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Donovan C, Wilson A: Imagination and integrity: decision-making among lesbian couples to use medically provided donor insemination. Human Reproduction. Journal of Adult Development. Oswald RF: Resilience within the family networks of lesbians and gay men: intentionality and redefinition.

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Lesbian, gay and bisexual identities in families: psychological perspectives. Patterson C: The family lives of children born to lesbian mothers. Patterson C, Sutfin E, Fulcher M: Division of labor among lesbian and heterosexual parenting couples: correlates of specialized versus shared patterns. Hidden resilience in poor households in Britain.

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Supporting lesbian-parented families. Short L: Lesbian mothers living well in the context of heterosexism and discrimination: Sex famliy, strategies and legislative change. Journal of Marriage and the Family. Your teaching style is so compassionate and full of knowledge.

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Understanding resilience in same-sex parented families: the work, love, play study

December 29, Original Air Date: December 29, Get our Mobile App. Download Now. Read More. Brown R, Perlesz A: Not the "other" mother: how language constructs lesbian co-parenting relationships.

Without extensive targeting of particular cultural groups it is difficult to achieve adequate numbers to ensure representation within the overall sample.

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