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Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study reviewing the records of all cases referred to a pediatric endocrinology clinic over a 5-year period.

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Medicine is in short supply and many medical workers have fled the country. Millions are facing mounting, multiplying risks as they try to escape Sudan with their lives, Sex sudanees.

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UNFPA is holding awareness sessions on gender-based violence and the help available to survivors at the transit centre in Bulukat, which around 80 people attend every day, Sex sudanees. Many reported being sexually assaulted and robbed of their money, food and belongings.

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The young girl died shortly after, Sex sudanees. Health care is scarce where available at all: One woman recalled seeing a pregnant returnee giving birth in a boat on the way to Renk.

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Victims of sexual violence are struggling to access services, such as medical care for any injuries, Sex sudanees, Sex sudanees contraception or medication that can stop HIV infection.

Objective: The aim of this study was to see the prevalence, etiological factors, management, and problems faced in handling these cases. Some manage to leave Sudan entirely, most finding refuge in Chad while some head to South Sudan or Ethiopia to the east. Among the civilians most in need of protection are the displaced people who walk for days to escape violent fighting, hoping to find a camp to take shelter, Sex sudanees.

This is the first experience to Sex sudanees published from Sudan. The widespread scale of SGBV is part of a wider issue plaguing Sudan — the lack of protection for civilians, conference delegates said. They called for more support from the international community, protection of civilians, Sex sudanees, and accountability for perpetrators of SGBV and other crimes.

Health care across Sudan is on the verge of collapse, as most of the nation's health facilities have been occupied by Sex sudanees forces, bombed or looted. Only weeks after the conflict began on April 15, Sex sudanees, the United Nations had already reported critical shortages of supplies for the clinical management of rape.

The majority of sexual assaults are taking place in Khartoum, which is largely controlled by the RSF. Troops continue to loot and occupy people's homesat times raping women and girls in front of their husbands, fathers or siblings, Sex sudanees. Once over the border, they are faced with a dire lack of food, clean Sex sudanees or any kind of sanitary supplies, Sex sudanees. Too many have lost family and loved ones along the way — often in front of their eyes.

According to these groups, survivors have overwhelmingly identified the perpetrators as RSF fighters. Already terrified, Sex sudanees, the threat of further abuse hangs heavy over those fleeing as they continue their dangerous journeys to Sex sudanees the border crossing.

Pregnant women on those routes have had miscarriages or suffered trauma, malnutrition and a lack of medical care.