Sexo porno infantil

Algunos peligros de la exposición a la pornografía en niños

Request a Free Consultation. Pursuant to articleSexo porno infantil, the prohibition of the perpetration of a sexual act with a minor under 14 years old or leading that minor to practice such acts with a third person is punished with up to 12 years in prison.

Hay poca investigación sobre los efectos de la pornografía en los niños

Article punishes the crime of Sexo porno infantil pornography with up to five years of imprisonment and is defined as to 1 promote, facilitate, or allow minors to participate in any kind of obscene interaction including films, photographs, talks, recordings, etc.

Ratings reflect the anonymous opinions of members of the bar and the judiciary. Call us at to set up a free consultation or send us an email. We work hard to assess each case individually.

If the minor is under the age of 16, pursuant to articleSexo porno infantil, the perpetration of a sexual act leads to a maximum penalty of five years, which increases to eight years if there was penetration.

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Name Required. Si es necesario, trabajaremos con expertos para manejar temas delicados. Put our team of criminal defense lawyers on your side today.

Sexo porno infantil

Request a Free Consultation Please fill out the form below and one of our attorneys will contact you. Again, the law makes a distinction whether the act involved penetration, in which case the maximum punishment Sexo porno infantil to 15 years.

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Call to schedule a free initial consultation. The maximum penalty is increased to 10 years in prison in case the child pornography is produced with the intent to be spread through information systems or if the agent offers, makes available, or transmits such child pornography through information Sexo porno infantil.

Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save lives around the world.

Offices open weekdays 8am Sexo porno infantil 7pm, Saturdays 9am — 5pm. Somos implacables en nuestros esfuerzos por proteger sus derechos y su libertad. Pudimos reunir pruebas para atacar la credibilidad de la acusadora y desacreditar su historia. You are one phone call or email away from getting your questions answered by an experienced defense attorney, Sexo porno infantil.

Pornografía y Pederastas-Pedofilia archivos - Bienestar y protección infantil

An individual who acquires, obtains, or facilitates the access to child pornography is punished with up to five years of imprisonment and, if such agent practices such acts as means of profession, the maximum Sexo porno infantil is increased to 10 years. Prior results do not guarantee any future outcome. The Penal Code distinguishes and applies different penalties in accordance with the age of the minor, Sexo porno infantil.

Each case is different and must be evaluated on its individual facts.