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Past year. It is a setback for already declining religious freedom in Indonesia.

The rewriting of the criminal code has been through many iterations and has been highly contentious. Past 3 months.

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Duration Duration reset All. Quality Quality reset All. VR VR reset All. Source Source reset All, Sex pilipin xxnx. The new penal code will not be activated immediately. Indemonstrators took to the streets in cities around the archipelago when a previous version was on the cusp of being ratified.

It is due to come into force in three years. Sign up for the weekly What in the World newsletter here. Thumbnail size.

The Sydney Morning Herald. Past month. Past week. Save Log inregister or subscribe to save articles for later. Credit: Fauzy Chaniago.

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Past 2 days, Sex pilipin xxnx. The law on insulting the president or vice-president, which carries a jail sentence of up to three years, is also complaint-based and can only be triggered by the office holders themselves.

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Filter by: Date added Date added reset All. Past 24 hours. Ahead of its eventual passage there were concerns raised by the tourism sector about what impact the criminalising of adultery would have on the travel industry, according to Albert Aries, a lawyer who has worked on Sex pilipin xxnx revision for the Indonesian government, Sex pilipin xxnx. Sort by: Popularity. There is no exemption for non-Indonesians or holidaymakers in the update to the code.

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He hit out in particular about the toughening of laws protecting religion.