SMK ponorogo

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It has partnership with Germany university, and in one of our student will represent Indonesia in the event of world skill contest in Beijing for bricklaying contest. Seameolec 3, SMK ponorogo.

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SMK Negeri 1 Jenangan Ponorogo is a vocational high school that focuses on engineering and the oldest technical school in Ponorogo.

Following is a list of skill programs available at this school:, SMK ponorogo. It is become important for the teachers because this strategy SMK ponorogo effective and makes students happy to follow English learning in class, have fun, and make the students are motivated in learning vocabulary.


The procedure of data collection were test and documentation, SMK ponorogo. So, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, that there was significant different score in vocabulary for the students who are taught by using Teams Games Tournamnet. SMK Negeri 1 Jenangan.

SMK Negeri 1 Jenangan

SMK Negeri 1 Jenangan has teachers and 50 staffs with students, detail info of school is served on the link below:. It applies block SMK ponorogo system, teaching factory learning, link and match and also BLUD, SMK ponorogo.

The research applied quantitative approach and used a quasi-experimental research design where one group was the experimental class and one group was the control class. Carry out the development and improvement of the quality of education and training in a sustainable manner,Maintain and develop the potential carrying capacity of the environment to create learning conditions, a comfortable, productive work environment by cultivating a clean, SMK ponorogo, healthy and comfortable life is the SMK ponorogo mission of this school.

The number of the sample in this research were 60 students experimental group and control group, SMK ponorogo. There are 9 competency skills held by this school. The results of the research show that the post-test value of the experimental class was The calculation results of the SMK ponorogo test using a t-test with a significant level of 0. Management system.

SMK ponorogo

We got predicate of Adhiwiyata school in national level a couple of year ago.