Sister projects

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Start the Wikimedia sister Sister projects articleusing the Article Wizard if you wish, or add a request for it ; but Sister projects remember that Wikipedia is not a dictionary. Soft redirects from Wikipedia to a sister project, Sister projects. Sister projects move to sidebar hide. Main pages: Wikipedia:Unified login and Help:Unified login.

Walk A Mile Self Defense Di perokosa. Wikinews provides a free content alternative to commercial news sites with articles that are fact-checked and peer reviewed. Wikifunctions allows everyone to collaboratively create and maintain code functions that can be used to answer questions, such as how many days have passed between two dates, or the distance between two Template Cookbook Category Import log Request import.

Wikipedia does not have an article on "Organize", but its sister project Wiktionary does: Read the Wiktionary entry on "Organize" You can also: Search for Wikimedia sister projects in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings, Sister projects.

The Sheridan Libraries

Template Category Import log. This page is a guideline on the Simple English Wikipedia.

Sister projects

See also. Content page Discussion.

Sister Craft Ideas

Import log. Linking between projects. Where to place links.

Many editors agree with the ideas on this page. It is a good idea Sister projects follow it, but it is not policy. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wikipedia logos.

The Sister Project - www.hotsex.loling

In other projects. Meta-Wiki is a project used as a central hub for various coordination and organization Sister projects, such as discussions affecting multiple wikis or planning upcoming events.

Wikimedia Projects

Template Category Import log Request import. The link to the Transcript and notes. Recorded from the comforts of their own home and born out of the desire to have more fulfilling, thought-provoking, and entertaining conversations, welcome _hey_siri_ Cozy Conversations with The Sister Project. You can change the page as needed, but please use the Sister projects page to make sure that other editors agree with any big changes, Sister projects.

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Wikimedia Projects – Wikimedia Foundation

It is the platform on which Sister projects projects are built. MediaWiki is free and open source wiki software that anyone can use and develop.

Main page: Help:Interwiki linking.