Slug with the hot black crown

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Damage to foliage is removal of plant tissue between veins and on the edge of leaves. Observation date: Sep 29, Very little activity takes place in cold, freezing, or extremely hot weather. Each individual is capable of laying eggs.

Verified date: Aug 21, Observation date: Jul 23, Submitted by: StevebrownLepid. Verified date: Sep 29, Observation date: Oct 09, Submitted by: Bug Lords.

Verified by: jwileyrains. Biology and life history Slugs are hermaphrodites.

Slug with the hot black crown

Verified date: Nov 02, Observation date: Oct 30, Submitted by: Terminus. They are active above ground primarily at night, and also during mild, wet periods, at any time of year.

Vegetable crop pests-Slug | Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks

Slug damage tends to be heaviest along field margins. Verified date: Sep 13, Observation date: Jul 24, Submitted by: HCGregory. Verified date: Nov 01, Observation date: Sep 02, Submitted by: Ctommasone.

Verified date: Oct 30, Observation date: Oct 24, Submitted by: WrenAgain. Verified date: Jan 07, Observation date: Jul 31, Submitted by: skyroadman.

Region: Lynchburg, Virginia, United States. Verified date: Jul 09, Avelino date: Jun 27, Submitted by: Entorri.

Verified date: Oct 26, Observation date: Oct 25, Submitted by: ouiouiboi Observation date: Oct 11, Submitted by: cgp. During the day, slugs usually are found in the Slug with the hot black crown or in crevices or cracks, to protect themselves from dehydration and predators. Verified date: Feb 14, Observation date: Sep 24, Submitted by: Stylurus.

Crowned Slug Moth Isa textula (Herrich-Schäffer, ) | Butterflies and Moths of North America

Weedy or grassy borders serve as excellent habitat for slugs. Verified date: Oct 12, Observation date: Sep 12, Submitted by: Jesskae Verified by: Sue Gregoire.

Damage to roots and tubers is characterized by smooth sided pits 0. Slug damage can be distinguished easily from damage caused by other pests by the presence of slime trails.

Butterflies and Moths of North America

The small, round, pearl-like white or translucent eggs are laid in clusters of a dozen or more in sheltered cavities near the soil surface or under thick mulch on the soil surface if the soil is moist. High populations build up in perennial legumes used for cover crops.

Verified by: jamesdurbin. Verified date: Jul 16, Observation date: Jul 09, Submitted by: Don Marotte. Verified date: Aug 10, Observation date: Jul 10, Submitted by: Allen B. Verified by: Allen B.

Verified date: Jul 17, Observation date: Jul 08, Submitted by: kristasessions. Verified date: Jul 01, Observation date: Oct 16, Submitted by: a-o. Submitted by: speele.