Sweden sex compentions

The reality of the sex competition in Sweden

Download as PDF Printable version. The organisers apparently encouraged participation from people of different sexual orientations and hoped that other European countries adopted the same in the future.

The report claims that the audience will also influence the decision of the sex competitions and will notice several aspects of the sexual activity. Show more stories. It's chaos.

Sweden did not officially declare sex a sport | Reuters

Terms and Conditions Disclaimer. Tweet claiming sex tournament in Sweden twitter.

The Spanish representative also said that an actress complained about the functioning of the championship and the organiser, the Swedish stripper Dragan BraticSweden sex compentions, told her to leave and that she was not going to be paid anything, and even tried to assault her. As per earlier reports, the competition was touted to have 16 disciplines, including oral sex, seduction, penetration, Sweden sex compentions, number of orgasms, knowledge about sex, chemistry and communication between the couple, appearance, and so on.

Post Your Wish. Share Via. Sweden has recognised sex as a sport and will hold a sex competition on June 8.

Has Sweden made sex an official sport? Here's what reports say

Social media has since been filled with diverse reactions from users with people supporting the move to remove the inhibitions related to sex while others expressed skepticism, Sweden sex compentions.

Sign In. Wish Melex mahan India Good Luck! Participants would engage in sexual activities from 45 minutes to 1 hour daily, depending upon the duration of their matches. The participants were supposedly expected to Sweden sex compentions well-versed in the Sanskrit scripture on sex and eroticism, Kamasutra, and its application was supposed to fetch them extra points.

The reality of the sex competition in Sweden

Already have an account? Contents move to sidebar hide. Sweden sex compentions final decision on the winners will be arrived at after considering the factors like the chemistry between the couple, knowledge about sex, endurance level, etc.

The proposed competition was still in application stage and has been rejected because the form was incomplete, according to Swedish news outlet Goterborgs-Posten. Swedish Sports Confederation www. Terms of Use. Privacy Policy. Archived from the original on Earlier reports Sweden sex compentions that the European Sex Championship was going to start on 8 June and span over a period of six weeks.

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