Sex video of Kamo phrla

The way this whole situation with amahle affected me I did not even look at girls, I stayed away from them in a way I Wished when I go back she would forget everything and we start on a clean slate. Yeshua Hamashiach gracious Messiah Soon coming king told of by prophet Isiah Our lord and king we bow before your throne, You who knew us before the beginning and called us your own We call you Emmanuel we are never alone Jesus the Christ oh how you redeemed mankind From sin sickness and everything that held humanity behind El-shadia, Adonia God all mighty Elion, Sex video of Kamo phrla, Elohim humble raboli Khusela Lyrics - Kabza De Small feat, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Me: what you doing? They got up took my things and headed to my car, everyone entered where they had to go and it was just me, Sex video of Kamo phrla, mbali, kim, themba and jerome, Sex video of Kamo phrla. Then gonale dilo nyana tse tsao palla ke skolo, not because of circumstances at home mara net fela kaonne banale highschool fever e snaks.

The next morning woke up on the sofa I looked up at the kitchen and amahle was wearing my nike top it was long but revealed a lot too, jack was talking to her and it seemed like he was flirting but amahle was not focusing on that. I arrived at mbali crib Mbali: thank you for dropping us off Me: sure Amahle opened the door Me: amahle she stopped Me: can we talk?

Brandon: home visit? Monday around 5pm we arrived at bloem, I was tired. Mbali mum was back so I just hung out with her. Lyrics Vcs sama suci padang feat. Next morning went to the warehouse Shane: boza yami Me: sure boy Jerome: siya spana today we working today Me: yebo yes We all sat around Me: the batch Dorian: tomorrow midnight it arrives Me: the orders Deon: sold Me: Stephen?

Me: yes and we throwing her a welcome Sex video of Kamo phrla party Dorian: they called you? I called my brandon. Me: ini what? I left everyone and went outside cause I needed air I turned and it was amahle Me: hey beautiful She walked towards me Me: what you doing here?

I went at the lounge the guys were watching soccer while the girls were cooking Samkelo: so you ready for this Me: what exactly? I followed her but it was hard to find Sex video of Kamo phrla at Odia xxx videa until I saw her walking to one off those maxi cabs. Amahle: yes Me: will find a way mami I really want this amahle: you serious this time? NOVEMBER I was still enjoying my stay, bloem girls were crazy over me but I paid them no attention khaya had already leftI was close with the guys and working there was amazing it was not as busy as soweto though.

Brandon: baby Me: hey babe Brandon: you good Me: yes babe where are you? Amahle: me Me: who cooked amahle? Roadtrip Sex video of Kamo phrla broom.

Amahle: I wanted to check up on you Me: come here I wrapped my arms around her waist and we began walking, her hand around my waist Me: im going to get into trouble Amahle: with who? Amahle: yes Me: what you on about? Mum: I dont know baby Dorian: can I have the Beemer Mum: no Dorian: come on mum Mum : you guys have your own carsthink about kim Kim: will I get one for my birthday Me: seems that way Deon: and work?

We have lyrics for these tracks by Kamo Mphela:

We went back inside and stayed for another hour and finally left for home. Me: ngani with? Omo to Shan, confirmaa, met this girl for Osapa.

Sex video of Kamo phrla

Shane: you wont Sex video of Kamo phrla who we saw Me: who? Me:why would I be mad? Me: im sorry I was just thinking Dre: about?

Uyenze msulwa yona, Sex video of Kamo phrla. Me: yes you Khaya: im good, so month end we leaving right Me: nah boy im going to stay here for a while Khaya: you the one who did not want to leave in the first place Me: yeah I need fresh air and this place will do it Khaya:ohk mina im going I miss my boy manje Me: you really a daddy ne Khaya: yeah boy I love my kid Me: thats great boy We continued Via Gonzales sexvidio. Kim: hmmmmm Me: what did you Wasz her?

After hours of being there I had to throw away some things Amahle:can I go with you? I dropped her off and told my grandparents they could not be more happy about that and then went home I called amahle Amahle: papi Me: mami Amahle: you good? Khaya: bloem we suppose to be leaving monday Me: ay boy I cant go Khaya: you sure? Ke sho most of yall have that friend o ratang goja ka batho.

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We went through the whole Sex video of Kamo phrla and she gave birth to a baby girl, we kept her warm and headed to the hospital, the mother was taken care offwe left around 7 I was tired as hell, drove back home and just went to bed.

Me: no well we couldn't leave kim alone at the house so she moved in with ma and pa but the house is where you Kam wali bay xxxx boy itdads cars and yours Mum: do you think I will be able to live there? After ba ken eke fever ya goba biosexual. Goiwa ko flateng ya o mo 1 where they slip into something that gon fool the bouncers gore they over Register ko TNC. Net daar she becomes a mis mang mang too.

Me: medics more like studying again actually for better qualifications Amahle; that's amazing Me: yeah but its too far Amahle: will you do it? Khaya: good manje boy? Khaya: hell yeah man Me: hows your kid? Ko menateng o nwa ka wena, di airtime o di kreya ka wena.

Monday to Thursday was just work, friday morning woke up to tons off messagesanswered a few calls and too many people wanted to spend time with me but that day I had plans already. Me: you mean us? She sat on my bed Mbali: how you holding up?

I tried calling amahle but the was no answer ,I blocked candice cause she was irritating the fuck out off me, I told myself I would deal with the biggest bitch when iv sorted everything off mine. San ka punta to the moon. Me: yes Khaya: anyway does this girl also like you Sphe: yes I mean we constantly talking on whatsapp, she calls me sometimes I visit her at her place Me: so what does she say with her gf Sphe: nothing they like the perfect couple on Facebook always writing about each other, posting pictures off each other Khaya: have you fucked this girl Sphe Us: SPHE!

I walked downstairs ,the table was all set, the girls came downstairs and we all ate together around 9 I drove back home. We talked some more and Sex video of Kamo phrla I went to talk to the doctors that were treating her, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Me look at you? The door opened Amahle: this hou Amahle: his friend I opened my eyes wide, Sex video of Kamo phrla. If I was not working me and the guys would just buy a bottle and get ourselves drunk Khaya: boy you good? Twitter users are now alleging that Mphela is pregnant because of the weight gain in the TriggerDanceChallenge. I helped her with her bags and she walked so slow but I just let her enjoy that moment we got inside my car Me: you ohk?

Is she a dancer first, musician after or? I laid my head on her legs and we just relaxed Me: so theres this training that's happening in bloemfontein Amahle: for? Me: mum is coming back and we throwing her a party Amahle: ahhhh andre that is amazing thats so great how is kim? Here I am in my loneliness. In less than 20 minutes I was at my place. Uzongyenza ebhari wena uwu clever wena eplayer piss off, dont make me an idiot, you all smart now you a player Helen : I She started crying Me: I fucken told you, I was going to fuck you up if you ever tried to screw me over I hit her again and She Fell to the ground I didn't even care Me: dont fuck with me wena Helen I arrived at home and my phone had crazy missed calls and messages from helen but I just checked the ones from amahle.

Me: he wants to work with us Themba: no you cant be thinking off allowing this right Me I left them there. I opened the door to my house and we were already kissing and taking each other clothes off,I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist, I walked us to my bedroom and we fucked, Sex video of Kamo phrla, she scratched, moaned and cum over and over again after a while of having fun I zoned off. Obesity is not a good health state and not one Pussy fucki promote.

Me: this I Vidio bokep janda indonesia her buttpulled her closer to me and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Mbali: will find you inside guys Themba: ohk Kim left with the guys Sex video of Kamo phrla what the fuck is wrong with you? Me: yeah Amahle: not more than me I sat up straightsat on off her and kissed her Amahle: is this allowed Me: I dont know lets Sex video of Kamo phrla if its allowed She just kissed me and kissed her back deepening the kiss.

Everyone ke loves attention they began singing and stuffNatasha was wearing denim shortswhite top with a baggy shirt, Sex video of Kamo phrla. Kim: I have not been here for years My mum opened the door and we went in,everything was still the same Mum: I never thought I would be back here again Amahle: this place is beautiful Mbali: lets go and check out the rest off it They left and came back soon after that.

Kissed her forehead and helped her up Few days passed it was just the usual, work, Sex video of Kamo phrla, greatest weekends ever and the squad I was still trying to break things off with candice and helen but it was not that easy especially because I have been with them for a while now but amahle did not know anything about that and I hoped it remained that way till everything was sorted.

We got busy and my mum asked for certain things to be thrown away, my dads clothes were still there and his carsit kind off took me back. Me: she saw us Amahle: really? I was not working so I opened my phone, my phone always stayed off I called my mum Mum:baby Me: hey mum, how are you? Woke up the next morning I was not working so I was relaxed but I had plans for this days that no one knew about ,ate my breakfast and left I got to the hospital my mum was at and walked in.

Or we all will soon be Sex video of Kamo phrla, dead. Stop messin' around, put the pistols down. Her: you want us to break up we weren't really breaking up cause we were not dating So I just nodded my head and she looked away Me: babe the whole point off seeing someone is to love them but Her: you love someone else Me; yeah Her: amahle?

Me: yeah man im trying you Khaya: same here listen up I wanted to talk to you Me: ohk about? Me: yes but I need us to be together in this Amahle: same Vika brojus She wrapped her arms around my neck Me: your bfmbali, the guys, Natasha? Amahle: no dre I stepped back and leaned on the other side off the wall. Kim: nothing Me: you sure?

The next day was just at home pretty much the whole day. I would cry till I had a headache. Us: nothing Dre: you just spoke at the same time you look scared Sex video of Kamo phrla see me whats up Me: nothing just girl stuff Dre: ohk I just looked at him, I was with lwandle but dre I mean He was dre, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

I opened the gate and she came my way Helen: I know the Me: voetsek!!! I drove back home and just went to bed. Kim: sure Me: how would you feel about me dating amahle? Mbali: hehhh Mbali got out and walked in Me: im sorry ohk Amahle Me: baby Amahle: what andre Me: I said im sorry what you want me to do now Amahle: I want you to be honest with me Me: from now on I will never lie to you again Amahle you promise Me: yes Amahle: ohk Me: you ohk now She nodded her head Me: will talk ohk Amahle: ohk.

When I opened the door I just covered my face Sex video of Kamo phrla : what are you doing here Jack: get the fuck out off my way Nhlanhla moved aside Jack: I came to talk to you Me: we still on about this Jack: yes come on Dorian: what does jack want?

The gift Natasha had for me was priceless but I did not allow myself to sleep with her.

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The guys decided to take us out for lunch, we went to spurs but they were not there as yet Mbali: fuck? I turned and the guys were standing on the other side off the street Mbali: what the fuck do you think you doing get off her Me: baby im sorry please let me explain everything to you Amahle: explain what?

Me: what is everybody arguing about? Amahle: I dont know Me: exactly lets go We walked out and we all had a good time I did not drink that day had to be sober after a long day mum slept over there and I drove back to my place with everyone else, everyone crashed at my place.

Sex video of Kamo phrla moved my hand to her center and she opened for me, I rubbed her clit with her underwear and my moves got faster and the louder her moans got and her breathing pace changed. Khaya:I should be asking you that,nowadays we never Xxx video fish time duty together Me: tell me about it Khaya: you been good?

Next morning walked downstairs and kim was outside Me: morning Kim: morning Me: Sex video of Kamo phrla ohk? Themba: can the 2 off you move you in the middle off the street and everybody is watching I paid them no attention Me: Natasha Me: get the fuck out off my تسريبات عربي I was pissed ,amahle was trying to get off my grip but the was no way I was letting her go.

Me: me? Guys: dre!!!! Uyenze msulwa, Sex video of Kamo phrla. Mbali: im sorry its just I miss dre ohk we have never been apart for this long and this is driving me crazywhat if something bad happened to him im just edgy im sorry Me: its fine The guys came to our table Them: hey ladies Us: hey We made space for them and we finally ordered Mbali: have you heard from him?

Jack: what? She opens a new facebook account with her real name and less nudity, after a while meets a cheese boy on the social site somar she has a clean slate, so fellas, check her history before jumping in, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

After our breakfast we went back to my grandparents house and packed and went to my parents house. Eslabon Armado feat.

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Me: laughing im sorry I honestly did not see you Amahle: mxm I helped her upshe dusted herself up even though she was not dirty we stood at the hallway leading to the toilets Amahle: happy birthday again Me : thank you Amahle: I hope you like your gift Me: what did you get me?

Me: huh? Sa fake no room. I quickly turned to her Me: hmmm Kim: you listening? Mga mata namumula. We got to the club, I opened my door but mbali pulled me in Me: what? We left she drove with her car and I used mine she followed me behind.

Sunday went to the warehouse and told them I was going away but did not tell them where I gave everyone everything to do they needed to do so my business does not go down the drain and left for home ,packed Me Cojen a mi novia bags everything then went to bed.

I walked to my car but she was fighting me so I just picked her up and I regretted it cause she had a chance to hit me. Before I could finish my sentence she just broke down and I just smiled Me: baby man She couldn't even speak and I just let her be while she calmed down Kim: really andre? Why is she mad she has been pushing this mos Me: I also dont know, Sex video of Kamo phrla, why are you really here?

She went in, I Sex video of Kamo phrla to that cab,I opened the door Me: can we talk please? Amahle: you need to stop leading me on one minute you want me one minute you dont Me: birthday kiss?

Wednesday headed to work and these days I was lucky I was see always with my boy, we signed the register headed to our baby ambulance we would be using Us: you early? I sat there for a couple off seconds and finally went out, Sex video of Kamo phrla, I entered the club and went to join the others. So boy? Candice: what was that? Me: nyener nyener, im around my family and you going to call me turner Sex video of Kamo phrla you crazy Jack: sorry man I wanted to talk to you Me: about what?

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I got cut off. Natasha walked in she kissed my cheek Me: hey you Natasha: how are you? Nathaniel Bassey - Yeshua Hamashiach Overture [feat. Mum: yes baby Me:I dont know when will I come back mum but I will Kim: andre Me: hi nana Kim:when are you coming back,dorian wants to talk to you Me: il call him Kim: you said that the last time and he told me you did not call him Me Me: whats wrong talk to me Stephen: I want to personally talk to you,you know I only do business with you Me: and you know my partner is themba talk to him Stephen: thats the only person, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Jack: I was busy with something Me: ohk what up man? With your nose ring, you're bad and I like it. Kim: wait She disappeared on the hallway, after a few minutes she came back and gave me the phone Me: who is it? Me: what? She shook her head Me: kim! Took my phones and went inside everyone was the including Candice she had asked me wed Ambiguos the venue, she had her own car so she insisted on driving there.

But this was an awful video. She was Sex video of Kamo phrla calm Amahle: you said when your father died, they sold his things and thats how you were able to buy your cars and apartment but they all still Sex video of Kamo phrla including your mums Me Me: fine I lied Amahle: why Me: actually I did not lie I said it was a will not my fathers belonging Amahle: so why did you say you lied Me: cause you confused me Amahle: you lying andre Me: like really we fighting over Redwap2019 why does it matter where I got the money fromSex video of Kamo phrla, I got the cars and place why does it matter where it came from Amahle Me: you won't talk now Amahle: I have nothing to say to you Me: fine if you want to be like that I threw everything away and went backSex video of Kamo phrla, masesi was happy to be back with my mother, we ordered food they delivered it.

Mbali: you and amahle dre I saw you 2 Me Mbali: her bf was on the other room and there you were shoving your tongue down her throat Me: what you want me to say? You really craz I pulled her in for a kiss and she didnt hesitate to kiss me back, she held my top on my waist in a fist pulling me closer to her, I deepened the kiss, moved my hands to her Sex video of Kamo phrla and picked her up She broke the kiss Amahle: people will pass here Me: I don't care Amahle: I do now put me down I did as the queen requested Me: why we doing this to each other Amahle: you doing this to usfor all I know I wouldnt be here with lwandle but we would be together Me: I want to try it amahle, Sex video of Kamo phrla, with you Amahle: you want to try what?

Natasha: you Me: im serious Natasha: me too Around 8 she left, I talked with amahle then went to bed. Did I screw up yes but right now the is nothing I can do but say sorry mami Her Me: amahle the sooner we fix thisthe earlier I can take you home Her: the is nothing to fix andre, nothing I regret each and every moment I had with you.

Lyrics for Wenza Kanjani feat. Me: no Mbali: talk to the girl look at her she is a Sester fuck Me: what did I say to you She raised her hands in defeat I stood up and went outside with her Me: what?

She closed her eyes and breathed in Her: amahle? Themba: eh dog ubano lo? Cassper Nyovest is expecting here. Sphe: the was no traffic Me: ohk you good? Jack: remember last year Christmas ,we talked about you helping me out Me: and after a year you come now? Me: you. They also become addicted to the 1 st Friday ya month end, beers going Sex video of Kamo phrla 1 rand a bottle.

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Sphe: mina ini what about me Khaya; the girl what happened Sphe: nowhere Me: what you mean? We ordered drinks and just had fun including kim amahle got up to take a call outside Natasha: I have a gift for you?

Dorian: nohis phone is off and he only calls my grandparents,mum and kim only Shane: well at least we know his ohk Mbali: not really Themba: you ohk lala? I was in a relationship with this amazing guy brandon he was coloured and cute, mbali was still with Deon, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Woke up Saturday morning and just headed to work, checked in and I was with my guy khaya Me: man where the hell Sex video of Kamo phrla you been? Woke up and natasha was not next to me I wore my Sex video of Kamo phrla and went downstairs, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Iba ne nceba. Mbali: I will kill you if you playing with my sister dre Me: im not playing with her I asked her to come out and Sex video of Kamo phrla said she was busy I brought candice someone we all know Mbali: and the girl you fucking Me: just stay out off my business I went to get myself a drink and went back to our table Candice: im so happy im with you Me: I know lala Girl: dre I turned and it was helen Me: what you doing here?

It was just a lazy sunday for me. Jack: I want to work with you Me: im going to tell you exactly what I told you last year, come see me during the week come monday or tomorrow Jack: ohk please man Me: sure man Mum: andre Me: hmmm Mum: thank you I hugged her Me: did you see mbali?

It comes with serious long-term complications. Post Malone - Cooped Up Lyrics feat. Her body, Sex video of Kamo phrla, Suddenly shakes uncontrollablyshe joined her knees together while realising Sex video of Kamo phrla loudest moan, she slowly opened her eyes, I removed my fingers and she didn't hesitate licking them.

Chomi ke le ngeloi mara sometimes modimo onale go romela madimone, well ladies this portion is particularly for you. Well we all had fundrank all types off shit Natasha was enjoying herself so was I, kim was having fun but was watching her very closely.

Falls pregnant, aborts it, deactivates all social sites, then lays low for a while, Sex video of Kamo phrla. Helen: can I talk to you? Shane: helen Me: with who? Abantwana bakho. Themba: eh manje zikhiphani so whats up? She hugged me Mbali: im so sorry I know it hurts im so sorry Me: he played me Mbali Me: I know you want to say you warned me Mbali: lala I was not warning you because I was jealous I was warning you about him cause I know him im sorry he sold you dreams Me: lies Mbali: and that but thats who he is, sometimes he just cant help it Me:I thought he would change mbali I really thought he would Mbali Days passed I was still feeling like crab dre would not stop calling or texting and that made me more emotional, this whole situation was a distraction I tried so hard to focus in class but it was just too hard.

Masesi: your mother's bedroom Before I could get far ma held my hand Me: ma Masesi: thank you baby Me: for? Omo to dun, Ten kilo ten kilo I dey like you, no be whyning. Rest on me like pillow. Kim: yes duhh I didn't know the girl was amahle so why would I tell her anything Me: good Tripti rehman viral arrived at the restaurant. Ba mo itsi pila ebile gabasane nako ya gae, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

The next day I hung around at home during the day went to visit my mum she was with masesi only since kim was at school and dorian was suppose to be picking her up. She goes from super model looks to Capital Inn magosha look alike. Nhlanhla: nenye ibhari yama gold babambene cabanga some idiot with golds, holding each other just imagine Me: yho this girl is trying to fuck with me Shane: she literally shaked when she saw us I looked for my phone realised I didn't bring it with me so I continued with the guys work, talk, have a lil laugh and go back to work again.

Everyone has not seen andre or talked to him and I just ignored his calls. You're high key, you dey play for my mind. Kim wanted to talk to her i I gave her the phone and after a while me and kim left. Bakhalela wena. We got to this house where all the medics for this company lived actually it was a huge house, we settled in and just took a nap. So ashi scenario. Guy: Turner I turned annoyed as fuck and it was Jack Me: what the fuck is wrong with with you?

Deon: uspana la? Msaki Khusela Uyilungise Ixokise Abantwana bakho. Well the dj sent a birthday shout out and it was fun I guess, Sex video of Kamo phrla. Her: the is no us you made your choice cause if you really wanted to be with me we wouldn't be hereSex video of Kamo phrla, you want to kill me pull the trigger but im going She walked out and I just lost it breaking everything that was breakable around me I took my phone and called khaya.

Me: im coming I took my bag and walked to the toilets,I pulled myself together I was just irritated by the whole dre topic all Sex video of Kamo phrla time dre had to be mentioned and it seemed like they did not even care how I feltI fixed myself and walked out but themba was standing outside Me: what you doing here,these are girls toilets Themba: wanted to check up on you Me: im fine He raised his eyebrow Me Me: lets go before they send a search team for us I left him there and walked back to our table Dorian: you ohk?

Kim: so what? Kim: yes im still tired though where is natasha? She nodded her head Me : mum you do know your house and all off your things are still available and where you left them She looked at me Mum: you didn't sell them? Amahle: you know I dont mean it that way Me: ohk and Desi Missinory mean mbali she was pissed at me Amahle: why?

Na your white teeth, e be shining. Khaya: boy its 4am Me: boy listen I changed my mind about this thing yase bloem Khaya: ahhhh ntwana so you call now Me: we can still go right Khaya: yeah boy Me: so when do we leave? Me: yes I do Mbali: dont fuck with me dre, don't Me: im not Mbali: if you fuck up amahle relationship il fuck you up nxa She opened the door and slammed it.

She splashed me with water Me: kim!! Me: my mum is back and well she moved back with her Helen: and you did not think to tell me Me: it slipped my mind,will talk later ohk Helen : ohk I ate my breakfast in peace and just went for a swim. They said she had fully recovered and dont mind if she goes home but if she relapses she should come back immediately and she would be realised friday since they need to sort out her documents and I did not mind to come back on friday to pick her up.

I kissed her not stopping what I was doing. Ba rata dilo snaks bana bat eng. Around 7 I drove to Helen place and me stopping the car ,the tires just screetched. I just looked at her Amahle: let me go Me: wait Amahle what? Dre: the line at the guys toilet Us Dre: what were you two talking about? Kamo Mphela slaps fan during her concert [watch].

I pulled her in the house. I went to take a shower and left to meet up with natasha I walked inside the coffee shop and she was not there I found myself a table and ordered coffee on the go.

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Nik Makino - MOON Lyrics Malamang ay di nila nagagawa hoo Kaya siguro laging nakatingin yeay Kase yun na lamang ang magagawa yeay Inaabangan ako na mawala kaso lang ang malala nadapa kaka tingala. When she opened the door. Iba nenceba. She looked at us both Mum: you sure its just friend? Amahle: will deal with them dont worry I only have to deal with natasha right Me I leaned in for a kiss and kissed her, Sex video of Kamo phrla, she kissed me back, her lips were so soft and there was a taste off alcohol and fruit I dont know whether it was the drink she was drinking or what, the way her lips moved to mine it was like a porn sceneSex video of Kamo phrla, I pulled back cause she was weakening some parts off me.

Natasha: maybe Me : maybe this will change your mind I kissed her and she laid on her back, I stood up and got on top off her never breaking Passionate woman on top organism compilation kiss,I lifted the top she was wearing and moved my hand to her thigh, I moved my kisses to her neck she held me tight and let out a slight moan I licked and sucked on her neck and Sassy poonom xxx breathing got heavier, Sex video of Kamo phrla.

Well thats not bad Dorian: yeah its big man themba knew everything about a car so he dealt with car jacking, shane computer genius dealt with making quick transfers from any cards especially credit cards, jerome dealt with anything that needed signatures he had the right tools, deon haha dealt with drugs with the help off dorian, simphiwe tradings anything that needed to be out off the country or I needed out off the country he dealt with that as for me I deal with everything I know every shit and made all of this possible with connections I had Deon: the cape Me: yes the cape?

From there abasa mo founela ge baya menateng so standards have to be lowerd. Them: Me: with who? Mbali: hell yes Me: ohk tell mum we coming Kim: ohk bye I hung up and gave amahle her phone back. I woke up around 9 and joined the guys. Monday went to school,came back and just laid on my bed Mbali: hey are you awake? Roddy Ricch I'm about to pull up Hit switch, pull curtain And I've been waitin' so long Now I gotta re-surface And yeah, we 'bout to toast up All that bread that we burnin' 'Cause I've Sex video of Kamo phrla feelin' cooped up I've been fuckin' cooped up Yeah, I'm off Sex video of Kamo phrla Bud Light not the bourbon I might chop the roof off the Suburban.

Me: mum Mum: I want to I miss the freedom ,my kids and my family Me: and we all here I want to make things right ma Mum I just walked up to her and hugged her, Sex video of Kamo phrla, she returned the hug tighter than me Mum: im so sorry for the pain iv caused you and I love you babyI love you so much Me: I love you too.

Just wore blue ripped jeans, white short sleeved top,Nike cap and nike sneakers with my new black jacket. I left when kim arrived and went back to my place I took a long shower and wore a pair off blue jeans, black top with black shoes Sex video of Kamo phrla took a jacket.

Me: lets talk Her Me: I broke up with natasha then sh Me: I didn't want to do this but I need you to listen to me Her Me : yes I lied about candice and Helen because I wanted to stand a chance to be with you I said its over when it wasn'tbut I was going to break it off. Akere banyana babohle ba byao. Me: just stuff Dre: you sure you ohk I nodded my head Kim: I was saying dont ignore me friday Me: I will never do that sweety come on Kim: ohk Dre: called the waitress ,I paid and we left they dropped me off at home.

Skrrr skrr zoom zoom. Le fihla ko di plekeng, bo the village so wamverstan, dintsha gore entrance fee e lentsha budgeting so yall have to limit gore lenwa byang. Got to my grandparents house and they showered me with gifts including kim but she told me I would open it when I was with my friends, so I did not mind Me: thank you ma Grandma: pleasure baby, Sex video of Kamo phrla, hold on Me: what?

Me: you need to stop punishing me Amahle: punishing you? Took everything I would need to my car and left. We all went outside and ate our breakfast amahle phone rang Amahle: hey you, im with him, hold on, here Me: who is it Amahle: kim Was kind of surprised Me: hey Kim: hey iv been trying to call you and dorian Me: I Sexy bhabi porn even know where my phone is Kim: OHK well me and mum are moving and she asked me to tell you that please all off you come and help us out with everything Me: hold on They all kept quiet Me: we need to help kim and my mum move you game?

Sphe: yes you guys?