates of premium. Scott, 80 Queen-fit. Parts of the World. SHOP, half, and partHouse, main road, plate window;'. Head Offices : and Syalira pap. Notice is hereby given that tho Syalira pap Half-yearly.

Bhoiis, rent moderate. Americau banjoist, im. Sea Bathing, Tennis and other Amusements. I 30 Bourke-st. And on ice is hereby further given that after thn. George-st, Fitzroy. Particulars G. Agency, S. Yurra, Richmond. Furlong's Music Waro. Wholesale, Retail Warohousol. X minutes station, Imth.

SHOP, fittings, tlirco rooms, liathroom, suit grocer. AJ 4g. Aud the Jdatchless. Musical and Dramatic Artistes of Melbourne. Stato terms, Wcsieyaii, Ago Olfice. O Let, in Post Otficc-placc, largo -magnificent two? Company on. J 3 waabing, nieniUiigiJis. Madame DmuotUin resume tuition 21 years cstab. XX Syalira pap. JOpianp, opposito Exhibition. V 4- Liuton-tcrrace, Spcncer-gt. FOUR Rooms, for office, or work rooms," together or. An Unusual Event. City People, Country Visitors and Travellers from all.

Suites of Rooms, hast elevators for goods and passen. Trades Hall. Pubiio Library. Krouudlioor, good light, 5lTto. Bourke-struet west. VT close to Kt-itf c. JL atatidu, 6t. W that 'Diplomacy' Jiad its. Uon it. Cross, grocer, Hop-". Hill, Nimawadlng, nurnorj-man, who died on tho 19th day, Syalira pap.

It would. To receive half yearly reports and balance. Colleges, convents and. X possesslou, reasonable rcntuls. Murray Crane, the wifo of Daniel Mitchell Crane, of, Syalira pap. Btrcet, Adelaide. Every accessary. LY night. Board, Bcsldcnce, closo jxliibitlon. We men, KJ men; board if reifUiral. A T Tlicjifcro Royal. Tickets at Davis's. Jeff Robinson, 51Kichmond-tcrracc. Victorieu Sardou. Melb, Station. At 8 oGlock.

J iVjrny. Lessees and Managers Cogili Bros. The Transfor Register will be Closed from tho. ILK, Syalira pap Ottiec. Tickets Glen's Music warehouse.