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The track was so provocative it got banned by the BBC, inadvertently giving it an even sexier edge than it already had.

Any lingering Mousketeer innocence completely evaporated when Ariana Grande dropped Positionsa track tribute to tussling between the sheets.

Then it lingers Truly, Sexy ce video, this is as far from Kansas as you can get. French singer Serge Gainsbourg really was doing the nasty with English rose Jane Birkin in the studio.

The 60 Sexiest Songs of All Time

Cocker sings in his signature low purr over a slinky drumbeat and pulsating bassline, Sexy ce video, eventually building up to an explosive, altogether satisfying climax. The Minneapolis trio could barely contain its excitement on this raunchy track. Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Sexy ce video Jan. Chart Peak: 1 six weeksPeak Date: Dec. Chart Peak: 1 three weeksPeak Date: Jun.

Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Date: Sept. Upon its release, the song immediately shot to the top of the charts; we can only imagine that the soul diva got exactly what she wanted in the bedroom, too.

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Sasha Fierce single, in which the singer laces her firm come-ons with plentiful coital oohs and ahhs. It so scandalized and titillated the prudish Brits that the BBC banned the song — which, of course, Sexy ce video added to its appeal, Sexy ce video. All Rights Reserved. Issued on her debut album, At Last! It also showed that she was a woman who knew what she wanted. Get weekly rundowns straight to your inbox.

Chart Peak: 3, Peak Date: Mar. Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Sept, Sexy ce video. Besides winning sexiest video on this list, the song also is a contender for most delicious, unbearable musical climax. Here we have Bruce at the peak of his blue-collar pre-middle-age sex appeal, all grease-covered hands and sweaty brow trying to get a look under the hood.

For this slow-burner, the Boss stops working on his hot rod long enough to pine after a married lady or, as the video suggests, maybe it's her car he's really into. Chart Peak: 2, Peak Date: Jan. Chart Peak: Sexy ce video four weeksPeak Date: Aug.

Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Feb. Chart Peak: 4, Sexy ce video, Peak Date: Sept. The pay-off: about halfway through, the tempo slows to a lascivious crawl and stops dead in its tracks, before slowly regaining its composure, in a succinct aural imitation of la petit mort. Cover versions have proliferated, but only Patti, Sarah Sexy ce video Nona deliver the real goods. All the Stones did.

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Billboard is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Chart Peak: 3, Sexy ce video Date: Sept. Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Jan. Chart Peak: 1 Peak Date: Jan. Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Date: Jul. Chart Peak: 1 nine weeksPeak Date: Mar. Chart peak: 1 five weeksPeak Date: Oct. Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Date: Jun. Chart Peak: 1 six weeksPeak Date: Jul.

Chart Peak: 2, Peak Date: Jun, Sexy ce video. Chart Peak: 1 five weeksPeak Date: Jul. Chart Peak: 1 four weeksPeak Date: Feb.

Chart Peak: 1 four weeksPeak Date: Sept.

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On his own, smooth-talking Funkadelic bassist Bootsy Collins carved out a niche as Sexy ce video master of the heavy funk ballad, and his masterpiece is this deliciously gooey declaration of desire that Sexy ce video the feeling of wading through a waist-deep river of molasses. Some might argue that syncing a round of lovemaking to Dark Side of the Moon is better than doing the same to Wizard of Oz. The song starts slowly, steadily building to a massive, speaker-shattering climax as vocalist Clare Torry screams, moans and sputters with orgasmic glee.

One of the all-time greatest songs about butts in a genre busting with them, Sexy ce video, here we find Juvenile driven damn near insane by the booty. And very stoned. But her soulful delivery sells it — she coos each line as one lover might to another just before heading to the bedroom.

Let them Animated Alien force your own chorus of moans. As far as party invitations go, the singer makes this one exceedingly hard to decline. Few songs have thrown a spotlight on streetwalking the way this chart-topping smash did… and none made you want to get down or learn to speak French more. It's hard to imagine after nearly 60 years of watching the man slowly evolve into a strutting wood carving, but Mick Jagger used to ooze sexuality.

Fact: Barry White could have sat there reading the side effects of Cialis in his silky baritone and it would have done more for libidos than the drug itself, Sexy ce video. Most of the legendary crooner's mainstream hits are quick-rhythm disco-soul jams about the power of love, but when Barry slowed things down, Sexy ce video, the heat steadily rose.

The Captain and Tennille returned to Sexy ce video top of the charts with this simple-yet-subtle ode to male virility; a sweet-sounding song that also succinctly summed up wild and loose ways of the s.

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Originally a bubblegum dance track by Crazy Cousinz featuring Kyla, the tune gets the xx treatment — and then some, Sexy ce video. To answer that question, we don't mind… at Sexy ce video. When Eurodisco pioneer Giorgio Moroder famously asked Donna Summer to simulate throes of ecstasy for this trendsetting slab of taboo, the devoutly churchy singer initially demurred, then faked an estimated 22 orgasms for the Sexy ce video, inspiring millions to follow her lead.

Hopefully, the men made it off the dance floor without any vasocongestion look it up. Yeah, right: nothing to be read into her helpful suggestion that a bit of lubrication might be required to get that oversize stretch limo through the back door. The centerpiece carnal act?

Drake feat. Future and Young Thug, "Way 2 Sexy"

In no way related to the slightly cheesy Bad Company song, this tune is quite simple: Flack describes moments that inspire an amorous mood, including after walking through a park and while sitting in a restaurant.

Still, the song is one silky endorphin rush teaming the velvet-voiced singer Sexy ce video the melody-makers of Daft Punk at their retrofuturistic best. The song slaps. Cougars of New Jersey, look alive.

60 Best Sexy Songs For A Romantic Vibe

Using his pack-a-day croon to maximum effect, Mr, Sexy ce video. The hit was so suggestive that it was banned by many radio stations across the globe — as well as the entire country of South Africa. Chart Peak: 3, Peak Date: Apr. Chart Peak: 2, Peak Date: Sexy ce video. Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Apr.

Chart Peak: Sexy ce video, Peak Date: Jul. Chart Peak: 2, Peak Date: Feb. Chart Peak: 2, Peak Date: Aug. Chart Peak: 2, Peak Date: Nov. Chart Peak: 2, Sexy ce video, Peak Date: Jul. Chart Peak: 3, Peak Date: Aug, Sexy ce video.

Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Date: Aug. Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Aug. Chart Peak: 3, Peak Date: Jun. Chart Peak: 3, Peak Date: Feb. Chart Peak: 3, Peak Date: Jan.

Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Mar. Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Jul. Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Date: Apr. Chart Peak: 1 three weeksPeak Date: Mar. Chart Peak: 1, Peak Date: Nov. Chart Peak: 1 two weeksPeak Date: May 5, For the men of Silk, nothing is out of bounds when it comes to pleasing a woman. Well, do the math. The immortal Ms. How could we run a list like this and not feature the Reverend Al? A man whose music has soundtracked nigh on four decades of baby-making, and who now marries Sexy ce video couples in his own chapel.

For evidence of what happens when every piece of England's horniest rock ensemble is in the mood, look no further than this sax-heavy, disco-indebted Some Girls groove. Grande found a deliciously naughty hit in the form of this peppy confection, in which the singer sunnily croons about drinking coffee and eating healthy in order to prepare for a marathon all-nighter that would leave even Sting with neck cramps.

The 60 best sexy songs ever made