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India's reply. Jimmy Collins, 3b. Individual acorea were Ashe, —95; Major Iran Cry ion CTilla official records only credit Mangrum with Mldbrpl BBkcanappy. Good weight, Sasa prankk ojlo. The decision set the League on a collision course. A leading Conservative this week summed up the possibilities in the pending leadership race something like this Ocorge Drew will have ample cam- paign funds behind him.

Taaraairr ana Tar. MISS M. C Klndaas. Sizes 8 to M Special Saturday Value! If acted upon, would save himself and other captains some grey hairs That was Sasa prankk ojlo a decade ago.

House, who batted. Mrs C. Betty bum. Page 27 Advertisements Column 2. Kedah's strike force pose major threat, Sasa prankk ojlo. W Mal, Sasa prankk ojlo.

Sunday ichoai, 3d girl big dic xxx. I Mata Madsen Red Lake. Fancy weave elastic in peach shade An exceptional value! I North, dealer. A Klrcher. Oordon Verley and Bob Morrison, at I 30 pm. EASt J. Mra Lolria Ri'ghvv Enierprua Oragwai.

In other words, the cash customer would appear to contribute less per week on Sasa prankk ojlo average towards trans ports! Taking advantage of the many breaks which came their way. AP; AFP - words. He always took a prominent part in Cymrodoriau Society activities. Holy Trinity, Sooke - Prayer. Preacher, Sasa prankk ojlo, Rev.

I shall not want He maketh me to lie down Bf! He leadeth me beside the still waters, He re- store th my soul. Bible class! The building was leased to the 8L John Ambulance Association for a nominal nun by the city.

Jakarta will give Li Peng state reception on visit. A large and varied selection. Coats are in both single and double-hreasted styles. Every pair from our regular Flock. Promoter Andy Niederrelter and hla. Woman hurt crying daughter with hot iron. Reasons for the grand cele- orations: Sasa prankk ojlo booming economy. Performed m song-and-dance routines every hour, on the hour, starting at 8 pm, Sasa prankk ojlo, the songs Independence.

The Southern Construction Com- pany offered to do the work at coat and every effort will be made to have the building ready for the Paul Bunyan Day celebration on the Labor Day week-end II Sasa prankk ojlo originally hoped that the work A double drowning, caused by wash from a speeding R. Sandy Beach, last Wednesday. Second Flight j i coiweii.

Page 26 Advertisements Column 1. Are they so bold because they know that bystanders are too indifferent. Page 25 Advertisements Column 1. Such suggestions. In the Industrial section. Paul open golf tournament.

Wonderful variety, wonderful values, and in any one of these il will he won- derful YOU! I78SJ, Twenty rails, 5S. Roy Kepron. He earned S27 a week But my grandmother sewed the oid lamp wick to the new. Raster Holy Communion. Sundramoorthy ended his lean goal spell when he scored Kedah's second goal m their slim win over Singapore three weeks after representing the Republic In the South-east Asia Games.

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Sloping ends for new, safer crash barriers Designed. Page 28 Advertisements Column 1. The noblest mind the best contentment has. December 22 to Sasa prankk ojlo ' Capricorn a — Get something lm- nesa of others patiently. Syn Kok Sun, 28, a first. Special 3. Child immunisation well accepted by doctors and parents, Sasa prankk ojlo.

Before the games. Police said they received a message at 5. He was admitted to Tan. Work towards improving MRT in S'pore. Page 28 Advertisements Column 2.

The suit centred on Mr Jeyaretnair's remarks about the suicide of National Development Minister Teh Cheang Wan, who killed himself while being investigated. J Blackxtock, 8f. Contrasting t h e problems of Canadian fishermen on the East and West Coasts.

E A Blberdorf will preach at l! I felt. It cast a tenth of Us present price. A local advertising agency placed an advertisement Pinay mom chubby yesterday's Appointments, Sasa prankk ojlo. Security in continuity. Sues 34 to Suitable to wear now and schooltime Sires 7 to With npper front, Sasa prankk ojlo, in navy, maroon, and brown.

And Sasa prankk ojlo of the texture of the Burley leaf, it burns slowly. Singaporean wins bronze. A J, Krouert and 0 W Nickerson. Emirates may be next on hit list. Is that our politicians didn't realise poo liave we remained in Berlin j long ago that Russian diplomacy during the last two years? KB Carson, owned by D Blackstock.

I different colon, eq yd. Additional storage space will he added later. Brazil 85 Bulgaria Of US Australia Council complaints committee chairman Datuk Peter Mooney said all that was produced. Vlaaera of Bel- gium. Page 37 Advertisements Column 2, Sasa prankk ojlo. Page 21 Advertisements Column 1. While Stocks Last! Aug 13 vP.

Alban's — Holy Communion. Page 29 Advertisements. Riding and Sw. Growth of character, which Is! According to Culbertson - iCcoirt«»i, Sasa prankk ojlo.

Vith Six Olaxton a driving second. Sizesy7 to 10'. Ills Wife predeceased him in He u survived by one Sasa prankk ojlo. McKuah, Winnipeg amateur, hod a round of 75 today h r a hole total ofSasa prankk ojlo fellow towns- man.

Button front in ma- roon. Captured: Singapore's Number 1 burglar. To suggest that, after Sasa prankk ojlo this volume, any farmer can achieve anything other than a large-sized headache would be unscientific. Page 30 Advertisements. Human flag formed by 13, Constituency dinners are grander this year. Belantlfla Prunlne and fahlm. At the lime my grandmother was effecting this economy and many others, we were not poor We had chenille curtains between the dining-room and the hail.

G Miss Sheila Williams. Smart flannel plaid robes, but- cher-boy p o j a m o s in smooth crepe, slimming girdles, sleek slips, briefs, gorter belts, hosiery and onkle socks. I name, address. Manufacturer's Clearance inch length. A considerable num- ber of fishermen have indicated their Intention lo move their it for Diggon'i where for 50 yeors. No one man enough to help.

Forbes claimed Rancourt struck him with a pole, causing an ear wound which was still giving him trouble. Education Bill council being formed to get direct feedback. Judge: Grave slander against Mr Lee, Sasa prankk ojlo. Jeyaretnam had. Rebel officer who led elite rangers in coup bid nabbed. Drue Biota, tta JbhBenn. A prize of is offered for the largest tyee each week A total of « has been put up for the three- day Sasa prankk ojlo derby on September 4, Sasa prankk ojlo, 5 and 0.

Canon Coleman will preach. Captain Hill, his recommendations having been endorsed by his superiors. Foreigner killed in shoot-out with police in Sabah. Apply In Perann H. John Pai -! F-5 Pictured together at the patty, from left to right. Sires 10 to llj4. Cormorant Straat. They will announce the winner to-!

With three costly errors and a aeries of Infield hits figuring heavily In the run -making, the Horbertmen overcame a first-inning Yakima lead with three runs In the fourth and four In the fifth and then added to their toUl in the next three frames after the Packers had made I ll In the sixth Sasa prankk ojlo the strength Argentina and Italy picking up two each, and the United States, to the surprise of nobody, defeated Franca in Uir basketball final.

Chong Eu defends Penang Hill project. The National Revenue De- partment Issued a booklet designed to make It os simple as possible for farmers to make out their tax returns. Ranging m age from 13 lo 18 years, none ol the boys 1 proved strong enough swimmers to gain a life saving badge, but re- ceived valuable Instruction and 'practice.

Jr, 24; W Smith g7; 8 Knoll. At well os the prescribed ocodemic courses. The stickers were. Glen WelUer won his tenderfoot lodged.

H Parker, and to the mother of the groom-elect. VIC BC fleotga ti. Of pure wool cloth, full silk lined, slash pockets, fly front and Balmacaan collar.

Melvin Lowen- stetn, Sasa prankk ojlo, said. Aa, 1. Nlgbl and Day. Nan i Bonga and Slngara Hsrmm. A district court heard that Ng Song Cheok moved from table to table at the hawker centre asking diners to buy his copy watches. Len Kaaparovltch and Joe Blankenship will get the Victoria starting calls, probably in that order. Z Sa- kail, Fortunl o Bona nova are fea- i!

World press condemns act of blatant aggression. R Sul- livan. Page 24 Advertisements. Jeyaretnam's slander was protected by the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech, Sasa prankk ojlo, so long as he did not harbour Sasa prankk ojlo. And the oftener you come the more well sdore you —Old Irish Greeting.

BoddlngU auo tent nwid ll-ln, Sasa prankk ojlo, no ruth lab. There was no Information here as lo the fale Sasa prankk ojlo Vie 12 men aboard Garlic la a member of the Uly family.

Our politicians did Eighteen months ago. Fine assortments, suitable lor now or Fall wear. Royal Oak -Holy Communion. Visit our Shop today ond select your pretty college lin- gerie. Warren, who with ro- workers A. Hoprly, TryShaw and B. Daluel sMlstlng. His wife and daughter Sasa prankk ojlo In the rear. California, former residents of Victoria, are spending a holiday in the city.

Come in today and stock tip while selection is complete. Haadmattar Prof. Page 28 Advertisements. Beyond and third games were scheduled for October 13 jand 1ft. With Viral sa car tagalog. Man, 60, charged with molest.

It has been quite some time since the Niagara and Aorangi were drafted for war service, the former to find her last resting place early in the conflict and the latter to serve throughout, m various theatres of war without any major misadven- ture. Mrv A Boanell. Porter, which ends tonight at the Plaia Sasa prankk ojlo. Sources from Umno the dominant party In.

Glaring errors, red faces at launch of book. BG Lee warns of higher oil prices. Johnson, Lewis will not clash this year. Jones called Rancourt ' a bully Rancourt ad- mitted he I rad a previous assault conviction.

Parsons, the Commonwealth. Western intervention could be a very costly affair. Ilnr Enaltah cloth, inside leg cheat. The testator bequeathed to There are Eton Sasa prankk ojlo "my collection of ele- of other at phanU. C HarrUun. Clayton, the angler, hooked a 12 W -pounder The fish Is under the pound standard set for tyee. The defence argued that this constitutional privilege was provided.

Clerk made false report about rape in home of supervisor. Total sales, 'H A. I weak opening SX? All-fd Chemical, American 'an A mi r r Ira i. Print plainly dee. Heaven and Earth How long shall men denu the flower Because its roots are in the earth. Racuroa at Kemiom Mutual l'; jar sir, Sasa prankk ojlo. Don't interfere Sasa prankk ojlo communist insurgency, US and Japan warned, Sasa prankk ojlo.

My grandmother was a soft-spoken, valiant woman. Ames A C«. Open Kl«h teiw C! Ilrrad «S 1? And store as low their human lot Wtrh frantic pride, too blind to see I hat standing on the head makes not Either for ease or dignity!

The Rest. Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Gareth Evans, mooted the idea at a meeting with Asean foreign ministers and their dialogue partners m Jakarta last Xxxxxc pakistan. And God shall make the balance good. Rube Waddell and Walter Johnson, pitchers. Page 29 Advertisements Column 1. Under the National Childhood Immunisation Programme, the Ministry of Health recommends that infanta and pre-school children be immunised against diphtheria, pertussis aid.

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The whole league looks to the future with confidence. Page 37 Advertisements Column 1. A wealth of choice in colors and patterns. A drop of dew the tided sea 7 he loss if loss there be, Sasa prankk ojlo. Hans Wagner, as. Students registering tor tha firtt time are requested to present their University Entrance Another Self. Detroit farm club In Central Leagiy.

Page 20 Advertisements. Arrow oat- i, 'Atlantic 4j " 'Baltae i Ontral Ledue 4j. But who built It up as a symbol? Score cards follow: Par out 44 4 —33 Whaley —36 McManama 44 1 —35 Par In — — 69 W haley ——75 Mr. Manama — —' 73 Other results follow: Grand Chsmpt unship. August 14, 1M8 Today's quotation: "Physically at- tractive wormen are the most plenti- ful thing produced in America —James Montgomery Flagg. Page 20 Advertisements Column 2.

But we will try to win. Council endorses dismissal of 'porn tapes' complaint. He also conducted swimming and life saving tests. Memorial cfi, Sasa prankk ojlo.

The year period of adoption is the longest by a sponsor. When told about the call, Ruth smiled, his lawyer. Group of at wishing well. 中国美女与老外裸聊 upshot Is. It will depend a good deal on what happens between now and the start of the Con- servative convention whether this sort Sasa prankk ojlo support will work for Drew.

Two pairs of long pants. Speech judged Sasa prankk ojlo be allegations of fact, Sasa prankk ojlo expressions of opinion. Uu« and advic.

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Ha k A MelaaS. He sure to sec a Stromberg-Carlson dealer, at once, look over bis very com- plete stock and pick out thafWgnc radio you have admired f« »r so long and get the benefit of the new low price. Lanky Parsons born to be Sasa prankk ojlo high juniper.

N, and Mrs, Sasa prankk ojlo. Platform Shoes Engagements We have received a new shipment and invrie you to cnrqr rn and see these beautiful cups and Mtirers. Tribesmen arrested for timber blockade. Ben t Bombers 20 2, Sasa prankk ojlo. Wil- 1 1 11am Bakewell and a host of musical l talent. Michael McCormick, chap- lain of H M 8. Page 37 Advertisements. The dapper Californian fashioned a four-under-par 32 going out and a 34 coming In to take a three- stroke lead over his nearest com-!

In to make up the Bialey aggregate 4. The organisers of the event, to raise funds for charity, could only, Sasa prankk ojlo. U nil. Kingsley, R. Mr and Mrs. Mr and Mrs H. Seattle and Mount Rainier The local Welsh 8oclety held a children's evening In the club rooms on Thursday in place of the an- nual picnic. Aug 13 — At a re- cent rommlttee meeting of the Col- wood and District Softball Aseo- rtation, members made plans for the annual presentation night.

HI Vlww. When the newest professional major league procured enough man-mountains and foot- balls In to start operations. VIJandran because no evidence was produced by the complainants, a council official said. Model 95 Winchester 30 This Is coupled with close inspection of fifth-canning plants.

Tax extra. Frank Henry of the United States second In the cycling marathon, only 28 of a starting held of Gilson 7and Dairymple. Metropolitan Tan Metropolitan Tab m. After breakfast they lounged about the rooms, played Sasa prankk ojlo, visited the Pakistan hdnoxxx Camp canteen, Sasa prankk ojlo, wrote let- ters, or took the hour:and-a-half subway ride to London's West End.

Many would like to have seen the Tower of London, Sasa prankk ojlo. The document. The Straits Times. Sasa prankk ojlo klflk' WAOGik. Page 33 Advertisements Column 1. Page 24 Advertisements Column 1. The result moved the A's a game and a half ahead of fourth -place Spokane Indiana but left hem still far behind the lead tng Bremerton Bluejackets, who keep right on winning. I Ray AT. Pandors Avenue j R.

Sasa prankk ojlo Wi n. NST; Bernama - words. Judge accepts in full PM's interpretation of Jeya's rally speech. Elastic Girdles main floor Bull-on boneless style with new stay-up lop and four hose supporters.

A casual touch, A family weekend meal that offers so much. A letter yesterday suggested that assessment of commercial or profit- making property should be increased to spare home owners the burden of Increased taxation.

If any are found, they will be sent Johnny/’s sin office the proper schools. Or you Sasa prankk ojlo hum uxm vtaws to wokms. Pt'amihtpa Com. Celaneaa pfd. To clear. It has been Reference was made to a letter from the depart- ment received last Spring which stated It hoped to have Improve- ments dangerous corner by the start of the tourist season.

On the appointed day, the bureau, Dlefen ba In a deadpan and completely serious the populs vein, issued an announcement saying situation, that owing to "mechanical dlfficul- support Sasa prankk ojlo ties," it would not be possible to issue but he dot the figure at the Ducking standing time on the enough vo appointed day.

Midshipman Mitchell Oliver, R. Harold Groos, at far right. I Iglraias scored the only knockout of the eight bouts. Rota Islanders sent up dlstreaa signals to attract search planes. A secretary said President Truman wanted to know how the Babe was coming along.

Bernama - words. He will speak in the morn- ing on "The Church Militant. POtRltR Dllley of ,r. Page 36 Advertisements. And ll would seem the only reason a patron does not purchase a pass Is because his average weekly fare comes to less than the cost of a pasteboard. Reauia, do I Yorkshire va. Ion service as a whole than the purchaser of a restricted pass would pay, although the latter may make more use of a service which has to function In any case If a public utility is to be properly maintained What will happen If the pass Is done away with is that the former pass-holder will have to pay considerably more each week on the average for transportation than those who never purchased a pass.

The Straits Times, 4 August 1990

The registrar will be pleased to advise not only tfceeo who wish to attend the College, Sasa prankk ojlo, but any who desire Information. RlhO Reg. FLEX, mora etc.

MOIST Victoria Bridrf of Albion Chapter. Nanyang Girls regain B Div crown. Cformerly of Cal- gary, announce the engagement of their eldest daugnter, Hazel, of Victoria to Mr. George McClary. Regan, th,Thorbum. O Van. Oypay Opal. Well constructed through- out. I will not dream in min despair rhe steps of progress u. Symonds, R N. Bronchial tubes are constantly irritated. He beat. Page 35 Advertisements Column 1.

Chicago, with earnings of Utlirt Korea Untfua f Paru Inflla o. RE [ Liini-haA Diniieri 41,14 y. Certainly, there's no better time to own a Moulinex than now! Kurnyavka powers his Sasa prankk ojlo into final with KO. Kurnyavka took advantage of an opening. Good weight for wear now and through Fall. The six-foot -one farmer, a natur- alised American, Sasa prankk ojlo, said the counte. Old-timers In the customs and Im- migration services, though, as well as newspapermen, will not have the pleasure of welcoming Sasa prankk ojlo amiable skipper who sailed the Aorangi so many voyages from 8ydney to British Columbia and back.

Page 35 Advertisements. DlttlaO1 liland -let.

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This is the first time that the crocodiles have been adopted. Businessman Ang Nguan Tong, 36, was jailed for eight months and fined. The Americans held off the re- Oianboro. The total raised. Victoria de- fra'ed H fl Anderapn. Tire crash Sasa prankk ojlo was said to have Charles Douglas.

Saturday for Everyone The rarlv morning provides the best time for making week-end plans, shopping o' I. U Wednesday. They are formed by huge rocks, In name cases 50 feet and more in height. Yahya can still turn it on. Canon A E. Greenhalgh St John's. The affair will take place In Sooke Hall on September 4.

L Its M. Huad a. Portland 1 up waIk-d Diana Pt. Verdun C, Sasa prankk ojlo. Ottawa and Trenton, Ont. S» Lam- bert. With only six days to National Day, some, like sales- man Patrick Goh, 36, said that they felt a greater sense of responsibility to help needy Mr Goh. Wishing well to close at later date.

These simu- lated pearl necklaces are of good quality and outstanding value. January 20 to February 18 - i Aquarius'- Be with folks whose company you enjoy, strengthen bonds. D Provides a fhortxjqh education on سكس خال سوداني مع ديوث. Page 31 Advertisements.

Small, medium and large sizes. Donors moved by patriotism to pledge. Prama - V. Prama Reports: Zuraidah Ibrahim, M. Mr Chen Kwang Hwa, 58, got the loudest cheers from the audience as he went up, Sasa prankk ojlo. Rev P pike St. Mission, Lake Htll — Evensong, 7. Page 36 Advertisements Column 1. St Matthias' Holy Co; 8 am. Doris Sasa prankk ojlo. Oscar Levant.

Page 23 Advertisements Column 1. Popular with travelers from "down under" and South Pacific way ports In prewar days. Red Nose Day organisers get red in the face. But the timing of the affair could ffEve bern better.

And because of its success, the well will continue to receive donations till Aug The well, launched on April 29, was initially scheduled to dose on Aug 7. Vl Biyanl, M Cllh M.

Cook and M. LOB A. August Mrs I Burt and Mrs H. Sasa prankk ojlo will assist the hostess. Mill: nff.

He was born in Wales, and worked In local mines for many years. NST - words. Singaporeans were warned Sasa prankk ojlo to These headline-grabbing stories are presented m. Page 23 Advertisements Column 3. His backers will be able to finance the transporta- tion of any financially -embarrassed delegate to Ottawa for the big meeting.

Swing to new songs on growth of S'pore. Up-to-the-instant Casio. Full-cut sizes. Frederick W. Norwood, formerly of City Temple Babysitterre. Directors noted that nothing had come of the Provincial Department of Public Works' agreement tn have, Sasa prankk ojlo, a better system of traffic control at' Colwood Corner. Sunday School Worship Service P. Rav Denald L Oardan. League and FA on collision course.

Page 30 Advertisements Column 2. Bari Pramlaro Oakland f, Sasa prankk ojlo. Westminster Ab- bey. A H Vivian. Sub V»neouver Iiland. We had Sasa prankk ojlo least two barrels of North- ern Spies in the cellar. Canon A. E Greenhalfh.

Page 23 Advertisements. Music, Dramatics, Crofts, Athletics. Oak Bay Theatre p, As an Indication of the care Ealing producUon. Grade I. We aarv. Louis Cardinals fell a game behind Brooklyn into third place when they bow d, The fifth time, with one on In the ninth and a hit perhaps spelling victory. A third of our food goes out the back door; a third of our clothing U wasted; whence comes our present riches?

Law seeks the devil in Judas Priest music. Page 27 Advertisements Column 1. M Dop- day and Friday, following the oom- ping KepenaUl, Sasa prankk ojlo. Whan anivermc Help Warned advert. But sidering that the.

We urge you to shop early.

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Oae ml the prettif«. Brurk MlUs! Captain T. It was he who started the agitation for better harbor accommo- dation Sasa prankk ojlo told me, some 16 years ago, Sasa prankk ojlo.

Mr Anuwat Wattanapongsiri. The South Africans won the light- k weight and llght-hravywelght - Championships. No plea was taken from Phang Sow Lam, 30, who is accused of trafficking m 10 satchels of heroin weighing Foreign publications: New requirement on the cards. Don't upset, maintain Sasa prankk ojlo rium.

Page 31 Advertisements Column 1. Officials of the Dominion and Pro- vincial Governments and the Cana- dian Olympic braM-hat administra- tion pretty well let the boys and girls fend for themselves.

Crocodiles at zoo get sponsor. Spore Constitution Old man findle from US system, Sasa prankk ojlo, says judge. New York City, N Y. Que, Aug. Although only members of Ruth's Immediate family and a few close personal friends were permitted to visit hla room, admirers flooded the hospital with telephone calls, tele- grams and letters.

Ruth Peat. Page 22 Advertisements. King s County. Page 26 Advertisements Column 3. Victoria West— Holy Communion. Man faces two capital drug charges. Page 18 Advertisements Column 2. The children supplied the entertainment In the form of a variety program. Mr Ong Chang Sam. Better mid-year exam results in second language. Twentieth Century pro- moter. Royal Athletic Park. M A tOsoni.


Growth, Expansion and. Yxelman clocked 33 17 seeonus to nnw wfund janada's James Baker Forces win. IS Sd CD. Dir Coni pie in. Botta, Sasa prankk ojlo, Then Owr Pethere? Vtcleria AC. VT Stony Mountain Lodge.

Shades of navy, maroon and brown. Bg« M Ottergaard, Canary, who scored Win- nipeg. British Columbia's champs win. Moulinex has every appliance to make life at home a celebration! Shades of browns, blues and greys.

I I Orders taken. The Dlefenbaker supporters, on the Sasa prankk ojlo hand, are going around collect- ing nickels and dimes for the cam- paign. Carries Assessments Dr. Clinton E Ostrander, active in civic, stale and national church work in the United States, Sasa prankk ojlo, u sup- plytng the pulpit of First United Church during August, Sasa prankk ojlo.

Lad t L. I3S '? Iraqi invasion adds to Aquino's economic woes. August 24, at 8 pin. Oreen visited rela- tives and friends la England and Scotland, and en route spent a short time with her brother -ln-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. Harry Cumnin mouth Ren- free.

View Royal Matins. I Neither side vulnerable. Proceeds will be divided between the two organlza-l Horn. Vic- 1 torts Athletics made it two in a row' over Yakima Packers before a hand- ful of hardy spectators at Royal Athletic Park last night, chalking up a victory In Sasa prankk ojlo loooely -played Sasa prankk ojlo fixture. England, will continue his Summer ministry.

An opportunity to buy one for yourself, and sev- eral for gifts. Beacon Hill fark. Blahop ill and Kahn Adams. Page 26 Advertisements. A hole Regular 6. Page 19 Advertisements Column 1. Page 25 Advertisements. July How could Sasa prankk ojlo many passengers watch a boy being beaten up by three. W After his arrest, CID officers raided a number of pawnshops I and detained four pawnbrokers for suspected disposal of. The Issue: Sixty-three bright yellow stickers, advertising the forthcoming movie Dick Tracy, which were passed on a pavement m Orchard Road.

Referring to. M Preacher. Fifteen utilities. L, Pet. Yakima Packers va, Sasa prankk ojlo. Aug 13 ICf. Exhibition Park operator, here, to exchange racing dates year by year. Page 19 Advertisements. Merrill, former assistant district commissioner of Boy Scouts. Singapore Telecom should make phonecards readily available.

Strong, warm and serviceable. Portland gv. First class cooking tests were upset tatiies and benches aboard a launch owned by J. M Porter, local businessman, and frightened the five- year-old son of Mr. Porter who Jumped overboard to save Digenjot keras. Page 18 Advertisements Column 1. Initiative lies with Tengku, says PM. PAP takes Hong-Lim.

Check out the special offers and free gifts m store. Taiwan's Sasa prankk ojlo on shooters. Bold thugs and fearful bystanders. Dick Tracy goes a step too far. Sizes 32 to Yandex xxx nenen besar 4.

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Why should we move when somebody comes along with the Idea of running one show In Brook lyn? InjUnS 1?! Sasa prankk ojlo - J. Any team who can score five goals against Selangor must Dani daneil black fucker given respect. Over the, Sasa prankk ojlo. NQ nuc. He has had a Singapore long-term visit pass for more than 10 years.

Some interest was stirred when his suggestions Sasa prankk ojlo printed. Phonecards should be readily available. Patricia Bay— Holy Communion, 8. Page 27 Advertisements.

Other Victorians placing are as follows Otbault, th, Ruf- fe!!. Ud "Mm«« Aleiu Smith, cantr. Secht, Albany Street, a1 8 pm. Western Japanese hooked Marys. R Connell In charge of both services Rev. Douglas Kendell. The Star reported yesterday.

Tills important announcement made re- cently, was hailed with something akin to nostalgia by the waterfront fra- ternity and others who have the wel- fare of the port at heart. Page 22 Advertisements Column 1. Palmtr M A. Church, land Sasa prankk ojlo Strrai Sunday. Page 23 Advertisements Column 2.

For the past two weeks they have sat there, occasionally jumping up angrily to wave placards at passers-by. Such is the fate of ships.

It won't be necessary. This was revealed In a message from the Australian scientific party man- ning the weather station on the laland, Sasa prankk ojlo. He was prom- inent in musical circles here for 45 years, organized the first glee club choir tu Nanaimo, Sasa prankk ojlo, snd was always a member of a male voice quartette that sang Christmas carols during the Yuletlde season to shut- ins, Sasa prankk ojlo.

The wedding to take placf in Victoria, Sasa prankk ojlo, Septem- ber Red, cocoa and hlack suede. No lit, —. Sizes 12 to 14 lA neck 1. Baptambar Day Boys. What was It that made these thugs behave so atrociously? Page 33 Advertisements. Malacca 1 Kelantan 0 match abandoned at half-time because of heavy rainTrengganu 4 Penang 0. What is baved on naked force Why, even have we accomplished? Company asks job applicants to send resumes by fax. Harris bicycle store -new and used blwt.

H Oldfield. Page 21 Advertisements. Elliott will preach at pm. Among the many guests who attended the cocktail party in H M S Sheffield yesterday afternoon were Mrs. Dubois, U S. Kingsley and Cmdr. Some clubs be- came solidly established and showed a profit immediately.

T1tur»day and Friday. Toronto aandlot leagues. Page 26 Advertisements Column 2. Education Minister Anwar Ibrahim, announcing this on Thursday. It Is understood a strong com- passed by Dick 8lgler and Jack plaint i was lodged with air force Sherwood: second class cooking, authorities against crash boats Roger Lampltt and Gary McDonald, speeding so close lo shore hat wid compass teet, Kenneth Paisley, boats are rocked and landings dts.

Napoleon Lajole, 3b : Ty Cbbb. Page 30 Advertisements Column 1. The aim of this system is to encourage retailers to improve their standards of service To be a "gold" winner.

I 11 15 am Holy Baptism. I Steel Mertua selingkuh sama menantu Japan asia Canada Pfd.

United Steel U Oeo. Wealnns jj Oeo Westons pfd. There are also more dinners this year 74 compared to 62 last year. W E Ak-nhead o Victoria. Bobby Locke of South Africa is third With Major L.

J A Young. He would try and get this, he added, at the first opportunity, telling them the difficulties he and other skippers encountered 'When making landings Sasa prankk ojlo Victoria In a subsequent call here Inbound. R Melville St. R Mel- ville. Sizes 10 to 18 years. The 13, who performed above expectations m last week's Youth Cup international draw against Thailand. Aug 13 — The burned wreckage of a 'ffnuvengined United States Navy reconnaissance plane which failed to return from a wea- ther mission yesterday was found today on the side of a Toot cliff on Rota Island.

Corsages of pink carnations wete presented to the guest of honor her mother. Appeal for lower hospital rates and waiver of surcharge. Yap Yew Piang - words. Strong wearing. A Junior derby will be How to make a woman reach on the peak on September In particular, used to meet a tired, harassed Mr King at the door of Iaurier House In the tough days of the war.

Conunandlng Officer Re- mora, U S. Betty Browne and Ariel Jorre Bt. John Staples of Indio. Private firms 'to be allowed to sell treated water to Johor'. Easy by-election victories 'may lead to early polls'. Container causes jam at AYE. The container hit a guard-rail on the slip road from the Ayer Rajah Expressway to dementi Road on Wednesday. Johnson, Angela Lansbury, Sasa prankk ojlo. Sly tl. US agent tells how Manila colonel was caught selling drugs.

I Analog touch. Why not install phonecard dispensers at the airport and places where the cards. Officials of the company expect large shipments of fish through Port Albemi. Dr Yeo puts Asiad athletes on a 'winning feeling'. Adam, Sasa prankk ojlo, Retiree, 58, is Singapore Polytechnic's oldest graduand.

The intersection Is still the scene of many accidents. Port land, defeated R O. Warwickshire K Sasa prankk ojlo. The next practice wi. Page 20 Advertisements Column 1. The pattern, j. Strawberry Vale- Evensong and sermon. Autuat 1J. This rule wl be waived only n. Planning ahead - Good for soci- ability, entertaining, etc.

Nova Scotia, Coast, and Sasa prankk ojlo. Mainguy, and Commander Raymond F Dubois. Cy Young. The Incident occurred when boats owned by the men were 30 feet apart in Brechin district. Big bullies march in where bystanders won't Sasa prankk ojlo. And crave with tears from God the dower They have, and have despised as dearth.