Swedish girl in a boarding school

The libidinous female teacher gives some memorable "health" classes on exploring their own bodies, etc. Avia Films Elite Film. Hd hot dance 1 hour 30 minutes.

Top Gap. See more gaps Learn more about contributing. James' 5 Picks for January. The score is repetitive and more than a little familiar to those familiar with his sexploitation output from this period but it works and it suits everything rather well.

Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. B Movies Heroes. Recently viewed. This pornographic film—related article is a stub. Please add one in your own words. Please enable browser cookies to use this Swedish girl in a boarding school. See our picks. Release date September 28, Switzerland. Tools Tools.

Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School

The copy I saw was a rental; there were a few harsh edits in the transfer, but I doubt that this film went beyond softcore.

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Swedish girl in a boarding school

September 28, Running time. Details Edit. Technical specs Edit. On top of that, the comedy that is worked into the storyline is actually pretty funny. Definitely worth seeing, especially for those fans of wall-to-wall nudity and cheesy voice-overs. October Learn how and when to remove this template message.

Six Swedish Girls in a Boarding School () | MUBI

This one comes together in ways that a lot of similar films don't, and for that reason it's a bit of a softcore classic. Edit page. More to explore. See the full list. Release date. Erwin Dietrich scores again with this sexy and fantasy-filled take on Girls School antics. You can help Wikipedia Mommyblowbest expanding it. Download as PDF Printable version.

Brigitte Lahaie shines, as usual, and the other cast members play their parts with gusto: any excuse to get naked, and they get naked! Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Related news. Read Edit View history. Switzerland France.


Contents move to sidebar hide. See the gallery. Well, no Swedes here, but they're on campus. This article related to a Swiss film is a stub.