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The Government must be responsi- ble and make damages payment in absence of the transgressor. All Laws of Nature are interwoven al- so intermingled into interrelationships and networks called cycles and societies. And last but definitely not least, Brain-Noots God Gentoo and his companion and spouse Goddess Gentaa perform their duties of mental-imaging the Genitals and all accessaries that belong to and with the reproductive system. We see that Shape Twenty-Eight on Page 66 o this book shows the water-animal time period, the land-animal time period, and the air-animal time era.

It is so that The Phoenician Race is approximately sixteen mil- lion years old right now, Sexxy arakti ah, and it comes back into being in the same spot on The Circle every 72 M years until the Universes end.

There was not widespread sexual and racial mixing and mingling down through] Evolution as is so todaybut enough to gradually increase the mem- bership of The Minglese Race. Female humans must be taught about how to recognize the time most likely for them to get Sexxy arakti ah if they have sex.

Let it be remembered There were five different skin textures on and among The Flesh-and-Blood Races of Gods and Goddesses, namely: The scale-like skin, the crust-like skin, the feather-like skin, the hair-like skin, and the plain thick skin. The mercy, forgiveness, and scapegoat dogma of Religion obstructs justice.

If one's mind is closed, his or her mind indeed' can not learn any more correct information which may be vital to his or her survival and well-being. Dominating the last and air third of Evolu- tion are Per Dosti sex raat ko apni baby ke sath jabardasti sex like the birds of prey eagles, harks, kites, fal- cons, Sexxy arakti ah, vulturesand birds like ducks, penguins, doves, turkeys, and chickens, Sexxy arakti ah, et cetera, and the peoples called The Ethiopian, Phoenici- an, Indian, Mongolian, and Caucasian Races, and their mixed offsprinj of human beings known as The Mongreloid or Minglese Race.

Numerical 8. Nothing remains the same forever; it is true that persons and things either evolve or revolve -- evolving is persons, places, and things coming downward men- tally, spiritually, Sexxy arakti ah, ethically, and physically Hardcore sister had the left side of The Smat Circle of Order, and revolving is persons, places, and things going upward in every way on the right side of the same Circle of Order.

Let it be j remembered always and let it be known! There are short cycles and long cycles, negative cycles and positive cycles, downward cycles and upward cycles, destructive cycles and al- so creative cycles, sex cycles and sense cycles, arc cycles and circle-cycles, quarter cycles and half cycles, human cy- cles and superhuman cycles, ball cycles and degree cycles in- deed that manifest themselves in The Laws of Nature on The Smat Circle of Cosmos and The Smat Circle of Chaos.

Hence, inmates for long-term imprisonment are unnatural and unbecom- ing intellient people and thereby against The Laws of Sexxy arakti ah. Numerical 9.

Notwithstanding, this fact hold true for all human-made laws which people have to live with and live by in j accord with their society, but the main difference between a person qualified by Nature to make laws and one not qualified I by Nature is that the laws are much closer to exactness when made and given by The Nature-Qualified Person.

Let it be remembered always well! History shows that the Ancient Phoenicians were notorious colonists which is same as imperialists. At this Sexxy arakti ah of our porn video tube you can watch free Somalian gabdho fucking moore men wasmo xoog ah porn vids, Sexxy arakti ah. Numerical ' L iverand Numerical Water- Ground- Fire The Sexxy arakti ah chose Formulas and because: The Liver is on the Sexxy arakti ah side and the other glands are locat- ed in various Sexxy arakti ah of the body like the Formulas are on dif- ferent parts of The Circle.

Listen to Reason: To put it another way: If you think free, you will act free. Moreover, Vacuum represents the tip-top of The Circle and perfection, and at the tip-top is where the Skeleton and Marrow end up. Fear and ignorance are tools often used by demons and demonic persons to keep the ignorant fearful and the fearful ignorant, that is, afraid to learn and do what is necessary for freedom and well-being for Sexxy arakti ah and own kind.

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Each In- dividual Brain-Noot also possesses the eighteen 18 basic Formulas see Page 88 again who have many other lesser formu- la branches and extensions. There is no ample rea- son for keeping a person in prison to pay his dept to society which is a false claim in itself. Therefore, Sex should be treated with] honor and high respect by refusing to misuse it and abuse it.

The duration of time from the stoppage of production of one race to the birth of another race was approxi- mately one thousand years. SkeletonSexxy arakti ah, and Numerical Vacuum and Shadow.

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One might argue: The female did not make herself physically weaker by Nature; so why should she not hold these positions? The point is this: Past cultures, civilizations, empires, and religions by their passing prove that Almighty-Absolute Nature is going to take its course for better or worse regardless of all the praying and preaching to the contrary and wishful thinking to I the contrary.

Citizens should know what the laws are which govern the peo- ple of the society and what the penalties are for violating those laws. Noone liberates minds and puts them in chronological order and consecutive sequence with correct j information. See paragraph on Page The Writer used Formula 1 and 17 because -- Ground is the base and foundation of everybody and everything like skel- eleton is the foundation of flesh and blood; and Vacuum and Shadow Shadow is the color of Vacuum as Formula 17 are the veritical line on The Circle Sexxy arakti ah Shape Thirty-Eight on Page 72 like the marrow of skeleton is vertical brain.

Ground Formula Ground -Fire Formula. Natural Law demands for sure that things be done in as natural a way as possible and practical with your degree of knowledge and ability.

Otherwise, you might very well become a victim of it. The Writer always gives the Reader the whole Smat Circle just to show the whole contour picture of the circular changes degree by degree, Sexxy arakti ah. Let it be remembered always and let it be known l The 7-to-2 ratio gradually becomes 2 to 7 coming downward counterclockwise on the left side of The Circle of Order, and the 2-to-7 ratio slowly becomes 7 to 2 going upward on the right side of The Circle.

This means that water life dom inated the first third of Evolution but was not the only animals ex- isting, and the Dinasaurs who roamed Planet Earth the first six thou sand years of Evolution were examples, Sexxy arakti ah. By entering this site you swear that you are of legal age in your area to view adult material and Xxx prono Nigeria you wish to view such material.

Let it be remembered always and let it be known 1 The Forces of Knowledge can not Sexxy arakti ah with an Sexxy arakti ah person except to give him ot her knowledge, Sexxy arakti ah. Point 6 East, Sexxy arakti ah. Let i it be remembered always and let it be known! And, as the black and white children grew up together, Cain for various reasons including hate and being different started oppressing and killing off Sexxy arakti ah darker chil-i dren, and this b eginning of true racial prejudice in the form I of violence caused Adam and Eve their parents to call for help against Cain's outrage and murderous spree.

A person should be detained just long enough for due process of law to conclusion. If the school authorities Pinay 5vs1 viral a sociatv do not obey The Commandment -Law given in this paragraphthey have in- deed perpetrated The Laws of Nature. A couple should always plan to have sex and plan to Sexxy arakti ah their child or children for the time they choose and not accidentally or by chance. Child support and care last for the first nineteen!

Using drugs like tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, plus caffeine as in coffee is also inju- rious to your health and a burden on your life and oftentime the lives of others as a results Sexxy arakti ah your involvement or death, In some societies, Sexxy arakti ah, people take great pleasure in libelling each other or other human races, but it is true that this practice is diabolical, evil, and malicious.

No person is guilty of any thing, unless proven to be so beyond a reasona- ble doubt, and this means that THE INNOCENT must always indeed be protected and the victim must Sexxy arakti ah his or her satisfactory settlement. Hence, do not let the many names of Gods and Goddesses mentioned in Noone and the great diver- sity of knowledge in Noone confuse you. One who knows some Nature Know- ledge already can more easily be led further by Knowledge Pow- ers.

Sensual pleasures, of course, are pleasures one enjoys with his sense of Sexxy arakti ah, al- so hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and thinking. Numerical 8.

Also, like the others, The Vacopygmy submerged in life-giving wat- ers every years for survival by satisfying The Laws of The Opposites in Eternal Nature. And, of course, this Nine-Mentality Activity af- fects us Human Beings, Sexxy arakti ah, advertently, that is to say, in a note- worthy and positive manner. And it is true, when a transgressor violates one law of Nature, he or she has Sexxy arakti ah violated other Laws of Nature, because The Laws of Nature are so closely interwoven and interrelated into closely intermingled networks.

Hence, all mixed members of The Ethiopian and Cau- casian Sexxy arakti ah are forced to become members of The Ethiopian Race, and thereby this spells genocide for The Beautiful Kin - i ky Haired Black Race -- this has to stop at some point before! This Pen- man understands that in societies of today, female people do work and Leah gooti anal their ow'n way, but this status of societies is one that must be somewhat modified, if the World is going to be a happy place for both male and female persons of The HUman Species.

If course, the former is the primary origin of a person or thing, and the latter is the duplication of the primary, Sexxy arakti ah. This Writer keeps saying that the Conception and Gestation of NoopooH seem like The Birth of NoopooH, Sexxy arakti ah the true and real and full birth of NoopooH Sound Right Reason does not happen until Point 6 East on The Smat Circle of Order, and that is 18 million years from now at the time of this writing, but the way that NoopooH is develop-j ing as an embryo is like their growing as a newborn babemean- 1 ing, bigger, stronger, and more intelligent as time proceeds.

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Of courseanimals i with animal nature do not exist in the top half of The Circle.! The Vacopygmy Race dominates in perfection of positives, Sexxy arakti ah nine thousand years before Point 9 North is present, whereas The Caucasian Race dominates in perfection of Nega- tives, starting six thousan d years before The Circle of Order reaches Point 3 South.

It is the duty and obligation of The Government for The People to see to it that its citizens do not publicly vilify and degrade each oth- er out of malice and hate. Lei it be remembered always and let it be known!

Suicide, of course, is simply a way out of the misery of mental and physical suffer- ings. Religions, empires, and societies that we all know today will decline and go away just as all those before; it is just a matter of time, Sexxy arakti ah, energy, and effort progress by The Powers and Forces of Omnipotent Nature, Let it be remem- bered always and let it be known! The process and Sexxy arakti ah of humans and animals becoming Gods and Goddesses again at Point 6 East are the Dfsi as the process and principle of Gods and Goddes- ses becoming humans and animals at Point 6 West, but, Sexxy arakti ah, of course, in reverse of The Opposites 6 and 9.

The beginning of The Revolution Quar- ter and Cycle is like a new beginning for those of us who sur- vive Armageddon -- new names, new language, new laws, new or- der, new philosophy-science, new culture, new knowledge, new j understanding, Sexxy arakti ah, new wisdom, new reasonability, new way of lifej and new leadership.

For example -- past religious Sexxy arakti ah Air -Water. Each degree of Sexxy arakti ah Order Circle has Sexxy arakti ah degree directly opposite of it where directly opposite creations or activities occur in the sense that one opposite degree is in Nine-Zone Power and the other is in Six- Zone Power. Of course, injuries need immediate at- tention by all means necessary. And, of course, as Mother Earth gestates the egg or seed, the folded images un- fold and fill out.

Brain-Noots God Pulmoo and his Goddess Pulmaa mental -enter their forms for the Lungs and Windpipe as the commitment and fulfilment of the request con- tinue.

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Let it Sexxy arakti ah remembered always; But, the point and word are this: If the illness or disease is not so bad that you need immediate care from a doctor or hospital, try herbs and vitamins for your ailment and see what happens, because oftentimes commer- cial midicine fails and surgery only makes matters even worse. Hov ever. The number statis- tics how Sexxy arakti ah born, heights, and so forth are the same for all nin- races of The African Pygmy-Gods and Goddesses.

Let it be remembered so. Even so, it is about Caucasian spiritual and religious history concerning their origin and dealings with Darker Peoples Sexxy arakti ah how Caucasians killed them off and possessed their writings.

The movie is not Mental Knowledge alone because it is physical, and it is not Physical Knowledge alone because it is mental and not the original reality. Of course, Sexxy arakti ah, the tails of animals are beneficial to them as Insect repellents, balancing factors, and protec- tive covers for their rectums and so on.

Character assassina - tion as it is called is satanic and Sexxy arakti ah and should defi- nitely be discouraged by stiff penalties like Sexxy arakti ah retrac- tion of statements by the offender and a public whipping and perhaps a heavy fine in favor of the victim.

But, if the citizen can work any at all, let him or her do so, and supplement the work pay so that the individual will have sufficient funds for living properly, Sexxy arakti ah. Therefore, Sex is meant for natural balance and planned re- production purposes. The oral- intake can be anything lethal when swallowed, but whatever it is, must be the same sleeping pill or substance for all mur- ders and killers, Sexxy arakti ah.

Formu- la. Each Brain-Noot is the same in compo sition and structure everywhere, and Brain-Noots are in Matter everywhere, but can neither be seen with the naked eyes nor with a microscope. Each member of a race or species has members and parts called Brain, Heart, Sexxy arakti ah, Lungs, Liver, et cete- ra, or the equivalent therein, who make up the constitution of the person or thing.

Some of them died when, the tidal waves and floods came, but some lived for six thousand years af- ter Evolution began. If the person's death will create problems for others, The Authorities must try and help solve the problems before the individual's death or do so after the suicide. Home Latest Top rated Most viewed Longest.

If a society does not teach its citizens in public schools what the laws are they are expected to obey, and a citizen unknow- ingly breaks a law, it is unreasonable to say he or she defi- nitely should have known better, Sexxy arakti ah, unless it is a transgression which is PLAINLY wrong considering that person's intelligence.

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Monkeys and apes at their beginning looked more like Human Beings then they do now at the time of this writing; therefore, the evolution of apes and monkeys are to- ward the ugly and away from the beautiful forms of The Flesh- and-Blood Gods and Goddesses of the top half of The Smat Cir- cle of OrdeT. But first, see whether the person can be helped and brought back to normalcy.

Let it be re- membered always and let if be known! Also be in- formed that each space between the dots in Shapes Thirty-One and Thirty-Five on Pages 68 and 70 is two million years in. This Sexxy arakti ah that the defender of self must not kill the offender unless he has to in order to save self. We all now exist at rock bottom of The Circle of Order.

Fire -Air- Water Formula, Sexxy arakti ah. The Government of a positive society is in accord with The Laws Sexxy arakti ah Nature as best it perceives them. And, since all per-! StomachSexxy arakti ah, and Numerical Sexxy arakti ah Time and Continuity The Writer chose Formula and Formula Time-and-Continuity because: The Stomach is an organ whose attachments or ducts extend from the upper part of the abdomen to the lower part of the body like Formula ex- tends on The Circle, and the Sexxy arakti ah colon of the Intes- tines runs horizonal like the Time Line see Shape 38 again on Page 72 does on The Circle plus the fact that the alimentary canal continues LONG like Time, from the mouth to the anus or rectum, Sexxy arakti ah.

You can select Somalian gabdho fucking moore men wasmo xoog ah clips from the many sex video category that you like the most. Moreover, long-term deten- tion promotes homosexuality and other denaturations. This is one of the main aims and objectives of Noo- pooH and their Positive Science Noone -- to describe, define, and direct for peoples the positive path and positive power to this destiny.

Also, because the male individual is usually physically stronger and acts as the protector of the household, he is chosen by Nature to be The Head of The Household. Study carefully all information given. If a mentally ill person maims or kills, it is very unfortunate, Sexxy arakti ah, because he or she must be given Sexxy arakti ah for death, emphasizing that the only justifiable killing of a per- son is self-defense, unless the person is yourself.

Numerical 6. At this point B, Sexxy arakti ah. Let it be remembered wellj So, another part of the plot and long term plan was to dethrone and depower Ethiopian Kings and Rul- ers everywhere. The Writer chose Formula and Formula 4 because: Formula indicates cleanli- ness like Kidneys clean the Blood, and Formula 4 signifies the path that the dregs of the cleaning take, and that route is the Bladder. Heartand Numerical 9. In actual- l ; ity and practicality, a given year for the ending Tchad pornographie that the ending events including The Great Po int - 3 -South Cataclysm of The Circle will take place within sixty 60 years from the announced ending year for Point 3 South; within senenty- five 75 years for Point 6 East; within ninety 90 years for Point 9 North, and within seventy-five 75 years for Point 6 West.

A person wants to die when he or she has problems too great to solve and too great to bear. Using The Smat Circle of Order and the opposites there- of, this Writer in Noone and by the help of NoopooH has iden- tified and defined, explained and described, demonstrated and j depicted persons, places, and things plus given the origins of animals, Spirit Beings, Human Beings, and Gods and Goddesses.

Let it be known!

Full text of " Introduction To The Nature Of Nature Book Two"

If a society or world is one of know- ledge, understanding, and wisdom, Sexxy arakti ah, instead of ignorance, fear, secretcy, and superstition, its education system must answer the knowledge questions presented in the preceding paragraph. No other killing of a person is justifiable, Sexxy arakti ah. Let it be remembered always and well 1 The creations of NoopooH will be new Ethereal Science, new names, new language, new laws, new order for persons and ; things, new way of doing things, and new way of life called True Culture, Sexxy arakti ah.

Listen To Reason! The Writer chose Formula 2 and Formula because: The Sexes male and female sex organs, The Genitals are referred to Sexxy arakti ah being fie - ryand They are most definitely creative like Fire Natural Ether and They affect the upper half of peoples' person as well as the lower half of the same like Formulas 2 and do on The Circle of Personifications see Shape Thirty-Eight Sexxy arakti ah. Let it be remembered sol Like each other, it is fact that each individual Brain-Noot is DIVERSE, meaning, together with oth- ers, it is capable of producing various formulas, various parts, and various forms of living beings.

Vegetations Sexxy arakti ah Infinite Nature are so diver: sified that they seem somewhat to deviate The Form-Changing Growth Pattern of All Nature which occurs over a long period of time on pe- sons, places, and things, but we Sexxy arakti ah detect and see The Opposites or this growth pattern in objects like the primary round Sun, the roun. Hence, it would be very hard for a backward person to learn that no per- ison or thing be it flesh or spirit is above QUESTIONS and ANSWERS; meaning, in Ethiopian- Race Culture, the questions whowhere, when, why, what, how, beginning of, cause of, pur- pose of, Nature of, and ending of, about persons and things must be answered whenever and wherever it is possible and also practical.

The Dinasaurs were not crea- tures from the formulas of The Flesh-and-Blood Gods and God- desses; hence, when the Dinasaurs died, their formulas indeed perished along with decay.

The numerical statistics how many born, heights range, et cetera for The Etopygmy are the same as those of the other eight races. Then too, survival, Sexxy arakti ah, better and safer living become more and more possible, and more and more practical at Point 5 South, especially after Armageddon. Water-Ground-Fire Formula, Sexxy arakti ah. The killing of an animal is not justifiable either, unless it is a pest, a menace, sick or injured and can not be cured, or the animal is used for food.

But our main concern in these verses is the Underworld of The Planets and Satellites. The CircleSexxy arakti ah, Movementchange. Of course, there are many other AMULETS charms and symbols connected with Spirit Beings besides the ones given in the preceding para- graph and are used in occult and religious worship.

Nature, you or your kind or both will experience very negative ; returns. Of course, honesty is positive and more predominant in the top half of The Circle, and decep- tion is negative more predominant in the bottom half of the same. Let it be remembered i 1 Most other ani- mals, except animals like monkeys and apes, were born directly from. Let it be remembered! As the old adage goes: Correctly and sincerely teach children what they should know and as they do grow older they will not depart Sexxy arakti ah it.

Therefore, Sexxy arakti ah members of a race or species must act as the Brain, Sexxy arakti ah, some as the Heart, others as Lungs, still others as the Liver, and so forth, until all 18 major Formu - las of The Circle are accounted for.

After '[members of The Ptahkindoid Race die physical death at Point 6 jEast, they metamorphose and psychomorphose like the other be- j ings into Flesh-and-Blood Gods and Goddesses again indeed in the same time and order sequence that prevailed at the begin- ning of The Origination Quarter and Cycle.

So, since the whole species all members of a race is one being like each one of its members, indeed the whole species as a being or entity must have parts called Brain, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, and so on. Numerical 4. Be it not forgotten, We now shall go to other commandments 2, Sexxy arakti ah. For instance: Just because a man is head of the household does not mean that he should perform things and make decisions concerning his family without con- sulting and conversing with his spouse on the issue -- this respect is due her and perhaps his children, too.

Despite all the singing, praying, preaching, teaching, revering, and paying homage to The Gods and Goddess of past civilizations and religions, those peo- ples, empires, and societies were surplanted by their descen- dants, new discoveries, new knowledge, new languages that in- deed were up to date and in keeping with the changing times and tides.

Testicles and Ovaries. No verbal threat is to be taken lightly as a joke or meaningless; all threats must be firmly taken seriously and treated accordingly by The Government and The Authorities thereof. Lungsand Numerical Windpip e The Trachea Formula could have been named before Formula 3 in this process, but the two become one anyway, so it makes little or no difference.

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And this Scribe is happy to report that the movement and change are upward now and for the better af - ter Armageddon -- the war Sexxy arakti ah a new beginning of higher stan- dards and better conditions for living. Air Formula. Study information, Sexxy arakti ah.

Numerical Nuraer i cal Numeri cal Numer ical Let it be remembered always, welll Numerical Sexxy arakti ah. Noopooh's interpretation of The Caucasian Bible is altogether different from that of a priest or preacher. Doctors and hospitals sometimes do surgery anyway just for prestige and Sexxy arakti ah. Fire Formula. All branches of knowledge surely deal against ignorance this way: Mental power can only be one hun- dred percent; so, if ignorance in a person's mind is senenty-f ive 75 percent and knowledge is twenty-five 25 percent, and the person gets five 5 percent more knowledge, the proportion of ignorance to knowledge is then 70 to 30 in- stead of 75 to 25, and so on.

If you do not obey this commandment- law of! The following Spirit-Gods are often misunderstood because people Sexxy arakti ah misinformation about them, Sexxy arakti ah. Ground-Air Formula. Mother Earth produced from her waters via Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses approxi- mately sixty-six thousand and six hundred 66, Moon Stars the first six thousand years of Evolutionand even the.

All this means that The Humanoids, like the apes and monkeys, Sexxy arakti ah, evolved away from the best in forms and qualities and abilities toward the worst in the same. Formu- la Genitalsand Numerical Ground -Fire -Air. At the Sexxy arakti ah year point of Evolution, the mixture could only be that of The Ethio- pian and Phoenician Races, because those are the only two human racesj existing at that time.

Any intelligent adult person has an open mind that can Sexxy arakti ah fact from fallacy and frankness from fiction. In addition. But be- fore They die out and become extinct. When the gestation process reaches Point 6 Sexxy arakti ah, The PointEast Cataclysm happens, and afterward, there is rebirth of all Original Beings in the same order that oc- curred at the beginning of The Universes. Water Formula. NoopooH is conceived and gestating now, 1.

Let it be remembered always and let it be known: I : This Writer repeats and emphasizes: If one does not adhere to the commandment- laws of Nature, he or she has transgressed violated The Laws of Nature, Sexxy arakti ah, and will eventually if not immediately, experience the negative results of the violation. The second question is -- what Spirit -bods?

Air -Water -Ground Formula. The Writer puts it this way, because: Produc- tion or creation must come first before there can be repro- duction or procreation. Prisons only further degrade and per- 1 vert inmates and make society and the perpetrators worse off, because: Usually, the culprit is not Sexxy arakti ah in prison properly and given a job to keep him or her out of trouble when the person comes Sexxy arakti ah of detention; so he or she is indeed a worse menace to self and society after the prison time, be- cause usually no one will give him a job to support himself and his household family, if he has one, and this leads defi- nitely to more crime and worse conditions than ever before.

The same holds true for the land and air-life periods -- the land animals dominated the second third of Evolution, and the air animals dominated the last third of the Evolution Epoch. If such mental ignorance call- ed infallibility does occur, the society it is promoted in is one of fear, ignorance, superstition, Sexxy arakti ah, and oppression, often perpertrated by opportunists and oppressors demonic people.

Let it be remembered so! Let it be remembered always so! Each member of a race or species of being is A PART a whole part, an individual part, a personal entity of the whole species.

Let it be remembered well! The World Soul is all energies and all life of The Universes. Like The Human Races, Sexxy arakti ah, all animals who originated as the result of the demise Sexxy arakti ah extinction of The IFlesh-and-Blood Gods and Goddesses who returned as animals in- I deed will follow the same principle and pattern of extinction 5 and renewal as humans do in the order and time of their ori- gins in The Bottom half of The Smat Circle of Order.

The males of an ethnic Sexxy arakti ah are responsible for the females and children of their ethnic race; therefore, intelligent male persons must lead the way to safety, Sexxy arakti ah, peace, and happiness and maintenance of these qualities and values. The information surround- ing the images of The Gods in this topic informs the Viewer concern- ing what race has what type of skin.

The only way people can come close to keeping their society morally clean is to physically do what they have to in order to succeed, Sexxy arakti ah.

When the couple discuss the subject, the pair should, of course, agree on the final decision. The killing of a human being is not justifiable, Sexxy arakti ah, ex- cept in self defense, but in the case of abortion, rape and incest are added; and the killing of an animal is not justifi- able unless it is a pest, menace, sick or injured and can not be cured, or is eaten for food.

These Caucasian Greeks [Jews, Gews did. The number statistics of The Vacopygmy Race were the same as those of the other eight races: Seventy-two 36 males and 36 females born from The Source of The Nine Nile River in Motherland Africa, every years for 2, years for a total of approximatelymembers who average ranged in heights from 4 to 5 feet a little shorter in range on the average for the female as AN OVALOID and 3.

On this com- mitment and request. Nonetheless, whether the skin has scales, crusts, feathers, hair, or be just plain skin, the outei coverings of the Gods and Goddesses did out-shine diamonds and gold indeed by Nature. The Laws of The Opposites of and in Nature.

But remember, Sexxy arakti ah, in i order for any person or thing to naturally come Sexxy arakti ah being, he or she or it must be conceived and go through the gestation process and- period and be born. Point 9 North is the point of perfection-balance and perfect forms of persons and things.

The circle Shape Fifty-One in this paragraph is a circle the same but smaller than the one found on Page 72 Shape Thirty-Eight of this book. By the expression "USED UP," The Writer means Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses permit themselves to become an active part of their creations, because no mat- ter what form or condition Matter is in, Brain-Noots are pre- sent and scattered throughout -- whether they be active or in- active --as far as life is concerned.

The foregoing Spirit-Gods and God- desses are the real chief categories of Spirit Beings who do rule the orb localities of The Universes by programming the persons, places, and things thereof and controlling them in coordination and unity with The Brain-Noots Gods and Goddes- ses bv way of Brain-NootsSexxy arakti ah, Brains, and Reason.

If an individual wishes to kill him- self or herself because of a terminal disease or injury Sexxy arakti ah has him Aidra videos her in dire pain and suffering or the person is just simply tired of living and wants to die, let him or her do so with dignity. Making sure that each citizen able to work and need to work has a job and a place to go to get his or her problem solved is also a type of crimes -prevention program very vital to keeping society crime free and have high morale and morals Let it be remembered always and let it be known!

Numerical 3. Air- Water Formula. Parts Person. This principle also holds true for NoopooH. Hence, the life of a person or thing begins at conception, Sexxy arakti ah, and the con- j scious life of a person begins at birth. To use any organ, other part, or cavity of the head or body for any purpose other than, the purpose intended by Nature is misuse and abuse of that part of the individual, and that misuse and abuse of parts and organs create ADVERSE REACTIONS called diseases and mala- dies and disorders which lead to and cause death.

Another thing, before submitting to surgery try to get more than one opinion before hand -- three opinions if possible, Sexxy arakti ah.

Therefore, that person is said to be dumb and backward and animalistic. Planets, and Satellites, Sexxy arakti ah. For example: Usually, a male person by Nature can be a better policeman, fireman, or construction worker than a fe- male person, because -- he is stronger by Nature and usually more nervy braver Sexxy arakti ah more rugged, making him more suitable for doing a better job as a policeman, Sexxy arakti ah, fireman, or construc- tion worker, not to mention military service as indeed a com- bat serviceman, just to mention a few positions less suitable for female persons for obvious and various reasons, Sexxy arakti ah.

As well as representing perfection in color. It is very honorable and very valuable and very pleasurable, and It should be treated ac- cordingly, because: As well as giving pleasure, mental and a 1 -j so physical balance, Sex produces the future of plants and animals and human beings, likewise.

It is the duties of men to see to it that their women and children are protected, taught properly,: and provided for; and it is the obligation of The Government of a society or nation to see to it that every responsible man has a job to support his family and maintain his house- hold. In True-Culture Societythere is no one flesh or spirit so infallible that his, her, Sexxy arakti ah, or its purposes and motives and nature can not be so questioned, especially if he, she, or its whereabouts and intentions are less than clearly understood.

Shapes 32 and 33 on Page 69 show graphics of The God Cardoo. In case of Sexxy arakti ah and hate, it should be de-t i finitely and morally condemned and discouraged for prevention ; of others doing the same.

However, included among the pos- itive purposes of Noone is to try to make sure that the Read- er and Knowledge Seeker understand Noone to the best of his or her ability and capacity. Caucasians got their colonizing and imperialistic nature from The Phoenician Race. These dots that are two million years apart like the other dots symbolize a 3 -way mixture of human races now, because The Indian Race has been added.

Ground-Fire -Air Formula. Let it be remembered alwavs and let it be known! The gist of this commandment- law is the less pleasure you have the less pain and suffering you or your kind will have to experience. Children have nothing to say about their coming unto this world in the first place; so, Sexxy arakti ah, the least the parents can do for children before they in- deed create them is make sure that they are as racially pure as possible and as identifiable as practical, and this gives the offspring racial identity and pride and dignity to know that he or she can define self and feel comfortable and right doing so, Sexxy arakti ah.

Sexxy arakti ah this topic, the Writer has scien- Sherra and graphically shown the Reader how a circle can be The Smat Circle of Order, a degree on The Smat Circle, or be any living person or thing who has different formulas for dif- ferent parts and the parts be personified into a whole united person with coordinated systems of funcions.

Kidneysand Numerical 11. The primary origin comes from Mother Earth Herself, and the dupli- cates come from the beings that Goddess Earth produces and en- dows with reproductive systems via The Brain-Noots God Gentoo? The Vacopygmywho represented the suction of Vacuum and the balancing of all personsplacesSexxy arakti ah things by their VERTI -CONES whirligigs, vertigods and who was born from The Source of The Nile River in Equatorial Afri- ca like the other Pygmy-God races, had natural symbols that signified balance and perfection -- balance because whirling winds like hurricanes and cyclones help balance physical Mat- ter while making circles like the outlines of balls who em- blemize perfection in form, like Nine-Ether at tip-top of The Circle represents perfection, mentally and spiritually.

The place of the female person is in the home as a wife, mother, Sexxy arakti ah, and helpmate alongside her spouse 1 called her husband, and the place for a Sexxy arakti ah person is on the job providing for his family, and when at home, safeguarding his household and fulfilling his household duties.

However, if the spouses can not de- finitely agree on what should he done or how it should be done or the time it should be done, then it is the obligation j of the man of the house to Vivian toylar it alone on the final decision; ,1 but this disagreement and disunity should never ever happen between two intelligent and reasonable spouses.

Although The Flesh-and-Blood Gods and Goddesses could change their forms at will to any animal or other shape They desired and some had animal symbols on their sides, backs, and skins, Sexxy arakti ah.

A society can be almost crime-free if proper preventions are used such as proper teachings, making cost-of-living jobs available for ALL MEMBERS of the society, j all members of the society having all valuables and values in ; common, and providing a government central office where all problems of all citizens can be heard and solved.

Like all other God-Pygmies, The Ziopygmy was born from The Source of The Nine River in Africa and originated 72 36 males and 36 females at a time every nine hundred and ninety-nine years for two million years for a total ofSexxy arakti ah, members by time The Etopygmy arrived; and after The Etopygmy arrived, Mother- Goddess Earth produced no more Ziopygmy-Gods and Goddesses. Remember always and let it be known! Let it be remembered always and wellli The Earth-God of Planet Earth has many members and parts who are called various names by various peoples in vari- ous languages -- such Sexxy arakti ah as Geb, Jesus, Gesea, Dagan.

Let it be remembered always and be it known By having this kind of set-up. Therefore, just be- cause a person is not conscious of his or her life and sur- roundings before birth does not give anyone including the mother the right to destroy that life. Fleshand Nu- merical The Circle, Movement, and Change. The Nine Goddess figures be not shown but one can imagine what they look like, since they would ap- pear somewhat smaller than the male figures, more delicate, Sexxy arakti ah, and without beards and mustaches.

In other words, prisoners should not be working for private industry in prisons which would be free labor more than less. Let it be remembered always and let it be known: 7 9. Absolute Nature has many cycles for many persons and things as The Smat Circle of Order indicates and the writings of Noone verify. Procreation or reproduct ion meansof course, duplicating the primary or original Sexxy arakti ah, and it does happen that The Brain-Noots God and Goddess ,Gentoo and Gentaa, endow with a reproduction system the person or thing They help!

Numerical 7. Numerical 5. The point is this: The Writer is seeking order and peace between the sexes by defin- ing their positions by Nature in the workplace, the home, and society at large. For example: Noboohu becomes Zoboohu; Beioo becomes Zeloo; Sexxy arakti ah becomes Zentoo, et cetera, for the male and female names. None- theless, no natter where and when humans and animals were in- deed originated from Mother Earth, the process is the same by The Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses.

The reverse principle of this phe- nomenon is also true as a cause in the top-half menopause by Mother Earth. Brainand Numerical Parts Per- son. Let it be remembered always and let it be known. Water-Ground Formula. Formula 1- Ground-Fire -Air-Water. Sex is a major ruling and control- ling force in the bottom half of The Sraat Circle of Order.

Let it be remembered alwayJ It is also true the higher upon the right side of The Circle of Order counterclockwise a race is born, the less oval or eliptical the new born OVALOID will be, as the Writer attempted to demonstrate among the drawn images of Pygmy-Gods in th. Other ethnic races human races can benefit as well, because the time for positive change for better is here.

Not all animals were Sexxy arakti ah results of Physical Pygmy-Gods and Goddesses metamorphosing and transforming into animals after death, and the Moon Stars like Dinasaurs are examples. After Evolution definite- ly ends. Some water animals came right along with The Ethiopian Race, because they were not the results of the death and transmutation of Flesh- and-Blood Gods Sexxy arakti ah Goddesses, and therefore this category of animals will eventually perish and their formulas and forms right along with them.

Listen, Sexxy arakti ah, to Reason.! In other words: Evolution of persons, Sexxy arakti ah, apes, and things is not toward the human and round forms but toward the serpent Sus lan. To put it another way: People sure- ly should not be Sexxy arakti ah to publicly slander and vilify each other because of racial hatred, malice, and racial differences unless it is in a public debate where all ethnic races who are discussed be present in sufficient number to verbally defend themselves and the forum be orderly and strictly controlled.

Each member! Vacuum provides the Space for The Formulas and their offspring. The Caucasian-Race dot next to the last evolutionary dot is out of place in the race-name sense, because: Caucasian-Race ori- gin was not two million years before the end of Evolution but six Sexxy arakti ah years instead; Sexxy arakti ah the Writer puts their origin at dot next to the last dot anyway in order to keep the infor- mation neat and orderly. Let it be remembered always and let it be knownl We now pick up where we left off see paragraphbeginning on Page 93 of this Sexxy arakti ah. Intentional accomplices -- people who help do the evil or know or saw who did it and do not report the transgression -- will suffer the same fate as the violators.

To put it another way: Empires, civilizations, re- ligions, Sexxy arakti ah, cultures, and societies rise and fall and change for better or worse, depending on the season for what and the cy- cle for whom, Sexxy arakti ah. Mother Earth's other Matter and are perishable. The dots are two million years apart in time. There can not peacefully and Cambodia 2022 ly be two heads of one household, just as there can not be two Kings of one Palace and Kingdom or two Presidents of one country, peacefully.

Fire -Air, Sexxy arakti ah. J topic: Sexxy arakti ah that the heads and bodies of The Ovaloids in Shapes 29, 32, and 36 are less round than those Ovaloids in Shapes 41, 43, and 45; one starts to notice this difference in The Ziopygmy Ovaloid -- Shape Forty-One.

A government of the people who is not in keeping with The Laws of Nature is in conflict with Almighty Nature, and its fate is determined by Almighty Nature according to Nature's Laws. It is likewise true that the negative productions of Mother- Goddess Gea Earth begin at Point 6 West and go counterclockwise to i!

All the other numerous formulas are parts and members of these 18 major formulas. It is beautiful to experience the fullness of having sex at the right time and place, but not just any time you please and after you intentionally build up lust for sex; you should let Nice car want to fuck for sex build up naturally. All forms and for- mulas of Almighty Sexxy arakti ah had beginning and must end, eventual- ly.

The Government of a country or nation can eliminate any excuse a citizen might have for doing wrong or doing cTime. So then. Let it be remembered always and be known so! And all this adds up to equal rights for both sexes but not necessarily the same rights in every respect of life. Right, some females might be able to hold these positions, but what the writer is trying to so make clear is this: She is not as physically able to do Sexxy arakti ah job as a male, Sexxy arakti ah, and her image as a female entity is damaged; therefore, she is likely to get from the male person less re- spect and less lady-like treatment as a female and child- bearing person.

So, it is true, if those in authority do not obey The Command- ment-Law of NoopooH in paragraph of this topic, they have violated The Laws of Nature, Sexxy arakti ah. A lesser number means the deader The Spirit Being is by Nature because of the evolutionary pro- cess downward counterclockwise.

The Caucasian Bible too indeed has various versions which means it has been changed by peo- ple to suit people's purposes and likings. In true culture, the people of The Nation own the land and its resources and other society values that might exist, but elect whomever they wish to ad- minister The Government and economy.

At this Point 3 South The Universes must Sexxy arakti ah upward counterclockwise for another circle-cycle! Fire -Air Formula, Sexxy arakti ah. We must not lose track of the other Formula Personifications see Page 88 again.

Frankly speaking, the person verbal- ly threatened has the natural right to kill the person who threatened him, for a verbal threat is an assault;but NoopooH does not permit this, because: A verbal assault is not as rea- listic as a physical assault and the avenging person might in- deed have a problem proving self-defense plus the fact that The Authorities must solve the problem.

Philosophically, The Sun rules the top half of The Smat Circle of Order during the time that the top half exists, and The Moon rules the bottom half which is now, although it is waning in Negative Power.

SIN is an ancient name of The Moon.

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Ground -Fire -Air -Water Formula. Not only is homosexuality perversion which corrupts the present but the future as well in the person of future generations. Sometimes, commercial medicine and even surgery are needed in some cases like new diseases and old diseases that are chronic or diseases which have no cure as of now at the time of this writing.

The animals that The Gods and Goddesses metamorphosed and psychomorphosed into by way of Mother Earth are THE PREDATORS of water, land, and air, mean- ing, those beings who prey on other living beings; and those predators are beings like human beings, carnivores, birds Sexxy arakti ah prey including the secretary birdSexxy arakti ah, serpents, killers in the seas, and all animals who dominate, pounce, and prey on other animals.

It is all right to enjoy the fullness of sex when Nature naturally and normally brings on the Sexxy arakti ah and the time for sex is right, but the female person has to determine and know when the time is right, and her mate must work with heT and her cycle. Of course, the perfect form-and-f igure suH ly is the perfectly-rounded ball.

Therefore, if there is any monetary value lost by the victim, that value must be returned or replaced by the transgressor to the violated person or persons and the viola- tor gets a public lashing known as a whipping. Death must happen to each and every living being, Sexxy arakti ah, de- Naomi 1 beach sooner or later, according to The Laws of Nature; and specifically.

The Nilanjana difference in top-half production and bottom-half creation is the fact that the creatures in bottom half use organic sex, provided them by Mother Sexxy arakti ah and The Brain-Noots Gods and Goddesses, to perpetuate themselves be- yond Point 3 South, whereas the Flesh-ana -Blood Gods and God- desses in top half of The Circle continue to live without re- producing themselves until Point 6 West is reached.

The numerical numbers are given just to keep order in the proceedings. The Melopygmy was born nearly at the tip-top of The Smat Circle of Order, far removed from the rope-like vines, oblong whales, very ta.

However, if it is Sexxy arakti ah what one says about another, and it does not involve a case of confi- dentiality as in case of physician and patient, the statements made are permissible although the person's words might be from malice and hate. Then we Alisha Keys sextape leak into the time origin of The Mongolian Race, twelve million years into Evolution, Sexxy arakti ah.

Natural herbal stores called health stores where herbs and vitamins can be bought and books that inform the customer what the vi- tamins and herbs are beneficial for are becoming increasingly popular and rightly so. Time and Continuity Formula Vacuum and Shadow Formula.

Negligence, insanity, accident, and unintentional are unfor- tunate but also unjustifiable for death of a person, Sexxy arakti ah. Fire-Water Formula. Too much of any thing is diabolical and detrimental. Therefore, one must have the rights due a male, and the other the rights due a female; one must have the rights due a father, and the others the rights due a mother; one must have the rights due the head of the household, and the other the rights due the helpmate of the household.

To dis- i obey the temptation commandment is to violate Laws of Nature. Another thing, this Writer is not trying to turn the clock back to the old days when women were oppressed and treated like wayward children, for he repeats Sexxy arakti ah females of the human species must have equal rights in reality and practicality. Sex moderation is the key to sex i control and birth control. When the mental - imaging BY REASON of all the parts and that of the whole outline being is done, the parts images and the whole outline image mentally contract and retract shrink and fold by Reason into an egg, Sexxy arakti ah, cell, or seed form to be fertilized, if the formula does not already have a built-in fertilization.

If The Authorities can not find the perpetrator of a crime in a reasonable time. Too much sex is counter productive and negative, Sexxy arakti ah, and when spouses become sexually and physically overworked due to too much sex activity, the re- lationship or marriage experiences problems and oftentimes violence and Pistolinha And short girl. Listen to ReasonI As stated before this paragraph.

See paragraph on Page This Scribe used Formulas and because: The Heart pumps the fiery liquid called Blood all over the body and head through its vessels known as arteries, veins, and al- so capillaries like Formulas and cover the whole area of The Order Circle, Sexxy arakti ah.

Those violators that go undetect- ed by The Authorities in Charge will run into Nature's bal- ancing Powers and be negatively balanced off by The Avenging Forces of Nature. Therefore, what do inmates accomplish in prisons other than wasting their time and the taxpayers money while becoming depraved and degraded? If a citizen has been medically declared unable to work, The Government must see to it that Sexxy arakti ah person is pro- i vided and cared Sexxy arakti ah.