SMP ome

Does rubber strap on new SMP fit the SMPc? | WatchUSeek Watch Forums

WatchUSeek Watch Forums. Very curious to see how the new rubber strap fits on the previous SMPc, SMP ome. Did anyone ever end up trying this out?

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro. Based on the curved ends it may look less than ideal but it will fit. Some kind and courageous SMP ome here will try it on soon.

I have seen it done a few times. Couldn't load pickup availability Refresh. Thanks for giving it a shot and posting results, SMP ome.

This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread. View SMP ome Check out Continue shopping.

Whether you're travelling SMP ome harsh Outback roads, using your vehicle for competition purposes or towing a camper trailer, SMP ome, the importance of a fully integrated 4X4 suspension system is paramount. Also the rubber from cal PO Chrono doesn't fit the cal PO chrono, it needs some mods to fit, however at first sight the case looks the same. Did you end up fitting it? It's close, but I tried as well, couldn't get it to fit.