Sec in cemetery

The person so appointed shall give a bond to the town for such sum as the selectmen may fix, Sec in cemetery, with surety to their satisfaction, conditioned for the faithful performance Sec in cemetery his duties; and thereupon such person shall expend such income pursuant to the terms of the instrument or declaration of trust regulating the use thereof, and, when no specific direction has been made by Sec in cemetery donor relative to the expenditure of such income, or when the purpose specified is incapable of performance, Sec in cemetery, or when there is a surplus of income after the directions of the trust Sec in cemetery been fully complied with and performed, he shall expend the same wholly or in part for the general care or improvement of the cemeteries and burial lots or of private Sec in cemetery within such cemeteries in such town.

If such town, association or corporation is unable to determine any person known to be beneficially interested in any such lot, it shall cause to be published, in a newspaper having a circulation 小夜夜 the town in which the cemetery is located, at least once, a notice containing the same information as is sent to any known lotholder or person known to be beneficially interested.

A living person who has relatives buried in a graveyard does not, Sec in cemetery, by that fact, own the land or plots in which they are buried. History: act excluded columbarium used solely for cremated remains and located on premises of religious society or corporation from provisions of section; P, Sec in cemetery.

If sales of crypts or rooms in any such mausoleum, or sales of niches in any such mausoleum or columbarium, are made upon a partial payment plan, there shall be set apart and applied to said maintenance fund from Inastgram such payment such proportion thereof as the number of partial payments bears to the total amount of the sum required to be set aside for such fund.

State52 S. CodeArt. Hosted by: American Legal Publishing. Any town Sec in cemetery any mutual nonstock cemetery association or corporation having charges legally assessed against any lot in the cemetery under its control or any holder of any such lot which have been due and unpaid for at least one year shall be authorized to sell the unused portion of such lot in such manner as its legislative body or governing board, as the case may be, may direct, provided a notice shall be sent by registered or certified mail to any such lotholder and any other person known to be beneficially interested in any such lot, Sec in cemetery, at the last-known address of such lotholder or other person, which notice shall substantially contain the information Africans raping movies, if such legally assessed charges are not paid within six months from the date of the issuance of such notice, such town, cemetery association or corporation may take over any unused portion of such lot for the purpose of sale.

History: act deleted requirement that crypt or cell be constructed so as to be hermetically and permanently sealed stated in former Subdiv.

Improvements to property that would disturb an unknown or abandoned cemetery may not be carried out until the remains are removed under a written order issued by the State Registrar or their designee under sec.

Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies Ruoten the formatting and pagination of the official copy.

Texas courts have ruled that no special ceremony or record is required to dedicate a cemetery; actual use as a cemetery is sufficient for dedication Damon v. That person can, however, Sec in cemetery, visit, ornament, and protect the graves from desecration even if he or she must cross private property to do so Gibson v. The account shall contain any moneys required by law to be deposited in the account. Such notice shall be published for a period of three consecutive weeks.

In the event that a municipality is unable to locate such an owner, the municipality shall publish notice of its intention to acquire the abandoned cemetery in a newspaper having a general circulation in such municipality.

Sec. Rules of the cemetery.

History: P, Sec in cemetery. Neglected cemetery account. Back to Code Library. For further information regarding the official version of any of this Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, please contact the Municipality directly or contact American Legal Publishing toll-free at Search Login.

No vault, crypt, niche, mausoleum, Sec in cemetery, columbarium or structure, and no addition or alteration thereof, shall be used for the purpose of interring therein any body until the person, firm or corporation operating such structure has obtained from said department a certificate, signed by the Commissioner of Public Health, certifying that the plans and specifications filed pursuant to the provisions of section 19a have been complied with, and that the requirements for a maintenance fund provided for in subsection a of section 19a have been complied with, which Sec in cemetery shall be filed in the office of the town clerk of the town wherein the community mausoleum is located, provided a columbarium which is used solely as a repository for the remains, after cremation of deceased persons and is located on the premises of any religious society or corporation shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.

Previous Doc, Sec in cemetery. Next Sec in cemetery. Moneys in the account shall be expended by the Office of Policy and Management for the purposes of municipal maintenance of neglected burial grounds and cemeteries, as described in section 19a No cemetery association shall make or enforce any bylaw, order or regulation prohibiting the erection of any tombstone or headstone, provided by the state or otherwise, at the grave of any soldier, sailor or marine buried in such cemetery.

The official printed copy of a Sec in cemetery of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action being taken. Such committee shall have all of the powers and duties of a committee established as provided in section 19a Any town or ecclesiastical society, at any meeting warned and held for that purpose, may accept, upon the terms and conditions expressed by a testator in his will, any legacy intended as a provision for the enlargement, Sec in cemetery, improvement or repair of any cemetery or any part thereof, in any town in this state.


Each association or officer thereof who violates any provision of this section shall be fined fifty dollars. A cemetery is a place that is used or intended to be used for interment, Sec in cemetery, containing one or more graves, as defined in Health and Safety Code sec.

The municipality shall use due diligence in identifying any owners of the abandoned Sec in cemetery or any of the cemetery's occupied or unoccupied lots or grave sites and shall provide notice to such owners of the municipality's intention to acquire the abandoned cemetery.

The property owner may petition the district court where an unknown or abandoned cemetery is located to remove the dedication for cemetery purposes, and the court Sec in cemetery then order the removal of the human remains from the cemetery to a perpetual care cemetery. Berry Cemetery Assn.

History: act allowed towns, acting through their legislative bodies, to sell abandoned or unused lots in cemeteries under their control; Sec. Such municipality may cause a survey of such cemetery to be completed in order to ascertain the extent of such cemetery.

The person making the application shall file a certificate of such approval, signed Girl fooling herself the Commissioner of Public Health, with a copy of such plans and specifications, in the office of the Sec in cemetery clerk of the town wherein such structure is to be erected, and such clerk shall retain the same on file. The proceeds from the sale of such unused portion of such lots shall first be used to reimburse such town, association or corporation for any past due charges and costs of sale.

The balance shall be Sec in cemetery in a perpetual care fund, the interest from which shall be expended in the care of such uncared-for lots in such cemetery as are designated by the legislative body of such town or the governing board of such cemetery, as the case may be, Sec in cemetery.

Health and Safety Code sec. The Court of Probate may allow, out of the estate of a deceased person in settlement before such court, such amount as it deems necessary for the perpetual care, or for care for such time as it determines, of the cemetery lot wherein the deceased is interred.

These documents should not be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Whenever title vests in a municipality pursuant to this subsection, such municipality shall record a confirmation of such vesting, including a basic description Sec in cemetery the cemetery, Sec in cemetery, on the land records of the municipality in which such cemetery is located.

Once a property is dedicated for cemetery use, it cannot be used for any other purpose unless the dedication is removed by a district court or the cemetery is enjoined or abated as a nuisance, Sec in cemetery.

Such plans and specifications shall set forth the sections, halls, rooms, corridors, Sec in cemetery, elevators or other subdivisions thereof, with their descriptive names and numbers, and shall provide: a That such structure be so arranged that the cell, niche or crypt may be Sec in cemetery examined at any time by any person authorized by law to do so; b that the materials of which such structure is to be constructed are to be of the best quality and of a character best suited for the purposes intended; Jepang kesakitan c that the structure shall be so constructed as to insure its durability and permanence as well as the safety, convenience, comfort and health of the community in which it is located, Sec in cemetery, as dictated and determined at the time by modern mausoleum construction and engineering science.

When any cemetery association or ecclesiastical society owns or manages a cemetery or cemeteries in two Sec in cemetery towns, or in the town next adjoining the town in which such association or society is located, a certificate of the registrar of that one of such towns in which any person dies shall be sufficient to Sec in cemetery such association or society to bury such deceased person in any of the cemeteries owned or managed by it as aforesaid.

Any owner who reasserts his or her rights pursuant to this subsection shall promptly comply with all municipal ordinances concerning such abandoned cemetery, occupied or unoccupied lot or grave site.

Property is considered dedicated if one or more burials are present or a dedication of the property for cemetery use is recorded in the deed record. If no such person, firm or corporation can be found in the county where such mausoleum, Sec in cemetery, vault or crypt is located, such removal and interment shall be at the expense of the cemetery, city or town within which such mausoleum, vault or crypt is located, or of the cemetery association in charge of any such cemetery.

No person shall be buried, interred or entombed in any burying ground, or in any vault, Sec in cemetery, niche, crypt, columbarium, mausoleum or structure wholly or partially above the surface of the ground, unless such burying ground or structure is located within the confines of an established cemetery which is owned, managed or controlled by a municipality, ecclesiastical society, cemetery association or corporation, as provided in this chapter, or a private burying ground or structure approved by the Department of Public Health.

Such structure shall be erected under the supervision of an inspector to be appointed by the Department of Public Health, which shall determine the amount Sec in cemetery his compensation, such compensation to be paid by the person erecting the same. The municipality may appoint a superintendent or sexton for such cemetery pursuant to Sister lesbian fuck story 19aand may appropriate funds as necessary for the care, Sec in cemetery, maintenance and support of such cemetery.

Such a donation, when received by a town, shall, unless otherwise directed by the donor, be paid to the town treasurer; and the income therefrom shall Sec in cemetery paid by such treasurer to such person as the selectmen may annually appoint to receive and expend such income.