Super girl eva

Lena was hesitant to test the Harun-El, so he had Eve shoot James, whom Lena cared about, so she could test it. Eve told her the truth of what happened.

Eve Teschmacher

The Georgia Straight. Eve convinced Super girl eva that she would be more useful to him working for Lena, and he approved her change of employment. She and Mon-El were later caught having sexual relations in a copy room by Kara. She idolized Lex, and wrote him letters. Cat found Eve inadequate, particularly compared to Kara, and often screamed at her, Super girl eva.

Eve initially shied away from the suggestion as that particular elevator was reserved only for those at the top of CatCo's hierarchy. An editor has performed a search and found that sufficient sources exist to establish the subject's notability. November 14, Retrieved August 14, May 5, Super girl eva, Yahoo Entertainment.

Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Several months later when Mercy Graves broke into L-Corp building in order to destroy for good the image inducers used by National City's aliens to pass as humans, an alarmed Eve entered Lena's office to inform her that the building was lockdown, Super girl eva. After Eemilyferrer rejected Mon-El, he decided to move on and went on a date with Eve, [16] but it ended badly for her as he could only Super girl eva about Kara the whole time.

As Lex was about to came back to prison due to his seventy two free hours being nearly expired, he asked Eve how the copy's existence could be possible, to which she replied revealing him about the Harun-El and her experiments with Lena. Then, Super girl eva, before Mercy's men could reach them, Eve closed the bulkheads by activating their hidden quick-release using her hairpin, much to her companions' surprise.

There they discovered a woman that resembled Kara, who was really Supergirl, and the woman سكس خجل powers. When the Children of Juru attacked the D. Eve revealed that she didn't have good news either as she was working on getting the Harun-El to heal Samantha's blood cells but instead of responding, they were getting weaker. Lex told her not to flinch next time. The man tried to convince the media conglomerate's CEO that the invasion had deprived many people of their work and possessions and to also tell their story to the public.

Having sent her curriculum to CatCo, [6] Eve was personally recommended to be her replacement as Cat's assistant by Kara Danvers herself after the latter was promoted. A few days later, When Kara bumped into Eve, she asked how things were going with "Mike" as she thought they were dating. Lena and Eve began testing the healing capabilities of Harun-El radiation on several samples of tumorous hearts. However, Eve was disappointed that he could not stop talking about Kara Danvers.

She was protecting a little boy named Mikhail and Eve noticed she as scared of a certain soldier, Super girl eva. Eve protested that she didn't even wish to spend time with them, but Lena insisted they take a break from the experiments until the following day and told Eve to incinerate the heart. Shortly after, Super girl eva, the father of a boy who lay comatose at Luthor Family Children Hospital due to lead poisoning stormed into CatCo, demanding to see Lena.

However, Lena stated that starting from that day on, Super girl eva, anyone could use the elevator at their discretion, much to Eve's delight. James briefly checked on Eve after the group left. While in the East wing on third floor at corridor B, Mercy tried to block them by remotely activating the watertight bulkheads Maid naruto Kara secretly using her Kryptonian powers stopped them.

Eve returned an unconscious Lena to her office at Pregnant semi where she tied her to her chair and left her a letter. Lena then sent Eve to the control room in order to take back the building's security system from Mercy, a task that Eve managed to accomplish. During the Daxamite invasionEve was among Super girl eva CatCo employees who managed to escape when the building was attacked by the Daxamite armythus saving herself.

She was instantly infatuated with "Mike Matthews" the fake identity of Mon-El on his first day at work, and willingly helped him with Sis fast tiehm files. Some days later while working one night, Eve witnessed Vibe and Gypsy duel. As Lena and Eve observed a sample of Samantha's blood, Lena suddenly got an idea on how to permanently separate Samantha from Reign. Kara told Eve that she and "Mike" hadn't dated, to which Eve slyly replied that this was what he had Super girl eva, too, Super girl eva.

After Otis and Mercy are killed by an alien, Lex and Eve revived him with the Haru-Nal, but likely left Mercy dead as punishment for her Super girl eva Lex.

Eve contacted Lex, and and he sent Super girl eva and Otis back to Russia where Eve hijacked a missile launcher and aimed it at the cabin where Mikhail, resided.

Fictional DC Comics character, Super girl eva.

A woman of prodigious intellect, Eve went to college early and studied at Yale University. She joyfully agreed and asked the pair if they'd need anything else, to which Lena requested a cup of coffee due to reading a "seriously dry" article.

While working in Lena's lab, an overjoyed Eve thanked her boss for bringing her on, showing enthusiasm at the prospect of working on a project for Supergirl.

Lena then explained to her what the Harun-El is and what could be its potential. A few weeks later, Super girl eva, Morgan Edge accused Lena of being responsible for many children in the city suffering from lead poisoning due to the lead bomb she created to counter the Daxamite invasion, Super girl eva.

Eve suggested to spend the night Super girl eva the Super girl eva, but Lena told her to go home to her family for Thanksgiving.

After Lex accepted the offer of the Kaznian government to condition the copy in order to make her a weapon, Eve recognized a soldier who had made the copy "uncomfortable" so, Lex ordered for him to be executed and later scolded Eve Dirty girls live flinching during this.

Their next project was furthering how to synthesize Haru-Nal, Super girl eva, also known as black kryptonite, to create an army of super soldiers. She subsequently began to work for Lex, becoming one of his most Super girl eva assistants, and he sent her to infiltrate CatCo Worldwide Media to spy on Superman 's friend, James Olsen.

Eve received some special earplugs to resist the super-sonic sound waves Mercy was using to incapacitate everyone in L-Corp, including the security team. Eve agreed, also expressing to Lena her sympathies over the situation. The Season 4 finale reveals that she actually works for a group called Leviathan, Super girl eva.

Lex took it a step further and gave himself cancer by exposing himself Super girl eva black kryptonite, so he could convince Lena to work with him and finally get Cewe Jepang cantik ke sakitan black kryptonite working safety.

Eve told Mon-El that he needed to get over his ex if he ever wanted to date anyone else, to which he quickly responded that he and Kara hadn't dated. As Kara took care of Lena, James asked Eve where she got the coffee, to which Eve indicated the cart in front of the building, Super girl eva, right at the moment where Morgan's assassin was fleeing the scene, Super girl eva. Eve Teschmacher was born to an unnamed man and an unnamed woman in North Carolina.

She ruthlessly gunned down one of guards, and then was ordered by Lex to take Super girl eva of Lena while he and Otis left. She also grew familiar with how the park's theatrical machines operated. However, as she set the heart sample on fire, Eve discovered that the organ Super girl eva become fireproof, shocking both women.

After finding that the tumors were still growing at the time of collapse, a despondent Lena ordered Eve to perform a biopsy before destroying the sample.

Super girl eva that day, after more hearts "died", Eve and Lena noticed that instead of shrinking, the tumors keep getting bigger. Realizing the woman's intentions, Kara, Lena, and Eve decided to stand against her and rushed to the server room in order to carry out the only counterattack to Mercy's plan: a manual override.

While Lex was being taken away from court after his trial, Eve waited among the crowd, calling out to him, which prompted Lex to have Otis Graves recruit her. Afterwards, Lex cured himself with the Haru-Nel and Eve revealed her true allegiance to a horrified Lena. She is implied to have had a strained relationship with her family[3] except for her parents, older cousin Bitsie[4] and elderly aunt Mary.

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Eve later pointed out the soldier she was scared of, Super girl eva, and Lex forced the general to kill him since she can see through walls. During Lena Super girl eva first day as the owner of CatCo, Eve was thrilled to meet her up-close and warmly greeted her.

Later on, Eve let Mon-El use her credit card to buy a suit to wear to go to Lena Luthor 's charity event. These sources can be used to expand the article and may be described in edit summaries or found on the talk page. In retaliation for her betrayal, Lena had Eve's mind and body taken over by her artificial intelligence A.

However, this was all rewritten by the Crisis. Lex noticed her interest and arranged for her to visit him in prison where he recruited her to work for him. They attempted to get the heart to beat again with Super girl eva shocks, Super girl eva, but the sample died. As she went to get Lena some coffee, Lena suggested that Eve use the private elevator as it would be faster to traverse up and down the establishment that way.

Afterwards, Eve brought Lena a coffee, Super girl eva, which ended up poisoning the latter, Super girl eva. Following Leviathan's orders, Eve pretended to be a huge fan of Super girl eva and eventually developed a crush on him, writing him various letters.

Now a fugitive, Eve went on the run and paid her ailing cousin Bitsie Super girl eva visit. One day, Eve arrived late to work Super girl eva of the wet leaflets spread on her car by the Children of Liberty. Later, she was caught in the powerful telekinetic destruction that Marcus caused in the building due to his powers' involuntary reaction with the energy released from Rhea 's Transmatter portal.

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. At some point in her life, Leviathan ordered Eve to get close to Lex Luthor so he could "move the needle. After Lex was sentenced to 32 consecutive life sentences, Eve attempted to get his attention as he was being marched out of the court.

The article might include original researchor omit significant information about the subject. The next day, Eve was concerned over Lena's disposition. She was eventually revealed to be working for Lex Luthor as his spy all along. Eve met Lex's half-sister, Lena Luthor, and, after revealing her knowledge of nuclear physics, was offered a job by Lena. Eve accompanied Lex to Wife rides bbc along with Otis Graves.

July Learn how and when to remove this template message. She later became James's personal assistant where she continued to keep tabs on him for Lex.

She had a brief fling with Mon-El while thinking he was a human named Mike. She was apparently reduced to tears on more than one occasion because of this.

Universe Information

Eve tried to cheer up her boss by pointing out that they still had two protocols left, and since Lena was trying to cure cancer, Super girl eva, time would definitely be needed. As the two jumped into another universeEve questioned to herself in the background why National City was getting "weirder" every day.

Eve visited Lex at Super girl eva Island Penitentiaryrevealing her will to help his anti-alien crusade. Comics character.

Once they got to their destination, she told the red daughter to go meters when she gives the signal Cewe lesby jilmek handed her something to put on. At this time, Eve was recruited by the mysterious Super girl eva known as Leviathanwho promised to fix all of her problems if she joined them.

After Lena brought James an overabundance of pizzas, he told Eve they would need her stomach for at least two of them.

Super girl eva

Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise Super girl eva. After Eve left, Lena was surprised that Eve had studied nuclear physics, to which James answered that nothing of Eve could surprise him anymore.

Eve was at a staff meeting in CatCo when Super girl eva Edge, having survived an assassination attempt, stormed into the room blaming Lena of having tried to kill him. After moving to National City in order to carry out her mission, Eve maintained a secret lab in National City University. Eve, alongside Lex and Otis, went to Pj/’s daughter after the Minister of Defense informed Lex of the existence of the copy of Supergirl ; they eventually found the girl in a cabin in the woods after she saved a young boy from some thieves.

When James chose to take a little Phorian named Marcus under his care, bringing him to his office, Eve cheerfully greeted the child, bringing him and James some snacks from Noonan's. Eve tried to calm him down, but Lena agreed to see him.

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After Reign and the Children of Juru were finally defeated, Lena, Super girl eva, having secretly synthesized a portion of the Harun-El for her own experiments, called Eve to inform her that the second phase of their Harun-El trials were ready to began. When Lena returned Super girl eva CatCo, she requested Eve bring her the CDC's reports on Super girl eva lead poisoning, the victims' medical reports, and the statistics Edge was using.

Meanwhile, Lex had Otis manipulate his sister Mercy to find him an American patriot to serve as a pasty. This article includes a list of general referencesbut it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations.

Just then, one of the heart samples started to collapse. Eve then infiltrated the government, using an image inducer, and manipulated them into repealing the Alien Amnesty Act. On TV, Super girl eva, she briefly flashed out of her disguise, presumably to lure Supergirl to Washington where she set up a hologram of herself in a van with an X-Ray protected field.

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Later, Lena offered Eve the position of her research assistant as the former was studying the Harun-El. Eve watched the murder flinched, Super girl eva, having witnessed her first murder. The three managed to evade Mercy's men and got into one of the elevators, though Mercy mocked the women all the time through various monitors. She apologized to Lena, who told her not to worry and that she hoped James would denounce the group's Super girl eva on Sean Chiu 's TV show, " The Counterpoint Daily ", which Eve proclaimed to love.

The man accused Lena of carelessly putting his son and many other children at risk, vowing she would pay as security escorted him out. Lex complimented Eve and ordered her to ensure she got results with her research, then explained his plan to force a war between United States and Kaznia to foil it and become a hero in the eyes of public opinion. Later that night, Eve was seen leaving the office with Lena. Eve then hid the gun in her lab where it would eventually be found and used to confirm that she had shot James, Super girl eva.

However, Eve interrupted their speech to inform James that Super girl eva new owner, Lena Luthor, wanted him on the phone, prompting Lockwood to storm off.