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Borgnolo, G. A case-control study of Salmonella gastrointestinal infection in Italian children. Bindon, J. The influence of infant feeding patterns on growth of children in American Samoa. International Pediatrics. Boccolini, C.

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Becher, J. Unexpected collapse in apparently healthy newborns--a prospective national study of a missing cohort of neonatal deaths and near-death events. Public Health Rep. Bruno, G. Prevention of atopic diseases in high risk babies long-term follow-up. Brown, J. A study of Streptococcus mutans levels in both infants with bottle caries and their mothers. Aust Dent J. Brown, Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter. Infant-feeding practices and Japanese lesbian eng sub relationship with diarrheal and other diseases in Huascar LimaStanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter, Peru.

Beaver, K. The biosocial correlates of neuropsychological deficits: results from the national longitudinal study of adolescent health. Pediatric Diabetes. Categories: samoan. Breast feeding seems to reduce the risk of obesity in children. Breast feeding: benefits and hazards. Bjorke-Monsen, A. Is exclusive breastfeeding ensuring an optimal micronutrient status and psychomotor development in infants?. Betran, A. Ecological study of effect of breast feeding on infant mortality in Latin America.

Australian Nursing Journal. American Samoan. Basheer, R. Breast is best. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and neurological developmental outcome at 18 months in healthy term infants. Breastfeeding and snoring: a birth cohort study. Calamaro, C. Infant nutrition in the first year of life: tradition or science?.

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Arch Latinoam Nutr. Bergmann, R. Prevention of iron deficiency of breast-fed babies by using suitable additional food, a prospective, controlled study.

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Appl Environ Microbiol. Brandstrom, A. The impact of feeding patterns on infant mortality in a nineteenth century Swedish parish. Osteoporos Int. Bordeaux, D.

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Brunser, O. Field trial of an infant formula containing anti-rotavirus and anti-Escherichia coli milk antibodies from hyperimmunized cows. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl. Bodington, M. Diabet Med. Boediman, D. Plasma apolipoprotein and lipid profiles in infants in the first year of life.

Eur J Public Health. International Journal of Epidemiology. Energy utilization of breast-fed and formula-fed infants. Buinauskiene, J. Glucose tolerance of 2- to 5-yr-old offspring of diabetic mothers. Breast-feeding and infant health in Copenhagen Dan Med Bull. Obes Res. Bognetti, E. Bolanos, A. Energy intake and growth of breast-fed infants in two regions of Mexico.

Bishop, W. Weaning the breast-fed toddler or preschooler. Briggs, D. Baby milks and the EC. Nurs Times. Bayraktar, S. Lipid and lipoprotein profile of breast fed, formula fed or mixed-fed month-old babies.

Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter, K. Breast versus formula feeding. Stat Med. Beauchamp, J. Beaudry, M. Reaction between infant feeding and infections during the first six months of life.

Bogen, D. The effect of breast-feeding with and without formula use on the risk of obesity at 4 years of age. J Infect Dis. Blattner, C. A practice gap in pediatric dermatology: does breast-feeding prevent the development of infantile atopic dermatitis?.

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Bennett, K. Berger, R. Effect of feeding human milk on nosocomial rotavirus infections in an infants ward. JAMA Pediatr. Bramhagen, A. Factors influencing iron nutrition among one-year-old healthy children in Sweden.

Buckley, K. Long-term breastfeeding: nourishment or nurturance?. Berkowitz, C. Fever in infants less than two months of age: spectrum of Standing ullu web x and predictors of outcome.

Bouwstra, H. Exclusive breastfeeding of healthy term infants for at least 6 weeks improves neurological condition. Samoan video. Breastfeeding duration and cognitive development at 2 and 3 years of age in the EDEN mother-child cohort.

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Infant feeding mode affects early growth and body composition. Bernard, J. The association between linoleic acid levels in colostrum and child cognition at 2 and 3 y in the EDEN cohort.

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Brew, B. Breastfeeding, asthma, and allergy: a tale of two cities. Calvo, E. Iron status in exclusively breast-fed infants. Burke, V.

Breastfeeding and overweight: longitudinal analysis in an Australian birth cohort. Breastfeeding could be linked to higher IQ. Perspect Public Health. Birkbeck, J. Lack of long-term effect of the method of infant feeding on growth.

Bunik, M. Randomized controlled trial to evaluate a telephone support intervention for breastfeeding in low-income Latina mothers. Health Alex anal J. Bisgaard, H. Risk analysis of early childhood eczema. Broor, S. Risk factors for severe acute lower respiratory tract infection in under-five children.

Bjorksten, B. Global analysis of breast feeding and risk of symptoms of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in year old children: ISAAC Phase Three. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. Longer breast-feeding and protection against childhood leukaemia and lymphomas. Cadernos de Saude Publica. Bray, K.

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Brown, A. Breastfeeding during the first year promotes satiety responsiveness in children aged months. Changes in the Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter of nonnutritive sucking patterns in the first 8 years of life. Breast versus bottle: an in-house debate. Brodish, M. Relationship of early bonding to initial infant feeding patterns in bottle-fed newborns. Med Anthropol. Real Samoan couple home made videos. Samoan girl xxx.

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Some features of this page will not work correctly. Bishara, S. Influence of feeding and non-nutritive sucking methods on the development of the dental arches: longitudinal study of the first 18 months of life. Obstet Gynecol Survey. Breastfeed Rev. Bioavailability of milk zinc in infants. The effects of infant feeding decisions on infant growth. Epidemiol Infect. J Clin Nurs. Pediatr Nurs. Beebe, Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter, D. Persistent snoring in preschool children: predictors and behavioral and developmental correlates.

J Pediatr Rio J. Breastfeeding during the first hour of Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter and neonatal mortality. Belfort, M. Infant feeding and childhood cognition at ages 3 and 7 years: Effects of breastfeeding duration and exclusivity.

Bhatia, B. Exterogestate growth: relationship with maternal body size and dietary intakes. Dev Biol Stand. Camara, A. Risk factors for wheezing in a subtropical environment: role of respiratory viruses and allergen sensitization. Atopic diseases in infancy. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on the quality of general movements of healthy term infants. Influence of formula versus breast milk on cholesterol synthesis rates in four-month-old infants.

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Cable, N. Gender differences in the effect of breastfeeding on adult psychological well-being. Bassal, R. Risk factors for sporadic infection with Salmonella Infantis: a matched case-control study, Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter. Ethn Dis. Breastfeeding, introduction of complementary foods, and adiposity at 5 y of age. Clin Biochem. Bernard, A. Association of breastfeeding with higher serum inhibin B level at adolescence. Relation between infant feeding and infections during the first six months of life.

Bayley, T. Longer term effects of early dietary cholesterol level on synthesis and circulating cholesterol concentrations in human infants.

Biesbroek, G. The impact of breastfeeding on nasopharyngeal microbial communities in infants. Camargo-Figuera, F. Early life determinants of low IQ Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter age 6 in children from the Pelotas Birth Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter a predictive approach, Stanley mutz Samoan xxn daughter. Baylis, J. Persistent nausea and food aversions in pregnancy. Chubby Samoan guy fuck asian girl.

International Journal of Childbirth Education. Matern Child Nutr. Cameron M,Hofvander Y. Problems associated with breast-milk substitutes. Cama, R.

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