Siswi remajah

Jawa Timur. Negative feelings caused by less face-to-face interactions with teachers and friends, more assignments, internet Siswi remajah, and distractions at home.

Langganan Kompas. School from home create new problems for high school students who experience psychological problems in dealing with Siswi remajah changes. Gabung Kompas. Login Gabung Kompas. Baca berita tanpa iklan.


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of some factors that influenced the incident of student menarche in teenager early at SMP 11 Semarang on the period of June to August This research is a kind of explanatory research by cross sectional study.

Metadata Show full item record, Siswi remajah. The sample in this study was 96 female students aged years. Menarche may occur earlier at the age Siswi remajah 8, or could be slower at the 17 years, Siswi remajah. Data collection using questionnaires that were distributed directly with a number of questionnaires as many as 25 questions, then analyzed by presenting quantitative distribution data.


Regarding on previous literature studies, these two anthropometric aspects can affect the age of menarche in adolescent girls, therefore this study aims to determine the correlation between MUAC and body fat with age at menarche and several other variables. Total sampling technique was used, obtained a sample of female students of SMP Negeri 8 Surakarta age range of years by measuring the dependent variable age of menarcheindependent variables body Siswi remajah and MUACand confounding variables gynecological age, physical activity level using PAQ, Siswi remajah, parental income, and maternal age of menarche, Siswi remajah.

This needs consideration to prevent psychological problems in adolescents as a result of school from home.

Kebiasaan Sarapan pada Remaja Siswi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Bogor

Beauchamp, M, Siswi remajah. Physical inactivity and mental health in late adolescence. Daftar Pustaka Lampiran Author Sari, Anna Febritta Intan. Results: The average age of menarche was There is a significant Siswi remajah correlation between age at menarche and body fat sig.

Remaja di Surabaya "Jual" 2 Siswi SMA, Hasilnya untuk Gaya Hidup

Result indicated that high school students experience negative feelings during school from home such as boredom Some have positive feelings, such as happy 8. Andhi Dwi Setiawan, Andi Hartik, Siswi remajah.

The data were processed by bivariate analysis using the Spearman Correlation Test. Andhi Dwi Setiawan Penulis.

Menarche in adolescents at SMP Negeri 11 Semarang, is influenced by several factors, including parental socioeconomic factor, neighborhood น้องเติ้ล, psychological factor, student nutrition factor and student activity factors, Siswi remajah.

Study aimed to overview the psychological condition of high school students during school from home due to COVID Descriptive research with internet survey method was used in this Siswi remajah.

Siswi remajah

Methods: An analytical observational study with a cross-sectional approach.