Susuxxx sapi

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The results of the analysis showed that the number of the lactating cows raised in small-scaled farm businesses Susuxxx sapi from the previous year; on the other hand, Susuxxx sapi, the number of the lactating cows in large-scaled farm businesses increased.

Full text. The individual factors from the farmers which are influential in decreasing business inefficiency include age and education level; on the contrary, the influences of experience and ownership of the garden affect the efficiency in the opposite way. Journal Index.

View original, Susuxxx sapi. Thus, the efficiency analysis suggests that the level of technical efficiency of large-scaled farm businesses is higher than that of the small-scaled farm businesses, while Susuxxx sapi efficiency distribution is predominantly in the range of 0,80 to 1,00, which means that most farm businesses have achieved a high level of technical efficiency.

DOI: Download PDF. Cite this. Citation Rozana, Kennis, et al.

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Focus and Scope. Meanwhile, the average milk productions have declined in both small and large-scaled farm businesses.

Make a Submission Make a Submission. The analytical method used in this study was the stochastic frontier production function.

Susuxxx sapi

Current Issue. Show all Susuxxx sapi Browse by year Browse by volume. The research was conducted by surveys so that the primary data from the samples of farmers' households were obtained through interviews and questionnaires, Susuxxx sapi. The results of the analysis of the stochastic frontier production function showed that forage fodder input HMTconcentrates, employment and number of lactating cows are influential factors on milk production.

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