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Real Name, Saree hot photoshoot maria. She looks chic in this Kasavu saree readmore. A look at some gorgeous pictures of Juli readmore. User Comments 0 Be the first one to comment. The year-old stunner, who bid adieu to professional tennis in February this year, confirmed that she is engaged to British businessman and art dealer Alexander Gilkes.

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Julie stuns in her traditional red half saree readmore. Model Actress.

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Not Known. Julie set the temperatures soaring in this yellow silk saree readmore. Reject All Accept All Cookies.

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Julie's love for sarees is quite evident in this picture readmore. She looks beautiful in this sleeveless dark blue trendy saree readmore.

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Delhi NCR. We don't have permission to access your location. Randeep Hooda. Julie has perfect and swags in this black boat neck net saree readmore.