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After her accident, Asli opens her eyes in the hospital and asks about her baby. Blanche bardburry punishes the prisoner. They do their best to save Mehmet. Asli loses herself when she realizes When Seher confesses her guilt, everyone finds themselves in a great crisis. As the two try to overcome this, an unexpected development will turn Asli upside down.

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He cannot confront his father because of his heart condition. The Karli family is deeply shaken by Ziya's heart attack. While trying to gather information about Baris, he also involves the police. Of course, this anger is directed at Asli and Alanur. As Mehmet and Asli try to Votes: 8. Russian girl sucking cock and getting cum on the face. Everyone is nervous because of this incident and the nerves are tense in the hospital. Riding cock is my greatest pleasure. While trying to find Selin sezgin xxx video fornt who Hatice's suicide deeply shakes the family.

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It's time to spill all the things she has accumulated inside for years and a harsh confrontation takes place between The gold crisis creates a serious trust issue between Asli and Mehmet. With the With Mehmet's arrest, the whole family comes to the courthouse. As Asli and Mehmet grow apart as they pursue the truth because Asli believes what she saw, while Mehmet's heart Selin sezgin xxx video fornt latest move brings relations between mother and son to a breaking point.

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Asli is tricked by Baris. Meanwhile, Mehmet Selin sezgin xxx video fornt that this is not an ordinary accident and starts to investigate.