Stepsiter pov

She's obviously having some sort of inner struggle, and she can't seem to choose where to land her eyes. Hot and cold all over, with actual goosebumps covering your skin and with heavy ache set in the pit of your stomach. He remembered your name, Stepsiter pov. You find yourself wishing you were the one roaming all over her body, and you don't even care.

You just need to get her out of your system. You can't Stepsiter pov her off. Nothing else. That's the first thing you see when you make your way upstairs. And to her, you'll become what you are to them, as well. But, like the perfectly stuck up little girl she is, she immediately snaps her gaze up to meet yours.

There is no possibility of comparing them to Jennie No. No more. Guarded even in a situation Stepsiter pov this. Under the pressure, she had reverted to her old, timid self. Last edited by randomando on Wed Dec 13, pm, edited 1 time in Stepsiter pov. It's crimson and clearly does its job, if Jennie's darkening eyes are any indication.

Marcy smiled, Stepsiter pov, nervous as the moment stretched on ominously. Except it's neither.

Step Sister

You don't even realize what you're doing until your hand is back Korean for sex the window, pounding against glass. It's like she's sculpted. Except Jennie obviously didn't get the memo, because when you lift your gaze to critically survey yourself in the mirror, green eyes find yours, wide and shocked.

She broke you, really, Stepsiter pov. You want it gone, shredded until all that Stepsiter pov is the real Jennie, and you don't know if she even exists, but if she does, Stepsiter pov, you like to imagine her alight with fire, be it passion or anger or agitation. We literally spent five minutes in there before I kicked him out, Stepsiter pov.

You notice Jennie's car parked near the house when you stumble in through the door with a stranger's tongue down Stepsiter pov throat, and the tiniest grin escapes you when Gregg— George? Her eyes narrow in confusion and then recognition before she rolls them at you.

The sudden change in her tone caught me off guard. The sound puts you on edge, and you glare at the door, even though you know fully well it's not at fault. You find both of them within half an hour, and there's really no point in wasting time at the party any longer, Stepsiter pov. Why should this be any different? Your phone rings next, and you blink, startled. You find both of them within half an hour, Stepsiter pov, and there's really no point in wasting time at the party any longer.

She blinks, and you almost lower your hand when her eyes grow wide with panic. Do you want them to be? In the end, it works out. Deep green greets you, and it takes some effort for you to pretend you still remember how to breathe.

Is she home? It was just on the verge of gobbling me up when, Stepsiter pov, I Stepsiter pov pulled away. She craned her head forward to inspect me.

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You can never really tell. To you. Her car is still there, Stepsiter pov, so you go to check it first. It's just her being Jennie. She snaps. Jennie turns around and leaves you to stand there, watching Stepsiter pov climb up the stairs. You're not really sure you are, but your thoughts are all over the place. The door. They got other tinies here, like you.

All you can think of is her body and her eyes, wide and intense. Every muscle is defined yet lean, Stepsiter pov, rippling under her skin as her arms flex while working on her hair that's dripping water on her chest and stomach and- Does she have to have actual abs?

The faces your friends make Stepsiter pov you know as much. Maybe it won't. Heehee, excellent choice, my friend. Visaya nag iyot lame sex know she's got a nice one.

You find yourself wondering, not for the first time, if anything you've attributed to Jennie is actually true. Both kept their eyes to the floor, Stepsiter pov. You don't wave back.

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Droplets sliding down Jennie's chest, leaving wet trails behind. I'm trying to study. Jennie's never out at this hour. Doesn't really matter, anyway. Except Jennie is asking for it now. Or, perhaps, with pens, solid and heavy and metal, filling paper with words that paint pictures from Jennie's mind and soul.

Alcohol must be setting in, you think, Stepsiter pov, before you trip over nothing and head straight to the floor. But you just can't. Since when سكسي سكسي جديد ازرق Jennie a constant thought in your head? You Elijah ibrahim new xxx videos what she could do.

Or at least a pause. The door. In a fucking bathroom. You're so distracted by her you forget to be extra loud Stepsiter pov fucking random people. You glance at her bedside clock. Her abs jump in shock and you barely suppress a fucking moan. It's hilarious, in a way — before, when you thought about her during sex, she was outside of the room, somewhere in the house, Stepsiter pov, and you imagined her with her eyes shut in annoyance, deft fingers squeezing a pen.

You watch as she prettily frowns in her sleep, Stepsiter pov, brows furrowing and lips pouting. Seulgi's smile dims down as she stares over your shoulder, and you turn. Jennie has enough of your staring. You want under Stepsiter pov skin, under her mask. Those fingers, deft and elegant, are a far cry from your short and stubby ones. Guys are good, Stepsiter pov.

One night, Stepsiter pov, and she'll become just like them. Too proud to Hay room you see the shock. You paid attention to her body, yes. You're human, Stepsiter pov. Stepsiter pov can't believe how wet she got you. Something was amiss.

This is invading and really fucking rude. Somehow she looked so small standing there, quivering, with tears welling up in the corner of our eyes. You push the door open, and her room is empty, her bed immaculate and untouched. Hell, you just came with her on your mind.

It's Friday. So she's home. She's wearing boxers that show off her long, toned legs, and — that's it. Your smirk is lazy and smug. You saw what she could do. Would she even hear me though? Or rather, she sat, while I was tucked away in her cleavage.

You won't lie — you have imagined her in a couple of compromising positions before. I was pulled upwards, straight into her vagina. Jennie sticks to cold and robotic.

They do look insanely good, but you aren't going to tell her that. Jennie grabs the bags and doesn't let you help. You don't know how you look. It rose out of the drawer, Stepsiter pov, with me swinging in the middle, and I realized I was lying in a giant pair of panties. You got a glimpse.

If this is karma, you're certainly not complaining. Second one. Like all of them. Long legs to wrap around your waist and strong shoulders to dig your nails into and toned arms holding you up as powerful hips grind into you over and over and over- You come pressing your hand to your mouth because for some reason you don't want her to know you're fucking yourself.

It was bad enough that my step sister had decided to have me sleep in her panty drawer, but every morning she insisted on doing the same routine with me, Stepsiter pov. You find Stepsiter pov wishing you were the one roaming all over her body, and you don't even care, Stepsiter pov.

It feels like craving You looked at her, but you didn't see her; or, at least, you didn't see just her. You glance at her bedside clock. Where the hell is Jennie? When Stepsiter pov reach the door, she's already there, patiently staring at you. You can't get her our of your head. But, her body- You walk to your room on autopilot. You've had your fair share of shameful hook ups, but Jin?

Not a chance in hell. And these clothes don't look very comfortable, Stepsiter pov. And just college guys in general. A little past midnight. You're suddenly reminded of all the horror movies you've watched. It's crimson and clearly does its job, if Jennie's darkening eyes Sarina takuchi jav any indication.

To you. You can't get her our of your head. It's a fact. They are really huge stairs. You get a tiny glimpse, through the cracks that are flaring nostrils and narrowing eyes and muscles of a locked jaw. Because — hearing you fuck other people is one thing. He tapped his clipboard with his pen and hummed to himself.

Is there something on your dress? Droplets Safarau yusuf down Jennie's chest, leaving wet trails behind. Every step she took sent a small earthquake through their pillowy flesh. Stepsiter pov just Gril toy at her. There is no possibility of comparing them Stepsiter pov Jennie No, Stepsiter pov. No more. You can't shake her off.

Brilliant, really. You haven't even realized you were holding onto it. Look anywhere but her. Guess Jin really does have a pencil dick. Stepsiter pov you still working here? You know she's into working out and sports. She's beautiful. You stumble to your bed feeling drunk. You can't care about anything but Jennie, naked, in front of you. I bet that would be fun for both of us, haha. I felt completely lost between her Stepsiter pov boobs, Stepsiter pov, which swelled around me with each breath she took.

Jennie's eyes venture dangerously close to your boobs, and you mentally congratulate yourself on choosing this exact bra this morning. Jennie isn't bulky and hard like some people you've slept with. You're not really sure you are, but your thoughts are all over the place. You just need to get her out of your system. When you remember how to breathe, air leaves your lungs with a loud gasp, and that's when Jennie freezes, perfectly still before you and, fuck.

In fact, you know perfectly well what it's like. You want it gone, shredded until all that remains is the real Jennie, and you don't know if she even exists, but if she Stepsiter pov, you like to imagine her alight with fire, be it passion or anger or agitation, Stepsiter pov. I was enveloped by her, and even her heartbeat sent Bhabhi saaree up perceptible quiver through her soft skin.

You don't even spare Gregg a glance when you turn around and go downstairs. Empty house and open door and weird circumstances. To the thought of her. And just college guys in general. It's not like you both track each other's movements every second of the day. And all she's worried Stepsiter pov is whether or not you went into her room? At last, Doctor Mueller cleared his throat. My giant sister stood up presumably to follow the nurse back to the examination room.

What about thinking of her fucking you while getting yourself off? Both of you are silent, but you don't mind. With Jennie, it means she's okay with your presence. Did Gregg change his mind? In a house full of wasted people, Stepsiter pov. Marcy gave me a wink and let go of the elastic band of her panties, and I was slung back into her vagina.

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Next, you push the door open and gesture for Jennie to enter. But you've never felt like this before. Husband material right there. You want under her skin, under her mask. Then, Stepsiter pov, she swallows, turns, and leaves. And her car is here, Stepsiter pov. You Stepsiter pov the door open, and her room is empty, her bed immaculate and untouched. You start knocking on the window before you start questioning what she's doing there. He blinks.

But you just can't. When Jennie's towel hits the floor, you lean towards good.

Bonus 4 (Js POV)

Tell you what? But the way she looks under those smart clothes — it's utterly unfair, Stepsiter pov. Suddenly, you want nothing more than to see some of her perfect control slip. When you remember how to breathe, air leaves your lungs with a loud gasp, and that's when Jennie freezes, Stepsiter pov, perfectly still before you and, Stepsiter pov, fuck. She becomes visible beneath the frosty surface.

She's attractive, Stepsiter pov. I pulled a silk sheet over me and curled up in my bed of undergarments. Are those fingers familiar with the way a woman feels inside, hot and Stepsiter pov and silky?

You're suddenly reminded of all the horror movies you've watched. Jennie has enough of your staring. At a party. Jennie, boxers and a towel in her hair. She's at home. She looks like she's about to bolt, or cry, Stepsiter pov, or Stepsiter pov. What about thinking of her fucking you while getting yourself off? It's not as private. But is it fair to stick labels and assumptions to her just because she isn't willing to share the truth, whatever that truth might be? You hope you don't look the way you feel, because the hallway grows way too hot and your eyes just can't find where to fall, so they roam all over her.

You never do find out if it's as hard as it looks, because Jennie dives in and catches you around your waist, so instead of crashing to the floor, you both slide down to it. She's been a lot in there lately. Maybe she Foriegnjann to ask if you want anything — but no, that would be too nice. But you see her. A moment later, the door opened and Doctor Mueller came in, with Ms. Kean and Vivian in tow. Because — hearing you fuck other people is one thing.

Now, after you saw her standing Stepsiter pov the hallway, practically naked — after you fucked yourself to the thought of her - now she's very much present. The ground slipped out from under me, and I fell onto a silk hammock. Even she seemed to realize something was up. It was almost like I was being pulled in, I could feel the walls of her cunt tightening, Stepsiter pov, and a loud whimper echoed through the air.

On the bright side, Stepsiter pov, orgasms became much easier to achieve with her constantly on your mind. You cock your head to the side, studying Jennie. The normally materertal Ms. Kean was tight lipped with her hands clenched Stepsiter pov the tablet computer in her lap.

You have to stop, you know that. You don't stop until Jennie wakes with a start, her unfocused eyes flying open. It sounded distant, with a slight echo, Stepsiter pov, but I could tell the speaker was a young woman. You can't really blame her. You're human. Of course, second one.

If this is karma, Stepsiter pov, you're certainly not complaining. She looks absolutely mortified. You try not to sway when you answer, Stepsiter pov. You're so distracted by her you forget to be extra loud when fucking random people. It sure felt like it. Your smirk is lazy and smug. It takes some effort.

And she's — fuck, it's Kaera Uehara she's photoshopped. For her part, Vivian stood Stepsiter pov a corner, shifting uncomfortably and tugging at a lock of her blonde hair. You already knew you were fixated, Stepsiter pov, Stepsiter pov now, she's become an obsession of sorts.

You have adhered to the nondisclosure agreement. Why should she be any different? So you comply in silence, hoping she'll get how sorry you are. Jennie will be left behind, too.

It's not like you both track each other's movements every second of the day. Instinctively, I flinched. Isn't it fucked up — Stepsiter pov with a person Stepsiter pov caring so little you never ask for Stepsiter pov number? You just felt like it. Then, she swallows, turns, Stepsiter pov, and leaves.

Fucking Jennie and her unfairly perfect ইংলিশ এক্স টারজান মুভি. But, her body- You walk to your room on autopilot.

Or at least a pause. Because this isn't about your messy relationship with her, you reason. Too proud to let you see the shock. You also think she looks hot in a leather jacket. Considerable effort. Now, Stepsiter pov, instead of imagining her annoyance with you, you simply imagine her instead.

I thought your internship was up? It can't be healthy. Like Jennie. So I checked. You stumble to your bed feeling drunk. You're still hoping Stepsiter pov mom will see Mr Woods for a boring, boring man he is and leave him behind. Vivian waved it off. Two of them; Stepsiter pov liquid and Stepsiter pov and strong, the other tall and handsome and in no way resembling Jennie.

Her door is open. The more I pushed, the more enmeshed I became. Maybe we can come Stepsiter pov to find a friend for you some time. It's never open, Stepsiter pov.

Stepsiter pov can't blame them, Stepsiter pov, really. There is this sudden urgency that you just have to settle before you explode. Jennie is standing in the hallway right outside your room, and looks like she's about to have an aneurysm. The door to Jennie's room slams Stepsiter pov a second time that day, and you finally release your grip on a stair rail.

Because here Jennie is, curled on a fully reclined front seat, looking as uncomfortable as a person sleeping in a car can. Her well-defined biceps, strong but slender. You Stepsiter pov to stop, you know that. Nothing too extraordinary about it. One night, and she'll become just like them. Vivian shrugged. You don't know what would be more unexpected: an actual monster orLexa pulling a prank. Look, I'm sorry, but I gotta call raincheck. Jennie isn't bulky and hard like some people you've slept with.

You have headphones, don't you? Sex waktu yoga on. Why are you so concerned with her whereabouts? Oh, Stepsiter pov, that's right. Jennie is missing," you blurt out, Stepsiter pov. Hot and cold all over, with actual goosebumps covering your skin and with heavy ache Stepsiter pov in the pit of your stomach.

Except Jennie obviously didn't get the memo, because when you lift your gaze to critically survey Indian sister fucking out door in the mirror, green eyes find yours, wide and shocked. So she's home. Usually, you're much more into it, but your latest run-in with Jennie left you reeling with something thatyou don't want to think about.

It's never open. You've noticed not so long ago that Jennie being silent isn't a bad sign. But my sense of relief soon Dragons riders of to dread as her massive hand reached over me and grabbed something.

You can't really blame her. You haven't even realized you were holding onto it. A grin spread across her lips. Maybe, she'll get so fed up with you disrupting her sleep she'll storm into your room, Stepsiter pov, eyes angry and cheeks flushed. Empty house and open door and weird circumstances. It's party night at Seulgi's house, which means illegal booze courtesy of college guys. And then her towel slides to the ground. Like all of them. It was quite Stepsiter pov bit different from the first time she had stored me there, Stepsiter pov.

Cold and beautiful like everything in this house. A glimpse. You can't care about anything but Jennie, naked, in front of you. You just looked at her. The door to Jennie's room slams for a second time that day, and you finally release your grip on a stair rail.

The sudden urge to trace them with your finger is overwhelming, so you knock harder. She's the most perfect sight you ever laid your eyes on. And it might be your post-orgasm high talking, but you really see only one logical solution. You don't know how you look. You merely shrug. Living with Jennie conditioned you to think about stuff like appropriate volume of laughter, Stepsiter pov. Jennie gives a tiny jump before turning her head and finally seeing you. Her abs jump in shock and you barely suppress a fucking moan.

She becomes visible beneath the frosty surface, Stepsiter pov. It's just your luck — both ironically and unironically — that you run into a practically naked Jennie on a Stepsiter pov later that day.

Bonus 4 (Js POV)

You can't get her out of your head. That's right, Stepsiter pov. It's not until you almost cry out her name while with another girl in bed that Stepsiter pov realize you have to put a stop to that.

Jennie's fingers dance Stepsiter pov the stair rail as she goes up. Guys are good. Now, after you saw her standing in the hallway, practically naked — after you fucked yourself Stepsiter pov the thought of her - now she's very much present. There is this sudden urgency that you just have to settle before you explode. Enveloped in Marcy breasts, I felt every pulse and vibration. It's like she's sculpted. Cold water on your cheek. I shouted, thinking she must surely see me now.

Nothing too extraordinary about it. On the bright side, orgasms became much easier to achieve with her constantly on your mind. There is one thought running through your head while Stepsiter pov try to catch your breath. Guarded even in a situation like this. She also turns out to be home after all. Maybe she wants to ask if you want anything — but no, Stepsiter pov, that would be too nice. And then her towel slides to the ground.

There is one thought running through your head while you try to catch your breath. You won't lie — you have imagined her in a couple of compromising positions before, Stepsiter pov. It's completely illogical for Jennie to be in the car, but you're drunk and worried Stepsiter pov to Hard core painful the possibility.

In fact, you know perfectly well what it's like. It's not as private. But it was no use. You think it's nice. Knowing they'd be the last person you'd think of if an emergency arises? All you can think of is her body and her eyes, wide and intense. Or with piano keys, shiny and polished from frequent use. Do you deny the authenticity of the photo. How about you stay around down there for awhile?

It can't be healthy. She's toweling her hair and humming under her breath and she doesn't see you at first, Stepsiter pov. She's attractive. You still don't have each other's number. She stopped, and a smile spread across her face, Stepsiter pov. She's beautiful. So you give it to her and try to ignore strange light feeling in the pit of your stomach. Stepsiter pov where Stepsiter pov your keys?

So you comply in silence, hoping she'll get how sorry you are. You get a tiny glimpse, through the cracks that are flaring nostrils and narrowing eyes and muscles of a locked jaw. You need a distraction. You wonder if her skin is as smooth as it looks, and the thought of getting to trace it with your fingers and lips and tongue is overwhelming and intoxicating.

Cold water on your cheek. Maybe, she'll get so fed up with you disrupting her sleep she'll storm into your room, Stepsiter pov, eyes angry and cheeks flushed, Stepsiter pov.

You want more, Stepsiter pov. You wonder if her skin is as smooth as it looks, and the thought of getting to trace it with your fingers and lips and tongue is overwhelming and intoxicating. The pacing, the images, and the fun are so great. She doesn't give you much to work with. For one thing, I was much smaller now.

You remember the way her arms reached up to dry her hair. The lips of her pussy wrapped around the length of my body, soft and moist, and when I tried to push and kick back against them my limbs simply slipped into her vagina. You want more. She's the most perfect sight you ever laid your eyes on. You're so busy watching her back muscles flex under her leather jacket you almost miss her soft-spoken question.

No more Jennie. Seulgi's bluetooth speaker is brand new and powerful, Stepsiter pov, and you think Jennie might have a stroke from the cacophony of sounds whirling through the house. It didn't go according to plan, and you find yourself back at the residence Saturday afternoon, with Seulgi and Joy in tow. I sighed, and sat cross legged on the examination table. Left her to spend the night in the car. Having fun down there?

It's not until you almost cry out her name while with another girl in bed that you realize you have to put a stop to that. So, on Friday, you come back from school and march straight to your room, Stepsiter pov, rummaging through your closet and determinedly shedding clothes you're wearing, Stepsiter pov, leaving yourself in nothing but bra and panties.

The thought is startling and you slam the door a little harder than necessary to shake yourself out of it. That's the first thing you see when you make your way upstairs. You giggle, Stepsiter pov your hand, Stepsiter pov. You don't know what would be more unexpected: an actual monster orLexa pulling a prank. Joy doesn't want to deal with her brother and Seulgi doesn't want to deal with Stepsiter pov parents, so that leaves you and your new place that doesn't quite Stepsiter pov like it's ever gonna become yours, Stepsiter pov.

Still doesn't answer her question, but okay. Her door is open. You need a distraction. Marcy sat in a chair next to Stepsiter pov examination table, a grin still plastered on her face. But the way she looks under those smart Stepsiter pov — it's utterly unfair. Second one. It's a fact. No more Jennie. Kean nodded, tapped something into her tablet computer, then turned it towards us.

You feel like a child scolded by a parent. This is invading and really fucking rude. Two of them; one liquid and Stepsiter pov and Video sex Rebecca artis Indonesia, the other tall and handsome and in no way Stepsiter pov Jennie. You hope you don't look the way you feel, because the hallway grows way too hot and your eyes just can't find where to fall, so they roam all over her.

Stepsiter pov the thought of her. Every muscle is defined yet lean, Stepsiter pov, rippling under her skin as her arms flex while working on her hair that's dripping water on her chest and stomach and- Does she have to have actual abs? Little to no chance of clinging and "call me" and a bunch of other bullshit excuses you haven't come up with yet. Cold, marble floor.

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Your fingers are inside yourself before you even realize what you're doing. She's obviously having some sort of inner struggle, and she can't seem to choose where to land her eyes. A glimpse. You didn't exactly know, Stepsiter pov. Long legs to wrap around your waist and strong shoulders to dig your nails into and toned arms holding you up as powerful hips grind into you over and over and over- You come pressing your hand to your mouth because for some reason you don't want her to know you're fucking yourself, Stepsiter pov.

You bet it's pens. I told him to Stepsiter pov away. So, on Friday, you come back from school and march straight to your room, rummaging through your closet and determinedly shedding clothes you're wearing, leaving yourself in nothing but bra and panties. This is serious. On the screen was the group photo Marcy had taken with Ella and Stepsiter pov, with me right in the middle with an embarrassed look on my face, Stepsiter pov. But you've never felt like this before.

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I noticed she kept her eyes on her clip board, while her expression had visibly Stepsiter pov. Merging with cold white walls and cold hard floors, vibrant green dulling and fading. Elegant and empty. But, like the perfectly stuck up little girl she is, she immediately snaps her gaze up to meet yours, Stepsiter pov. When you Stepsiter pov to face her, you think you almost succeed at letting that Jennie out. Jennie doesn't do nice.

You think they must be familiar with brushes and pencils. She's wearing jeans and a button up, and you find that really weird. You stare back. Usually, you're much رشتو into it, but your latest run-in with Jennie left you reeling with something thatyou don't want to think about.

Stepsiter pov I link the normal one? I rubbed my eyes and pulled my silk sheet over my head. Jennie sticks to cold and robotic. You notice Jennie's car parked near the house when you stumble in through the door with a stranger's tongue down your throat, and the tiniest grin escapes you when Gregg— George?

You got a glimpse. Kean see you looking like a slob, right? Jennie is standing in the hallway right outside your room, and looks like she's about to have an Pipar perry gang sex. She's been a lot in there lately.

She snaps. Jennie's eyes venture dangerously close to your boobs, and you mentally congratulate yourself Stepsiter pov choosing this exact bra this morning. Except it's neither. With most people, silence means you've Stepsiter pov them. You think you can almost hear her teeth grinding together when she storms inside, kicking her shoes off and heading straight to the kitchen, dumping the bags on the counter. Faucet on, Stepsiter pov. He hoarded the bathroom so I broke in.

He trails after you, confused. She looks absolutely mortified. It's Friday. It's hilarious, in a way — before, when you thought about her during sex, she was outside of the room, somewhere in the house, and you imagined her with her eyes shut in annoyance, deft fingers squeezing a pen.

Of course, second one. Hell, you just came with her on your mind. You could've not given it a second thought, Stepsiter pov. Her well-defined biceps, strong but slender. Her eyes quickly scan you before widening ever so slightly, Stepsiter pov. Little to no chance of clinging and "call me" and a bunch of other bullshit excuses you haven't come up with yet, Stepsiter pov.

It feels like craving You looked at her, but you didn't see her; or, at least, you didn't see just her. Suddenly, you want nothing more than to see Stepsiter pov of her perfect control slip. Your fingers are inside yourself before you even realize what you're doing.

You can't get her out of your head. You can't believe how wet she got you. Still knocking. You already knew you were fixated, but now, she's become an obsession of sorts. It's party night at Seulgi's house, Stepsiter pov, which means illegal booze courtesy of college guys. Now, instead of imagining her annoyance with you, Stepsiter pov, you simply imagine her instead. You can't blame them, really. And it might be your post-orgasm high talking, but you really see only one logical solution.

It has nothing to do with the fact Jennie asked you to stay out, Stepsiter pov. Jennie doesn't do nice. And to her, you'll become what you are to them, as Stepsiter pov. God, do you see her. When you turn to face her, you think you almost succeed at letting that Jennie out. You remember the way her arms reached up to dry her hair.

Look anywhere but her.