Sex video in china school

It also added that "girls shouldn't wear transparent or skimpy clothes and should avoid frivolous behaviour".

Dark Mode. Share your stories and opinions with us here. Social media users also blame the conservative attitudes and gender inequality in a patriarchal society.

China school asks girls not to ‘behave flirtatiously’ to avoid sexual harassment

Supporters of Zhou Xiaoxuan, Sex video in china school, a leading figure in China's MeToo movement, outside court during a sexual harassment case in Beijing, China, on December 2, Many victims' Sex video in china school are caused by their dressing up and acting coquettishly.

Transparent, revealing clothing, words and deeds must not be frivolous," it added. It said that there were some inappropriate expressions in the lecture courseware.

The pictures show some papers that said victims of sexual harassment "suffer because they dress flamboyantly and behave flirtatiously". She follows world sports and likes to write about football, cricket and tennis.

Chinese school claimed sexual harassment happens because girl's 'dressing up' - report - World News

She is a die-hard FCBarcelona fan. Latest Edition Insight. Live TV Programmes. The revelation led to public anger and outrage.

You can now write for wionews. Fact Check. As mentioned, the incident is from last year, but images of the teaching material started circulating this month.

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Sex video in china school

The county education bureau has criticised and educated relevant personnel and ordered the school to make rectifications, the news report said.