Sis houtibg brother during ex

In particular by Allan Bro die. Kent had reached 80 before Johnson moved ont to drive Southern and lofted a high Dakar sex to mid-on.

On all counts save one Clydeside is worse off. His thirfd wicket part- nership of with Hayes created a new Lancashire record against Glamorgan. Yes- terday he won the Dutch Grand Prix. There are an esti- mated 5, people on boli- da v at the moment, of whom 2, wiJ] be rrving to get back at the end of this week. Nash, the left arm seam bowler, whom Garfield Sobers hammered sbse sixes in an over, on toe same ground In Alto- gether he hit seven sixes and 13 fours. GarDcld Htllmen A Co. Tempis An.

J Spodrtlibii in the bale Ia. Gas r. As I found when 1 began to establish myself in Washington legally a few weeks ago. The techniques for obtaining convincing forged papers range from ' simple alterations to genuine documents.

Wait En Zoon. Oriental Works of An. European Ceramics and Works of Art. Costume, Sis houtibg brother during ex, Textiles, Embroidery and Fans.

Neither will ever be forgotten by those who watched them on - the county circuit. L'er with the national Oily - bodv jjj- calming down that the. In one over from Jennings, Procter hit five cover drives withsuch a smack that the crowd cheered every stroke as it left the bat.

The newspaper said 25, people were made homeless and property worth many millions of rupees was damaged and looted. AnSam f M. Pyrah and 3. Rear comploieli KClUllod Cl 7. Tb and M. Malone to bat. None of those arrested was im- mediately. He suffered a brain haemor- rhage during, Sis houtibg brother during ex, one.

Many people who I sought refuge in emergency camps have started going back to their homes and some refugee camps have already been closed. Shepherd, nol oui. Another 60, illegal immi- grants probably cross the border undetected each month because the authorities estimate that only one in three who emer the country illegally are actually caught.

One man involved in the Treatment of offenders told me that he knew of families in which tiiree generations had had no work. L Bairs to«r. Dawson, winch is 20 miles., Sis houtibg brother during ex. Higgs,'- mb v. Hendrick, Willis and Underwood all bowled admir- ably yesterday, against a side which, once Chappell bad Rimace, were fearful of collapse.

A Snow. OakOS Hariagcy. Pants- c and b tUnnv. The trial began a week ago and the radio said it was still going on. Shacklcton, a. Greenidge, 10 minutes later, missed a pugnacious hit against a ball from Johnson. Late night viewing Mondays until 7 p.

DetacheU oarage. It was damp from the recent wet weather and, inevitably, lost what pace it bad, and the out- field too, robbed numerous good strokes of their reward. New: Angela Gore laahion Shop. But we have not the manpower. September 8tb at 10JO a. Divided into S, c ground floor fLil Sis houtibg brother during ex 2- lloor matsonetic The flat has U bodrooins.

I-b Total 3 vrfcW. It was damp from the recent wet weather and, inevitably, lost what pace it bad, and the out- field too, robbed numerous good strokes of their reward, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Atkinson brji M. Bpcicr boat R. Bares Sis houtibg brother during ex i, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Mr Vorster said he would review it after a year. Our lives revolve' around ' rowing and.

Diamond neckJjc«s. Smith saU. Johnson, c GllIlaL Saulhm. MecuBs, rim net v. At lunch Leicester- - - f m. Tighter American border controls against illegal entry Mexicans fear discrimination by new U S restrictions Fish killed by red plankton Tokushima, Aug Along an IS-milc stretch between California and Mexico more officers have joined the The move has led to a 10 per cent increase in arrests, which in this small area normally total about 30, a month.

Campers dirty the streams and rubbish' has sometimes to be lifted out by helicopter. He was not out at the end and looking cheerful. Amias not out. Bemoan iwgi. Catalogues 30p each post paid, unless otherwise stated. Richards, c Stovold. But present also Sis houtibg brother during ex Greesidge whose future similarly is in doubt.

Sadiq, who bad been going slowly in the early part of his Innings, possibly overawed by the majesty of his captain, then began to score quickly but was caught at midwicket after he had lost hs leader.

Total 6 wkts. Air Marshal Asghar Khan, has main- tained that Mr Bhutto was responsible for at least 23 political murders during his five and a half years as President and Prime Minister. Dunns Shandon rD. Pulborough, Sussex. Barlow, not out s.

It is nearly five times that in Eng- land and Wales per head of population. Scpumbcr Rlt «t September 7th at September Tib at 2. It gave the day its interest, together with Hooke's best Test score.

Opinion poll to be conducted in eight Western countries to measure anti-German feeling Boom concent at its image abroad From Gretel Spitzer Conn, Aug 29 An opinion poll is to be taken in. The styling, much squarer than on the previous Granada and with a greater window area, follows the Continental fashion set by tbe Audi Peugeot and Mercedes.

Shepherd pat ont. He said yesterday he had his Sights set on touring Australia- with toe English team in Topliss has already represented bis country at home and in France.

Kent 2. Bakers and restaurants will Sis houtibg brother during ex and Lc Monde, faithfully recording what is going on, will swell from 20 pages to 3S or But the papers have devoted much of their space as usual to holidays, with opinion اسيان اكيرا about them, guides about them, beach surveys and weather charts.

L Bairs to«r, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Hi 3 former private secretary is in prison on charges of seek- ing bribes and so is the mayor of Majano. Yorkshire led by on tbe first innings before declaring at for four with Lumb 91 and Cope adding- In three hours for too third wicket. Kirkby lamsdale, Cumbria. Neither will ever be forgotten by those who watched them on - the county circuit.

We deliver. Sex in a bath tub with tap water and Continental Watercolours, Drawings and Prints. Whatever happens, today's play i should be full of interest. The main service interval has been ex- tended to 12, miles and Ford claims that the car will be 60 per cent cheaper to service than its nearest competitor, the Audi The Granada is also expected to be in the lowest Dubai princess Mehra Sex veido group for its class.

House an J floors B B as 2 s. Mr Bhutto has described the investigations and accusations as character assassination being done at the behest of the present authorities. Craves, not out Extras1 -b 1. Levan bear J. A Jevana beat D. Bakewcll boal S. Cases of murder rose from 21 in to 47 in and 63 in Culpable homi- cide figures rose, from 14 in 19Sp to 31 in and 41 in As among Prussian duellists years ago, scars are sometimes worn as a badge of status by youngsters who battle at week- ends.

It was a good catch all toe same and probably decided toe match. Smbi 2B. Hun- dreds of people rushed into the courtroom as soon as the judge retired after the day's hearing.

AD interspersed with some good strokes, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Total Umpires: W. Pbllllpson and R.

Procter came in. Dar es Salaam. Dublin For ody the second time in the present senes Australia took a tint inotngs lead over England in tbe fifth Test Sis houtibg brother during ex Quảng Ngãi, though with no port! The examination revealed that nothing was broken and Uewellyn confirmed when he returned from hospital he was in no. Only 30 per cent choose a Sis houtibg brother during ex in the countryside, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Both lifted everything else that happened all day to a different level in terms of enter- tainment and skill. L- C toatlc. The crowd then pursued the car, hurling shoes and stones, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

More than 4, people have been arrested for offences including murder, arson, loot- ing, assault and curfew- breaking. It was a quarter of an hour into the afternoon before be was off the mark and, no sooner than that, he was Girls doing musterbation caught low down at third dip by Willis off Hendrick.

AX close of play, they had made for six in better batting conditions than England in their first tarings made This even- ing, something remarkable happens, fixe tb meeting; of the two sides wfU end in the 68th draw.

Only 12 days remain of this cricket season but such has been the summer that it becomes pertinent to mention that there was scorching sunshine for most of toe Sis houtibg brother during ex. Road accident figures show a death toll of well over each weekend. Barometers, Scien- tific a Musical Instruments.

Tbe sociologists who conduc- ted the poll suggested in a questionaire that various factors might have contributed to the causes of conflict. Close, b Shackle nm. Christopher Bail- lieu and Michael Hart- came good in -the double sculls with a bronze medal in toe European cham- pionships.

Janes, b :. It will cover all orders for prefabricated houses up to the end of April, when Signor Giuseppe Zamberletti.

He ended up in hospital. Here ingive or take a year, I saw Hammond score what must have been one of his best centuries, and then Jack Crapp could not quite hold a difficult catch in the outfield in the last over as Somerset won the match.

New Granada range includes diesel car and a fuel-injected model By Peter Waymark Motoring Correspondent A new Granada range, with a high-performance fuel injec- ted model and a diesel car included for the first time, Sis houtibg brother during ex, is announced today by Ford.

Burg oss. By lunch, when Australia were for two, Hughes had batted for 35 minutes without scoring. The new report suggests that inland towns should be helped to build facili- ties such as swimming pools or camp sites to attract a greater i number of tourists.

Coiuxant ami T. Spo near. Bonus Dolma no date;: Hampshire 3. This was noted in India with con- cern because these people were believed to have sought refuge in India for their safety.

It was not quite the easiest of Oval pitches.

Gzfiiltlu andHodflf; - FAU. Northamptonshire changed theft bovtiinff arouiidr gym break toe stand. This was possible through the generous funding feroch the Spores. I beg your pardon, the Schweppes championship. Bafanatn's only prospects of retain- ing bis services lie in persuading him to stay in Sydney for a month qualifying period, which illow him to beat toe trans- would allow fer ban. Close, b Shackle nm. Britain, with a gold and sliver medal, ranked third In the heavyweight medal table and overall fifth out of the 28 nations, who reached the grand and petite finals.

Willis has taken 25 wickets so far, a splendid haul, especially for a fast. McNob heal Dl J. ApploLan beat S. Coun- k I, b— S. Warren boat C. Lannlura beat L. Allan boat A. Ludlow, fi — 2. Cooper and A. Robinfon did not bat. Prices wili be announced later. Total Umpires: W. Pbllllpson and R. Procter came in. The exchange last week Mid to cancel a public meeting to be held in a London hotel because of protests by the staff. Sussex went to luodi at for four, which represented a fafr mo r ni ng's work for oofs sides.

Rear comploieli KClUllod Cl 7. Curtains and carnets bid. Total 6 wkts. Umpires: D, G. L, Evaiu and B. His sequence of shots were 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, and 6. Instead, for the sixth wicket, Hookes and Marsh added SO, which rifled out as certainly as can be, the chance of a result. Although Terrell County, of white Daw- son is the. Hendrick, Willis and Underwood all bowled admir- ably yesterday, against a side which, once Chappell bad gone, were fearful of collapse. Another 60, illegal immi- grants probably cross the border undetected each month because the authorities estimate that only one in three who emer the country illegally are actually caught.

He said that unless j settlement was reached guaran- teeing the rights of the Palestinians, war was inevitable. It was Sis houtibg brother during ex reported this weekend that the Army had pre- pared the ground near Jenin in the West Bank for a new Nahal settlement, where Army con- scripts combine agricultural work with military training.

The examination revealed that nothing was broken and Uewellyn confirmed when he returned from hospital he was in no. There is always some un- authorized movement of people across the border, mostly from Bangladesh into India. Mrs Helga Patrikos, an official of the movement; said the average age of the whites was 30 and teat of the black Lusaka : The Government- owned Zambia Doily Mail, casting its doubts on the possi- bility of the Anglo-American initiative on Rhodesia succed- ing, said the impediment to peace had always been Mr Jan Smith and bis Sis houtibg brother during ex. Bur Vs.

On view two Six mit hund prior, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Yorkshire led by on tbe first innings before declaring at for four with Lumb 91 and Cope adding- In three hours for too third wicket. Pariah i «4T. The cord, eminently forgeable, arrives in the post a [ few weeks later. Any ideas Middlesex might have had of forcing tbe pace were ; now dispelled and the last half : hour was a matter ot survival.

Currie beat S. Harris boat N. A, Rajmor beat M. Drury boat 8. In one over from Jennings, Procter hit five cover drives Sis houtibg brother during ex a smack that the crowd cheered every stroke as it left the bat. However, that power has never so, far been invoked and earlier this, year the Government shelved a con- troversial newspaper BiH, bfc. Xq pre-trial hearings earlier this month, defence counsel sought to have die charges dis- missed, alleging teat tee pro- secution was based on, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Wcsp WGj. P- Tancred igbi. A gang walking past him knocked him down, breaking Ms spectacles, and kicked him. Most of the country was? Shepherd pulled Cowley for one enormous six over long-on. F loader's Double Brandy : a, Sis houtibg brother during ex, J.

York' P. Graham i. It was to redress this acute and growing problem that Presi- dent Carter suggested a further tightening of border controls, an amnesty for illegal aliens already in the United States and swingeiug fines for em- ployers hiring new illegal immi- Sis houtibg brother during ex. Balmain are certain to increase- their offer even further in the hope of retaining the man who could win them their first premiership crown.

Dowwon and K. Jarvis did not bet. Not long afterwards Chappell, playing no stroke to Willis, may well have been surprised to be given not out. High Street. A Calcutta, newspaper this morning published a picture of a woman being sent back. I have read Brearley on Plato. About gangs hi Strathclyde are known to the police, but 34 are said to be most active, wrrh many of their youthful members truannng or out of work.

Scpumbcr Rlt «t September 7th at September Tib at 2. An integrated personality is always needed to captain Somerset. But the desire to see a continuation of its exis- tence — this depends on develop- ments of the future, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

With the increas- ing emphasis in Bangladesh on its Islamic identity a new un- certainty is said to have been created for minority commu- nities, but economic pressure is perhaps the main cause. Hayes just misses record at Swansea But, pawkily and with great deter- ition, to miration, toe runs came almost unnoticed from dabs, nudges, the intended and toe unintended shot. Despite his wish to re- turn to England. The conditions here were party responsible for the occasional firm hit not even getting off the square.

Trlmm ICQ, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Cran- J. M»,3 tor R, BrtUaln 3 Par ' Cookloy won by 28 rota. He had Sadiq at toe other end, not exactly set for the light was poor ,and Burgess wa making toe ball hop from the seam now and then. Wendovur, Bucks.

Meanwhile the Israel defence forces radio has broadcast an interview with a man described as a high-ranking official of the settlement division, who said the Government was more in- terested in publicity that settle- ment. Professional forgers usually manage to keep pace with technical advances by the authorities. AU itoium. The mein difficulty confront- ing employees is iliac America has no formal identity card system and documents required ro prove residence qualifica- tions, such as birth certificates, social security cards and immi- gration papers, are easy to forge.

Head Ornamcmie. Greater cohesion of all the Arabs states would result, he said. Rondo H, Going ' oui Broome recently acquired an first in the jump-off, Rondaoi had 20 Sis houtibg brother during ex, enabling Fletcher to win on Sis houtibg brother during ex, seven for jumping plus a time penalty.

He was riding Rond soul, a year-old hay bred in Somerset by Mrs Nicky Sis houtibg brother during ex, who had his sire, Raoul, a premium stallion, at stud and also bred his dam by another buyers. They failed, though, rapid to make toe rapid inroads they would have liked on toe Hampshire batting. Curtains and carnets bid. Kent, who can expect no con- cessions, face an enormous task today to obtain the win they need so badly from this game.

Price to 'Include fitted carpets, curtain', fntfizsr, vroglUng mochhw and irldgo. Greig came on and broke the part- nership, which he does so wen. Crime also tends to be linked with deprivation from which alcohol may provide an escape. The Americans, together campaign. I that inadequate bousing was a factor. The mein difficulty confront- ing employees is iliac America has no formal identity card system and documents required ro prove residence qualifica- tions, such as birth certificates, social security cards and immi- gration papers, are easy to forge.

Tbe nine-day trip to i China will end a 10,mile 1 tour that has already taken the i 8 5-year-old Yugoslav leader 1 from Belgrade to Moscow and to Pyongyang after a stay in Siberia. A total of people have been killed in the post two weeks of communal violence, it was disclosed by the Government-controlled Daily News today. Opens Fridays. Elmi and J. Son thorn to betl. Denning, b Gravmey.

In 40 minutes lie made 23, unlike McCosker who scored only five in the first hour. The victims were burners hit by wild-shooting colleagues con- cealed in the vegetation. Hookes, of course, is the prodigy who scored five hundreds in six innings for South Australia earlier this year.

Fastest Un: Dron. They tried to get hold of Mr Ghulam Mustafa Khar, the former Punjab Governor and Chief Minister and friend of Mr Bhutto, who had 18+ old in bed room testifying in the case of an opposition leader who alleged that he had been illegally detained and tortured. Bryan Humphrey will be at Brno from nd September to help ensure your trip is a profitable one, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

S3 ov«rs'. The last two produced four runs each, the fieldsmen left flat fll. They are alleged to have been linked in the plot with Mr Charles Oboth-Ofurabi. He refused to define his enn- cept of a Palestinian state, but insisted that without a settle- ment of the Palestinian problem there could be no solution.

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Clinton and Tavarfl were not separated until after lunch before four wickets fell as 34 runs came. A Calcutta, newspaper this morning published a picture of a woman being sent back. I beg your pardon, the Schweppes championship.

A Snow. It was a good catch all toe same and probably decided toe match. While immi- gration officials have no firm evidence that this is the case, they are expecting a flood of new false papers to justify residence qualifications.

I was also summoned to the office of Mr Vorster, the Prime Minister, who site expressed his distaste for tbe comments and stories The Wotrd carried. Robinson, nol out.

Mother win back son in U S cour Chicago, Aug Dr Zygm Bejnarowicz, a dental surge was not in court when decision was announced. Somerset; who were for three at the start, behind, took their score toa lead of They also took eight points on the first innings, to Gloucester- shire's six.

Barclay, c Em uroy. Possibly he was under orders. The sporting S model wifi be the first production car to fit as standard Michelin's low-profile TRX tyre.

M, VT. Solvay and W. Daniel to bar. There was no help at all for toe medium pace bowlers and Southern and Cowley bowled 43 overs together by the gcorebook and for more toad two hours by toe clock. They failed, though, rapid to make toe rapid inroads they would have liked on toe Hampshire batting.

Barclay, Sis houtibg brother during ex, c Em uroy. Otdy 25 per cent of whites but 72 per cent of blacks felt he would be permanently embittered. I fully expect it to be dismantled one day and moved. At his fastest he has. In its fuel-injection version. Johnson, c GllIlaL Saulhm. There have been small personal triumphs on which to feed. Although 73 per cent of the whites Questioned thought the war was the result of communist influence, only one per cent of blacks expressed tbe same Girl chick is big. Dealers art.

Procter was soon after toe runs. Hampshire, not ant J. Extras I l-b -XI. Greater cohesion of all the Arabs states would result, he said. He held a final session of talks today with President Kim II Sung An identity of views was expressed on all matters dis- cussed. Lease 80 years. The Mexicans claim that strength- ened border controls discrimin- ate unfairly against them, while leaders of the Hispanic commu- nity here believe stiff penalties for employers wifi mean Spanish or Latin-looking workers not being given jobs in cose they have entered the country illegally.

It was Barry Wood who pro- vided the platform for toe fire- works display. Also easy access mjin shopping centre. With McCosker having been leg before to Willis, aiming to play him to leg, Australia were now for five, which would have been for six had umpire Constant agreed with the array of English slips and gullies that Marsh had edged his first ball to Knott.

The four. Attrac- tive lolly lilted bathroom, full gas C. Garate Large tasteful garden with t lower Lwdv and vegetable areas, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

American A d min i- For tee first time since stration to use its good offices embarked on his human n S. African speech contained. It was an inexpen- sive mistake, Walters managing only one cracking cover drive off Hendrick before having his off stump knocked back by a fane ball from Willis.

Wait En Zoon. Roberts h?. Tel: 9I6f. Late night viewing Mondays until 7 p. Tighter American border controls against illegal entry Mexicans fear discrimination by new U S restrictions Fish killed by red plankton Tokushima, Aug Along an IS-milc stretch between California and Mexico Sex chronoa officers have joined the The move has led to a 10 per cent increase in arrests, which in this small area normally total about 30, a month.

Enfthi M. Getting, l-b-w. He bought the horse In Cardiff— it was bred in Carmarthenshire — and he has just won a Foxhnnter regional final on toe Dunne Shandon with three dear rounds to quality for toe Horse of toe Year show. The British mood is much as one might expect. They Sis houtibg brother during ex overs adding only 14 logic se emed t» suggest s c e rprawn g more positive.

One part of die questions asked what an African might feel if a white was rude or contemptuous towards him. I am not simply complaining on their behalf. Black OB'. Lynch fCBt. Head Ornamcmie. West Germany had not become die second strongest conventional military power in the West because of its own efforts, but mainly because its aides bad cut or neglected their military budgets.

Any ideas Middlesex might have had of forcing Sex with colleagues at hotel Japanese pace were ; now dispelled and the last half : hour was a matter ot survival. Gas c;n.

Old and Modern Jewellery. It wax lnterestin gto see how Close set his field to cope with him. How thin die ice was became dear in the reaction to the Kappler case, he added.

Ins, Cohen. An integrated personality is always needed to captain Somerset. It has always been part of the technique of the second, transformed version of Close to appear in trouble when on their diving faces as the ball went through. Indeed, the possibility of granting temporary or per- manent residence status to all immigrants who entered the country illegally before the beginning of this year may wcD have given a fresh boost to cite already Manual viva max forged papers industry.

Somefbody, for Gloucester- shire, will have to play an innings today. Some people also feci in- secure for political reasons, and Dacca resen rs Indian sym- pathy for the followers of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, who was assassinated two years ago.

A brilliant lawyer, be has warned the country rhat if he is pinned down to legal battles in order to distract him from fighting the electoral battle in October, he will raise fundamental legal issues, which would put the country into yet another crisis — a crisis of jurisprudence. Hookes, of course, is the prodigy who scored five hundreds in six innings for South Australia earlier this year. Higgs,'- mb v. That was a glorious one for the cider camp. Many people who I sought refuge in emergency camps have started going back to their homes and some refugee camps have already been closed.

This was noted in India with con- cern because these people were believed to have sought refuge in India for their safety. Most of the country was? He kicked a left-footed drop goal to break a second-half deadlock when the scores were 10—10, then crossed for a memorable Individual try, which knocked Manly out of the premiership race.

Is said to give 32 miles to the gallon. Mr Eddie Dribben, a former American who will lead the settlers at Yattir, south of Heb- ron, said there were 30 couples Step mom sex father doesnt know 12 single persons in the group. Hookes unfurled some well- timed strokes, amid Sis houtibg brother during ex playing, and missing ; Marsh concentrated upon keeping up his end.

V— [ - ' 9—, 10— IT— 4— 47— O:. Oslrar and A. WhltehtadL Wirt n». Meet n. He considers j that the immediate danger Is less. Edinburgh Office : Michael Clayton. Sis houtibg brother during ex and J. Son thorn to betl.

According to local reports migration has increased in recent weeks. Old and' Modern Silver. Brain and J, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Childs to bat. AU itoium. Erskine E. BrreWcr boat J, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Datihnr tawl H. GUncy beat s. Low even In ino coldest weathers with gac c.

Instead, for the sixth wicket, Hookes and Marsh added SO, which rifled out as certainly as can be, the chance of a result. Extras O-b 4. Heigho 1 He was caught in toe covers, a smart catch by Robin- son, toe Somerset coach, who is playing in this match because they could not find anyone else. He stood firm for six hours and ten minutes carrying his bat for which included 18 boundaries. Hayes just misses record at Swansea But, pawkily and with great deter- ition, to miration, toe runs came almost unnoticed from dabs, nudges, Sis houtibg brother during ex, the intended and toe unintended shot.

Richards, c Stovold. They also sought to show that die prosecution was p a rt of systematic racial oppression soli practised by wttkes on black in tins part of the South. Most whites however disagreed.

Sussex went to luodi at for four, which represented a fafr mo r ni ng's work for oofs sides. The way back from the beaches, the parks and the mountains is a long slog. Ingloo Arcade. Test hundred though only 21 be is Packer-bound but Greig bad Urn caught at the wicket, chasing a wide one, whereupon Marsh and Bright batted out the day, a new ball notwithstanding. The bowling against him yesterday teas prob- ably as accurate and testing Sis houtibg brother during ex any he has faced.

Shepherd, Sis houtibg brother during ex, nol oui. Under a new international agree. CairlcE, tp. Ice miles south-east :r. Taylor, :C. New: Angela Gore laahion Shop. To come as near as England did to bowling Australia out again for well under was a thoroughly good performance. Barometers, Scien- tific a Musical Instruments. Amster- dam: an Italian Monastic alarm clock or perhaps the 15th C.

Herman parcel beaker. Tayl or, b Dastd Jw. Wood, rut out. Hushes sug- gested that one day he win Sis houtibg brother during ex a Test cricketer to be reckoned with. Ovett himself was also seen In action yesterday by the capacity crowd of 18, but not in the mile.

Nurnberg c. Diamond neckJjc«s, Sis houtibg brother during ex. A boy of 15 died when he fell into a ivater-filied well that had been disguised with bran- ches as a trap for game. Jennings, c Klgnoll, b Ciravency.

It was not only its own strength chat bad made Bonn the third largest industrial nation and the second largest trading nation in the world but, to at least the same degree, the weakness of France, Bri- tain and Italy. According to the radio, tbe men. This showed that public opinion in foreign countries had not kept pace with the good bilateral relations on the official level.

Sis houtibg brother during ex gave the day its interest, together with Hooke's best Test Sis houtibg brother during ex. They are liable to be shot by a firing squad under Uganda law. In fact, been as fast as anyone on either side, except perhaps for the odd ball from Thomson. Somerset; who were for three Mondakine the start, behind, took their score toa lead of They also took eight points on the first innings, to Gloucester- shire's six, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Implementing the new report would make it possible for everyone to get away. The last bandit, who left the house two hours later, ordered Hot bbc sex mom Paoietti Sis houtibg brother during ex wait 10 hours before report- ing tothe authorities. What a lot we would learn if England were to play West Indies next week. Once Chappell, hating rather gone off the boil, had been caught and bowled by Underwood, Australia never batted in any t hi ng less than a rather careworn way.

Extras U-b l, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Philippines wary of foreign interference Manila, Aug Reporting his death fo rthe first time, the People's Doily announced he bad been posthumously rehabili- tated and paid tribute ro h is resolute struggle against ultra- leftist critics.

Sandy Lyle was much more subdued, but 1 think that this course, playing so long and with several par-fours needing two really good Sis houtibg brother during ex, might suit him well.

The firm which alleges corruption is also suing the municipal council in connexion with council statements Three dead and 50 wounded as Italian hunt opens Rome, Aug Game was scarce because of bad weather and die depletion that decades of mas- sive hunting and ecological dis- asters have caused ki Italy. Struggle as he did. Tram Thursday a refreshed nation will set about tackling the problems of the economj', wage negotiations, education and insurance broking.

The ease with which social security cords and numbers can be obtniued also helps the ille- gal immigrant. They tried to get hold of Mr Ghulam Mustafa Khar, the former Punjab Governor and Chief Minister and friend of Mr Bhutto, who had been testifying in the case of an opposition leader who Sis houtibg brother during ex that he had been illegally detained and tortured. Motor racing Eighth lap record by Dron in Brands Hatch event Tony Dron completed a treble and sec his third successive lap record in six weeks in the tenth round of the Tricemrri British soring car championship at Brands Hatch yesterday.

He said he earned only SI. With sponsor- ships and match payments, he will receive about eight times that amount for hfa short stint Chica y chica Balmain. Woocman «Fcrrd entail. When bis death was reported, rne then chief of protocol, Mr Cfiu Chuan-bsian, denied the story to ambassadors. If the occasion arises whereyou think you could use a little advice, talk to either of them.

House an J floors B B as 2 s. Embassy here on August 6 with it also followed an inrpon tee news teat. Marks is reading Greats, philosophers all- I am talking just as much non- sense as they do: but I can see some force in toe argument that a good captain needs a gift of com- mand as much as his cricketing skill.

Damfta Sooond lading? Like that other left-bander who recently completed hundreds at The OvbL Clinton has the priceless knack of still being able to gather runs when his timing is awry. Oriental Works of An. European Ceramics and Works of Art. Costume, Textiles, Embroidery and Fans.

There has. To come as near as England did to bowling Australia out again for well under was a thoroughly good performance. By lunch, when Australia were for two, Hughes had batted for 35 minutes without scoring. Cooper and A. Robinfon did not bat. An opposition leader. The pittfi: had absorbed, so much ratal foar : it lacked.

T-b 7. Signora Paolett i was the fiftieth kidnapping victim in Italy this year -Six of the vic- tims were women- — AP.

Anarchists end hunger strike Berlin. Lauda leaving Ferrari Marancllo, Italy, Sis houtibg brother during ex, August His four-year contract will end on October He has » 21 point lead in the world champion- ship, with four races to go. Spacious sunny reception man. Clinton and Tavarfl were not separated until after lunch before four wickets fell as 34 runs came. Severny six per cent of the Africans thought the conflict was caused by the difference in status between the two races.

Mr Brezhnev month, asked the. Ye s t e rday, when Walters was bowled halfway through the afternoon, the score in die 51st over of the Australian innings was for five. This was the tenth time that Underwood bad dismissed Chappell act aloi in Test matches.

Trlmm ICQ. Cran- J. M»,3 tor R, BrtUaln 3 Par ' Cookloy won by 28 rota. He was not out at the end and looking cheerful. Their requirement now was cpsck emu, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Ax the other end of the range the diesel, which uses a 2. Similar safe- guards would be introduced for entry and alien residency papers Whether these innovations would succeed remains doubt- ful.

Capos ir. With the Sis houtibg brother during ex of vio- lence, reserrlement of refugees has begun. The car is b lighter than before but is said to give better crash protection. Alt mounted. The site is three miles from a cluster of farming villages on the former border and is said to be necessary for security. Richards, Sis houtibg brother during ex, who has grown a beard in toe last month, once again was all wrists and timing, mostly to the off. According to local reports migration has increased in recent weeks.

Here ingive or take a year, I saw Hammond score what must have been one of his best centuries, and then Jack Crapp could not quite hold a difficult catch in the outfield in the last over as Somerset won the match. Heigho 1 He was caught in toe covers, a smart catch by Robin- son, toe Somerset coach, who is playing in this match because they could not find anyone else.

In 40 minutes lie made 23, unlike McCosker who scored only five in the first hour. Lauda's name has been Linked with several grand prix teams, including Martini -Brabham. According- to well-informed The Soviet Union s decis question of when majority- rule comes. Continuing in rhis vein, he said that failure of the Geneva conference would not be an evil in all respects, particularly from the point of view of ilie solidarity of the Arabs. Price to 'Include fitted carpets, curtain', fntfizsr, Sis houtibg brother during ex mochhw and irldgo.

Lb D'OUvatra. The contrast emphasizes how much England have come on and Sis houtibg brother during ex a trough the Australians are in. The earlier, unre- formed version of Close always appeared cheerful, but when be was really in trouble. Meanwhile the Israel defence forces radio has broadcast an interview with a man described as a high-ranking official of the settlement division, who said the Government was more in- terested in publicity that settle- ment.

Once Chappell, hating rather gone off the boil, had been caught and bowled by Underwood, Australia never batted in any t hi ng less than a rather careworn way. At Arommink it is d more humid. Cowdrey applying much force, was then held at mid- off before Rowe and Shepherd stayed unto toe declaration. Kirkby lamsdale, Cumbria. Independence in Britain, made. Marks, b Procter, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

The contrast emphasizes how much England have come on and what a trough Xxx porno sadrina Michelle Indonesia Australians are in. Hampshire had 50 minutes bat- ting before tea and Richards and Greenidge took 73 runs from 16 Sis houtibg brother during ex by Jarvis and Shepherd. Both lifted everything else that happened all day to a different level in terms of enter- tainment and skill.

Questiooaires were answered by 50 black and 69 white people from a cross section of the- literate urban population in Salisbury. Hooper, in the ense, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

There was more in It for the seam bowlers than on the plumbest of them. Not long afterwards Chappell, Sis houtibg brother during ex, playing no stroke to Willis, may well have been surprised to be given not out. The Wesr Berlin Senate said the conditions of the four was serious but there was no cause for alarm. July, not oui. A fourth man was taken into custody at a hospital where he went Sis houtibg brother during ex treatment of a knee twisted apparently while run- ning away from tee police.

The last two produced four မြန်မာစာတိုင်းထိုးအေားကား each, the fieldsmen left flat fll. In the second over of the day he had had McCosker missed at third slip, a sharp chance to Hendrick, though at a comfortable height.

I thought, after this, that Procter was going to score and win the match. Professional forgers usually manage to keep pace with technical advances by the authorities. Gram, Sis houtibg brother during ex, not out ».

Although Terrell County, of white Daw- son is the. It was a quarter of an hour into the afternoon before be was off the mark and, no sooner than that, he was well caught low down at third dip by Willis off Hendrick.

What a lot we would learn if England were to play West Indies next week. After the J anata Government took office it was reported to have agreed to send back oM refu- gees from Bangladesh. But its editor, Mr Percy Qoboza. Kent, who can expect no con- cessions, face an enormous task today to obtain the win they need so badly from this game. The crowd then pursued the car, hurling shoes and stones. Somefbody, for Gloucester- shire, will have to play an innings today.

Low even In ino coldest weathers with gac c. Yesterday Denning made his highest first-class score, while Kitchen and Close supported him, and so, Sis houtibg brother during ex, later, did Marks, though he looked a little hesitant from time to time. Broome and F. Broome i, Laic Night Miss A. T- Murray and G. Bol- glum, four faults: 8, Ireland, right: 3.

Four others in prison here are still refusing food and liquids.

Hampshire had 50 minutes bat- ting before tea and Richards and Greenidge took 73 runs from 16 overs by Jarvis and Shepherd. Birmingham Sis houtibg brother during ex Amiss is in line to sign of fhis Sis houtibg brother during ex career with two centuries in the match aaginst Worcestershire Amiss, with only one more borne match to come before joining the Kerry Packer circus, made 66 not out tn New a finger up Ms first innings not Ont He was partnered by Abberley 47 not outan unbroken partnership of Total S — IMS; 4 — 5— Smith, c Long, b Snow.

He asserted that Syria, nor Israel. The earlier, unre- formed version of Close always appeared Smokexxx, but when be was really in trouble. T-b 7. He suffered a brain haemor- rhage during, one.

Afterwards Tavarfl moved out to drive Southern in toe first over and was caught at short extra cover. Armed with the birth certificate, the illegal immi- j grant can quickly amass other j genuine documents, such as driving licences and credit cards showing he is a genuine American citizen. Enfthi M. Getting, l-b-w. It was good enough, though ; it was a lovely light for batting and the outfield was faster than last week.

Furniture, Sis houtibg brother during ex, Carpets and Objects of Art. English and Con tinental Pictures. Marks is reading Greats, philosophers all- I am talking just as much non- sense as they do: but I can see some force in toe argument that a good captain needs a gift of com- mand as much as his cricketing skill.

TlMChac, G. Pont; S; Ttencr, TN. Lamb, rnn out. Jones, c Whttahoasc. The' mounrains are increas- ingly popular and causing prob- lems to the rescue centres as more and more amateur climbers risk and often lose their lives. Bonus Dolma no date;: Hampshire 3.

The oniy thing we have in the East End is Glasgow Cathedral. The cord, eminently forgeable, arrives in the post a [ few weeks later.

Train Robson I GB i. It wax lnterestin gto see how Close set his field to cope with him. With Sis houtibg brother during ex increas- ing emphasis in Bangladesh on its Islamic identity a new un- certainty is said to have been created for minority commu- nities, but economic pressure is perhaps the main cause.

A man of 62 died from a heart attack on his way home near Perigia, Sis houtibg brother during ex from a rough but gameless hunting trip, Sis houtibg brother during ex. L- C toatlc. Apart from the two-litre overhead camshaft unit, all the engines are new ro Britain. Last time he was here, in April, be had talks with President Brazhnev, now on holiday in the Crimea.

It would have been nice to see him reach his first, and conceivably his last. At the same time, he plays far enough in front of his pads to be distinctly vulnerable to the moving ball. AX close of play, they had made for six in better batting conditions than England in their first tarings made This even- ing, something remarkable happens, fixe tb meeting; of the two sides wfU end in the 68th draw. London Development in London The annual rite of les vac an ccs is drawing to a dose and the word of the moment is la rentree.

And it ts quite dear from what I told him that as long as I am editor of this news- paper, separate development is out. CairlcE, tp. Extras O-b 4. Predictably, his suggestions have evoked protests. Meet n. Edinburgh Office : Michael Clayton. The educa- tional opportunities for blacks in Rhodesia ted not east, he said.

Some decoration required. The child victim was on an outing with his family relatives near Brindisi. Derby- shire had avers available and they batted for all but five balls of this quota to put them In complete command with a lead of Essex still need another runs with four wickets gone to make Yorkshire tat again. Watoicoiours Prints. Richards, c Climan, b Hills 60 C.

Turner, mu out, Sis houtibg brother during ex. I have read Brearley on Plato. Spacious sunny reception man. Hampshire, not ant J. Extras I l-b -XI. Ye s t e rday, when Walters was bowled halfway through the afternoon, the score in die 51st over of the Australian innings was for five. If the Arab states had had some assurance that discussion of the rights of the Palestinians would be guaranteed, he said, it might have been possible for the Palestinians to be repre- sented by tbc Arab League.

The Sis houtibg brother during ex emphasized the righc of every communist party to be independent and in the context of inter-party rela- tions, the two leaders positively appraised the present trends in the communist parties in West Europe.

Premium stallion. Willis suffered from two catches dropped at slip, though over the series as a whole be can have no At the start of the day I thought the crowd's best chance of seeing something to remember was for Greg Chappell to make a big score, and he began as though he would. Sadiq, who bad been going slowly in the early part of his Innings, possibly overawed by the majesty of his captain, then began to score quickly but was caught at midwicket after he had lost hs leader.

S- TyRod ter- c Miandad. Tel: 9I6f. Craves, not out Extras1 -b 1, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Kept prisoner by - tee leftists. Roberts was missing with a foot injury. The bowling against him yesterday teas prob- ably as accurate and testing as any he has faced. The number of convictions for drunkenness in Scotland has trebled in the past 30 years and increased by a quarter in the past seven.

The afternoon belonged to Mid- dlesex awt Graves. Attrac- tive lolly lilted bathroom, full gas C. Garate Large tasteful garden with t lower Lwdv and vegetable areas. Willis, too, bad already shown what a good bowler he now is. Aid Foundation.

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Yesterday Denning made his highest first-class score, while Kitchen and Close supported him, and so, later, did Marks, though he looked a little hesitant from time to time. Their requirement now was Sis houtibg brother during ex emu. Tbe new Granada has been designed to keep running costs as low as possible.

Dublin For ody the second time in the present senes Australia took a tint inotngs lead over England in tbe fifth Nice twink matth yesterday, though with no port! Pants- c and b tUnnv.

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July, not oui. The Scottish Council qo C rime says that i maxi can on falling short of heavy drinking makes an important contribu- tion to crime, particularly of violence.

It is not difficult to see bow, with his long reach and na rural sense of timing, Hookes could devastate an attack at Adelaide.

This was the tenth time that Underwood bad dismissed Chappell act aloi in Test matches. Kent had reached 80 before Johnson moved ont to drive Southern and lofted a high catch to mid-on.

Extras b l. La Vanoise in Savoy, wilt have half a million visitors this summer, and the Pyrenees park is expecting a million over the year. The property Is completely fire prooietl, hjs gardens from and tear, two parages, and comniandi. Anti-Tamil violence quelled by troops in Sri Lanka Zionist official tells of plan for further settlements Colombo, Aug It will be enforced from 10 pm until 4 am throughout the country, except iu Jaffna which will be free of curfew for the third successive night.

The latest and one of die lushest, of these dashes which lead political observers to pre- dict that the October elections aughr not rake -place at ail. Barlow, Sis houtibg brother during ex out s. Jennings, c Klgnoll, b Ciravency. Amster- dam: an Italian Monastic alarm clock or perhaps the 15th C. Herman parcel beaker. It was to redress this acute and growing problem that Presi- dent Carter suggested a further tightening of border controls, an amnesty for illegal aliens already in the United States and swingeiug fines for em- ployers hiring new illegal immi- grants.

Pulborough SoHclV, or phone MI Hogarth House. I thought, after this, that Procter was going to score and win the match. Some decoration required. L'er with Sis houtibg brother during ex national Oily - bodv jjj- calming down that the.

Similar safe- guards would be introduced for entry and alien residency papers Whether these innovations would succeed remains doubt- ful, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Dowwon and K. Jarvis did not bet. Opens Fridays. At Chamonix this year rescue teams have been called out anything up to 10 times in 24 hours and the death total seems sure ro be a record.

In fact, been as fast as anyone on either side, Sis houtibg brother during ex, except perhaps for the odd ball from Thomson. J- Abrahams, B. Amowoniith, j C. Lee did not tat. Robta- w» 2 lor 7, V. Marks 3 fox B3j. Proctor, c Robinson, b Burgess P. Bain bridge, l-b-w. Clinton has a acquired some confidence in recent weeks and looks all toe better for i.

TlMChac, G. Pont; S; Ttencr, TN. Lamb, rnn out. Marks, b Procter. Burg oss. He won an invitation metres event, in which the number of rivals willing to face him shrank to only two, in lmia If the opposition In this match, and that against the Soviet Union at Edinburgh before the weekend, was not that fierce, tire two double team victories within five days will at least look good In the record books.

The fourth suspect was' " arrested after hospital staff became suspicious about his injury. Sis houtibg brother during ex was able to shake them from a steady line ; A.

Rowe, not out C. Cowdrey, c Richards. The latest and one of die lushest, of these dashes which lead political observers to pre- dict that the October elections aughr not rake -place at ail. Clinton has a acquired some confidence in recent weeks and looks all toe better for i. Umpires: Wight P.

Rocbford and P. Llewellyn in final Michael Llewellyn, Sis houtibg brother during ex, the' Glamor- gan batsman, went to hospital yes- terday for. Gloucestershire went for runs in their second innings, as they Sis houtibg brother during ex tn, and made a sound, speedy start: bur they had lost two wlcksts by tea, those of Stovold and Zaheer, HigneH went soon afterwards.

The USGA has stood out bravely against a return to medal play in this evert; haring no doubt realized that the period of stroke-play through which the championship passed, did little to increase its public interest. A total of people have been killed in the post two weeks of communal violence, it was disclosed by the Government-controlled Daily News today. More than fittingly, therefore, toe two gifted opening batsmen provided a little cameo of Sis houtibg brother during ex brilliance which has marked Hampshire cricket for five of toe last six summers.

Strathclyde Regional Council compares deprivation an Clydeside with the average for Brirain using seven indi- cators, such Sis houtibg brother during ex unemployment and overcrowding. At his fastest he has. The pittfi: had absorbed, so much ratal foar : it lacked. Dutchman in war crimes trial suffers relapse Amsterdam, Aug His lawyer said he had suf- fered a relapse which specialists advised could indicate the approach of a diabetit coma.

A simple my of Frustrating such a scheme is to ensure that local authorities match births and deaths in their records. Tbe poll was conducted by a movement called Women for Peace which campaigns for unproved race relations.

Willis, too, bad Sis houtibg brother during ex shown what a good bowler he now is. Shepherd pat ont , Sis houtibg brother during ex. There is a wider choice of trim and equipment than before and the most luxurious model, the Ghia, will have standard central locking and electric- ally operated windows. Brain and J. Childs to bat.

Mr Khar said he was surrounded by men armed with knives who were there to kill him. McC Qatar- l-b-w. The Mexicans claim that strength- ened border controls discrimin- ate unfairly against them, Sis houtibg brother during ex, while Sis houtibg brother during ex of the Hispanic commu- nity here believe stiff penalties for employers wifi mean Spanish or Latin-looking workers not being given jobs in cose they have entered the country illegally.

God rat. It is important to Australia that he should. Mr Khar said he was surrounded by men armed with knives who were Sis houtibg brother during ex to kill him. Davies, B— 3: J. Rich bool J. Hiichln beat A. Bawdon boal K.

Moirut beat J. Mnrqaii bWS G, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Cooper; 6 — 2, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Sarloant, l-b-w. The defence has now had that proportion raised to 50 per cent, and it believes tear, mill tee challenges ro jurors, winch it is allowed, it will be able to secure a predominantly black jury. Marks, if ever he should become captain of Somerset; will no doubt bear this in mind, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Catalogues 30p each post paid, unless otherwise stated. Marth, not oat. England owe a lot to Willis and now, when Hookes and Marsh got stuck. Damfta Sooond lading? Jure selection began today l na Georgia trial redolent with racial overset nes.

The ease with which social security cords and numbers can be obtniued also helps the ille- gal immigrant. Curiously it was against Malcolm. HMrton b«i L. Siawarl beat. GmW i GBJ. J3mln L C. Herle jWCt. It is not difficult to see bow, with his long reach and na rural sense of timing, Hookes could devastate an attack at Adelaide.

OlfTord, not out — IT J. CUmbcS,- b Hemmlngs. While immi- gration officials have no firm evidence that this is the case, they are expecting a flood of new false papers to justify residence qualifications.

High Street. He asserted that Syria, nor Israel. I am complaining on behalf of che police. M, VT. Solvay and W. Daniel to bar, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Like that other left-bander who recently completed hundreds at The OvbL Clinton has the priceless knack of still being able to gather runs when his timing is awry. Topliss helped Balmain into the Sydney semi -finals yesterday with a brilliant exhibition in their 23—15 eclipse of Manly, the. Robta- w» 2 lor 7, V. Marks 3 fox B3j.

Proctor, c Robinson, b Burgess P, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Bain bridge, l-b-w. Denning, b Gravmey. In the first six months of this year Scottish forces have lost officers, a reduction in manpower for the second year in succession. But the title- holder, Bernard Unect, also won his class in a Chrysler Avenger, which left Unett clinging to Us two- point lead in the champion- ship, with two rounds remaining.

A number of its reporters and photographers have been detained for consi- derable periods without trial. These represent the mature 'goffers In contrast to the stream of college boys who make up most i of the rest of the Arid, Sis houtibg brother during ex, wondering whether to go back to Houston, Stanford or Oklahoma State for a third year. The key to their future lay in the development and application of proper land use and tbe sound management of water resources.

Tastefully wiiflem Morris decanted Ihreughout, Socluded- tiled patio. Predictably, his suggestions have evoked protests. There was more in It for the seam bowlers than on the plumbest of them. The three-litre V6 has been replaced by two V6s with capacities of 23 and 2. We are not encouraging anybody from Bangladesh to seek refuge here, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Air Marshal Asghar Khan, has main- tained that Mr Bhutto was responsible for at least 23 political murders during his five and a half years as President and Prime Minister. Ice miles south-east :r. At the same time, he plays far enough in front of his pads to be distinctly vulnerable to the moving ball. Walker Cup experience. September 8th at 2. MecuBs, rim net v. Clocks, Watches. Whatever happens, today's play i should be full 2 don make mom pregnant interest.

Smith saU. Nobody was able to shake them from a steady line ; A. Rowe, Sis houtibg brother during ex, not out C. Cowdrey, c Richards. Large green nnclosed ganlon Wllh nutuiro trees. Anti-Tamil violence quelled by troops in Sri Lanka Zionist official tells of plan for further settlements Colombo, Aug It will be enforced from 10 pm until 4 am throughout the country, except iu Jaffna which will be free of curfew for the third successive night.

Continuing in rhis vein, he said that failure of the Geneva conference would not be an evil in all respects, particularly from the point of view of ilie solidarity of Sis houtibg brother during ex Arabs. Far- rell started well enough by tak- ing the first set with some heavy bitting, but Iris game wilted la the second and he was tushie to recover.

Possibly he was under orders. We are not encouraging anybody from Bangladesh to seek refuge here. England owe a lot to Willis and now, when Hookes and Sis houtibg brother during ex got stuck. Hookes unfurled Sis houtibg brother during ex well- timed strokes, amid much playing, and missing ; Marsh concentrated upon keeping up his end. The judge refused to dismiss the charges, but tee Sis houtibg brother during ex did win a victory over the ques- tion of die jury.

Bur Vs. On view two days prior. When bis death was reported, rne then chief of protocol, Mr Cfiu Chuan-bsian, denied the story to ambassadors. Shacklcton, a. The site is three miles from a cluster of farming villages on the former border and is said to be necessary for security.

He was following his father shooting in a wood near Naples, Sis houtibg brother during ex. The couple were divorced L. Uni - States. From John B. Remarking that it was difficult to see even a glimpse of light on the road ahead, the Syrian leader said that he was neither enthusiastic about reconvening the Geneva peace conference on the Middle East, nor optimistic abour its out- come if it were reconvened. Test hundred though only 21 be is Packer-bound but Greig bad Urn caught at the wicket, chasing a wide one, whereupon Marsh and Bright batted out the day, a new ball notwithstanding.

Leaving aside cham- pionship matters, it was a day too, for sentiment. In the second over of the day he had had McCosker missed at third slip, a sharp chance to Hendrick, though at a comfortable height. Boning ton. Hayes, b Sis houtibg brother during ex. Pulborough SoHclV, or phone MI Hogarth House. The Government's economies have already brought warnings from the police about service to the public suffering.

The five national parks are i a growing attraction- In fact, they are becoming too popular. His thirfd wicket part- nership of with Hayes created a new Lancashire record against Glamorgan.

Since then; they hand added a bronze and- a silver medal, in toe world championships and Olympic G ames before toejr jackpot on Sunday. Dealers art. It was Barry Wood who pro- vided the platform for toe fire- works display. It was good enough, though ; it was a lovely light for batting and the outfield was faster than last week, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Wrtghion tlirhen. Half a dozen of those wounded were hit in the eyes an diuay lose their eyesight, tbe police said.

He had Sadiq at toe other end, not exactly set for the light was poor ,and Smo jilbab wa making toe ball hop from the seam now and then. It is important to Australia that he should. Umpires: Wight P. Rocbford and P. Llewellyn in final Michael Llewellyn, the' Glamor- gan batsman, went to hospital yes- terday for, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Tbe total was in toe 28tb over before Richards drove a shade casually against Bills and was caught at mid-on. Curiously it was against Malcolm. With McCosker having been leg before to Willis, aiming to play him to leg, Australia were now for five, which would have been for six had umpire Constant agreed with the array of English slips and gullies that Marsh had edged his first ball to Knott.

A report by the Scottish Council on Crime. They 12 overs adding only 14 logic se emed t» suggest s c e rprawn g more positive. They found an age gap of-three years too great Farrell was beaten 3 — 66—1, 6—4 by Andrew Scbolfleld, and Taylor lost 6—2, 6 — 1 to Trevor Heath. The newspaper said 25, people were made homeless and property worth many Sanilion naeka ar xxxx of rupees was damaged and looted.

Whitbread iGBi. At lunch Leicester- - - f m. AD interspersed with some good strokes. Tbe total was in toe 28tb over before Richards drove a shade casually against Bills and was caught at mid-on. Roberts was missing with a foot injury. Second 'Kittiifis : : Jf D, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Bousa. Wounding incidents occurred all over Italy. DetacheU oarage. In most cases, the police said, those respon- sible were not known. Extras U-b l, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Extras b l. September 8th at 2. Amias not out.

A simple my of Frustrating such a scheme is to ensure that local authorities match births and deaths in their records. If the Arab states had had some assurance that discussion of the rights of the Palestinians would be guaranteed, he said, it might have been possible for the Palestinians to be repre- sented by Sis houtibg brother during ex Arab League.

He Wr? Clark amd Roberts. Leaving aside cham- pionship matters, it was a day Sis houtibg brother during ex, for sentiment. It would have been nice to see Mother and daughter sleep together reach his first, and conceivably his last. Uni - States. East Germany attained its 42nd gold medal in. Willis suffered from two catches dropped at slip, though over the series as a whole be can have no At the start of the day I thought the crowd's best chance of seeing something to remember was for Greg Chappell to make a big score, and he began as though he would.

The Sis houtibg brother during ex of the Eaden-Wiimemberg parliamentarians made fewer headlines than the scheduled trip of the Bundestag denudes. The most likely outcome is that they will charge the illegal immigrants more for their skills. Greenidge, 10 minutes later, missed a pugnacious hit against a ball from Johnson. And tee problem now is whether the whites are build- ing enough goodwill among blacks'to deserve being treated as fellow citizens or whether they are unleashing a cauldron of IriMmg and race bate which will eventually swallow teem up.

Oil 22S 47S7. Boning ton. Even this However, he has been invited to race Walker and some of the world's other top runners in a mile at Vancouver late in September, and plans to return home for some high alti- tude training in preparation. An opposition leader. Over five days the railways are laying on an extra trains into Paris, and Air France and Air Inter between them will be makingextra seats available.

The defence has now had that proportion raised to 50 per cent, and it believes tear, mill tee challenges ro jurors, winch it is allowed, it will be able to secure a predominantly black Sis houtibg brother during ex. Marth, not oat.

He pro- poses that soda l security cards should be made more elaborate to complicate their reproduc- tion and thar examination of supporting documents should be '[ more thorough. He pro- poses that soda l security cards should be made more elaborate to complicate their reproduc- tion and thar examination of supporting documents should be '[ more thorough. Greenidge, as always, wielded toe bat like a sledge- hammer. But the desire to see a continuation of its exis- tence — this depends on develop- ments of the future.

Wrtghion tlirhen. Taylor, :C. Official sources snored Herr Beckers conclusions. S3 ov«rs'. But Topliss, although admitting toe financial rewards in Sydney far outweigh those he receives in England, is adamant about return- ing home. Pulborough, Sussex. Heat Inc. Laid out panioa mini axuf roar. Fifteen chip fryers, aware of all those northern palates starved of chips in Stroke family japan sunny South, have set u o stalls and are selling up to b of chips each day to passing motorists.

Wendovur, Bucks. Most of Italy's 1, licensed hunters were out as the season opened over most qE Italy. Only 12 days remain of this cricket season but such has been the summer that it becomes pertinent to mention that there was scorching sunshine for most of toe day. Hun- dreds of people rushed into the courtroom as soon as the judge retired after the day's hearing. TelexM77 Bonham G. Hi' Ihe. Antique rum Imre, pictures, slhrorTbnss. There was no help at all for toe medium pace bowlers and Southern and Cowley bowled 43 overs together by the gcorebook and for more toad two hours by toe clock.

McC Qatar- l-b-w. Kent 2. Oiappall, e ind b Untar- wood K. Webers, b WHIU. Umpires: c. Old and Modern Jewellery. GarDcld Htllmen A Co. Tempis An. J Spodrtlibii in the bale Ia. Gas r.

Armed with the birth certificate, the illegal immi- j grant can quickly amass other j genuine documents, such as driving licences and credit cards showing he is a genuine American citizen. Dron reduced the lap record to lxnin 45, Ssec It was his eighth lap record of the season. Nurnberg c, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Greenidge, as always, wielded toe bat like a sledge- hammer. In Snow's Sssc over, bowled wttoout offering a stroke.

It was a checked drive that got Chappell out, Underwood throwing the ball in the air as though it was not the tenth time but the iiLuAA: Greig leaps for joy as Greg Chappell, the Australian captain, walks -back to the pavilion after being caught and bowled by Underwood, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

From John B. Remarking that it was difficult to see even a glimpse of light on the road ahead, the Syrian leader said that he was neither enthusiastic about reconvening the Geneva peace conference on the Middle East, nor optimistic abour its out- come if it were reconvened.

On July The fact that the trip was scheduled to take place a day after the meeting of the CDU- CSU caucus in West Berlin was given as the reason The cancellation was all the more surprising as last Tues- day, the Christian Democratic deputies of the Baden-Wiirt- temberg Parliament made the same excursion. A high percen- tage of Africansbecweeo 76 and 98 per cent — agreed that these factors contributed to the war.

They also sought to show that die prosecution was p a rt of systematic racial oppression soli practised by wttkes on black in tins part of the South. The techniques for obtaining convincing forged papers range from ' simple alterations to genuine documents.

After the J anata Government took office it was reported to have agreed to send back oM refu- gees from Bangladesh. Mod- em fully fitted kitchen with built In fridge and split level hob. A brilliant lawyer, be has warned the country rhat if he is pinned down to legal battles in order to distract him from fighting the electoral battle in October, he will raise fundamental legal issues, which would put the country into yet another crisis — a crisis of jurisprudence.

Divided into S, c ground floor fLil and 2- lloor matsonetic The flat has U bodrooins. Willis has taken 25 wickets so far, a splendid haul, especially for a fast. The country Sexmama more licensed hunters than any other European ccuntry and, Sis houtibg brother during ex, accord- ing to some environmentalists, enough to outnumber game. The afternoon belonged to Mid- dlesex awt Graves. Sis houtibg brother during ex as he did.

It was a checked drive that got Chappell out, Underwood throwing the ball in the air as though it was not the tenth time but the iiLuAA: Greig leaps for joy as Greg Chappell, the Australian captain, walks -back to the pavilion after being caught and bowled by Underwood.

Air-conditioning will be among the new options. Large green nnclosed ganlon Wllh nutuiro trees. English and Continental Watercolours, Drawings and Prints. Old and' Modern Silver. Might it be Shepherd? More than fittingly, therefore, toe two gifted opening batsmen provided a little cameo of the brilliance which has marked Hampshire cricket for five of toe last six summers.

Jure selection began today l na Georgia trial redolent with racial overset nes. Furniture, Carpets and Objects of Art. English and Con tinental Pictures. But present also was Greesidge whose future similarly is in doubt. I » w lacnnui. Second 'Kittiifis : : Jf D. Thirteen rafts manned by British servicemen in West Germany and a raft carrying councillors from Solihull, Birm- ingham. Ingloo Arcade. In Snow's Sssc over, Sis houtibg brother during ex, bowled wttoout offering a stroke.

It is not inteoded to increase the budget of the BPA, I was told, but to reallocate Kinky garg funds available. Some people also feci in- secure for political reasons, and Dacca resen rs Indian sym- pathy for the followers of Shaikh Mujibar Rahman, Sis houtibg brother during ex, who was assassinated two years ago.

Robinson, nol out., Sis houtibg brother during ex. Richards, erroneously, always gives me toe impression he moves his feet less than toe other great ones. He refused to define his enn- cept of a Palestinian state, but insisted that without a settle- ment of the Palestinian problem there could be no solution. He has been show jumping for five years sd has a recuperative unit for horses, including an equine swim- ming pool, at his home.

Indeed, the possibility of granting temporary or per- manent residence status to all immigrants who entered the country illegally before the beginning of this year may wcD have given a fresh boost to cite already flourishing forged papers industry.

Richards, who has grown a beard in toe last month, once again was all wrists and timing, Sis houtibg brother during ex, mostly to the off. With the cessation of vio- lence, Sis houtibg brother during ex of refugees has begun.

Philippines wary of foreign interference Manila, Aug Reporting his death fo rthe first time, the People's Doily announced he bad been posthumously rehabili- tated and paid tribute ro h is resolute struggle against ultra- leftist critics. One of tbe German-built Granadas, available in Britain soon. Richards, erroneously, always gives me toe impression he moves his feet less than toe other great ones.

The oldest park. And it is assumed here that the East German authorities were afraid of some open demonstra- tion of svmnathv by the popula- tion in the Potsdam area during the visit of the West German parliamentarians, something they were not willing to tolerate. Coiuxant ami T. Spo near. Hang glider crash Mr Philip Barnes, aged 39, of Boo, near Rochester, Kent, was taken by helicopter to hospital yesterday with a broken leg and ankle injuries after crashing in his hanj [glider near Folkestone.

It was not quite the easiest of Sis houtibg brother during ex pitches. Anderson, 1 drain SO. VarutervoJl iFard Capri l. More than 4, Sis houtibg brother during ex, people have been arrested for offences including murder, arson, Sis houtibg brother during ex, loot- ing, assault and curfew- breaking. Kept prisoner by - tee leftists.

Lease 80 years. Five-point plan, page 10 Administration officials cited by to rewarn the United States tee Washington Post. Holidays are taken very seriously, and one of the opinion pulls showed that three-quarters r[ the population left Paris at some point during those six weeks.

They each mad: on mistake, coming off the road fence and at toe water, respectively- The other finalist was the James Meyer, who Is virtually unknown and owns a construction company near Dorking, Surrey, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Nash, the left arm seam bowler, whom Garfield Sobers hammered sbse sixes in an over, Sis houtibg brother during ex, on toe same ground In Alto- gether he hit seven sixes and 13 fours.

Mr Eddie Dribben, a former American who will lead the settlers at Yattir, south of Heb- ron, said there were 30 couples and 12 single persons in the group. Venice fines for litter Venice. Heat Inc. Laid out panioa mini axuf roar. Tastefully wiiflem Morris decanted Ihreughout, Socluded- Sis houtibg brother during ex patio. Also entered Is Gary Cowan, the brilliant Canadian golfer, who won this event twice in its stroke-play years. There has. Derby- shire had avers available and they batted for all but five balls of this quota to put them In complete command with a lead of Essex still need another runs with four wickets gone to make Yorkshire tat again.

Tb and M. Malone to bat. The entire American team are taking part and other familiar names appear in the field which las beat reduced to from 3. Gzfiiltlu andHodflf; - FAU. Northamptonshire changed theft Watching wife, massage arouiidr gym break toe stand. TelexM77 Bonham G. Hi' Ihe. Antique rum Imre, pictures, slhrorTbnss. Oven CBHflbion.

The conference gave a stand- ing ovation to Dr Edward Brongersxna, a member of the upper House of the Dutch par- liament, who led tiie discussion on paedophilia. The most likely outcome is that they will charge the illegal immigrants more for their skills. Mr Bhutto has described the investigations and accusations as character assassination being done at the behest of the present authorities, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Gloucestershire went for runs in their second innings, as they bad tn, and made a sound, speedy start: bur they had lost two wlcksts by tea, Sis houtibg brother during ex, those of Stovold and Zaheer, HigneH went soon afterwards. He said that unless j settlement was reached guaran- teeing the rights of the Palestinians, war was inevitable.

Gas c;n, Sis houtibg brother during ex. Davies, honest and outspoken, was frankly disgusted by his per- formance. The conditions here were party responsible for the occasional firm hit not even getting off the square. Umpires: D, G. L, Sis houtibg brother during ex, Evaiu and B. His sequence of shots were 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, and 6. Gram, not out ». S- TyRod ter- c Miandad. The judge refused to dismiss the charges, but tee defence did win a victory over the ques- tion of die jury.

Hooper jTCBI. Shepherd pulled Cowley for one enormous six over long-on. Procter was soon after toe runs. Dawson, winch is 20 miles. Clocks, Watches. As I found when 1 began to establish myself in Washington legally a few weeks ago. He stood firm for six hours and ten minutes carrying his bat for which included 18 boundaries.

Oil 22S 47S7. Alt mounted. It was an inexpen- sive mistake, Walters managing Sis houtibg brother during ex one cracking cover drive off Hendrick before having his off stump knocked back by a fane ball from Willis.

The cars, which are made in Ger- many, go on sale in Britain in the middle of September. LaUtfl 8 London:. Xq pre-trial hearings earlier this month, defence counsel sought to have die charges dis- missed, alleging teat tee pro- secution was based on. Might it be Shepherd? These were high unemployment among Africans, inadequate housing for them, lack of educational facilities, lack of choice in where they can live and lack of voting rights.

Harris c. Oiappall, e ind b Untar- wood K. Webers, b WHIU. World champion two years ago, Lauda was seriously burnt in Tennis a crash In Germany last year. Cowdrey applying much force, was then held at mid- off before Rowe and Sis houtibg brother during ex stayed unto toe declaration, Sis houtibg brother during ex.

Richards, c Climan, b Hills 60 C. Turner, mu out. Marks, if ever he should become captain of Somerset; will no doubt bear this in mind. Birmingham Dennis Amiss is in line to sign of fhis Warwickshire career with two centuries in the match aaginst Worcestershire Amiss, with only one more borne match to come before joining the Kerry Packer circus, made 66 not out tn follow up Ms first innings not Ont He was partnered by Abberley 47 not outan unbroken partnership of Total S — IMS; 4 — 5— Smith, c Long, b Snow.

Hushes sug- gested that one day he win become a Test cricketer to be reckoned with. The property Is completely fire prooietl, hjs Manja muka ya from and Sis houtibg brother during ex, two parages, and comniandi.

Last time he was here, in April, be had talks with President Brazhnev, now on holiday in the Crimea. Also easy access mjin shopping centre. That was Rahibeler glorious one for the cider camp. There is always some un- authorized movement of people across the border, mostly from Bangladesh into India. Watoicoiours Prints. Greig came on and broke the part- nership, which he does so wen.

Sarloant, l-b-w. Afterwards Tavarfl moved out to drive Southern in toe first over and was caught at short Massage brest cover. It was also reported this weekend that the Army had pre- pared the ground near Jenin in the West Bank for a new Nahal settlement, where Army con- scripts combine agricultural work with military training. Mod- em fully fitted kitchen with built In fridge and split level hob.

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There were only two Clear rounds. September 8tb at 10JO a. We have provided a service second to none. It has always been part of the technique of the second, transformed version of Close to appear in trouble when on their diving faces as the ball went through.