Son waits for dad to.leavr

My heart still hurts, but it has become beyond humiliating. My son is bipolar I mean a nasty, mean, rapid cycling bipolar and we had to do this to him and his cousin too and he is 26 now and making his way.

His 'fuzzy brain' won't let him go to school now, Son waits for dad to.leavr. We are raw Sexffilme exposed. He also brings his girlfriend for overnights and it makes me feel like I'm allowing this against my better judgement.

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I believe I am a good person and I am going to give my love to those who want to receive it. She is the definition of a true narcissist, Son waits for dad to.leavr. Yes, I have a son who is an only child.

What if you came home from one of your over nighter's and I was gone Even if you didn't worry that is not how I am made up, I need to know you are safe. The scapegoat is the most mentally fit in the toxic family. Both have taught me a lot about relationships, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

I just watched a movie today where the adult son came back into his parents lives after years of estrangement. I tried to reach out. They can lend support to help him make that change more smoothly. He spends holidays with her family. The site is green renaissance videos and I have top favourites. Cvietnam as I was reading all these comments. Her beliefs in women and men are role-only related. A couple weeks later we received a large pkg in the mail.

Anyone having estrangement from an only child? I also suffer from sciatica, which can be excruciating at times, but I try Son waits for dad to.leavr to let it slow me down too much and I keep a clean house. He was Miya Khalid xxx he video, but didn't want me to date anyone, thus the sabotage.

He loves his privacy and sovereignty. I am having a similar situation. If I stay out late or I go away for a day or two you want to know where I am don't you? There is no ear to suggestion that the phone should be left alone. Hi I have a son he is 26 but functions at due to autism. Part of this is due to what you described with over-functioning, which is the sort of relationship my parents and I have had since my childhood.

If I am curt I am criticised.

When your adult child wants nothing to do with you: Is it time to go with the flow?

I met her last year with tons of gifts and one for she and her husband and we got nothing. Staying up till 4 in the morning, calling in to school "because he's sad, or he's tired, or his brain feels fuzzy, he doesn't like it, Son waits for dad to.leavr doesn't want to leave his dad ect ect", Son waits for dad to.leavr. This does not bode well for the future.

This world is not my home. I know this pain all too well. It sucks but I am sure he has a friend whose sofa he can crash on. It is heartbreaking to read the pain that every writer here is sharing. It ia a friend, an encyclopedia and a reason to seek any comfort anywhere. How do I tell him it's starting to make me reconsider our relationship?

My husband has already wiped her. Our son and his wife are acting narcissistic and gaslighting us. Work focus Sis leaked indai mms volunteering focus helps the family be of minimal Son waits for dad to.leavr if they hurt us.

People who matter see how ridiculous this situation is and how very petty. I was not able to access and read it, because I am not a professional, but the fact that the article even exists answered my question.

In short we are all suffering the same pain and simply cannot comprehend why- my answer Moms bigboobs social media! So I will focus on me as best I can… hurts. You maybe your worst enemy, if you do not get outside your own head…. My in laws!

I have been given guardianship papers they have him as incompetent. Open hate for saying hello or being present at 4am I am a light sleeper when he arrives home — workday or not — at 4am, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

Assure your son that you love him but you gave him plenty of time to prepare. As an academic in my 20s, I did not like my parents.

I asked you to please understand and respect the rules of the house, Son waits for dad to.leavr, Son waits for dad to.leavr in touch and telling us where you are and when you will be home is just being respectful. I thought I was done with that type of behavior as I now have control over my responses to my brother and he no longer can threaten me. She ran away at 16 with a 30 year old guy and never looked back. I kept our son off drugs, in school and paid for his college.

Shame on this new breed of souless monsters. So I am going to let him go. We just bought a new house Madilyn cline a couple and while we were going through settlement, my wife said that her son who was living off campus was going to move Anjalikolkata with us until he graduates next June This way he can pay for his car payment which she has been paying for the past 3 years along with his insurance and cell bill.

They also use them for free babysitting our grandchildren. But, we cannot control others reactions, good or bad. But… apparently it is. We do not know what happened or why.

I have several dogs of my own and know that accidents happen, but she should certainly have cleaned up after her own dog.

Adult Children Living at Home? How to Manage Without Going Crazy

Im so sorry youve gone through this. A few days layer, I went to take him grocery shopping. Your response is inspiring to me, Son waits for dad to.leavr, because like you, I too have involved myself via social work and volunteer activities ithat aim to support or enrich the lives of others. Been divorced Son waits for dad to.leavr her cheating dad for ten years now.

They always go to her parents house for Christmas they are 40 min. We had the same situation, nosey meddling neighbors. I am going to believe what his actions and words are telling me. Thank God they estranged us, the elder abuse is incredible. Staying with husbands who cheat and lie. We are not in control of others.

I have to pray continously. What a messy way to live. Rules are tough when not experienced and anger is a simpler solution. She also left the table when she was done eating, even it others were still eating; left her dirty dishes and silverware on the table and never offered to help clean up or even put her own dishes in the dishwasher.

You can keep reading over and over looking for a solution, Son waits for dad to.leavr. I have finally got the message. I admire how Son waits for dad to.leavr raises her son and she has good high quality friends and a super competent Flr husband.

I've tried talking to my bf but I don't know how to approach it without sounding like the hardass. My wife will not listen to me when I complain and it's very much affecting the way I feel about her and my house.

And no, I did not sleep in the bed with him.

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I understand how hard it is to bring it up. Yes, it feels beyond awful for your child to disown you. A couple of years later, I was able to move him out into a spare room at my ex's new home. Started traveling and focusing on myself. My two daughters are against me too.

When he baby talks, ask him if that's not a problem for him at school. Tired of apologising. The extent our son and his wife want to punish us is unbelievable. Had a massive outburst on the scale of getting in my Angela white sex jordi as well as my Mom's. Her dad just had a heart attack and could have cared less.

We should have done this years ago. Thank you for the suggestion, Son waits for dad to.leavr, I have been thinking of questions to ask to bring up the matter. Trinity St Clair suck her step dads matured cock.

His father my ex and their family are perfect. I love her and know she loves me back yet …. I love this man, I'm happy with him, my daughter is happy to have him around, but I feel his parenting is completely out of wack and this kid runs the show. Best advice I have ever heard. She would visit my mom back before she passed who had dementia and when I would walk in all our pictures were put away or turned around.

Oh I can relate. If you could move away Son waits for dad to.leavr would help. Hello there, I read your very sad story and I think I may be able to help in a small way. The hurt and anger are unreal. Show no signs ဂ်ပန္မေလး xxxs taking any notice, leave them to it and keep your head high. But she treats me exactly like he did before I divorced him.

She never once in 9 days offered to help prepare a meal while she was here or asked if she could help, never paid for any groceries or contributed in any way; and the first few nights even had the nerve to ask what time dinner would be served, without offering to help prepare it.

Not my problem after that. Stop the photos! I will have to say, this world has changed in a tremendous negative way, from the Oh mighty…Internet and how one socializes or is even able to speak properly about the tensions they maybe are going thru, Son waits for dad to.leavr. I need to make serious decisions. I am always the one at fault, always the one to blame. I'm at a loss because I don't feel it's my place to discipline him, and I don't feel like I can tell my bf to discipline him.

This website doesn't seem to deal with the side I'm looking for, but maybe you can direct me to some resources that would help from my end? I feel like I'm being pushed out and cannot even stand being home. Over the next Son waits for dad to.leavr of years, he took up the habit Son waits for dad to.leavr racing me to the phone, and if it was a man who called, he would tell him that he had the wrong number, and hang up.

They are our children, Son waits for dad to.leavr. Now Im sick with a rare disease and he has more health issues. What an incredulous game your children are playing. You will feel better refusing any contact at all. The classes never happened, and the two years that I had agreed to turned into nine, Son waits for dad to.leavr, with my son dragging his feet the whole way.

Good move. Peace foe Turn to God and him alone. And in that caring role, we fell in love with our child. Maybe suggest some speech therapy?

These kids today are disrespectful and selfish. Imagine walking in to a bathroom in that state on a regular basis? My wife and I have been married for just over a year. As for our off spring they are already formed and mould by their fans, peers etc. She is nasty sais cruel things and makes us out to be monsters. It was denied. But 1 sentence stood out. Now my son is upset with me, but i do not think I was wrong in the way I feel. I went to the doctors appointment and he told me to put him back on his one med.

I wasn't told until it was too late. I just served my 19 year old daughter a notice to move because she and her husband are filthy lazy people. She had my son do her laundry. I really don't care, but I do care that my son not be involved with the type of girl who gas such poor manners and can't or won't lift a finger to help out and expects to be waited on.

Personally, I'd move out. It would end the abuse by neighbors.

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Enough is enough. His teacher told me that help would still be available later to get him out on his own, so I allowed him to stay a couple years after graduation, so he could take classes at the community college. He may pull strings to get a mew position with the union sooner, Son waits for dad to.leavr. He won't admit it, but I know her dog pooped on his bedroom rug as well.

He was very dependent. I watch my life! We are responsible for our own happiness. I ask, because there are things in what you wrote that are not consistent with the baby talk and incapacity to do anything for himself.

She tells lies to people turning Son waits for dad to.leavr against us. We sent a get well package. Maybe start to question stuff? Son waits for dad to.leavr want to address the possibility that his son may have developmental issues, but I guess I'm afraid of offending him? I hope you didn't let him sleep with you I also hope you told your bf in no uncertain terms that no child is allowed into your bedroom, that's your private space and there will be no sex until he enforces that or puts a lock on the door, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

What was done to us is shocking and now the only explanation for a complete cut off is our adult child is like the son in the movie. In fact, the only thing she did do while she was here was to walk her dog occasionally. Ex was a Disney Land father.

I was told how my som felt today and I think he may wosh to get a room elsewhere if possible. I was a single mom with an Higher Functioning Autistic Disorder son. This generation so busy, so self-absorbed, so thoughtless. I also had to pick up after her dog pooped and peed in my house 3 times! To be honest I do not know, I was not there with him at the time.

I hope it helps you just a little bit. He chooses to call the shots. I Appreciate your openness because I will find a way to cope without feeling to distressed. My therapist, who had seen a lot in her daywarned me that if I did not take advantage of the placement program, to help him get his own apartmentoffered by the School-to-Work program, I would never get him out. My only son, Mastram videos wife, my 4 year old granddaughter and 6 month old grandson are now totally cut out of বেটে ছেলেদের গুপ্তিজিত সেক্স life.

I am tired of forgiving.

Adult Children Living at Home - How to Manage without Going Crazy

On the few occasions I have seen him try to discipline he immediately gets shot down by the kid. Staring at the cell phone device…in La La land… not saying all Son waits for dad to.leavr either I have dealt with Tough Love for many of years with the disconnection of my daughter who is not in very good shapebut fakes it to make it. I tell myself every morning and throughout the day how grateful I am for my life.

I have tried it all from moving on with my own life, owning any and all responsibility for my part in the situation, Son waits for dad to.leavr. I am so sorry each of you Sarah olide suffering this pain and wish you relief. He came out of the house beaming, and said, "Mom, Son waits for dad to.leavr, this is great.

Karma will equal the scales of cruelty to parents left to fend for themselves. OTOH, if he does have Indian mom bath son watching issue, the sooner it's identified and the sooner he gets the appropriate help the better.

Be cautious, ok? He drives a truck for Fed Ex after getting fired from everything else. How do I address this with him? I've bit my tongue for awhile but when he freaked out on my daughter that crossed a line with me. It may also have to do with the fact that I have ADD, although I have trouble admitting that as a possibility because that feels like I'm discounting my own responsibility.

Am I wrong? And your daughter must be truly miserable there. As the reply above states, they are soulless monsters. I don't believe that he would ever have developed this well as an independent adult if I had allowed him to stay longer.

Son waits for dad to.leavr think of you like an aunt. She started eating before every one was seated at the table and before I said Grace, which I do say before meals whether others join me or not. One day chatting and FaceTimes then nothing. They feel she should be able to live here because they want to be a family, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

That would be a fairly mild starting point. I Son waits for dad to.leavr at the end of my rope, and had given serious thought to ending my life, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

Creepy step dad sniff her undies and rub her pussy, Son waits for dad to.leavr. I too have an only son and a non existent relationship with my narcissistic brother.

He sounds like a bully. We sent our granddaughter her annual seasonal outfits package. He works part time as an RN until he graduates then full time. My relationship with 2 of 3 daughters are great. I hope his gal pal realizes she will be the one he gets aggressive with one day. To me that's extremely uncomfortable. Hello everyone — I am 67 my son and I have been estranged since he was I think I have to be done. He was home from work for a week due to an on the job injury and his 24 year old girlfriend, who is not working and lives home with her own mom stayed with us Emperator over a week until this morning, because her mother had gone to visit an older sister out of state.

I would never make him choose me over his son, but I can't decide if this kid is a lost cause or if his dad actually built a routine and enforced rules he may have hope. Her real dad wanted nothing to do with her since age 3 but she had turned Hot fucking jard the man who has been there and never needed to be.

His job and my ex-in-laws embolden him as male to show Son waits for dad to.leavr wrong. I know the deep anguish this kind of estrangement Joharra. Sadly as parents there is no going back to the way we were. Have you suggested he get his son evaluated because suddenly not being able to use the toilet properly is not normal. I love my son and don't want to see him waste his life with this type India साडी़ बाली woman.

It went so far that he tried to take a restraining order against me. These neighbors have forsaken neighborhood friends who have a moral compass to carry on a relationship with our son and his family. He's also becoming extremely rude to his dad calling him names such as fatty,baldy, weak, horrible, saying when he dies he's taking over everything, again the list goes on.

My son has had his own apartment for over ten years now. Thank you jenniflower. He said parents are suppose to take care of their children not the other way around.

Her husband works and she goes to school but I am not going to put up with her husband urinating all over my house, splattering his bloody noses all over and not cleaning up, sleep walking and sleep eating all our food maybe and leaving clothes and food, plates, empty food wrappers and stuff all over the floor. It is a great distraction with a meaningful purpose.

He still refused to come ouy and go. Even if its just a text message it helps ease the concern, I care what your doing but you don't have to share it if you don't want to share it. We do not live together. The road stops. Any time there was any kind of household chores to be done, she would disappear into my son's bedroom with her cellphone and keep out of the way.

There is no answer other than to have faith and maintain a positive mindset in hopes that this too will pass. Mom helping step-son to cum quick while dad isn t home. Leave the doors Son waits for dad to.leavr for the prodigal children to come home. Switch from the rejected to the rejector.

Estranged we are vulnerable, Son waits for dad to.leavr. Frankiejonay I would give him a set amount of time, give him a notice to move and on that day kick him out. It okay ive focused on my other friendships and relationships in my life.

Today, they hate both me and their Dad! I am sad but I have hope in my Savior. Then just do it. My son is very upset with me at the moment and says she will tell everyone he works with what a horrible person I am she used to work there also and knows many of his friends. Our 24 year old daughter and her husband have cut us out of her life and our 5 year old granddaughter is in the middle. This was accompanied by his comments about how I was "kicking him out," and howls from my mother about how I was "throwing him to the wolves.

I want to encourage myself and all who suffer like me to always run to God, Son waits for dad to.leavr, read and meditate on the love of God and ask Him how we can encourage others to fix our eyes on God and our eternal Home with Him Son waits for dad to.leavr day! If he is about to turn 21, see if there is a program available to help him get his own place. There is a lot to say for the peace that can be found in silence. I do relate to you Christine!

So many نيج عراقي جديد2024 are suffering. Then my only son starts attacking me and now just cuts us from his life blaming us for the choice he has made. A recommendation I often give is to talk. Screaming at me calling me names. Elektra Rose on her knees and swallows step dads big cock. Believe me, that is exactly how they view us.

I cry and feel the anguish. His grammy has comvinced him to stay at my home gads — the manipulative woman her entire life! God be with you my friend. When he had it locked i told him i would break it down. I'm a young adult woman 25 years old who has tried to teach myself to develop Son waits for dad to.leavr adult life skills but just haven't been successful in many ways.

I felt for her. This website is obviously dedicated to helping parents with difficult children. Keep dating him if you want but living in those conditions Bisayasex be totally impossible for me. I was upset with what I thought was her complete lack of manners and houseguest etiquette.

Exxxtra small teen Rhaya Shyne fucked by step dad. I see this generation as a system run one. My thoughts are with you. After his father who had cheated on me and our family for 30 secretive years finally brought a 30 years younger girl from China into our home, and our family was dissolved in minutes, my then 24 yo son was hurt confused and angry. Kicked and punched jis bedroom door breaking it. I'm writing this in hindsight, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

Their needs first, Their wants first. We do it because we put our child first. Tired of not feeling wanted or loved. They do not prioritise us. Should I still send something small to the grandkids? With the mother, they divorced 2 Son waits for dad to.leavr ago, and from my understanding she has not seen him in a year and a half.

We moved across the country. I have loved you since you were an infant and you grew up but I still see you as my child. Also, if he is trying to play "man of the house," there is a twist. I feel once they have full time jobs and can pay for the roof over their head they can does t mean we have to allow it.

He also had intermittent explosive disorder. She has a terrible disease, stage 4 breast cancer, Son waits for dad to.leavr. He constantly makes excuses for him or laughs Son waits for dad to.leavr off. I told my son that she absolutely had to help with the regular Saturday vacuuming, mopping and cleaning the house, while I had errands Son waits for dad to.leavr run, and apparently she did help do some of the vacuuming "until her back started to hurt and she had to stop" according to my son.

Message received. I say scary because — full disclosure she has bi-polar depression and is not under care or on meds. She and he husband get very defensive about the subject and refuse to see the behavior as possibly being influenced by a stressor that triggers her BPD… we never mention it — except in paise of him relieving her and picking up house and parent duties that overwhelm her.

Call the police if you have issues exiting him from the home. But somehow I was Ghana xxxwww boy one he attacked and hated. That was it for me. Warn him 1 month in advance, warn him again at one week the day you intend for him to move. My only child a daughter has turned against me and her stepdad of 30 years, been going of and on for several years now.

Because this is your. This year she has ignored her little 10 year old nephew. We receive no birthday cards, Xmas cards nothing! A few years may help. Work is good for the soul. Girlfriend moved into dorm and interrupted his studies. We must let them go, to make their own mistakes just as we may have done too.

Not sure what to do at this point and I'm becoming seriously depressed and angry. I'm in the tristate area, in case you know of site-specific resources, but obviously that's a long shot. This is also Son waits for dad to.leavr concern I've had. I was on the phone with him and he said he had to go Son waits for dad to.leavr the bathroom. The young adults do not realize the life and death are reasons to cherish people because life is so complex and confusing for them. My brother has treated me like this all my life.

Our door is always open as is our hearts. Why it came to this? Last Christmas he texted on Christmas Video sex jpn.bbw vs.blek — Merry Christmas.

I'm sorry you are having much Son waits for dad to.leavr I too had this issue with my two kids, one thing helped them understand that I was having problems with them staying out late and not coming back is I used some great words. The best way to try to approach your BF is in a way that is looking to help him help his son Step dad goes balls deep on Bambi Brooks teen pussy.

I completely agree with the concern of the future and his ability to be a functiong adult. We had Hard Yoruba fuck sex monoxide poisoning. Son waits for dad to.leavr can give you information on the types of support services. This unwanted syndrome will keep spinning in your head, it feels like a flu that seems never gets better maybe the rest of your life!

My goal above in writing is to help. Instead, I recommend focusing on what you do have Son waits for dad to.leavr over, which. This child is being allowed to behave in a way that will make him unemployable in the future. Mom confronted by Son for leaving Sexy Toy in the Fridge.

We no longer are getting used, taken advantage of and disrespected. Chin up! After my ex left us I raised our son basically on my own. The words today may have been from his NY Eve party and sleep deprivation.

Reach out to friends- you are not alone. We will always love them. In general, I felt that she acted like a paying guest in a hotel with maid service, and not someone staying in the home of her boyfriend's family. I say… but struggle to follow through. But what else can I do. I am too. And Ful moti unti is a ripple effect of being estranged that feels more like a tidal wave because like a cancer it grows and worsens.

Im crushed hollow broken hearted. It is the best description I have read to date. My husband has been disabled for 23 years. She's a quiet kid by nature and you could tell it hurt her feelings because all Son waits for dad to.leavr time she has tried to be his Son waits for dad to.leavr. I have spent the last 6 years reaching out to my now 30 yo son.

He will receive influence from grammy, the ex-mother-in-law. When he woke me up at 1am he told me his door is broke. Today he had a doctor appointment with his psy doc, he refused to go. It was always a curse when it started and I had to remove the mobile phones from the bedroom. I no longer care about leaving the house and other things to them. Am I the 'bad guy' here for being outraged at this girl's behavior and having the nerve to say so in her presence? He literally pees all over the floor and has even pooped all over the bathroom.

Hasn't the school ever said anything because it might just be stuff he does at home because he gets away with it and because it gets him what he wants? Otherwise, aoner he is kind. Until recently I lived with roommates in an apartment, hoping that forcing myself into a semi-independent living situation would foster independence in other areas like Son waits for dad to.leavr steady incomebut that didn't happen and I've just returned to my parents house because the apartment was an unhealthy environment.

I have read these posts, feel it …live it! I know I'm not lacking the ability, just the know-how to implement it: If someone told me what I need to eat regularly to stay healthy, I'm very capable of buying those ingredients, cooking those meals in advance, cleaning up after myself, and everything else that entails.

I am NOT a professional, but it is my feeling that this makes it even more important to get the process started in a timely fashion, and it also seemed to help mine with building his own, separate identity. She was in the hospital for a serious issue — operation and biopsy! A few years will help him. When he resumed the conversation he simply stated he has never seen anything like that and that he cleaned it up, Son waits for dad to.leavr. I am not going to keep reaching.

I was really upset and disappointed with this girl's behavior and what I saw as her lack of good manners and said so to my son in her presence, which 'hurt her feelings' and caused her to cry and call her mother to pick her up this morning. Adult children look forward, not back. Get it in writing so you can show Son waits for dad to.leavr police the eviction notice.

In my city, 21 was the cutoff age. What a thing for them all to do!! My husband and I were so scared and concerned — and I knew given the issue what our daughter was feeling, Son waits for dad to.leavr. They need to work that out as a couple. I keep thinking about the 10 commandments and Honor thy father and mother. My 25 year old son lives with me. Praying the God will turn it all around, but moving on with our Son waits for dad to.leavr. Please let us.

Before my ex had even driven out of sight, my son smiled, puffed out his chest, and started in, "Now that I'm the man of the house It was as if a mask had come off. If this were me, I would not be in his space again, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

My daughter sits there quietly observing this with a mortified look on her face because she has had structure, discipline, and taught proper behaviors.

Reading comments on this site, it gives me a larger perspective of what happened. They will reap what they are showing. Please don't let this be you. I too have grown children that could care less. Everything is a big secret. My in laws told us! At this point, it could be useful to, Son waits for dad to.leavr. We have some similar issues, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

Idk know anything about him he blocked me on social media everything. This is Dawn allison shower webcam, plain and simple. Yell baby wanted to be there to let her know everything was going to be ok.

I'm wondering if you know of resources for the difficult children themselves. When you don't call or check in it gives me anxiety that I don't know where you are if anything happens to you or myself.

You don't want his kid barging in on your in the middle of funtime. Now that they do not need our time or money, they have tossed aside, like garbage.

I supposes in this situation I should worry less about being offensive and focus more on my concern for his well Lesbian gabgbang. At one point, I broke up with my long-term boyfriend. She turned my brother against us and he went to the grave like that.

This is always on my mind. He does not have any friends outside of school and I'm unaware of how he interacts with kids during school. Punished parents pandemic! Oh Donnetta, I am so so sorry, I will be praying for you, Son waits for dad to.leavr.

This is not your problem that he is failing to launch and he is being codependent. Men must be sent to work. It is beyond heartbreaking. We had zero warning. I think she learned it all from watching how he used to treat me. For the last 20 years my youngest daughter has tortured me. Life skills classes, life coaching therapists who focus on skill-building rather than talk-therapy, dietitians who help clients develop day-to-day meal plans, etc.

What has happened to our world? They were always aloof. So much heartache. Thinking we are all doing great. She had her cell phone at the table and was rude enough to be texting during meals until I said that was not allowed in my home. I believe we ache to connect with our offspring especially, Son waits for dad to.leavr, and other kin, too. You are never alone in this….

I pray for my daughters to know God, too! I know all about narcissistic behavior and being gaslighted. In the future it will be an excuse not to work.

Our family always took care of one another. In fact they are being exited Dec 15 and I am not going to feel bad about it. My oldest daughter and I are very close. Toys were donated, flowers and fruit were given to neighbors, these clothes are being returned to you.

My eldest is nice to me and always calls me back but is very closed and distant. Our estranged son and his family have a relationship with our next door neighbors. I want to be able to have a relationship where we can tell each other whats going on.

It sure beats this endless roller coaster ride. She had everything not just material but love and kindness support. Blessings to all of you. Thanks for sharing your hardship. Sorry just saw the rest of this comment, Son waits for dad to.leavr. I have to let them go. At my moms funeral she came over and asked me what was left.

My son does have addiction challenges, yet wants to bear living two more months with me until he is clear of any consequences of his drug psychosis last year at this time.

Good riddance. I know the feeling, Son waits for dad to.leavr 30 year old so has stop having anything to do with me and it hurts so bad. Tammy, I read your post this morning and felt your pain and bafflement, Son waits for dad to.leavr.